Ich hab gerade erst deine FF gefunden und muss sagen SIE IST GROÃARTIG!!!
Dein Schreibstil is der Wahnsinn.
Wie du die Gefühle und Gedanken und alles rüber bringst is groÃe klasse!
Ich war zu erst total geschockt als du geschrieben hast, dass Lore von dem C-monster (Chris) Schwanger is.
aber das is einfach alles nur so genial...
Aber ich hasse dich wirklich für diesen Cliffhanger!!!
Wie kannst du uns das antun?
Das geht nich!!!
Das is sooooooooo fies!
ich freu mich wirklich schon auf den nächsten Teil und geb dir jetzt auch immer regelmäÃig FB ^^
Na Jule auch hier her gefunden?

Das C-Monster... Das ist zuuu geil obwohl ich das schon kenne :lach:
Franny schrieb:Na Jule auch hier her gefunden? 
Das C-Monster... Das ist zuuu geil obwohl ich das schon kenne :lach:
ja wie du siehst hab ich meinen Weg hier her gefunden und bin auch wirklich Froh! Diese Story is derbe genial!!!
ich mag mein C-monster Wort auch XD
C-monster? Coooles Wort^^
sehe ich genauso
Zitat:Aber ich hasse dich wirklich für diesen Cliffhanger!!!
Wie kannst du uns das antun?
Das geht nich!!!
Das is sooooooooo fies!
Ich wurde inzwischen durch Ceds beruhigende Worte und meine groooÃe Schale Pudding beruhigt..^^
also hasse ich ihn jetzt wenigstens net mehr, den Cliffhanger aber noch mindestens bis Morgen

"Zitat von Ceddy"
....argh....even little information in your hands is dangerous....nicht der Name....
Zitat: @miniqueen
Luke und eine Rechtsanwältin, hahaha!
Wo er diese "Sorte" von Lauten doch so sehr hasst...
Er war doch mal mit ner Rechtsanwältin zusammen!!
Uups, da hast du Recht, aber wie komme ich dann auf den Trichter, dass er diese "Leute" nicht mag?
Bin i-wie verwirrt *verwirrtlugg*
ich denke, nach der scheidung mag er sie nicht mehr...

Hi guys!!
Hier ein neuer Teil...
1. Ich bin NICHT gemein..okay, maybe a little...
2. Hasst mich doch nicht....dann schreib ich nicht mehr weiter....
okay, reFBs:
@miniqueen: schoen das du wieder da bist...und jeder kann mal verwirrt sein...oder verplant..ich bin das immer...
@Franny: Thx. Ja, abwarten, sind ja aber nur noch zwei Teile...
@Anne: nein, kein zufall mit dem Schnee...Danke fuer das gute FB..Und ich bin NICHT Ceddy...
@jeany_loverin: Super, dass du hier bist..Dein FB hat mich gefreut..C-Monster ist genial...freue mich auf weitere FBs von dir...
@Meffi: Ich hoffe die Pudding hat geschmeckt..und ich will gaaaaanz viiieeel FB von dir...wenn ich doch soooo nett zu dir bin...*lol*
Okay, hier ist der vorletzte Teil:
Part X:
A face. Luke looked closer. It was Dean’s face.
"What the hell...Why’s Dean there? As a announcer, or...", Luke thought.
But the face began to speak.
"Luke. Please watch this. Don’t switch it off before time. I know, this must be weird for you. But always remember, concerned and caring people made this...."
Luke pressed the pause-button.
"Are you kidding me? What’s this all about? ‘Concerned and caring people’? Why would Dean be concerned about me? I don’t even know him very well. All I know is, that he is Rory’s boyfriend. Rory.... Is Rory concerned about me? Why? How much does she know? Probably everything, I guess. She’s her daughter, her best friend... Lorelai..."
He stopped thinking. But nevertheless, he became more curious. Finally, he again pushed the play-button.
"Always remember", Dean said.
Then he vanished from the TV. For a few moments there was blackness. Then a Picture appeared. Luke recognized it immediately. It was him and Lorelai, standing in front of his freshly painted diner. Rory took that. About a year ago.
Again the TV appeared black. Then a white eight-letter-word came into sight. "Remember..."
Another photo was on screen. This time it was taken at a festival in Stars Hollow. Luke couldn’t remember which one it was, but he saw him sitting on a bench, together with Lorelai. Obviously deep in a conversation.
Again, cut.... blackness.. Again the word "Remember...". This time it was blue. It vanished out of sight.
Another Picture. Taken in front of a hospital. Lorelai with her leg in a cast, looking tired. Beside her Luke, carrying her stuff.
Luke swallowed. He realized, what this was all about.
"I don’t wanna see this. It’s over before it begun. She’s pregnant. I can’t do this.", he desperately thought.
He was about to push the stop-button, but at that moment another "Remember...", a yellow one, vanished and a new photograph showed up. It was at Rory’s 16th birthday-party. It showed him, carrying two bags with ice, while Lorelai hugged him. Luke hadn’t have a clue, that this Picture even existed.
The photo vanished. "Remember...", printed in pink – A Picture of him, holding Rory, when she was a little kid – vanished – "Remember...", this time in grey – A photo, showing Lorelai’s 30th birthday-party – away.
The photos changed rapider now. Only interrupted by a "Remember...". Each time in a different color.
Luke’s finger still was on the stop-button, but he was incapable to push it. All these Pictures stirred up strange feelings inside him. First of all, it were good feelings. Happy memories... But somehow they all made him sad. They showed him past pleasures, which he couldn’t have anymore.
"Stop it", Luke said aloud.
He again was about to push the button. But the last photograph – He and Lorelai standing in his diner. Lorelai handing him a yellow daisy – disappeared from view and another face appeared on screen.
This time it was Rory’s.
"Hi Luke. Remember?" she said, "I’m sure you already know, what this little film wants to tell you. Don’t switch it off now. Just remember..."
For a few seconds, there was silence. Then Rory went on.
"I know you think ‘She’s pregnant with another man’s kid’. Well, I have to admit, it’s true... But let’s think this over, Luke... Remember... You baked a coffeecake at my 16th birthday, you blew balloons up for me. My dad never did that ... Remember... You served me pie, as I was in a bad mood, because I got a D on a paper. Dad never did that ... Remember... You wanted to beat up Dean, because he broke up with me. Dad never did that ... Remember... You gave me strawberry-pancakes, because I was sad about the breakup. Dad never did that ...Remember."
Again silence.
Luke was deeply touched. He really remembered.
Again Rory spoke:
"Please watch those"
Pictures appeared. Each one showing a birthday-party for Rory, since they lived in Stars Hollow. On each photo was Luke.
Rory’s face appeared again.
"See? On every single Pic you are. You’ve been there.... Have you seen my dad? No? Well, that’s because he never was there. Don’t get me wrong. I love my dad. I don’t blame him. It’s just how he is. But Luke, you’re always here. No matter what happens. You saw me growing up. You kind of raised me. You’ve been more like a dad, than my father ever has been."
Luke now was close to tears.
"Does Rory mean this? Does she really feel this way?"
Rory’s voice interrupted Luke’s thoughts.
"Luke, maybe you wonder, how this is connected to you and Mom. See, you think, you can’t be with her, because she carries a kid from another man beneath her heart. But Luke. You’re more than a very good friend of mine. You would do anything for me, wouldn’t you? And I would do that for you, too. It would be the same principle, you can have with the baby. You could be his Daddy. Like you are to me."
Rory’s voice was cracking, but she added two more words:
"Just remember..."
With those words, Rory’s face disappeared out of sight.
Luke’s mind was blank.
"Did he just say that? I’m her dad? To the new child, too?", Luke thought.
Slowly but steady, a tear rolled down his face. He hadn’t been crying since... ever.
Luke felt lost now, he didn’t know what to do next. On one hand he just wanted to run. Away from everything. On the other hand, his biggest desire was to discover what would be on that tape.
So he just kept on sitting in his armchair.
Finally something happened on screen. Just like Luke had expected, Lorelai’s face became shape in front of him.
She looked weary. Pale.
"Is she suffering?", Luke thought.
But again, he couldn’t think further. Her voice interrupted him.
"Luke," she quietly said, "This film is about to remind you. Of all the good things you have in your life. And I fervently hope, I am a good thing. Remember... You’re my angel. You got wings... My coffee hero... Remember... You drove me to the hospital, when my Dad collapsed... You’re my hero... Remember... You brought us ice at the party... You’re my hero... Remember... You technically have redone our house... You’re my hero...Remember... You always listen to me, though I often just tell crab... You’re my hero...Remember... You made me a Chuppah... You’re my hero... Remember."
Lorelai broke off.
Luke stared at the TV. All these things were true. He couldn’t look away, even if he wanted to.
"I’m her hero? Why? I never did anything special...just usual things...things going without saying", Luke thought.
The Lorelai on screen began to speak again.
"I know, I wasn’t always the best friend. I forgot that we wanted to paint your diner. I always annoy you with my coffee addiction. I sometimes talk too much. But nevertheless, I tried to pay you back - I painted your diner all alone, because I felt so guilty. I helped you out with Rachel, even though deep inside I was jealous. I tried to help you, when your uncle died. I even bought you a new baseball cap, which by the way, you’re always wearing. We also have given each other some hard lessons. But we always were able to work everything out, Luke. Together."
Luke tried to keep the tears from rolling, but he had to admit it was a lost battle.
"You know Luke, I really am sorry. About everything. I was stupid, sleeping with Christopher. And now I’m pregnant. But I told him, that I don’t want him around. I meant it. And look at Rory, you like her, don’t you? Couldn’t you just like the new kid also? Do you remember, when I told you, that you would be a perfect Barbie-buying Daddy? I meant that, too. I know it would be hard. But couldn’t you just try? For your and my own sake? Luke, without you, I’m not complete. I’m Sharon, you’re Ozzy. I’m Lois Lane, you’re Clark Kent. I can’t live without you and not just because of your coffee. You mean too much to me."
Lorelai cried now. Again two words.
"Just remember..."
Then she vanished from the TV.
A "Remember..." appeared again. It stayed for about a minute. Then it disappeared.
The tape stopped rolling.
But Luke couldn’t take his eyes away from the screen. His thoughts swirled.
"I mean too much to her? To do what? Lois Lane? Clark Kent? She’s not complete without me?", Luke thought.
He couldn’t get rid of Lorelai’s face and voice. Rory’s face came additionally.
"You’ve been more like a dad, than my father ever has been." Dean’s face. "Concerned and caring people." "Remember..." All those Pictures....
Luke didn’t know, how long he had been sitting there, staring at the blank screen.
But then, a quiet knock on his apartment door.
Hey Ced!
Ein ganz ganz toller Teil! Wirklich, sehr schön! Grandios! Das Video war einfach der Hammer! Diese schönen Bilder und dann Rory die ihm erzählt hat, dass er mehr ein Vater für sie ist als Chris. Und dann natürlich Lorelai!
Zitat: I’m Sharon, you’re Ozzy. I’m Lois Lane, you’re Clark Kent.
Typische Lore!
Also, wie gesagt, der Teil war einfach klasse! Ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten und damit letzten Teil!
LG, Nina
oh man Ced...
der Teil war groÃartig!!!
das war sowas von süÃ, was die da auf das video gemacht haben

ich wein gerad selber!
Wirklich ganz groÃe klasse!
Nur leider schade, dass es schon der vorletzte teil war.
Du hast echt nen groÃes Talent, dass muss ich dir sagen!!!
Ganz lieben gruÃ