also...vollständiges FB:
Zitat:@franny und meffi: Danke, dass ihr immer lest. Habe euch lieb!
Ich dich auch!! Und ich finde, wir müssen uns bedanken dass du uns was zu lesen gibst!:thanx::knuddel:
Zitat:Lorelai said to herself and decided not to call him immediately.
"Tomorrow will do it, too."
Sooo Lorelai-like!
Zitat:"Luke....I.....", Lorelai began, but she didnât get a chance to finish her sentence. Luke stood up.
"Lorelai, I have to go. Iâm sorry. I canât stand it right now. I have to go."
Sie werden es nie hinkriegen, oder?
Bitte, tu was für
Zitat:mein JJ-Herz
Ich hab dich lieb, Tina
Du brauchst dich doch nicht bedanken!
Ich lese deine Ff wirklich gerne!
Und es macht mir SpaÃ, dir Fb zu geben, weil jeder einzelne Teil was Besonderes ist!
So wie dieser Teil.
Ich wusste von Anfang an, dass Luke sofort gehen würde, wenn er es erfährt.
Sein Herz erträgt sowas nun mal nicht.
Aber das ist einfach nicht fair.
Er liebt sie so sehr und er muss so viel leiden.
Er tut mir richtig leid. :heul:
Aber du hast Lore toll getroffen, als sie überlegt hat, was sie anziehen soll.
Echt Lorelai-Like!

Ach ja, ich hab dich auch lieb

Und ich freu mich auf den nächsten Teil!
:knuddel: Domi
Der Teil hat mir echt super gefallen!
Aber Mal zwei Fragen:
1. Warum erzählt sie Rory nicht, was sie für Luke fühlt?
2. Warum erzählt sie Luke das mit der Schwangerschaft, bevor Chris es überhaupt erfährt?
Das mit dem "Was-soll-ich-anziehen" fand ich voll cool und wie sich luke daran erinnert was Lorelai über den ersten Schnee gesagt hat!
Cedric schrieb:
"These are the Gilmore girls, as you obviously know, but weâre not here right now, we have a life, get over it! ....Peep."
Auch total cool! "We have a live"
Kann ich mir richtig gut vorstellen, wie lore das macht!
ced schrieb:With these words, he went out of the restaurant, leaving Lorelai disappointed behind. She looked out the window.
The snow had stopped falling.
Wunderschöner schreibstil an dieser stelle! und die idee!
Aber echt traurig :heul:
Und warum geht luke!
Lorelai wollte gerade sagen, dass sie etwas für ihn fühlt....gmein!
Ich mag solche "Kein-Happy End" Teile!
bye Anne
Alright the new part!
but first Re-FBs:
@phoe-nixe: Thx for the great FB, I hope you'll gonna like the next part, too.
@karana: read further, Itell ya!! *lol*
@Domi and Tina: I love your FBs, too.stay tuned...
@anne: your question will get an answer in the next you want luke and lorelai together, huh? you'll see...
the next part is for the birthdaykid, franny.....
Lorelai, too, stood up. She paid the bill and went out of the restaurant.
"That went wonderful", she thought, "But what have I expected? That he would shout "Hooray"? Nah, I didn’t. But I have to get this sorted out. Immediately. I have to call Chris ...and Luke."
This thinking went on until she stood in front of her home. The lights were on. Rory obviously was awake.
"Fine, I’ll go in there and tell her about Luke and me, or rather the lack thereof.", Lorelai told herself and opened the front door.
"Rory, you’re awake?", she asked.
"Yeah, I was waiting for you.", Rory answered with a knowing smile," I wanna know everything – You stayed long at Antonio’s," she added.
"Well, it was a really great evening, until....", Lorelai broke off.
But Rory pressed:
"Until what, Mom? Until you told him?"
"Yeah", Lorelai groaned, "He immediately stood up and left. Well, I thought this would happen. But somehow I hoped he would listen to what I wanted to say."
"And that would have been?", Rory again asked innocently.
"Well, that I...that I...that I love him."
First silence.
Then the smile on Rory’s face grew bigger.
"Finally", she said
"What finally?" Lorelai asked, looking a little confused.
"You realized it", Rory answered, "And told me." These last words she said with a hurt look on her face. "Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I have known it since Luke wanted a word with you. That has been 2 months ago, Mom!"
Lorelai still looked a confused. She felt guilty and it took a few moments until she spoke again.
"I’m sorry, hon, honestly. I just didn’t know how. I sometimes think that you still want your dad to be with me. I... I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings, which I have done right now, obviously. I’m sorry."
"It’s okay, Mom. Really. I don’t want Dad back. Not anymore. Like you said before, he always screws up our lives. I don’t want this to happen again. But nonetheless, you have to tell him about the baby, Mom.", Rory said.
"You’re really okay? About Luke, too?", Lorelai asked, looking concerned at her daughter.
"Mom, of course I’m okay. I want you to be happy. And Luke is always there for us. I really like him, Mom!"
Lorelai looked now as though she was close to tears. On one hand, she was happy about Rory, on the other hand, she knew that Luke would hardly ever forgive her.
Caring, Rory stood up and hugged her mom.
"Everything will be fine. You’ll see."
Lorelai sighed, "Okay."
She felt better now. Her spirits rose.
"Alright", she said, "I’m gonna call Christopher. He has to know."
With these words, she picked up the phone and dialed Chris’ number. A few seconds there was silence, then a sleepy voice answered:
"Hello? This is Christopher Hayden."
Obviously he had been sleeping, but Lorelai didn’t care. Without hesitation she spoke:
"Hi Christopher. This is Lorelai. I wonder if you could come over right now. It’s important."
"Right NOW? Lore, it’s after midnight! I’ll come tomorrow, first thing in the morning.", Chris answered almost angry.
"No, Chris, right now." Without waiting for an answer, Lorelai hung up.
"He’s coming" she stated.
"Should I stay, or.." Rory began, but Lorelai interrupted her:
"Please stay. I need you. Alone, I can’t stand it. You know it, I’ll always fall for Chris. I don’t want that. Will you stay?" Lorelai looked a little bit desperate, so Rory answered:
"Okay, I’ll be here. Trust me."
"Fine, love ya....okay, then let’s wait."
They did so about three quarters of an hour.
Then finally the doorbell rang.
Rory sprang up, ran to the door and opened it. Her dad stood in front of her. He was wearing an old, grey jogging suit. Obviously he just jumped in it.
"Hi Rory, darling", he hugged her, "I missed you."
Rory didn’t say anything. She just gave her dad a wink that he should follow her into the living-room, where Lorelai sat.
"Hey, Lore! You scared me. Again. What’s up?", Chris spoke out.
"Please sit down."
Lorelai pointed at the armchair in front of her.
"I have to tell you something important."
Now, Chris was the one, who looked confused.
"Alright. Go on", he sat down.
"Chris you remember we slept with each other? Well, we must have forgotten something way back, then. Christopher, I’m pregnant. With your kid.", Lorelai said silently.
Chris looked scared and taken aback. He searched for words:
"What? I ...I mean.....are you sure?"
"Yes, I am sure", calmly Lorelai answered.
She didn’t know, what she had to expect. "Luke just stood up and left. How would Chris react?"
Rory didn’t know how long they sat there silently. "Five minutes? An hour?" She couldn’t tell.
Finally her dad found his words.
"Well, okay. Let me get this straight. You’re pregnant. I’m the father. I have to be around. I’ll move here. I have to take care."
"Chris, listen. Remember, as I told you, you should leave my life? I meant it.", Lorelai’s voice was cracking now. "I don’t want you to move here and move away. I know you, Christopher. You wouldn’t stay. Of course, you’re the father to both of my kids, but I don’t want you around. You surely can visit Rory and the little one. But nothing more or less."
A tear rolled down Lorelai’s face.
Chris stood up.
"There’s another guy, isn’t it? You don’t want me around because you’re in love with somebody else. It’s not about me or Rory or the baby. It’s just about you and your lover!"
"No! It’s just about us!", Lorelai shouted now, "I can’t let this happen again. Never ever wanna see a disappointed child face again, whenever you don’t show. It’s all I want."
"But you can’t do that! You love me, Lorelai, you always did".
Lorelai now completely burst into tears, but Chris went on:
"Come on. Don’t tell me, you don’t."
"Dad. Stop. Listen." A voice behind him said.
Christopher turned around. Rory hadn’t said one word during the discussion.
"You can visit the baby. Like you did with me. But don’t move here. Don’t change everything. I’m sorry to tell you like this, but you always screw our lives. Mom’s....and mine."
The look on Chris’ face changed form concerned to angry and back to concerned.
"You tell me I should leave? Just to show up once in a while?" Chris said, barely hearable.
"Yes, Chris. Please go.", Lorelai said.
She was very touched, how Rory had just taken her side. She was really proud of her.
"She’s really my kid", she thought.
"You want me to go?"
Chris had a strange look on his face. Lorelai didn’t quite know, what it was. She only had seen it once in her life. At that time she had told him, that she wouldn’t marry him. That had been 17 years ago.
"Yes", she simply said.
Chris turned around.
"And you, Rory? Do you want me to go, also?"
His voice was loud now, cracking and angry.
Rory hesitated, but then she nodded determined. "Yes, Dad."
Chris said nothing. He looked sad.
But then, he turned and walked out of the house.
Very good chapter, but sad. Stupid Chris! And make Luke come back!
Cedric Luke Benjamin Johnson....
Wie kannst du mir soetwas antun....:o
Also der Teil war der Beste überhaupt...ich liebe den Teil (aber nicht vom Inhalt her)
Der Schreibstil, die Emotionen, der Ausdruck, alles war perfekt....
Cedric schrieb:[SIZE=5]
"It’s okay, Mom. Really. I don’t want Dad back. Not anymore.
[SIZE=2]Nein, wie kann Rory nur soetwas sagen, denken.....
Ced schrieb:"Never ever wanna see a disappointed child face again, whenever you don’t show. It’s all I want."
Das ist echt schön! Der Ausdruck. Alles!
Ced schrieb:"You love me, Lorelai, you always did".
Genau Lorelai, du liebst Chris, hast es immer getan und wirst es immer tun!
Lass denbödenLuke doch mal in ruhe!
Ced schrieb:"And you, Rory? Do you want me to go, also?"
His voice was loud now, cracking and angry.
Rory hesitated, but then she nodded determined. "Yes, Dad."
Man Rory was soll das?
Ich hasse Rory in demteil, was macht sie nur. Sie liebt ihren Dad doch!
Also wuderbarer Teil, Chris und Lorelai ware völlig IC, und besonders Chris hat mir gefallen, genau so hätte er reagiert.
Nur Rory hat mich aufgeregt!
Bye Anne
Ced schrieb:@anne: your question will get an answer in the next you want luke and lorelai together, huh? you'll see...
Nein, Will ich nicht wirklich!
Hey Cedric! Das Kapitel war wirklich sehr gut! Du hast die Emotionen total gut vermittelt und ich fand ALLE Charaktere total gut getroffen!
Zum fb von "Check": Natürlich liebt Rory ihren Vater, aber noch viel mehr liebt sie halt Lorelai. Und da sie nicht will, dass er ihre Mum noch öfter verletzt, sagt sie ihm halt auch dass er gehen soll. Kann mir das auch in der Serie total gut vorstellen! Natürlich wird der Kontakt zwischen Rory und Chris nicht abreiÃen, aber jetzt hält sie erstmal zu ihrer Mum!
Also Ced! Tolle ff, tolles Kapitel, weiter so!

gut, jetzt muss ich auch mal fb geben!
ich hatte neulich mal geschaut, um was es in der ff geht, aber als ich sah, dass sie englisch ist, hab ich gleich aufgegeben:o
aber jetzt habe ich auf ganz viele englische ffs gelesen und habe jetzt auch diese wieder entdeckt... und ich muss sagen, sie ist echt klasse!
obwohl ich luke/lorelaifan bin, lese ich die ffs nicht so gerne, aber an dieser werde ich sicherlich dranbleiben. die story war mir am anfang etwas komisch, aber jetzt gefällt sie mir gut, und der letzte teil war sehr schön und traurig. ich hoffe nur, dass luke mit sich reden lässt!
mach weiter so!
und eins muss ich sagen, dein deutsch ist wirklich sehr gut! gut, die bösen der/die/das, das bekommen sogar manche deutsche nicht hin... aber es ist wirklich gut!
jetzt hoffe ich, dass du mein umständliches deutsch verstanden hast

Ceeed! :knuddel: Ich hab NGBATT schon vermisst! Endlich!Ein neuer Teil!! :freu:
Also, ich fand ihn (wie immer) toll. Schön, dass Lore Rory erzählt hat, dass sie Luke liebt.
Und wie sie das mit Chris geregelt haben!
Ced schrieb:[SIZE=5] "[/SIZE][SIZE=5]I can’t let this happen again.[/SIZE][SIZE=5] Never ever wanna see a disappointed child face again, whenever you don’t show. It’s all I want."[/SIZE]
Ich glaube, dazu muss ich nichts sagen...Ach doch:
Sie hat endlich verstanden, dass er unzuverlässig ist!
Ced schrieb:"You love me, Lorelai, you always did".
Das sagt er immer!! (sehr gut getroffen!)
Kritik gibts von mir, auÃer dass Chris mich total stört, keine, nur eine Bitte... ICH WILL LUKE ZURÃCK!!!
Ich hab eigentlich nicht viel zu sagen und die Woche war echt hart für mich deswegen nur: Danke für die Widmung und ich schlieÃe mich allen auÃer Anne (Check) an.