Him and Her (Sophies)

Little-Anni schrieb:nichts zu danken lory. ich fand die stelle echt voll schön und wie gesagt, es sind wahre worte. ich spreche da aus erfahrung.

mach ganz schnell weiter.

Ich denke vor allem, dass man auf jeden noch so kleinen Schei*** glücklich sein sollte, weil es einem zu dem Menschen macht, der man ist.
Selbst Sachen, die man am Liebsten aus seinem Hirn rausfräsen würde. Big Grin
Denk, du weißt, was ich damit speziell meine. Wink

Also, ganz liebe Grüße :knuddel:
Lory :hi:


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.11.2006, 16:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 05.11.2006, 17:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.11.2006, 17:27
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 05.11.2006, 17:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Swetygirl - 05.11.2006, 18:04
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 05.11.2006, 18:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.11.2006, 19:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 05.11.2006, 20:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 05.11.2006, 20:48
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 05.11.2006, 20:52
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.11.2006, 20:53
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 05.11.2006, 22:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 10.11.2006, 13:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Swetygirl - 10.11.2006, 14:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 10.11.2006, 16:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 10.11.2006, 18:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 10.11.2006, 22:49
Him and Her (Sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 11.11.2006, 18:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Annonym~ - 11.11.2006, 18:14
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 11.11.2006, 18:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 11.11.2006, 20:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 11.11.2006, 22:55
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 12.11.2006, 13:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 12.11.2006, 16:49
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 12.11.2006, 21:51
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 13.11.2006, 15:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 13.11.2006, 23:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.11.2006, 20:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 18.11.2006, 20:16
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 18.11.2006, 22:03
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Drea - 20.11.2006, 16:23
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 21.11.2006, 15:47
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 25.11.2006, 23:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 26.11.2006, 00:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Drea - 26.11.2006, 01:03
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 26.11.2006, 22:16
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 26.11.2006, 22:31
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 27.11.2006, 15:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 28.11.2006, 23:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 28.11.2006, 23:23
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 29.11.2006, 14:53
Him and Her (Sophies) - von kaffee~süchtige - 29.11.2006, 15:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 29.11.2006, 16:50
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 29.11.2006, 19:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 30.11.2006, 14:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 01.12.2006, 20:04
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 02.12.2006, 00:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 04.12.2006, 04:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 04.12.2006, 12:27
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 04.12.2006, 15:27
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.12.2006, 22:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 05.12.2006, 22:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.12.2006, 23:04
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 05.12.2006, 23:05
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.12.2006, 23:11
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 06.12.2006, 00:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 06.12.2006, 14:38
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 06.12.2006, 17:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 06.12.2006, 19:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 08.12.2006, 13:55
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 08.12.2006, 16:12
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 08.12.2006, 16:44
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 08.12.2006, 20:04
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 09.12.2006, 00:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 09.12.2006, 00:44
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 09.12.2006, 01:41
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 09.12.2006, 16:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 10.12.2006, 22:39
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 11.12.2006, 16:45
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 11.12.2006, 19:43
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 11.12.2006, 20:25
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 11.12.2006, 20:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 11.12.2006, 23:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von jenni1990 - 11.12.2006, 23:12
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Drea - 11.12.2006, 23:58
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 12.12.2006, 13:11
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 12.12.2006, 22:24
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 12.12.2006, 22:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 13.12.2006, 10:54
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 13.12.2006, 16:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 16.12.2006, 01:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von _moerk - 18.12.2006, 02:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 14:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Drea - 18.12.2006, 15:01
Him and Her (Sophies) - von _moerk - 18.12.2006, 15:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 15:56
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 18.12.2006, 15:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 18.12.2006, 16:05
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 16:30
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 18.12.2006, 16:40
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 16:47
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 18.12.2006, 21:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 21:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 18.12.2006, 22:16
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 22:27
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 18.12.2006, 22:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 22:51
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 19.12.2006, 10:25
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 10:30
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 19.12.2006, 10:40
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 10:51
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 19.12.2006, 11:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 19.12.2006, 15:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von jenni1990 - 19.12.2006, 15:23
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 15:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 19.12.2006, 15:36
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 15:41
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 19.12.2006, 15:43
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 15:51
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 19.12.2006, 15:55
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 16:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 19.12.2006, 21:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 22:53
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 19.12.2006, 23:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 20.12.2006, 00:54
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 20.12.2006, 10:24
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 20.12.2006, 13:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 23.12.2006, 17:23
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 24.12.2006, 17:11
Him and Her (Sophies) - von RoganLover - 27.12.2006, 22:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 28.12.2006, 01:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 28.12.2006, 09:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.12.2006, 16:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 29.12.2006, 16:52
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 29.12.2006, 19:55
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.12.2006, 20:20
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 29.12.2006, 20:24
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.12.2006, 20:30
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Shaki - 31.12.2006, 00:21
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 31.12.2006, 15:50
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 02.01.2007, 14:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 02.01.2007, 15:45
Him and Her (Sophies) - von RoganLover - 02.01.2007, 18:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 03.01.2007, 00:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 03.01.2007, 12:28
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 03.01.2007, 22:00
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Donata - 05.01.2007, 13:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.01.2007, 17:22
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Leniccah - 06.01.2007, 11:48
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 06.01.2007, 13:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Drea - 06.01.2007, 14:07
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 06.01.2007, 14:19
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 06.01.2007, 17:54
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 06.01.2007, 19:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 06.01.2007, 21:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Shaki - 06.01.2007, 21:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 07.01.2007, 00:18
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 07.01.2007, 01:23
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 07.01.2007, 01:29
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ms.sophie - 07.01.2007, 21:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von _moerk - 07.01.2007, 23:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 09.01.2007, 11:16
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 10.01.2007, 14:22
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 12.01.2007, 21:18
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 22.01.2007, 16:01
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 24.01.2007, 14:29
Him and Her (Sophies) - von stuntwoman - 05.03.2007, 19:03
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.03.2007, 23:22
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 17.03.2007, 00:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 17.03.2007, 22:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von RoganLover - 18.03.2007, 22:54
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 24.03.2007, 23:05
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 25.03.2007, 16:11
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 25.03.2007, 17:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 25.03.2007, 20:38
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 26.03.2007, 13:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 23.05.2007, 23:02
Him and Her (Sophies) - von RoganLover - 24.05.2007, 13:53
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 24.05.2007, 14:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 24.05.2007, 15:48
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 24.05.2007, 19:50
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 25.05.2007, 10:45
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 25.05.2007, 10:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 25.05.2007, 20:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 27.05.2007, 13:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 27.05.2007, 15:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.05.2007, 11:49
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 29.05.2007, 12:28
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.05.2007, 14:04
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 29.05.2007, 15:25
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.05.2007, 17:21
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 29.05.2007, 19:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.05.2007, 19:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 29.05.2007, 20:20
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Leniccah - 29.05.2007, 21:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.05.2007, 22:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von °~Logan~° - 08.06.2007, 18:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 12.06.2007, 20:29
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 14.06.2007, 20:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Leniccah - 14.06.2007, 21:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 14.06.2007, 21:20
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 15.06.2007, 11:18
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 15.06.2007, 21:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 15.06.2007, 22:42
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.06.2007, 11:39
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 19.06.2007, 18:22
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 19.06.2007, 22:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 21.06.2007, 19:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 21.06.2007, 21:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 21.06.2007, 23:14
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 22.06.2007, 10:18
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 22.06.2007, 12:36
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 22.06.2007, 13:43
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 22.06.2007, 14:14
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 22.06.2007, 19:28
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 22.06.2007, 23:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 24.06.2007, 11:28
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 24.06.2007, 12:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 27.06.2007, 18:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 27.06.2007, 18:29
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 27.06.2007, 18:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 27.06.2007, 20:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 27.06.2007, 20:42
Him and Her (Sophies) - von oktober - 27.06.2007, 20:49
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 27.06.2007, 21:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von mina1993 - 27.06.2007, 21:43
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Schneggala - 27.06.2007, 22:24
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 27.06.2007, 23:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 28.06.2007, 21:01
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 28.06.2007, 22:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Leniccah - 29.06.2007, 23:56
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 06.07.2007, 17:24
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.09.2007, 13:03
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 18.09.2007, 14:31
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 19.09.2007, 15:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 11.07.2008, 23:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von mybom - 09.04.2009, 13:38
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Coco14 - 02.05.2009, 12:00
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 06.03.2007, 21:58
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 11.03.2007, 18:38
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 11.03.2007, 18:42
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 11.03.2007, 19:03
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Shaki - 11.03.2007, 19:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 11.03.2007, 21:12
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 11.03.2007, 22:53
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 11.03.2007, 23:12
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Dirthy - 12.03.2007, 22:38
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 12.03.2007, 23:30
Him and Her (Sophies) - von RoganLover - 13.03.2007, 22:16

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