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Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" III

Mir ist auch ein "Hä" untergekommen. Ich weiß nicht ob es schon vorkam und falls ja dann kann man es ja auch einfach lassen. Smile

Episode 12 Staffel 4
Zitat:PARIS: Whoo, whoo! Good Morning Vietnam!


LORELAI: What was that?

RORY'S VOICE: Paris. She likes to do this thing in the morning with the triple espresso. It's like Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider.

...Her amazing glow...

Easy Rider ist ein Dennis Hopper Film von '69. Hauptrolle spielt Jack Nicholson, der Alkoholiker ist udn auch Marijuana mag.
Hab nen CLip in Youtube gesehen, nach dem er in seiner Rolle wohl auch öfter nach dem Aufstehen gesoffen hat. Paris is also so ne Art Jack Nicholson in dem FIlm, nur mit Espresso.
Zur aktuellen Episode:
The Fundamental Things Apply
Das ist eine Zeile aus dem Lied "As time goes by", das in dem Film Casablanca gespielt wird. Diesen Film schaun Luke und Lore auf ihrem "Date".
bezieht sich vermutlich auch auf Luke, der ja indirekt zugibt Lore zu mögen.

mit dem planet of mold meint sie vermutlich nur, dass es ein richtig übler schimmelgeruch und -befall sien muss .

Zitat:Yin und Yang sind zwei Begriffe des chinesischen Denkens. Sie stehen für einander entgegengesetzte und dennoch aufeinander bezogene Kräfte oder Prinzipien.

Workout Barbie:

Zitat:die Schlacht um Khe Sanh, auch Belagerung von Khe Sanh, fand während des Vietnamkriegs zwischen Teilen des 26. und 9. Regiments des United States Marine Corps und der 304. und 325C-Division der Nordvietnamesischen Volksarmee (NVA) in Khe Sanh, Vietnam, statt.________________________

Der Begriff Việt cộng stellte eine Kurzform der Bezeichnungen Việt Nam Cộng-sản („Vietnamesischer Kommunist“) dar. Ab dem Jahr 1957 ist diese Kurzform als „Vietcong“ auch in englischsprachigen Publikationen nachweisbar.[2] Die militärische Abkürzung lautete „VC“. Die Entsprechungen der beiden Buchstaben im NATO - Alphabet sind Victor und Charlie, weshalb der unter US-amerikanischen Soldaten geläufige Name für ihre Feinde kurz Charlie war.

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Zitat:LORELAI: I'd be happy to buy you lunch, but I should probably take you somewhere else.
LUKE: Why should you take him somewhere else?
LORELAI: Because, Kook Danes, Michel eats a very specific diet.
Zitat:LORELAI: I love horses. I've always loved horses ever since I was a little girl, and now I finally have a grown-up excuse to buy a pony.
LUKE: Great. Listen, National Velvet, you have to move this stuff out of here.

Zitat:ED: I have to tell you, Luke, I am never accepting anything free from you again.
LUKE: What a threat! Boy, you're a real master of fear, there, Ed. Look out, Jason and Freddy. Ed may never mooch off of either one of you ever again!
Zitat:LORELAI: Days. You've been stomping around, barking at people for days.
LUKE: I have not.
LORELAI: Yes, Cujo, you have.
LUKE: I always talk to people like that.
LORELAI: No, Benji, you don't.
LUKE: I'll be fine tomorrow.
LORELAI: Really, Lassie? Why is that?
[The doorbell rings. The maid answers the door and lets Lorelai in]
LORELAI: Oh, hey. Uh, oh, oh, hold on, whoa. Wow, that could have been very ugly, huh? The great cappuccino disaster of 2003. Very sad -- Shelley Winters drowns. Think the coffee was stronger than I thought.

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

Zitat:"Crank" is a pejorative term used for a person who holds an unshakable belief that most of his or her contemporaries consider to be false.[1] A crank belief is so wildly at variance with those commonly held as to be ludicrous. Cranks characteristically dismiss all evidence or arguments which contradict their own unconventional beliefs, making rational debate a futile task; this is the essential defining characteristic of the crank: being impervious to facts, evidence, and rational inference.

Common synonyms for "crank" include crackpot and kook.
Zitat:Kleines Mädchen, großes Herz (Originaltitel: National Velvet) ist ein amerikanischer Spielfilm des Regisseurs Clarence Brown aus dem Jahr 1944. Der vom Filmstudio MGM gedrehte klassische Familienfilm basiert auf dem Roman Velvet, das Mädchen mit dem Pferd (National Velvet) von Enid Bagnold. Das Drehbuch schrieb Helen Deutsch. Die Hauptdarsteller sind Elizabeth Taylor, die Velvet Brown spielt, und Mickey Rooney, der Mi Taylor verkörpert. Monty Roberts doubelte Liz Taylor.

Zitat:Freddy vs. Jason ist ein Horrorfilm von Ronny Yu aus dem Jahr 2003. Er ist ein Crossover der Filmreihen Nightmare On Elm Street und Freitag der 13.
Zitat:Benji is the name of a fictional [url=]dog who has been the focus of several movies from 1974 through the 2000s. It is also the title of the first film in the Benji series.
The eponymous canine character is a small, lovable mixed-breed dog with an uncanny knack for being in the right place at the right time, usually to help someone overcome a problem. It has since become a generic term for a dog with these characteristics, such as in the Shania Twain song No One Needs to Know.
Joe Camp is the creator and director of the Benji films.[1] The first dog to play Benji was a shelter dog named Higgins, trained by Frank Inn. Later, Higgins' offspring Benjean took the name for a few films.[citation needed]
Zitat:Cujo ist ein Roman des US-amerikanischen Autors Stephen King aus dem Jahr 1981. „Cujo“ bildet zudem den zweiten Teil des sogenannten Castle-Rock-Zyklus. Erstveröffentlicht wurde der Roman durch den Viking-Verlag im Jahre 1981, die deutsche Übersetzung von Harro Christensen wurde 1986 durch den Bastei-Lübbe-Verlag herausgegeben. „Cujo“ wurde im Jahre 1983 vom Regisseur Lewis Teague verfilmt.
Zitat:Lassie (Scots für Mädchen) ist eine Hündin der Rasse Langhaarcollie und die Hauptfigur von Büchern, Filmen und Fernsehserien. Lassie gilt als berühmtester Hund der Welt.

Zitat:Shelley Winters (* 18. August 1920 in East St. Louis als Shirley Schrift; † 14. Januar 2006 in Beverly Hills) war eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin.
Weiß nicht genau, was sie meint.

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Zitat:HEATHER: It's obvious Hemingway is just using Jake's impotence to indict a society which exploited its underclass to fight in the trenches of the first World War.
PROFESSOR: Interesting theory, Heather. What does everyone else think?
RORY: I don't know. I mean, isn't Jake's impotence more about that generation's loss of faith in love?
HEATHER: Ugh, please. That grossly ignores the social context.
TREVOR: Rory's right. The book's about a guy who can't sleep with the woman he loves. It's not some Woody Guthrie song.
Zitat:RORY: Anywhere. The floor, the top of another dirty washing machine. My Belle and Sebastian t-shirt was in the garbage. So now, on top of a massive amount of reading and studying, I get to rewash my formerly perfect clean clothes.

Zitat:LORELAI: Fine. Sorry about that. He's trying to steal the "World's Grumpiest Diner Guy" title from Mel.
Zitat:NATALIE: It's a small world, isn't it?
LORELAI: Yes, yes, really small. About the same square footage as that box they threw McCain in.
Zitat:PROFESSOR: Next week we finish up with "Snows of Kilimanjaro", then it is Hemingway's pal Scott Fitzgerald, so do yourselves a favor - get a jump on "Tender is the Night."
Zitat:SOOKIE: Yeah, I know. Everything's perfect. My baby has a name and my husband's sleeping on the couch. Oh, and I figured out that I'll go with the Avery stove for the inn. Is that okay? Because I know it's a little more expensive.

In der Mitte der Schwierigkeiten liegen die Möglichkeiten

Hemingway und Fitzgerald waren amerikansiche Schriftsteller, v.a bekannt in den 20er Jahre.

Das Buch über das sie reden ist Fiesta.
SChnee auf dem Killimandscharo sit auch von Hemingway.

Woody Guthrie war ein amerikansicher Singer Songwriter.

Belle & Sebatstian sind eine britische Band.

Vill meint sookie das:
Zitat:Avery Berkel, a major manufacturer of weighing systems and food processing equipment, was formed in 1993 when the British conglomerate GEC combined their GEC Avery Ltd. (formerly W & T Avery Ltd.) business with the newly acquired Berkel company. The group continued as a subsidiary of GEC (and later Marconi plc) until March 2000 when it was sold to Weigh-Tronix for £102.5 million to create Avery Weigh-Tronix. In 2007, Avery Weigh-Tronix sold Avery Berkel to ITW.

Hab nix gefunden wo sie dirket öfen oder so herstellen; die anderen Avery Firmen ahben waagen und bier hergestellt, das ist also wohl ncoh das beste.

McCain ist Politiker.Was das mit der Box ist, weiß ich nicht genau, klärt sich vill. aber noch.
Zitat:Mel's Diner was the setting for the 1976-1985 American TV Series Alice. It was a roadside diner on the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona that served locals and truckers alike. It had a counter, two large booths, and a couple of tables. Although one of the three waitresses, Alice, was the main character, the show revolved around all the waitresses and Mel Sharples, the owner and cook. Most scenes of the show took place in the diner as well. The diner setting was so intertwined with the show that the series itself is often referred to erroneously as "Mel's Diner." The large outside shot of the diner with the giant coffee cup sometimes seen in the opening credits of "Alice" is of a real Mel's Diner (1747 NW Grand Avenue) which is still in operation in Phoenix, the city in which "Alice" took place.[1] In Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, the movie on which the series Alice was based, the restaurant was called "Mel & Ruby's Cafe," and it was located in Tucson, Arizona.[2

Neue Häs:
Zitat:ED: I have to tell you, Luke, I am never accepting anything free from you again.
LUKE: What a threat! Boy, you're a real master of fear, there, Ed. Look out, Jason and Freddy. Ed may never mooch off of either one of you ever again!
Zitat:LORELAI: Days. You've been stomping around, barking at people for days.
LUKE: I have not.
LORELAI: Yes, Cujo, you have.
LUKE: I always talk to people like that.
LORELAI: No, Benji, you don't.
LUKE: I'll be fine tomorrow.
LORELAI: Really, Lassie? Why is that?
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[The doorbell rings. The maid answers the door and lets Lorelai in]
LORELAI: Oh, hey. Uh, oh, oh, hold on, whoa. Wow, that could have been very ugly, huh? The great cappuccino disaster of 2003. Very sad -- Shelley Winters drowns. Think the coffee was stronger than I thought.
Zitat:RORY: I didn't ask him out. I just made sure he knew I was available.
LORELAI: Better, Mom?
EMILY: No, that's not better. Rory, you're in Yale, not Amsterdam. How you conduct yourself socially is as important as how you conduct yourself academically.
RORY: I promise, it was very proper.
LORELAI: Yes, Mom, she had a nice Tiffany lampshade over her red light.
Zitat:EMILY: It's bad enough that you haven't taught your daughter how to interact with the opposite sex. You will not dress her up in one of your "Sex and the City" ensembles and send her out to tell the entire campus, "Don't worry. I'll ask you."
Zitat:SOOKIE: I love "Little House on the Prairie." Jack the dog. Where is Lindsay Sidney Greenbush? When she came tumbling down the hill, I would just laugh.

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

Die Häs hatten wir schon?!

tiffany landshape

amsterdam= Rotlichtmillieu
Zitat:Sex and the City ist eine – sehr frei – auf dem gleichnamigen Buch von Candace Bushnell basierende Fernsehserie, gedreht von 1998–2004 in den Vereinigten Staaten. Die Serie umfasst sechs Staffeln mit 94 Episoden und wurde mit den Kinofilmen Sex and the City – Der Film (2008) und Sex and the City 2 (2010) fortgesetzt

Little House on the Prairie is an American Western drama television series, starring Michael Landon and Melissa Gilbert, about a family living on a farm in Walnut Grove, Minnesota, in the 1870s and 1880s. The show was an adaptation of Laura Ingalls Wilder's best-selling series of Little House books. Television producer and NBC executive Ed Friendly became aware of this endearing story in the early 1970s. He asked Michael Landon to direct the pilot movie, who agreed on the condition that he could also play Charles Ingalls.
The regular series was preceded by the two-hour pilot movie, which first aired on March 30, 1974. The series began on the NBC network on September 11, 1974, and ended on May 10, 1982. During the 1982-83 television season, with the departure of Michael Landon and Karen Grassle, the series was broadcast with the new title Little House: A New Beginning.
In 1997, TV Guide ranked the two-part episode "I'll Be Waving As You Drive Away" #97 on its 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.[1Lindsay and Sidney Greenbush spielte Carrie Ingalls

Neue hÄS.

Zitat:TANNA: Men respond subconsciously to a woman's pheromones. You should run in place 'til he gets here. It'll give you a nice musk.
RORY: Go back to your leg.
PARIS: Roommates meeting starts in two minutes. Hey, I told you to stop with the math and the Sharpies on my good sheets.
PARIS: How come the puppy doesn't pee on your bed?
Zitat:PARIS: To Hewitt Quad and back. I win, no alarm before seven a.m. You win, I move my crafts area into Rory's and my room.
Zitat:LUKE: If I had dated a lot, I'd still be single. I'd just have spent a lot of bad nights at Tony Roma's.
Zitat:EMILY: I have to go.
LORELAI: I'm firing Natalie.
EMILY: That's up to you.
LORELAI: Consider it done.
EMILY: I'll see you Friday.
LORELAI: Yup. [hangs up] I know just how you feel, Rick.
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
Zitat:LORELAI: Yes, then the non-contenders become your fun bad-date anecdotes. In fact, on your next date, if you're stuck for a topic, tell him about your bad date.
RORY: But what if that date is bad?
LORELAI: Then you have an anecdote for your next date.
RORY: And how long does this go on?
LORELAI: You've seen "Grey Gardens." It could go on forever.
Zitat:RORY: No. Thanks. Wow, that's the coolest laundry basket I've ever seen. I love The Smiths.
GUY: I had an older brother that got me into them, and when my friends were listening to Hootie and the Blowfish, I was memorizing "Meat is Murder."


In der Mitte der Schwierigkeiten liegen die Möglichkeiten

Zitat:Hewitt University Quadrangle is a plaza at the center of the Yale University campus in New Haven, Connecticut.

Rick -> Figur aus Casablanca
Zitat:Grey Gardens is a 1975 documentary film by Albert and David Maysles. Ellen Hovde and Muffie Meyer also directed, and Susan Froemke was the associate producer. The film depicts the everyday lives of two reclusive socialites, a mother and daughter both named Edith Beale, who lived at Grey Gardens, a decrepit mansion at 3 West End Road in the wealthy Georgica Pond neighborhood of East Hampton, New York. The film was screened at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival but was not entered into the main competition.

Villeicht waren die zwei sehr exzentrisch oder eifersüchtig auf einander?
Zitat:Tony Roma's is a casual dining chain restaurant specializing in baby back ribs (although outlets in Muslim-majority countries do not offer this item). The first location was established in 1972 in North Miami, Florida, by the founder, and today there are roughly 260 locations in 27 countries comprising 32 territories.[2][3] Tony Roma's motto is "Famous for Ribs".
Zitat:The Smiths sind ne britische Band; ein album von ihnen hieß meat is murder.
Hootie & The Blowfish war eine US-amerikanische Alternative-Band, welche an der University of South Carolina gegründet wurde und eine Mainstream-Variante des Bluesrock spielte.

Is das ncoh ein Hä?
Zitat:Lorelai: Okay, just one more warning. When they showed the first motion picture over a hundred years ago, it featured a train rushing toward the camera, and, um, people were so sure the train was going to burst off the screen and crush them, that they ran away in terror. Now, Luke, the train is not going to leave the screen.
ich glaub dann sind wir fertig.

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

Lorelai: Okay, just one more warning. When they showed the first motion picture over a hundred years ago, it featured a train rushing toward the camera, and, um, people were so sure the train was going to burst off the screen and crush them, that they ran away in terror. Now, Luke, the train is not going to leave the screen.

Ich würde schon sagen, dass das eine Anspielung ist, und zwar auf dem Film "Arrival of a Train". Ein Stummfilm, in dem es um einen fahrenden Zug geht, bei dessen Vorführung, viele Menschen die das erste Mal überhaupt bewegte Bilder sahen, glaubten der Zug würde aus der Leinwand hinausfahren.

only god can judge me

Ich hab gar keins mehr gefunden.

Episode 4.5

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_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

Neue Häs aus 4.6

An Affair to Remember
Zitat:JASON: I'm feeling historic. You?
RICHARD: Oh, yes. It's Gettysburg all over again. Thank you.
Zitat:EMILY: We probably shouldn't go too fancy. Maybe we'll do one of those vodka bars - caviar, a Russian theme. I love that it's okay to be Russian again.
Zitat:RICHARD: I don't need a new suit.
EMILY: And find out what Jason's going to wear. I don't want the two of you showing up looking like the Bobbsey twins.

In der Mitte der Schwierigkeiten liegen die Möglichkeiten

Die große Liebe meines Lebens (An Affair to Remember) ist ein Liebesfilm aus den 50ern
Zitat:Die Schlacht von Gettysburg fand vom 1. bis zum 3. Juli 1863 bei der Kleinstadt Gettysburg in Pennsylvania wenige Kilometer nördlich der Grenze zu Maryland statt. Sie war mit mehr als 44.000 Kampfunfähigen, davon 5.500 Toten[4], eine der blutigsten Schlachten auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent überhaupt und gilt gemeinsam mit Vicksburg und Chattanooga und neben Antietam und Perryville 1862 sowie dem Fall von Atlanta und Sheridans Feldzug im Shenandoahtal 1864 als einer der entscheidenden Wendepunkte des Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieges.[5] Mit der Niederlage der Nord-Virginia-Armee unter General Robert E. Lee endete die vorletzte Offensive der Konföderation auf dem Territorium der Union. Die Initiative ging danach im Wesentlichen auf die Union über. Die dreitägige Schlacht begann am ersten Tag mit einem Begegnungsgefecht, das die Konföderierten für sich entscheiden konnten. Die Nord-Virginia-Armee griff am zweiten Tag die Potomac-Armee auf beiden Flügeln an, konnte die Stellungen der Nordstaatler jedoch nicht durchbrechen. Der zweite Tag endete unentschieden. General Lee versuchte am dritten Tag mit einem Angriff auf die Mitte der Potomac-Armee die Entscheidung zu erzwingen, scheiterte jedoch trotz eines vorübergehenden Einbruchs in die Stellungen der Nordstaatler. Die Angriffskraft der Nord-Virginia-Armee war damit erschöpft.

was das mit russland soll weiß ich noch nicht genau, das seh ich mir nohmal an.

Zitat:The Bobbsey Twins are the principal characters of what was, for many years, the Stratemeyer Syndicate's longest-running series of children's novels, penned under the pseudonym Laura Lee Hope. The first of 72 books was published in 1904, the last in 1979, with a separate series of 30 books published from 1987 through 1992. The books related the adventures of the children of the middle-class Bobbsey family, which included two sets of fraternal twins: Bert and Nan, who were 12 years old, and Flossie and Freddie, who were six.

Zitat:EMILY [to the photographer]: Well, I like it. All right, Helmut, we're all set here.
TOM: Well, the roof's about to cave in so I can stay within our budget, but then I'd just call 'em all Trigger.

Zitat:LORELAI: Kirk, I promise, just as soon as. . .is that Condoleezza Rice?
KIRK: Yes, it is. I'm a fan, and her big mouth is perfect for shoving mail in.

Zitat:PARIS: He won't listen to me. [picks up the phone] You won't listen to me! [hangs up] He's in love with the sound of his own voice. You'd think he was already president and I don't want to be Hillary. I don't want to wait for a hundred years while he does his thing so by the time I get my chance, I'm too old to enjoy it.

Zitat:EMILY: You know, a few years ago, there was a company called Independent Catering. They were all the rage until they catered the Kirov benefit for diabetes that sent 300 people to the hospital with a vicious case of food poisoning. Well, needless to say, they went out of business immediately, and I believe one of them left town without packing.
LORELAI: Oh, well, that's a good story. Hans Christian Anderson?

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys
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