Cedric schrieb:@ Meffi: Ja, ich wuerde mich freuen, wenn ihr die Fehler berichtigt. Du hast Recht, ich mag tatsaechlich der/die/das nicht. sie nerven
@lila lila: Ich werde versuchen das Dialogue in verschiedene Zeilen zu schreiben. Beim naechsten Teil (See, Meffi, already learnt something!
) aber noch nicht, weil er schon fast fertig ist.
@ check: ich verstehe nicht, was "alles null OOC" bedeutet, sorry!!
also dann, dankeschoen fuer das liebe FB!!
ich bin stolz auf dich

ach ja und...
der dialog 
ich warte schon sehnsüchtig auf den neuen Teil!
Alright the third part. I hope you'll gonna like it.
A few days later, the situation wasn’t solved at all. Rory tried to let Lorelai crack, what happened between her and Luke, but her mother didn’t say a word. Finally Rory gave up, although she made the plan to ask Luke about it, because she was very concerned about her beloved mom. She seemed like she never gonna joke again, no pointed speech to Rory’s grandmother, nothing. Even Lorelai herself didn’t know what was up with her, but after she ran out of the diner the other day, she hadn’t been able to go to Luke’s – she just couldn’t, although she missed the best coffee in the world and especially she missed him...
Luke, in the meantime was a loner. Even more than he was usually. He was angry at Cesar, at Kirk, at Taylor, at everybody. He was in an especially bad mood. Ms. Patty and Babette noticed it after a short while and worried about him. "D’you think that he is unlucky in love?", Ms. Patty suggested. "No, I don’t think so, honestly, I think he’s over Rachel.", Babette gave back. "No, no, sugar", Patty said, "I think there’s someone different." "Uhm, who could that be?" "If I only knew that", answered Patty thoughtful.
"Ms. Patty! Babette! There you are!" The two of them turned. "Rory, what’s up, my dear?" Patty asked, as she saw Lorelai Jr. step into the diner. "I need to talk to you. But not in here." As Rory spoke these words, the three women looked at Luke, who yelled at Cesar the third time that day. "Alright. Let’s go to Al’s then," Babette suggested. "Are you serious? Al’s Pancake world stinks!" Patty said a little bit furious. "No, that’s not entirely true," Rory said, " Al stinks." They giggled and went out of the diner. But Rory wasn't happy after all, in fact, that joke had been her mom’s. She missed those.
"So let’s go to the gazebo then, nobody’s gonna interrupt us there", Patty said and walked straight to her second home.
"Alright, Rory, what’s up?" Babette asked and sat down at a chair in the gazebo. "I wonder if you noticed something weird about Luke?" Rory put forward. "Well, actually we were just talking about him, and we think that Luke’s madly in love. But we don’t know yet who’s the lucky person." Patty said, though a little faltering because she wondered why Rory would asked things like that. "I think it’s Rachel, again.", Babette said, "But Patty doesn’t think so", she added quickly. "Why d’you wanna know that anyway, honey?" "Well," Rory began slowly, " Mom recently acts weird, I don’t know what it is, but after Luke asked her for a word 8 days ago, she’s not herself."
"Very interesting", Patty smiled as she said that. " I think we have the solution to our problem, then." "What? I’m sorry, Patty, I can’t follow you", Rory stared at her, she couldn’t get her head around that, what was Patty talking about. But it turned out, she wasn’t the only one. "Neither can I, Patty! What’s the solution to what?" Babette asked eagerly.
"Yeah, well, try to focus, ladies!", Patty giggled, "It’s not that difficult. See, Babette and I were wondering why Luke is acting weirder than normal, right? Didn’t we Babette?" Without waiting for an answer, Patty carried on, "Well, yes indeed we did. And we came to the conclusion, that Luke’s in love, unhappy. Okay, that’s what we thought, before you, Rory, came in." Babette and Rory nodded, "And further?" they both asked. "Alright then, you said, Rory, your mom is acting funny since Luke wanted to talk to her that day? That’s right, too. Isn’t it?" "Wait!" Rory now began to understand what Patty meant, "You seriously think, that Luke’s in love with Mom? But why is she acting weird?" "Yes, dear, you’re very intelligent, I have to say," Patty smiled, "That’s what I thought but what did you mean by saying, "so why does my mom acting weird?"
Rory was a little lost now, but very slowly she began to speak. "I don’t know really, but I always had the feeling, that she does like Luke more than any other person – well except of me I think – in the world. That’s why I don’t understand why she isn’t lucky."
"Maybe, Luke didn’t tell her", Babette suggested, "I mean they could just have been talking out there, couldn’t they?" "Mhm, I don’t know, I just saw, that Luke ran away and never came back to the diner. Mom just said, he had forgotten something, but I thought she was lying. And Mom was weird all day, she had been sitting in the diner for five hours, with you actually!" Rory looked from Patty to Babette, who looked confused. "8 days ago? No, we didn’t! We were shopping that day!" Patty blurted.
"Very strange. Mom never lies to me" Rory said thoughtfully. She was disappointed. "Why couldn’t Mom tell me?", she thought over and over.
"Rory, honey? Are you listening?" Ms. Patty asked. "I have a plan."
Satisfied, Rory went out of the gazebo, the plan of Patty’s was genius. "This is gonna work", she thought and went towards her home. Passing Luke’s she looked through the window and saw Luke, obviously arguing with Kirk about something. Inevitable Rory smiled. "How I like Luke, just how he is." Still happy she made her way home. As she arrived there, her heart sank.
On the driveway stood a silver car. It was a Volvo.
Sehr schöner Teil! Dein Stil wird immer besser! Allerdings hab ich auch was nicht so tolles entdeckt:
Zitat:On the driveway stood a silver car. It was a Volvo.
...ansonsten echt super

Liebe GrüÃe,
Cedric schrieb: It was a Volvo.
:freu: christopher 's coming back .....
Ich gehör hier im Forum wahrscheinlich zur absoluten Minderheit an, aber ich liebe Christopher und hätte nichts dagegen wenn er wieder etwas mit Lorelai anfangen würde *grins*
Hach ist das schön...Christopher ist zurück... ich kann mein Glück noch gar nicht fassen....
aber wenn ich so deine signatur anschaue, dann befürchte ich, dass deine ff wohl kaum ein happy end für Chris und Lorelai bereithält *sigh* .... na ja we'll see...
ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten Teil
Danke erstmal an Meffi und JamieA für das gute FB!!
Tja, Chris is back, aber wartet mal auf, wie es weiter geht......
Ich will nicht, dass er kommt!
Er macht immer alles kaputt!
Naja, ich bin mal gespannt, was er dieses Mal macht.
Ich hoffe, nichts schlimmes.
Der Teil war aber ansonsten echt gut!
Ich find es toll, dass Rory sich "einmischt".
Ich freue mich auf den nächsten Teil!
:hi: Domi
ich will au net dass chris zurückkommt aber das kapitel war echt toll. und ich bin mal gespannt was das für ein plan ist den sich rory, patty und babette ausgedacht haben . ich freu mich auf den nächsten teil
JamieA schrieb::freu: christopher 's coming back .....
Ich gehör hier im Forum wahrscheinlich zur absoluten Minderheit an, aber ich liebe Christopher und hätte nichts dagegen wenn er wieder etwas mit Lorelai anfangen würde *grins*
Hach ist das schön...Christopher ist zurück... ich kann mein Glück noch gar nicht fassen....
aber wenn ich so deine signatur anschaue, dann befürchte ich, dass deine ff wohl kaum ein happy end für Chris und Lorelai bereithält *sigh* .... na ja we'll see...
Chris kommt :dance:
Yeah, das wird toll! Aber das Ende wird sicher (leider) ein JJ!
Aber Chris kommt, das ist toll!
So, mir hat das Gespräch von Patty, babette und Rory gefallen!
Typisch Babette und Patty, sie müssen sich überall einmischen
Ja, schöner teil, mehr gibts da eigentlich nicht zu sagen!
cedric schrieb:Tja, Chris is back, aber wartet mal auf, wie es weitergeht....
Es heiÃt
Abwarten und nicht Aufwarten

Chris ist wieder da?
NEIN! Er darf jetzt nicht alles kaputt machen!
Hoffentlich macht er nicht das, was wir alles denken...
DAs war ein toller Teil und ich will UNBEDINGT wissen was Patty`s Plan ist.
Hoffentlich macht Chris ihn nicht kaputt...
LG miniqueen
Danke, guys, fuer eure tollen FBs!!
@ check: Danke fuer die Verbesserung. Ich werde es mir merken....
Es ist irgendwie lustig, wie diverted?? eure Meinungen zu Christopher sind....lasst euch ueberraschen....
Ich werde versuchen, morgen einen neuen Teil zu posten. Ich glaube bis dahin wird er fertig.
bye, Ced
PS Ich hoffe, dass dieses Mal kein Fehler in meinem Deutsch war....*g*