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Normale Version: Never gonna be able to tell? [complete]
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Zitat:Danke, guys, fuer eure tollen FBs!!
@ check: Danke fuer die Verbesserung. Ich werde es mir merken....

Es ist irgendwie lustig, wie diverted?? eure Meinungen zu Christopher sind....lasst euch ueberraschen....

Ich werde versuchen, morgen einen neuen Teil zu posten. Ich glaube bis dahin wird er fertig.

bye, Ced

PS Ich hoffe, dass dieses Mal kein Fehler in meinem Deutsch war....*g*

In deinem Deutsch ist wirklich kein Fehler!. Du wirst besser!
Und das deutsche Wort für "diverted" ist in diesem Falle "verschieden".

Ich freue mich schon auf den neuen Teil!
Alright, just finished part IV. I didn't intend to write it like that , but it turned out this way and I hope you'll like it....

This part's for Meffi and Check,who correct my faults...thx

Part IV:

"No, Dad, not now! It’s the worst timings of all!", Rory was upset.
Though she really loved her father, he couldn’t stand him being there. But much to her surprise, at that moment her Dad ran out the Gilmore house. Without looking to the right or to the left, where Rory stood, he jumped into his car and drove away.
Now Rory was even more curious, she entered the house and shouted "Mom, where are you?".
"I’m here, sweetheart", a barely hearable voice said. Lorelai was sitting at the couch. Obviously she was crying.
"Mom, what happened? Why was Dad here? Has he something to do with it?" Rory sat down next to her mother and handed her an handkerchief.
"I’m so stupid, Rory, please say you can forgive me!" Lorelai sobbed.
"Mom, please calm down. First tell me what happened!"
Lorelai looked at her daughter, "She’ll never gonna forgive me, what I just did. But Chris was Chris and I never could resist him. Alright I sent him right to hell. But it’s too late now."
"Rory", Lorelai began, still crying, " I have done something completely wrong. It’s irrevocable."
"Mom, calm down", Rory repeated, "What have you done? Has it something to do with Dad?"
"Yeah, Rory, it’s about Christopher.... I.....I just slept with him".
Rory stared at her mother, unable to say anything. "Rory, I’m so sorry. I realize that it was a BIG mistake, even bigger than the Monica Lewinsky affaire, but I immediately ended it. I said to him he should go and that I never wanna see him again." " he react?" Slowly, Rory could find words, "Is he gone? For good?"
"I don’t know, Rory. Of course, he’s going to see you, don’t worry. But always when he shows up, he totally screws my life. I don’t want that to happen again, so I told him to leave".
As Lorelai ended her sentence, Rory began to understand. "You mean it was an accident? You’re not in love with him?"
"No, not anymore. But I don’t think where’s gonna be a man in the nearest future, though." Lorelai felt uneasy, "What about Luke?", a voice inside her head asked. "I cheated on him right now, it would never gonna last." Lorelai banned the thoughts about Luke out of her mind.
Instead she focused on Rory, "Are you okay, honey?".
"Yeah, sure. I just want you to be happy, that’s all."
Lorelai thought that Rory looked disappointed. "Is it about me, Christopher not being here or is it something different?" she thought. But by this time Rory stood up and said: "No worries, Mom, I’m okay. I just have to call Lane. I forgot that I should help her with trig."
In her room, Rory picked up her phone, but instead calling Lane, she dialed Patty’s number. As Patty answered, Rory quickly explained: " We have to blow it off. Something happened."
"Sure Rory, but what happened?" Patty asked, but Rory already hung up.
Meanwhile Luke, sitting in alone in his apartment, made a decision. "You have to stop acting like a fool! You’re a man, for heavens’ sake! Next time you come near her, talk to her and tell her. All that she can say, and she surely will say, is "No". But then you’ll know it." With those words he stood up and went downstairs to the diner. "Sooner or later, she’ll come back, she can’t live without my coffee," Luke thought and started to take orders.
But nothing changed. Lorelai didn’t show up at Luke’s or everywhere else. She didn’t even work, she called Mia, the boss at the Inn, that she was ill. Rory was very worried, her mother didn’t even talk to her best friend, Sookie. She tried to be at home as long as she could, to entertain her mom. But nothing helped. Lorelai just told her daughter that she had to think about many things and that she didn’t want to see anybody. Once Rory even went to Luke’s to bring Lorelai her favorite drug, but oddly enough Luke refused to give her some coffee.
"She has to come by herself", Luke said grimly, "I can’t give you some."
"But, Luke, please, Mom’s not good right now, you HAVE to give me coffee!" Rory explained.
"Yeah? Well, I’m not good either, does that bother anybody?" Luke asked and vanished behind the kitchen door.
Luke, indeed felt miserable, not only Lorelai wasn’t coming to him, now he even blew off Rory.
This went on for about 4 more weeks. Luke now knew, that Lorelai wasn’t going anywhere, Patty, who else?, told him. But he couldn’t pluck up the courage to go to the Gilmore’s house. "I just can’t do it. She’s avoiding me. That’s plain to see. ", so he hadn’t done anything but suffer silently.
Rory, in the meantime, couldn’t be more worried about her mom. One day, exactly five weeks since her Dad had appeared out of nowhere, Lorelai called her on the cell.
"Honey, where are you? At Lane’s? You have to come home. I’m sorry, but I have to tell you something very important."
Rory hurried home, Lorelai never spoke more than a few words these days, so this had to be VERY important. As she arrived, Lorelai, again sat on the couch and cried.
"Thanks for coming, my angel. Please sit down."
As Rory sat, Lorelai immediately began to speak:
"You remember your Dad was here about 5 weeks ago? Yeah, of course you do, you’re not stupid. Well, as I told you we slept with each other."
For a few seconds, there was silence. Lorelai had to start over five times to continue.
"Wow, that’s hard to say, but I have to. Rory, we didn’t take care."
Again, silence.
Awkward minutes went by.
Rory was the first one who could find words. She stammered:

"Mom, are you pregnant?"
Cedric schrieb:This part's for Meffi and Check,who correct my faults...thx

Dankeschöön!Das machen wir doch gerne :knuddel: Ich freue mich so!!! *rumhüpf*

Dafür gibts natürlich auch ein ordentliches FB:

Zitat: "Yeah, Rory, it’s about Christopher.... I.....I just slept with him".


Zitat:"What about Luke?", a voice inside her head asked. "I cheated on him right now, it would never gonna last." Lorelai banned the thoughts about Luke out of her mind.

Sowas darf sie nicht denken!

Zitat: Meanwhile Luke, sitting in alone in his apartment, made a decision. "You have to stop acting like a fool! You’re a man, for heavens’ sake! Next time you come near her, talk to her and tell her. All that she can say, and she surely will say, is "No". But then you’ll know it." With those words he stood up and went downstairs to the diner.

Das war so gut getroffen! Das ist Luke, genau wie in der Serie. Super gemacht!Gaaanz großes Lob!

Zitat: "Mom, are you pregnant?"

Nein, ist sie nicht... hoffe ich ...
ist sie doch nicht, oder? Nein!!!!

Ich könnte noch den ganzen Teil zitieren, so viel super geschriebenes hab ich noch gefunden... die Handlung gefällt mir allerdings nicht...Motz

Ich kann garnicht genug von deiner FF bekommen!
Hab dich lieb,(besonders wegen der Widmung Wub Rolleyes )
Das darf nicht wahr sein! Sie darf einfach nicht schwanger sein! nicht jetzt! Mad
Oh man...
Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Teil!
:knuddel: Domi
Cedric schrieb:This part's for Meffi and Check,who correct my faults...thx

Oh, vielen Danke! :knuddel: Ist doch selbstverständlich!


Cedric schrieb:I realize that it was a BIG mistake, even bigger than the Monica Lewinsky affaire

Das gefällt mir mal wieder, selbst in solchen Situationen scherzt Lore noch so!
typisch lorelai, gut getroffen!

Finde allgemein, dass du ihre Gefühle und ihre Charakter sehr gut triffst!

Aber irgendwie ging mir das alles zu schnell!

Rory kommt, Chris rennt raus und dann ist es plötzlich 5 wochen später und es ist möglich, dass lore schwanger ist!
Nein, dass ging mir zu schnell!

Aber sonst wars wieder Top und richtig spannend!

Bye bye Anne
Ah Geez, i just found this fic and it ends when she might be pregnant with Chris child: Oh no!
But nice one, I like it, hope you keep writing and updating!

Nice to finally have another english-poster here, I don't feel so alone anymore! Wink

Aber eine Frage hätte ich noch: Machst du im dt. Forum hier mit um dein deutsch zu verbessern, um es nicht zu vergessen, oder wieso? Normalerweise ist es eher andersrum, dass wir Deutschen in die englischen Foren drängen um an Neuigkeiten zu kommenBig Grin

@check: Ich weiss, dass es ein bisschen schnell ging, aber wie gesagt, ich hatte nicht vor, es in dieser weise zu schreiben, es kam einfach so....

@karana: Ich versuche hier meine Deutsch zu verbessern. Ich lerne Deutsch in Schule und moechte auch Abschluss schreiben darin. Deshalb habe mir gedacht, es einmal in einen deutschen Forum zu versuchen.
Cedric schrieb:@karana: Ich versuche hier meine Deutsch zu verbessern. Ich lerne Deutsch in Schule und moechte auch Abschluss schreiben darin. Deshalb habe mir gedacht, es einmal in einen deutschen Forum zu versuchen.

Ok es heißt:

"mein Deutsch"

"in der Schule" (aber das ist nicht so schlimm)

"Und möchte in Deutsch meinen Abschluss machen" (Man kann es auch anders ausdrücken)

"in einem deutschen Forum" (Ja, damit haben sogar die deutschen probleme Rolleyes )

Aber du sprichst sehr gut Deutsch!

EDIT: (wir wollen ja kein falsches vorbild sein!)
Man komm ich mir besserwisserisch vor XD
Check schrieb:besserwisseririch
Aber schreibst dieses Wort falsch xD "besserwisserisch" !!Big Grin
EDIT: (wir wollen ja kein falsche vorbild sein!)
Man komm ich mir besserwisserisch vor XD[/quote]

Ich dachte, es heisst, falsches vorbild....und da soll man etwas lernen.....*rofl*

okay, hier kommt der naechste teil, ich hoffe er gefaellt euch besser als der letze.......
er ist fuer alle, die meine FF lesen...*lol*

Part V:

"Yes, I am." slowly the words made their way out of Lorelai’s mouth.
"Oh, my god. Have you told him yet?" Rory asked, very silent and careful, she knew exactly, that this was a turning point in both of their lives.
"Christopher? No, I first wanted to talk to you and what we should do." Lorelai explained. But truthfully she wasn’t sure, whether she should tell Chris about it or not. "Sure, he’s the father", Lorelai thought, "But he wasn’t there for Rory, he never has been, would he be there for their new child?"
Rory diverted Lorelai’s thoughts: "But you gonna keep it, don’t you?"
"The baby? Of course I will, I could never kill such a defenseless, little human being!"
Again there was silence. Both of the Gilmore girls were deep in thoughts.
"I’m soon will be a big sister. But what about Dad? Do I want him around? I’m not sure. He NEVER was here to help me, to play with me...Mom’s right, he always screws up our lives." Rory thought. Lorelai on the other hand had different thoughts to the same topic: "Sure, I have to tell him, but I will tell him, that he shouldn’t show up once in a while. I’ll never forget Rory’s face whenever Chris didn’t come. She always had been so disappointed. I don’t want this to happen again." But suddenly her thoughts reached another target, "I totally blew it with Luke. I thought there would be a chance. But under these circumstances? I’m such an idiot!"
Three days later, Rory woke up her mom. "Mom, we have to go to Luke’s!"
"No, kiddo, we don’t have to go anywhere, we can eat breakfast at home." Lorelai answered sleepy.
"No, we can’t. We don’t have coffee...." Rory said, looking a little fearful.
"As you well know, I don’t drink coffee anymore, I’m pregnant, honey...." Lorelai responded with a awkward smile on her face.
"Yeah, and what about me? I have to die, or what? Please, let’s go to Luke!" Rory almost implored.
Lorelai thought this desire over. "You have to go there anyhow, someday. And you really miss him......You’ll see, nothing’s going to be strange or awkward." "Alright, Rory, let’s go to Luke’s.", she said aloud. Rory smiled, she couldn’t believe her luck. Of course there was coffee at the Gilmore house, but Rory pretended that there was none, just to get Lorelai out of the house. And honestly she was very surprised that her mom said yes.
"But maybe she’s going back to normal." Rory thought and went out of her mom’s bedroom.
Half an hour later, both of them were fully dressed, they set off to Luke’s. As they walked down the streets of Stars Hollow, some people really felt relieved to see Lorelai again. "She’s back", Babette for example said to Morey.
Arriving at Luke’s, Lorelai felt a strange sensation in her stomach. She really was glad to see Luke again, she really missed him.
As they entered, she immediately looked around, searching for Luke. He was taking orders from Kirk. He seemed a little bit stressed, so Lorelai decided to sit down and then talk to him.
Luke indeed was stressed, the place was packed, it was a very busy day. And Kirk was just annoying today, even more than he was usually. As Kirk finished to order, Luke turned around and saw her. Inevitable he smiled.
"She’s here. She must be better." he thought and immediately went to Lorelai’s and Rory’s table.
"Hey, there!", Lorelai waved, "I’m starving here and you just keep on talking to Kirk!" she added smiling.
"I’m really sorry" Luke, too, joked, " But I just like Kirk better." But instantly he became serious, and leaned forward and quietly said: "Lorelai, are you better? You know, I was worried about you."
"Yeah, I’m fine, thanks."
Luke could see that Lorelai was lying. Her eyes told him the truth. There were darker when usual. They seemed to be sad and at the same moment they seemed to be happy. Luke couldn’t tell what it was, but it disturbed him a little bit. But he skipped it and asked the Gilmore girls what they want for breakfast.
"Well, I’ll have a chocolate pancake and a coffee, of course." Rory replied.
"Uhm, okay, I’ll have the pancake with strawberries and a cup of tea, please." Lorelai ordered.
"Aright, coming right up!" Luke said and was about to turn around. Then he stopped dead. "Wait a sec! Did I get you right? A cup of tea? You’re kidding, don’t you?"
Lorelai looked up. The smile on her face faded. Slowly, she said:
"No Luke, I’m not kidding. I’d really like to have a cup of tea."
"Hello? What have you done to my Lorelai? Who are you?" Luke began to joke, but immediately stopped as she saw the looks on both Lorelai’s and Rory’s face.
"Luke, something happened but I can’t tell you right now, maybe later, okay? Can I just get my breakfast?" Lorelai said calm and seriously.
"Yeah, okay. Sure, it’s coming right up." Confused, Luke turned around and walked behind his counter.
Convinced that Luke was out of earshot, Rory asked her mother:
"Will you tell him? Really? I mean, before you tell Dad?"
"I don’t know kiddo, but I like him and he’ll find out eventually."
"Okay. But you will tell Dad, won’t you?" Rory asked.
"Yeah, sure I have to. Don’t I?" Lorelai responded at wanted to add something but at this moment, Luke was coming back to bring them coffee and tea.
Luke blushed a little, as he asked, again leaning forward, so nobody else could hear him, "Would you like to go to dinner with me? I mean to talk about stuff and about....", he felt incapable to say "Us" , so he quickly added: "Other things".
"Oh, okay, I’d love to." Lorelai responded. "Tomorrow night? Antonio’s?", she suggested.
"That’s fine with me. I’m going to pick you up at seven."

Hope for FBs!
love, Ced
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