Hey Guys!
jetzt kommt wieder ein neuer Teil. Es ist eher eine Uebergangsteil, aber diese brauche ich jetzt....
Ich werde jetzt relativ schnell hintereinander posten, weil ich nicht weiss, ob ich in germany Zeit dazu haben und ich euch nicht 2 Monate lang warten lassen will...
Zuerst ReFBs:
@karana & phoe-nixe: Danke fuer FB
@anne: mhm, natuerlich liebt Rory ihren vater, aber sie haelt dann eher zu Lorelai, was, glaube ich, sie in der Show auch machen wuerde..allerdings vielen dank, fuer das super FB, hat mich wirklich gefreut.....ach ja, Luke ist NICHT bloed...*rofl*

choen, dass du jetzt auch liest. das freut mich. hoffe du liest auch weiter...und danke fuer das lob ueber mein Deutsch..thx..
@meffi:danke, danke, danke. Warte ab, Luke kommt bestimmt....*lol*
@franny: danke auch dir, hoffe die next week wird besser.......
der naechste part ist fuer alle, die Tokio Hotel nicht moegen (hab zwar noch nie ein Lied von ihnen gehoert, aber der singer sieht aus wie ein girl...deshalb..*rofl*)
Part VIII:
Silence. Both of the Gilmore girls were in sort of a trance.
"Have we done the right thing? Were we too harsh?", both, Lorelai and Rory thought.
Finally Rory approached and hugged her still crying mother.
"Mom, I don’t know whether this was right or wrong. But as far as I know, it was the best for you, for me, for the baby...and for...", she broke off.
She wasn’t sure how Lorelai would react, when she would mention Luke now. She just let go her great and first love and she wasn’t certain about the relationship with Luke. Her mom diverted her thoughts.
"And for Luke?", she asked, "I don’t know. He seemed really freaked out. Understandably. Dunno, what he thinks right now", a teardrop again rolled down Lorelai’s face.
Again, Rory hugged her mother.
"I don’t know, whether this is the right moment for this, but back in the day – before you got pregnant – Miss Patty, Babette and I made a plan."
Lorelai looked up.
"A plan? About what?", she asked trying to swallow her tears, but it was impossible.
"It was the right thing, Lorelai", she thought, "Rory’s right. It was time to do that. It was the only way to give Luke and me..."
"Mom? Mom, are listening?" Rory asked, looking rather angry.
"What? I’m sorry. What have you been saying?", Lorelai asked confused. She hadn’t heard one word of Rory’s.
"The plan, Mom! I thought it was genius. Sometimes Miss Patty has great ideas. We just have to adapt it a little, now you’re pregnant.", Rory said, beaming.
"Stop, hold on. Wait, ‘till I catch up, honey!", Lorelai cried out, now really wanting to know what this plan was all about.
"Tell me that ‘genius’ plan of Patty’s!"
"Alright, listen," Rory began.
Rory and Lorelai went into Lorelai’s bedroom. Lorelai had lighten up. Of course, she still felt guilty and sorry about Chris but that plan seemed indeed very good. It would be a lot of work, but it was worth it, and with a little help from Babette, Miss Patty and hopefully Dean, it could be great.
"Mom, can I sleep in your room, tonight?", Rory asked, "I don’t wanna be alone."
"I was about to ask you the same thing", Lorelai smiled weakly, reading Rory’s mind, "And don’t worry. He will be there for you, honey.", she added.
"Yeah, I hope so.", Rory answered.
The next morning arrived. Neither of the girls had slept that night. They had to think about lots of stuff. Chris, Luke, the baby, the plan.
But nonetheless, their spirits were flying high that morning.
"I’ll go to Dean, asking about the camera and stuff", Rory, halfway through the door, said.
"Alright, I’ll first go to Luke’s and see whether he’s there. But I doubt that. Then I’ll go to Patty’s."
But Rory already was out of earshot. Lorelai slowly dressed into her coat and went out of the house, too. She was nervous.
"Will Luke be there? If no, where would he be? What will Patty say about my pregnancy?", she thought over and over.
Buried in her thoughts she suddenly realized that she was standing right in front of Luke’s. Deeply breathing, she entered. To her surprise, Luke stood behind his counter. She tried to get eye-contact with him, but he didn’t look up. But Lorelai noticed that he was pale, even paler than the day before, as he left the table. He looked very unhappy. Lorelai decided to sit down. She took the menu and tried to focus on it, but it was impossible, her eyes searched for a reaction of Luke’s all the time.
And finally, after what seemed like hours to Lorelai, Luke made his way to her table.
"Hi, Luke!", she immediately said, still searching for the eye-contact. No result again.
"Hi", he simply said, "What can I get you?"
"Luke, I’m sorry, I....", Lorelai began, but she immediately stopped, as she saw the look on his face.
It was like it was shut down. As she noticed before, he was pale, but what she didn’t notice, were his eyes. The normally blue eyes were black, but different to those she saw before. In his eyes was grief, like he had lost something... or someone.
Lorelai’s heart sank. She knew, who Luke had lost. It was her. He had given up on her. Lorelai could see that.
"I can’t let this happen, I have to do something.", she thought desperately.
"Luke, can I talk to you?", she said, "Please?"
Luke looked up, looked directly into her eyes.
"No, Lorelai. I don’t wanna talk...I...just...can’t......Please go.", Luke said calmly but determined.
Lorelai looked like she wanted to say something, but then she stood up and went out of the diner.
Outside, she leaned towards a wall of Luke’s.
"But I love you!"
She didn’t realize that she had said those words aloud. But Miss Patty, who was passing by, stopped dead and answered giggling:
"I love you, too, Lorelai."
"Wha....What?", Lorelai was confused, "Oh, it’s you, Patty", she added, realizing to whom she was talking.
"Don’t be sooo disappointed that it’s just me", Patty, still smiling, answered.
"No, I actually am not", Lorelai said, "I wanted to talk to you about that plan of your’s."
First Patty looked confused, but then she remembered.
"What it is, dear?" she asked.
"I can’t tell you now, and especially not here. Let’s go elsewhere."
"Uh, okay."
Two hours later everything was settled. Miss Patty was surprisingly composed as Lorelai told her, she was pregnant. Lorelai felt relieved.
Rory, Babette and Dean had joined them and together they edited the plan and set a date. In five days time everything had to be ready.
Lorelai felt better. At least a little bit. But Luke’s face just didn’t vanish from her mind. She immensely hoped, the plan would work.
She felt this would be her last chance.
[quote=Ced]Hey Guys![/quote]
Hey du!
[quote=Ced]Ich werde jetzt relativ schnell hintereinander posten, weil ich nicht weiss, ob ich in germany Zeit dazu haben und ich euch nicht 2 Monate lang warten lassen will...[/quote]
Yeah! Schnell, viel, und wahrscheinlich wie immer toll! Ich kann mein Glück kaum fassen!
[quote=Ced]@meffi:danke, danke, danke. Warte ab, Luke kommt bestimmt....*lol*[/quote]
Jaa! Luke vor!!!
Ach ja und bitteschön!:knuddel:
[quote=Ced] der naechste part ist fuer alle, die Tokio Hotel nicht moegen (hab zwar noch nie ein Lied von ihnen gehoert, aber der singer sieht aus wie ein girl...deshalb..*rofl*)[quote=Ced]
Du weiÃt, wie man sich Freunde macht!^^
Es heiÃt aber Saenger... Ich hoffe mal ich nerv dich net
Again, Rory hugged her mother.
"I don’t know, whether this is the right moment for this, but back in the day – before you got pregnant – Miss Patty, Babette and I made a plan."[/quote]
Wird auch mal Zeit, dass sie Lore mit einbezieht!
"The plan, Mom! I thought it was genius. Sometimes Miss Patty has great ideas.[/quote]
[SIZE=2] Ich will wissen was für ein Plan das ist!
[quote]"Alright, listen," Rory began.[/quote][quote]
[SIZE=2]Mach mich nicht so neugierig!
"I’ll go to Dean, asking about the camera and stuff",[/quote]
[SIZE=2]Was will sie mit der Camera? Ich bin sooo neugierig!
"Hi, Luke!", she immediately said, still searching for the eye-contact. No result again.
"Hi", he simply said, "What can I get you?"
"Luke, I’m sorry, I....", Lorelai began, but she immediately stopped, as she saw the look on his face.
It was like it was shut down. As she noticed before, he was pale, but what she didn’t notice, were his eyes. The normally blue eyes were black, but different to those she saw before. In his eyes was grief, like he had lost something... or someone. [/quote]
[SIZE=2]Das ist sooo traurig!
She felt this would be her last chance.[/quote]
Was ist ihre letzte Chance! Du bist fies! Ich hasse Cliffhanger!
Nunja, ich muss jetzt essen, wie immer hab ich lange geredet, dabei wollt ich doch nur sagen wie toll der Teil ist!
Ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten,
Edit: Ich wollt keinen Doppelpost machen! Ich wollt das doch editieren! Mist! Sorry...
der teil war mal wieder sehr gut... der arme luke, ich kann verstehen, dass er denkt, lorelai verloren zu haben...wenn lorelai in dieser ff nicht von natur aus ein bisschen stiller wäre, dann hätte jetzt der öffentliche liebesbeweis mitten im diner gefehlt... naja vielleicht, aber ich glaube, deine version ist doch besser... mach weiter so!
okay, ich habe versprochen, jetzt schnell zu posten. Deshalb kommt jetzt der neue Teil, bevor ich zur Schule gehe....
First re-FBs:
@Tina: Danke, fuer dein langes FB. Du bist jetzt schon neugierig? Warte bis du den naechsten Part gelesen hast...du wirst noch immer neugierig sein..Aber Geduld...Bald...
@Franny: Danke auch dir. Warte nur ab.....
@Anne: thx, too. Naja, wenn Luke nicht "blocken" wuerde, brauche ich nicht mehr weiter schreiben..*lol* but stay tuned...
@Loerlai_Gilmore & marry-b: Danke euch, fuer euer FB!! Lest bitte weiter...
Mhm, weiss nicht, wen ich den naechsten Teil widmen soll....ich widme ihn allen oben stehenden!!!
Part IX:
The next few days, indeed were hard work. Many things needed to be done. But somehow it helped Lorelai. Although she missed him madly, she didn’t return to Luke’s.
"It was his wish", she thought, "I have to respect that."
Finally the day arrived. It was a Sunday. Lorelai hardly slept that night, consequently she was glad, as the morning arrived.
The night had been horrible. First she couldn’t fall to sleep, thinking about Luke, how he would react, whether the work would be worth it’s price, with Chris still bugging her and Luke.
When she finally fell asleep, nightmares were haunting her. A Rory, who moved away to her dad, because she hated her mother. A Emily, who tried to get rid of Lorelai’s baby. And the worst of all, a Luke, who grimly tried to explain, that he was in love with a woman, who was a lawyer.
As Lorelai awaked, she really was happy, that she was lying in her bed. She deeply breathed.
"Don’t be stupid", she told herself, "Rory loves me, Mom doesn’t even know about anything and Luke’s not in love with someone else....At least I hope so."
Again, she breathed deep and slow. She could smell it. She got up and walked through her bedroom to open her window. It was freezing. But nevertheless, Lorelai inevitable had to smile.
"I smell snow!"
And indeed, as she looked closer, she saw it, slowly coming down to earth.
Immediately, she dressed and got out onto the patio. She felt magic was happening. She felt like she was eight again, trying to catch the snowflakes with her hands and with her mouth. She felt as good as she didn’t do a long time.
A voice from behind, startled her.
"Mom, for heaven’s sake, come in here. It’s freezing. And it’s 7o’clock in the morning. Come on in", Rory, just dressed in her robe, cried out. She really looked frozen.
"Alright, coming. But tell me something. Are you moving away?", Lorelai asked, suddenly remembering her dream.
"Huh? Why? I never would. What’s that question?", a confused Rory replied.
"Ah, just forget about it. I was just checking."
As Lorelai entered the kitchen, Rory already sat at the table and drank a cup of coffee.
"Want one?", she asked roguish.
"I hate you very much", Lorelai replied. She sat down, too, and said to her daughter:
"Alright, so tell me. How will it work today."
"Again?", Rory looked nifty, "I already told you a hundred-thousand times. It doesn’t change", Rory argued.
But her mother looked at her like a little dog puppy.
"Okay, okay. Babette and Patty will go to Luke’s. Just like normal. They will hand him the tape. And then we just have to wait. It’s in Luke’s hands then, what to do."
"Mhm", Lorelai simply said.
She already was deep in thoughts again.
Rory decided to shut up. She, too, was very nervous. She really wanted her mom to be happy. She couldn’t imagine the worst case. What if Luke says ‘No’? It would be the end of the world, to her mother and to her. She didn’t dare to think further.
"It just has to be", she thought.
That morning was the longest in the history of the Gilmore girls household. Rory tried to focus on her schoolwork. Without an effect. She tried to read the biography of Hillary Clinton. Effectless.
But her state of nerves was nothing in comparison to Lorelai’s. First she sorted her catalogues. Effectless. Then she cleaned up the living-room. Effectless. The she even tried to cook – A bad idea. She realized that, as the chicken smelled burned.
Finally, they gave it up. It was 12 o’clock. In half an hour they would meet with the other three. Slowly they dressed and walked through the streets of Stars Hollow. As they arrived at the gazebo, Miss Patty, Babette and a sleepy-looking Dean awaited them.
"Hey Dean! What’s up with you?", Rory asked concerned, while kissing him.
"I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep. There were a whole lotta problems with the tape. But everything’s fine now. I worked it out.", Dean replied.
"You’re my hero", Lorelai joked relieved.
"Okay guys, let’s do this", Patty stated, picked up the videotape and took Babette by the hands.
"We’ll go. All that you can do, is hope", Babette said, "But I’m positive."
With these words, she first hugged Rory, then Lorelai. She and Patty walked out the gazebo, straight to Luke’s, leaving three uncomfortable shifting human beings behind.
"Please, God, help me", Lorelai thought, "Otherwise I can’t stand it."
Meanwhile, Babette and Patty entered Luke’s. The diner owner was busy taking orders. He still looked pale and unhealthy, like he hadn’t eaten for days. His mood was worse than usual.
"Uh, oh. I hope this is gonna work", Patty whispered to Babette, who just nodded.
Finally Luke approached to them.
"What can I get you?", he asked absent.
"Erm, two cups of coffee, please", Patty said, "And I wonder, if you could do us a favor?"
"What is it? I don’t have much time right now", Luke answered reticent.
"Uhm, well, we had the task to made a film about Stars Hollow. You know, sights, sports, Inns, diners and stuff", Patty began, "And now we have to show it everybody, who’s involved in it. You know, to get their permissions. You’re one of them."
"Why you’d make such a tape?", Luke asked scepticly.
"Because there’s a series about little towns in Conneticut. And you know Taylor", Patty rolled with her eyes, "He really wanted Stars Hollow in there."
Luke sighed.
"Okay, I’ll watch it in the next days."
"No, no, Luke, honey. You have to watch it today. Actually we’re running out of time", Babette pushed.
"Today? Alright, tonight then, after I closed the diner", Luke said, too, rolling with his eyes.
"Erm, Luke? This would be too late. I’m sorry, but couldn’t you watch it very soon? Like now?", Patty said, really looking sorry.
"But the place is packed. It’s lunchtime", Luke argued halfhearted. He knew, he wouldn’t have a chance, challenging Patty and Babette.
"Cesar’s here. Come on, watch it. It won’t take much time", Patty encouraged him.
"Okay, okay, okay. I’ll go."
Luke took the tape and shouted: "Cesar! I’m upstairs, if you need me. I’m coming back as soon as possible!"
"Okay, boss.", Cesar politely responded.
Luke went upstairs. Babette and Patty were satisfied. They both looked in direction of the gazebo. Lorelai, Rory and Dean had been following the actions. They were relieved as Luke disappeared upstairs.
At that moment, Patty gave a thumbs-up. It was the last thing, the three saw, standing in the gazebo. The snowfall had become thicker. It was more like a storm now.
In the meantime, Luke put the tape into his video-player, switched his TV on and sat down in his comfy armchair.
"Why am I doing this? It’s just crab. Damn it, Taylor", he said out loud. But nevertheless he pushed the play-button.
What was following now, was against all expectations. Luke had expected a sign or something else, announcing Stars Hollow.
But instead there was....