Back where I belong

Doch hier ich!!! Big Grin
Wie immer voll toll Smile
Und Rory denkt schon an die Hochzeit <3 Sie macht bestimmt ne Pro und Kontra Liste für die Tischdeko oder so Wink Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
Ich bin mal gespannt wie der Antrag wohl sein wird Wub
Und bald muss Finn zu Rorys Großeltern xD Das wird ein Spaß^^
Also ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten Teil!
Glg RoGirl

07.08.08- Endlich <3 Meine Gilmore Girls-Sammlung
ist komplett :groove:

Hey! Hab gestern den neuen Chappy hochgeladen und wollte hier jetzt gleich noch einen neuen reinsetzen.

RoGirl, danke für dein FB. Das mit der Pro und Kontra Liste ist gar keine schlechte Idee, muss ich mir merken. Wink Um ehrlich zu sein, den hab ich sogar schon geschrieben, auch wenn es wahrscheinlich noch eine ganze Weile dauern wird, bis ich ihn veröffentliche. Bald ist allerdings noch nicht eingetreten. Rorys Großeltern sind in meinem Kopf gerade in Europa, während Rory und Finn gerade in Rio rumschwirren. Warum kommt alles in den späteren Chaptern. Aber das Essen kommt garantiert noch! Big Grin

Ach ja, ich hab das Re-Fb jetzt beim letzten Chapter eingefügt! Aber nun zum nächsten Chappy (Nr. 18):

But you're not a guy right now!

„My baby’s back! My baby’s back! Rory!!!!” Lorelai shouted through the crowded hall. She and Luke had been at the airport an hour early and Lorelai had been unbearable since then. Now she and Rory pulled into a bone breaking hug, while Finn came to stand behind her with their bags.
“How was it? You need to tell me everything! Why aren’t you as tan as your sexy boyfriend? And by the way, I want to know every dirty detail!” Rory laughed.
“Could we do this later? And there are no dirty details anyway, so I can’t tell you any of them.”
“What? No mind blowing sex at the beach like in “From here to eternity”? You’re so boring!
Luke shifted uncomfortably and Finn smiled understanding.
”How ‘bout we get them out of here before it gets even more embarrassing, mate?” Luke agreed readily and they left the airport.

“Hello apartment! Hello couch, hello TV, hello kitchen, Miles I missed you!” Rory jumped around the apartment happily.
“Kitten, stop greeting every single object in this room and stop calling the coffeemaker Miles!” Finn rolled his eyes, but smiled.
“But I missed everything! And I missed my room and my books and my bed …” Finn leaned against her doorframe and watched smiling as his girlfriend greeted her room.
“So you actually want to sleep in your bed tonight. That’s sad, I have some really great things in mind that we could do in my bed.” He smiled at her suggestively. As an answer he got thrown at with one of her pillows.
“Stop it! You know I’m not ready for that Finn!”
“Yes I know, but I wouldn’t be me if I wouldn’t say things like that.”
“Hm, true. How about you join me in my bed then?” He happily complied and kissed her sweetly.
“So, I thought we could go girly tonight?” Rory suggested. The best part about having a best friend like Finn was that you had “the best of both worlds”. He was obviously a guy – nobody could deny that – but he could go totally girly in mere seconds. He was the best shopping partner ever, as long as you didn’t let him shop for himself, he was in for wallowing and girly movies and he was the best partner for a girls night you could ever have. As an added bonus he was undeniably sexy and the best boyfriend a girl could wish for.
“Sure, with our without Lorelai?”
“With her of course! I’ll call her!” With that she jumped up and went to call her mother. Finn sat on her bed and looked at his fingernails, whose nail polish was not really there anymore. When Rory came into the room again, he looked up.
“I could use your help kitten!”

Half an hour later Lorelai knocked at the door. She was invited to let herself in by an “It’s open!” coming from Rory. When she walked into the living room she laughed.
“Now that image is slightly disturbing!” she grinned. Her daughter and her boyfriend sat on the couch, amounts of junk food already sitting on the coffee table, and Rory painted Finn’s nails with black nail polish, while he turned the music off with his free hand.
“What is?” both asked surprised. At that Lorelai had to laugh harder.
“Rory … You … you’re painting his nails!” she finally managed to get out.
“So?” Rory asked, not quite understanding but completing her task, “Finished!” He gave her a quick kiss.
“I think your mom means, it’s pretty unusual that a guy and a girl sit together on a couch and paint each other’s fingernails”, Finn explained.
“But you’re not a guy right now!” At that Finn only raised his eyebrows while Lorelai once again burst out laughing. When Rory realized what exactly she had said she blushed a little.
“That’s not what I meant. I meant that tonight you can be considered as girly – thus it’s totally acceptable”, she explained.
“If you say so.” After Lorelai had finally calmed down she sat down on the couch beside her daughter.
“So, what are we watching?”
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” Finn answered while starting the movie.
“Aha … maybe Rory’s right with the girl thing!”

Freu mich auf eure Meinungen!
Lg, Susu Smile


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

Big Grin
Absolut genial! Smile
Ich musste das Chappy gleich mehrmals lesen weils so, so super is xD Und dabei musste ich viel Lachen Wink
Ich finds richtig klasse, dass in Deiner FF jetzt nich irgendetwas total trauriges passiert oder irgend ne Katastrophe sondern das dann so ein genialer Teil kommt!
Ich muss aber zugeben anfangs war ich von der Überschrift etwas verwirrt aber zum Ende hin wurde ich erleuchtet^^ Big Grin
Und so einen "Weiberabend" find ich klasse vorallendingen, dass Lorelai und Finn sich so gut verstehen <3
Aber ganz ehrlich an Rorys Stelle hätte ich ja den leisen Verdacht, dass er schwul ist Big Grin
Es war mal wieder klasse geschrieben und ich freue mich schon sehr auf den nächsten Teil!
Glg RoGirl

07.08.08- Endlich <3 Meine Gilmore Girls-Sammlung
ist komplett :groove:

Ich hab vergessen nach dem letzten (bzw. jetzt vorletzten) Teil FB zu geben....Eek Wie konnte dsa passieren????? Tut mir Leid! Irgendwie dürfte ich nicht dazugekommen sein, weil ich weiß noch ich hab den Teil gelesen... Warum ich dann nichtsgeschrieben habe weiß ich nicht mehr.. Tut leid!

Naja, jetzt bin ich ja wieda da!!Big Grin
Also: Ich mag die beiden Teile wieder seeeeeeehr gerne!!!
da waren wieder ein paar soooo geniale Sprüche dabei!!! Einige musi ch einfach zitieren:

Also, was hätten wir da..:

Zitat:“You just woke me up from a very nice dream and I don’t think it’s time for me to get up yet, or open my eyes for that matter. So how should I say good morning?”
Das war SPITZE!!!! Ich hab sooo lachen müssen!Big Grin

dann war da auch noch...:

Zitat:“Come on, kitten. It won’t be different from all the other times – only that my mother will talk about her future grandchildren.”
Das war ja auch toll!!!!! Ich lach jetzt noch! Aber e is sicher angenehm wenn man die Eltern vom neuen Freund schon kennt... (Und wenn die einen dann mögen auch noch!)

Mir gefällt es ja so, wie schön Rory in die Familie aufgenommen ist! Und wie dann Finns Mum echt mit den Enkelkindern anfängt, und sein Dad beginnt die Hochzeit zu planen... Soooooooooo schön!!!!!!!

Und jetzt das neue Kapitel:
Lorelai is ja spitze!! Wie sie Rory begrüßt!!! Und natürlich will sie alles wissen! Eh klar, sonst wäre sie ja nicht Lorelai...Big Grin
Und wie Rory dann zu Hause alles begrüßt. Soo lieb!!
Und da war ja wieder ein Spruch, den ich einfach nochmal zitieren muss!Ich hab mich wieder geschüttelt vor Lachen!!

Zitat:“Yes I know, but I wouldn’t be me if I wouldn’t say things like that.”
Genial!!! So typisch Finn!!!

Und dann der Mädelsabend... Cool! ich will auch so an Freund.. (Ok, ich will mal überhaupt an Freund, man soll ja bescheiden bleiben!Big Grin)
Aber das Beste war ja immer noch wie Lorelai rein kommt und Rory Finn die Nägel lackiert!!:lach:
Und dieses Girly ding!!! Sooooo cool!!!!

Ich bin schon unglaublich gespannt was du dir für den nächsten Teil einfalln lässt!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bis dann!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

Hey meine Hübschen!

Da ich sowieso grad versuche, meine Hausaufgaben aufzuschieben, gibt es jetzt nen neuen Teil!

@ RoGirl - Danke für dein Fb, ich freu mich über deine positive Meinung. Tja, ich liebe selber eher die FFs die mehr funny und fluffy als angsty sind.
Gott, der Satz hört sich dämlich an, aber ich glaub du weißt, was ich meine. Und ein Bideoabend mit Finn war Pflicht Wink

@ eve94 - Erstmal macht nix, du hast es durch die Länge des Fbs wieder wett gemacht. Auch bei dir freu ich mich über das Fb! Und dass du meine Ideen so toll findest ... ich fühl mich geehrt. Smile Hoffe, dir gefällt der nächste Teil auch so.

So, nun Chapter 19:

A trip to Rio and an unpleasant encounter

The three were woken up the next morning by the ringing sound of Finn’s phone.
“Make it stop”, both Lorelai and Rory mumbled in unison. Finn groaned, but got up and went to get the phone.
“By the way, darlin’, I left Colin a message that we will visit them tomorrow!” he called over his shoulder. Rory, now awake, smiled happily at that.
“Why are you visiting them, hon’?” Lorelai asked, sitting up next to her.
“We want to see the baby.”
“It’s born?”
“Yeah, about a week ago. Colin called us, totally stressed out and told us that Steph went into labour and that he didn’t know what to do, ‘cause he sat in a waiting room and no one was there and he was going crazy and so on. It was quite funny, actually. At least it was from our point of view. We were at the beach house, on the private beach, and Colin wouldn’t let us end the call. So we put it on speaker and silently made fun of him while he freaked out.”
“Beach house?”
“Finn’s parents own it – it’s beautiful.”


“We’ve done everything you wanted, kitten. Now we still have one week left. How about we visit our beach house?” Finn asked her one day.
“What beach house?” Rory was curious. She had learned a lot more about Finn while they had been in Australia.
“My parents bought it right after they got married. It’s beautiful, I always wanted to show you that place.”
“Sure, why not?”

A few ours later, they sat at the beach and watched the waves crashing on the beach. The sea was rough that day, but not too rough to swim.
“You want to go in there, don’t you?” Rory asked Finn after a while. He smiled down at her.
“Yeah, but we don’t have to if you don’t want.”
“It’s okay, you can go. I’ll just stay here and wait for you.”
“But it’s no fun without you!” he whined a little.
“But I’m afraid … the waves are so big …”
“I’ll protect you, kitten” he smiled down at her once more and as she nodded took her hand and together they ran across the beach and into the ocean.
Rory felt free. That was the simplest way to put it. After years of being Logan’s wife and smiling at all those stupid social events, even though she rather wanted to cry, she finally felt free of everything and independent in her decisions. She looked at Finn, who had closed his eyes against the salty waves. If he wouldn’t have been there for her, she would probably still be with Logan. She was thankful to have him, but even more so she loved him – in more than one way.
A moment later he tasted her salty lips on his and slowly opened his eyes. Blue diamonds looked back at him, with feelings he couldn’t quite describe swimming inside of them. He closed his eyes again and sneaked his arms around her waist. If love always felt so good, he would never refrain from it again.

End Flashback

Rory smiled as she thought about that moment. Her mother looked at her questioningly, but she just shook her head. That moment was something privat, only between her and Finn. It was special and she wouldn’t ruin it by telling someone, even if it was her mother.
Now Finn came back from his room, a smirk playing around his lips.
”Hey kitten, you wanna look at a new location with me?”

“Where?” she asked interested. It was always fun to look at one of the potential new hotels for the Morgan Company, it were the most beautiful locations. His smirk grew.
“Have you ever been to Rio?” Both Gilmore Girls stared at him with wide eyes.
“We’re going to Brazil?” Rory finally managed to get out.
“Yeah, I actually just called Colin and told him we would be visiting them today because my dad asked me to look at this place. It’s a small hotel owned by an older couple and they can’t hold themselves up, so they want to sell it to a bigger company. They’re especially interested in us, because dad promised them, they would still be able to manage it and so on, it would only be under our name. And as I’m closer to Rio than he is, he asked me to look at it. Are you in?”
“Do you even have to ask? Brazil, country of coffee. I’m a Gilmore!” Rory jumped up and down in joy.
“Well, well my daughter has become a globetrotter. Just got home and she’s already leaving again. And no time for her dear old mommy, who gave her the gift of live. I’m crushed!” Lorelai cried dramatically. Rory looked down at her mother and then into the twinkling eyes of her boyfriend. He nodded smiling.
“Mom?”, Rory asked, “Would you and Luke like to come with us to Rio?”
“I can’t”, Lorelai declined, “You know the Inn, and the diner – we can’t just jump up and leave like you two.”
“Neither can we. It’s only for this weekend – Friday, Saturday, Sunday – and Rory is starting her job at the paper Tuesday, so there would be no problem. But as soon as she starts the job, I’ll be destined to travel alone again …” Finn made a sad face, but Rory just laughed and kissed him.
“I’d have to talk to Luke about it, but you can count me in, babe!” Lorelai said cheery, then waved goodbye to her daughter and Finn and with an “I’ll call later today!” left the apartment.
“We’ll leave in about an hour kitten, how about you get ready?” Finn suggested after she was gone.
“Fine”, Rory said and, after another sweet kiss, entered the bathroom.

“Where is he? I want to see him!”, Rory demanded impatiently after Colin had let them in.
“Steph and he are in the living room, Ror. How about you go find them?” Colin suggested as if she was a child. Rory complied immediately and Colin turned to Finn, who watched his girlfriend’s back smiling.
“How are you, Finn?” he asked.
“Do you really need to ask?” Finn said instead of an answer.
“No, but I guess I wanted to hear it from you.”
“Well then … I’m happy Col, really happy. But I guess you know how that feels, I’ve been there after Steph chose you and only you.”
“’Kay. How about we go and listen to Rory and Steph while they’re gushing about how cute little Jacob is.”
“After you, mate”, Finn agreed and they made their way to the living room.

“He’s so cute! God, I can’t believe he’s Colin’s son!” Rory exclaimed as the two men entered.
“Thank you very much Gilmore, I’ll never let you live that down!” Rory smiled sweetly at Colin.
“You will, too. And if it’s just because I’m so pretty.” Colin only shook his head at that.
“So, what is the reason why you two came today and not tomorrow?” he asked sitting down next to his wife. Rory moved on the other couch next to Finn and replied smiling, “Business.”
“Which includes?” Colin asked, raising an eyebrow. Finn’s businesses usually included a trip to a fancy country or town.
“A trip to Rio, nothing fancy.” Finn smirked. He knew that Steph loved Rio more than any other town in the world. Just as much as he loved Sydney.
“Really?! God you’re so lucky!” Steph exclaimed, getting that dreamy glimmer in her eyes.
“Don’t even think of it, baby!” Colin said sharply, “We have a one week old son! We can’t go to Rio right now!” Steph pouted, while Finn and Rory tried not to burst out laughing.
“Aw, you’re no fun!” she said.

Later that day, Lorelai had already called and confirmed that Luke would come with them, the guys had left the girls, so they could have “some girl talk” like Finn had put it. Stephanie lightly swayed her baby and smiled at Rory, whose eyes were fixed on the little boy.
“I’m happy, Ror.” She stated. The other woman smiled.
“I know, Steph. It’s been your dream since I know you. You’ve never been the usual rich girl, who just wants to have fun and a rich husband. You always wanted that and now you have it. A job, a beautiful house, a husband who loves you and a son.” A hint of sadness was in Rory’s words.
“Ror, don’t be sad, because things with Logan didn’t work out. It’s not your fault, he just never really grew up so he couldn’t let go of his old behaviour. He needs the right woman for that and you were meant for another man.”
“I was, wasn’t I?”
“Believe me, you have found your prince charming, even if he’s eccentric and maybe not so perfect.” Rory smiled.
“He is just perfect for me. And I guess I’m just a little sad, because you having Jake reminds me of how I wanted to have my own family by now. And now I’m 28 and I’m not even married.”
“You’re gonna have that, just believe in it.”
“I do. And I know you’re right.” Rory smiled at the bubbly blonde, “Can I hold him?” Steph agreed and handed her the little boy. As she looked down at him, her smile faded a little. The sadness wasn’t entirely gone yet.

Back in Hartford a not so pleasant surprise awaited them.
“Logan?” Rory asked in disbelief. She felt Finn tense beside her. His left arm, loosely thrown around her waist, drew her a little nearer as he stared at Logan.
“Rory, I need to talk to you!” Logan exclaimed and with a pointed glance at Finn added, “Alone!” Finn was about to say something, but Rory shook her head and motioned for him to go inside. She saw the uneasiness in his gaze, but he complied.
“What do you want, Logan?” she asked, after the door had closed behind her boyfriend. Her voice was cold.
“I wanted to apologize and I want you to give us another chance.” Rory looked at him, her eyes just as cold as her voice.
“And now, Mr. Huntzberger, you have reached a new level of crazy.”
“Please, just listen to me! I’m sorry that I cheated on you and I’m sorry about what I said that day. But I was upset and I didn’t mean it! I know you love me, Rory. And I certainly know I love you. I promise I’ll be good. And I’ll be the right father for your child. Please, just come back!” Seeing him plead before her made her feel strangely good. She didn’t love him anymore, but it was satisfying that he at least saw, where his faults lay.
“I don’t love you anymore, Logan. Just go.” Her voice was calm.
“Come on, Rory. You don’t get any younger. If you let me leave now, you will never have a baby. With Finn near you, no other guy will come, you won’t marry and you’ll die alone and without any children.” Never mind, he was still an ass and didn’t see his faults.
“Logan, go. You don’t know anything!” Her voice got a few degrees colder if that was even possible.
“I …”
“GO!” He looked at her one last time and then turned to leave. Before he even managed to reach the stairs she had entered the apartment and slammed the door closed.

Even though she never would admit it, Logan’s words had done something to Rory. She sat down on the couch and looked at Finn’s closed door. She would have a child one day, wouldn’t she? About an hour she sat there silently debating within herself. Finally she just got up and made her way to her boyfriend’s door.
When she came into his room he was working. She leaned at the doorframe, unsure of what to do. Finally she decided that she should just get over with it and approached him slowly, startling him a little by hugging him from behind.
“We need to talk” she said. He looked up at her, his expression a little stressed.
“Not now, love.”
“Work’s bad?” she asked sympathetically.
“I have to keep five hotels in Connecticut up and running. Even though I have a manager for every single one it’s still a lot of work.” In reality he had just wanted to keep his mind off of the encounter that took place in front of the door. He turned around and upon seeing the look in her face, he asked, “What’s up?”
“I want a baby.”

Freu mich auf eure Meinungen!
Lg, Susu :pfeif:


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

ERSTE!Big Grin

cool!!!!!!!! Ein Baby!! Jetzt bin ich aba auf Finn's Reaktion gespannt!!!

Und Steph und Colin sind wirklich Eltern!!! Sooo süß!! Colin als Vater...

Aba was sich Logan da geleistet hat war ja wirklich verrückt!!! Einfach so wieder aufzukreuzen! Nach allem was er Rory angetan hat. Das sie überhaupt mit ihm geredet hat... ich glaub ich hätte ihn eiskalt stehen lassen!! so ein Idiot!

Und Lorelai und Luke fahren mit nach Rio! das wird sicher lustig!!!

Ich bin grad ein bisschen unkreativ und schreibfaul. Soll heißen mir fällt gerade nicht mehr zum Schreibn ein...

Ich freu mich auf den Nächsten Teil!!! das wird ja immer besser!!! Ich will unbedingt wissen was Finn jetzt antwortet!!!!!!!!

Bis bald!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

Hey ihr - oder du-, ich bins mal wieder.
Wo ist denn der Rest meiner Leser hin? Sad

Na ja, eve94 vielen Dank für dein FB. Hast doch alles geschrieben, was wichtig ist. Wink Freut mich, dass dir der Teil so gut gefallen hat.

Hier ist nun für euch Chapter 20:

The Ocean

He turned around and upon seeing the look in her face, he asked, “What’s up?”
“I want a baby.”

He stared at her in shock. Did she really just say that? Rory was shifting uncomfortably under his gaze.
“Say something?” she finally asked pleadingly.
“I don’t really know what to say.”
“But … you have to have something to say, Finn!”
“Was it something that Logan said?” he asked, his eyes never leaving hers.
“No … Yes … maybe” she searched for an answer before she finally settled for, “A little bit, but not really.”
“What did he say?” Finn’s voice was calm even though he was confused and somehow frightened. It was a wish he couldn’t have foreseen.
“He said some things about me never having kids and dying lonely, but that’s not the point. I just feel like I really need this. I mean everybody I know already has a child. I mean Lane has her twins, Steph and Colin have Jake and my mother had me when she was sixteen! I think it’s a now or never!”
“Rory …” Finn stopped himself and sighed. He gestured at his lap and after she had sat down he smiled at her weakly, “Don’t you think it’s a bit early for us to think about a baby?” She shook her head.
“I’ve thought about this – as crazy as it sounds – for some time now. You’ve been my best friend for so long. And you are one of the few persons I really trust no matter what. So I think it’s not too early.”
“Darling, I …” he sighed again, “Just … think about this a little more. Whatever Logan said is crap. I love you, you know that. But even if you say you thought about this, I still think you made a rash decision. If you still want this after our weekend in Rio – and after you talked to your mom – I’ll be happy to be the father of your child. If you don’t want it anymore, we’ll wait. Okay?” She nodded a weak smile playing around her lips.

At eleven o’ clock the next morning both pairs waited to be able to board at Hartford airport. Rory had been quiet most of the time, seemingly deep in thought, and Lorelai began to worry. When they were finally sitting in the plane and Finn and Luke were occupied with talking about something or other she approached her daughter and sat down beside her.
“Hon what’s wrong?” she asked.
“What? Oh, hey mom” the younger girl snapped out of her thoughts.
“You seem a little bit thoughtful today. What’s wrong?” the older woman asked again.
“We saw the baby yesterday and it made me think. And then when we got back Logan was there. And he said all this crap about how sorry he was and about how we should get back together and then he said something about me never having kids and I told him to go. But then I thought about what he said, not the getting back together part, but the kid part. And I couldn’t deny I hadn’t thought about it before, but I thought a little more and then I went to Finn and I told him I want a baby” Rory spilled out after a long pause. When she finally finished she looked at her mother, but the elder Gilmore was for once left speechless.
“He told me to think about that decision some more, but I don’t know if I want to. I’m pretty sure about this, but … What do you think?” the last part was hesitantly. Lorelai shook her head and then said, “Give me some time to process this, baby, okay? I’ll tell you when I did.” Rory just nodded and the topic was dropped.

“Wow, this is great!” Rory exclaimed upon seeing the hotel they were supposed to check out. Finn smiled. He was glad she had found back to her old ways. The morning and her quietness had been nearly unbearable for him. They were greeted by an older couple. They showed them the whole place and recommended some sights they might want to see during their time in Rio. After all of them got settled in Lorelai and Luke were dragged to the beach by the younger pair.

Lorelai and Rory watched as Finn lovingly gazed at the ocean while Luke grunted next to them. The younger man was standing about 10 feet away from them.
“What is it with him and the sea?” Lore finally asked, “I mean he usually looks like that, when he looks at you.” Rory smiled.
“That is because he loves it. He told me about it once, while we were at this little place outside of Perth …”


Rory laughed and looked back at her boyfriend, whose eyes were lovingly fixed on her. Suddenly his eyes were focused on something behind her though his expression remained the same. She turned around, curious about what he was looking at, but all she could see was the ocean.
“What are you looking at?” she asked puzzled.
“The sea” he replied as if it was obvious.
“Okay … Planning on cheating on me with it?” her eyebrows were raised in question. He laughed. Then he softly turned her around and hugged her from behind.
“Not really … It’s just something about the ocean that always gets me captivated. I told you I’ve been surfing since I was seven. I’m really an addict. I know you probably don’t understand this, because you never felt it, but … the adrenaline rushing through your veins while you try to get a higher wave, the feeling of exploding happiness inside of you … it’s really indescribable. And it teaches you how small you really are compared to the unbelievable force of the rough sea. While some might say it teaches eternity I think it just shows us how we’re not eternal. We’re just a small light compared to the giant fire that is our world.”
“Wow. I never saw you as the philosophical type.”
“You know me, I am usually not that way. It’s just the one love that will never let me down. It always calms me down, when I am near the sea – no matter what sea.”
“But you have me, too” Rory said quietly. He knew she was referring to the ‘one love’ part of his speech. He smiled softly and turned her around to kiss her.
“I know, kitten” he whispered, “I know.”

End Flashback

Lorelai and Luke both stared at her open mouthed after she finished her story. Shortly after the younger woman ran down the beach and followed her boyfriend into the ocean.

When they were both lying in bed, Lorelai sighed and looked at her husband.
“Help me?” she asked. Luke sat up and looked at her.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know what to think.”
“About what?”
“ About Rory and Finn. I mean you heard her today and you have seen them. I don’t know if it’s good for her to get so attached when he’s probably going to break her heart.” Luke gathered her in his arms and planted a small kiss on her temple.
“Do you really think he’s going to break her heart? I mean you have seen them together too. They way he acts around her kind of proves how much he really cares about her. It’s not just a fling for him. He really loves her. I think it’s more likely that she will break his heart.”
“You’re probably right. I’m just scared, you know. The whole thing somehow reminds me of Jess. She never really got over him until a few years ago.”
“But she’s over him now?” Luke asked. If Lorelai said Rory hadn’t been over Jess for years, what made her think she was over him now?
“Yes. She finally closed the box. You know the boxes that stand in the closet downstairs? She made a Logan box and put it in there and she stumbled over her Jess box. She looked through it and then she smiled and said that she now can finally close it.” Luke nodded.
“Finn is still not going to break her heart Lorelai. You know that.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right” Lorelai said thinking about what her daughter had told her during the flight. I told him I want a baby. These words echoed through her dreams that night.

Würde mich über Fb sehr freuen!
Lg, Susu Smile


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

JAHA!!! Hier ich!!! *wink* *rumfuchtel*
Ich hatte nur keine Zeit FB zu geben ich bin grad im Praktikum xD Aber ich hab jetzte alles nachgelesen Smile
Rory will ein Kind?! oO Also ich kann Lorelais Sorgen verstehen Big Grin ich kann mir Rory mit eigenem Kind gar nich vorstellen Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
Also ich bin ja mal gespannt was Finn so machen wird xD
Jedenfalls lese ich Deine FF sehr sehr gerne und freue mich schon auf den nächsten Teil!
Bis dann!
Glg RoGirl

07.08.08- Endlich <3 Meine Gilmore Girls-Sammlung
ist komplett :groove:

ich auch!
sorry, ich bin ein miserabler fb geber... aber ich lese weiterhin und die story ist toll! vorher hab ich über finn eigentlich nie so richtig nachgedacht aber jetzt...Heart...
freu mich auf mehr

[SIGPIC][Bild: sigpic4938_24.gif][/SIGPIC]

natürlich les ich noch!!! Sorry!!! ich hab das Chapter auch scho gelesen gehabt, aba das war in da schul in da informatik stunde, und da hab ich dann ka zeit mehr zum FB gebe gehabt und nachher hab ich nimma dran gedacht!! Sorrry!!!!!!!!!

Also: Finn's Reaktion auf das Baby awr ja eh ganz gut... cool! (Ich hätt mit am längeren schockzustand oda so was gerechnet...Big Grin)
Und das Lorelai besorgt is versteh ich auch... Sicha, wenn die Tochter ein Baby will, von einem Mann mit dem sie noch gar nicht so lange zusammen ist...
Aber die schönste Szene war ja die, mit Finn am Meer, und das Flashback! ich versteh ihn! Das Meer ist das so ziemlich schönste was es gibt!!! Und ich find es unglaublich schade das ich soooooo weit weg vom nächsten Meer wohn! Naja...
Also, ich bin jetzt schon seeeehr gespannt wies weiter geht mit der ganzen Babygeschichte!!
Und sorry wenn ich es nicht imma gleich zum FB geben schaff! ich les noch und es ist wirklich nicht böse gemeint!!!!!!

So, ich werd mich dann mal an die Hausübung machen, ein englisches Buch lesen... nur das das stink fad ist!!!! deine FF Is viiieeeeeeeel besser!!!!!!!!

Schönen Abend noch!
LG eve94

Nutze den Tag, sonst tut es ein anderer!Wink

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