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Normale Version: In Gedanken #31
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Ich hab es hinter mir! Und es hat Spaß gemacht, sogar mein Auftritt!! Ich liebe meine Chormenschen...
ahja Unsure aber endlich frühling <3333
Das wird schön Smile
Pfff jetzt wirds aber bald hinten höher wie vorn. Unsure
Wär das jetzt toll, wenn jemand die Zeit anhalten könnte ...
Ach so, so kriegst du ganz viel Frauen mit diesem Tuntengehabe!
ist es richtig was ich gerade tue? oder doch nicht?
soll ich mich wirklich nochmal auf was einlassen was mir vor über 2 jahren so viele tränen und schmerzen zugefügt hat....meint er es jz ernster oder nicht....oh gott, meine gedanken spielen ein verdammt gutes und schnelles tennisspiel und meine gefühle fahren achterbahn -.-
Life is the golden sun casting, is pure mountain spring irrigation, is the sweet flowers agglomerate, is the essence of the heaven and earth conceived, the greatest thing is life, and life is always full of only passion to blossom a beautiful and bright flowers, can besmear on the most bright beautiful colour. No passion life also can call it "survival", and can't be real strict sense of "life", passion is the essence of life.

Passion for life beautiful life is derived from the golden sun casting, is pure mountain spring irrigation, is the sweet flowers agglomerate, is the essence of the heaven and earth conceived, the greatest thing is life, and life is always full of only passion to blossom a beautiful and bright flowers, can besmear on the most bright beautiful colour. No passion life also can call it "survival", and can't be real strict sense of "life", passion is the essence of life.

Passion for life from the desire to beautiful, comes from the spring tides occur mind surges, comes from pursuit. It is a kind of emotional "high", is the great tide, rolled up thousand heaps of snow of spectacular; Bullying is to be extremely, see the mountains small extensive; Is 老骥伏枥 aim at miles of pride.

One's life is always full of youth and age from slowly into mature, over the top end to life. As the growth of the age people seem to feel the passion is always less and less, and resolve in no. It is a kind of life know mature state, it is a kind of calm after rich, it makes the passion more rational, more rich connotation, more lovely and peaceful form. Passion is the power of a kind of life, is a life of power, is in the sky after the rain of a rainbow, it can bring you find the starting point of the sun, find heart sudden spark, find a shock. We can't let years burnish drops from already of passion, even if naive no longer reproduce, walking has hobbled, also can't let fog cover the eyes, dispel the life is a kind of instinct.

Man's life is limited, everyone wants to be a short life flash shine. Justification are the person, but most of the people are commonplace. I might have been the ordinary you life trivial kill original passion, and eliminates the life of many of the desire, but don't ignore the life, negative life, the greatest of riches and honour things is life, everything in the world has a price, only life priceless! Grasp every minute of life to fight the life most waves, let oneself become a scenery of the others, the society is in in our normal life, looking for, passion life, present in front of the others should be a of I, one of I, a life full of hope to the I.
Ja neeeee und jetzt? Unsure
Hab ich mich blöd verhalten? Ich war doch ganz normal oder?Unsure