Also die Folge wurde ja heute wiederholt und ich muss sagen, ich fand sie auch eher so mittelmäÃig... Sie war nicht schlecht aber es ist (wie schon oft gesagt) echt nix weltbewegendes passiert.
Es gab nur eine Szene die ich richtig lustig fand... Und zwar die in der Emily Loreleis Aussage vorliest!
Hab aus Langeweile mal den Originaldialog rausgesucht:
LORELAI: Huh, whatâs that?
EMILY: This? Nothing, just your deposition.
LORELAI: My. . .how did you get â
EMILY: Shh. Listen, itâs fun. Okay. [reads] "Question â Would you say your mother is a tolerant woman?"
LORELAI: Oh boy.
EMILY: "Answer â Um, well, sure."
LORELAI: What? I said you were.
EMILY: You said sure.
LORELAI: Which to most people means yes.
EMILY: Yes, to most people, it does, but Iâve heard you say sure, and your sure is always sarcastic.
LORELAI: I do not have a sarcastic sure. . .do I?
RORY: Pick spot on carpet and stare. :lach:
EMILY: "Question â Why has your mother dismissed maids in the past?"
EMILY: "Answer â Different reasons."
LORELAI: Well, thatâs true, right?
EMILY: "Can you expand on that? Answer â Gee, how much time do you have?"
LORELAI: Okay, see â
EMILY: "I mean, if you guys have a lunch or an afternoon squash game or something. . .you look like the kind of guys who play squash. And hey, why's it called squash? Is it something to do with the fruit? Or vegetable, right? A squash is a vegetable, though if you ask me, it's gross no matter what you call it. Well, anyway, what I'm saying is you might want to clear your afternoon." --->
Das ist so typisch Lorelei! :lach:
LORELAI: I was flustered. He was using lawyer tricks.
RORY: By asking you to expand?
LORELAI: Now you decide to pipe in?
EMILY: Didnât I tell you this was important, Lorelai?
LORELAI: Yes, you did.
EMILY: So, in spite of the fact that I told you it was important, you couldnât find it in your heart to put aside your personal antagonism toward me for one day and help me out.
LORELAI: Mom, this is not fair. I said a lot of nice things about you in there.
EMILY: Oh really? "Would you say your mother sets impossible goals which people cannot help but fail to reach, thereby reinforcing her already formed opinion of their deficiencies? Answer â Only for her daughter."
LORELAI: Okay, not there, but keep flipping.
MAID: Iâm sorry to interrupt, but dinner is ready Mrs. Gilmore.
LORELAI: Dinner, hey! Dinnerâs ready. Whoâs hungry besides me? Iâd keep it warm. Weâre gonna be here awhile. Okay, go ahead.
EMILY: "Would you call your mother an extremely critical woman? Long pause." Why was there a long pause, Lorelai?
LORELAI: Because I was deliberately trying to hurt you, Mom.
EMILY: "On a scale from one to ten, what would you rate your mother in terms of compassion for othersâ feelings?" Wanna guess what she said?
RORY: No, thank you.
EMILY: Hang on a second, Lorelai. I just want to skip to the Ben Hur reference.
LORELAI: Yeah, I did.
Also, ich finds einfach nur genial!!! :lol:
Rory: What do you have to say to me?
Jess: I love you...