Him and Her (Sophies)

FB...FB...ohhh ein FB ^^ :lach:

LoryHuntzberger schrieb:„Bist du immer so ordentlich?“ erkundigte er sich.
„Ja, auch wenn es schockierend für dich sein muss, aber mit Ordnung lässt sich wesentlich mehr erreichen, als mir Chaos. Aber da du das Wort „Arbeit“ ja eh nur gerüchtehalber kennst, nehme ich an, wird dir diese Schlussfolgerung eher fremd sein.“ Giftete Rory.
Wow, sie ist sauer. Richtig sauer, dachte Logan. Teils fand er es nervig, teils bewundernd, dass sie so stur sein konnte.

tja...pech für logan ^^ die harte seite von rory...ui Big Grin auch mal was XD

Zitat: „Darf ich annehmen, dass deine Aufräumwut daher rührt, dass du sauer bist.“ Fragte sie teils genervt, teils interessiert.
Zitat:„Darauf kannst du wetten“ gab Paris schnaubend zurück. Sie rannte wie ein Marathon-Läufer durch das Wohnzimmer.

boah ich glaube ich brauch paris einmal in der woche ^^ erst schön ärgern und wütend machen...dann das zimmer verlassen...tür zuschließen...paar stunden raus gehn...wieder kommen und ein saubres zimmer vorfinden :lach: :lach: :lach: klasse !!!!

Zitat:Paris stoppte mitten in der Bewegung und kam auf Rory zu, „Woher weißt du davon?“
„Von Doyle.“
„Von seiner Existenz?“
„Nein, dass da was ist.“
„Ja, ist da denn was?“ Rory bekam große Augen. Endlich würde sie es erfahren.
ach rory :lach: aber so lange weiß sie auch noch nich von seiner existenz XD

paris is verloved ^^ oh wunder XD und gleich in de kiste na die mag den ja richtig gern ^^

klasse teil Big Grin
schreib schnell weiter evalein =)

LG miri :herz:

[SIZE=2]Ava+Sig by Mikeline[/SIZE]

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.11.2006, 16:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 05.11.2006, 17:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.11.2006, 17:27
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 05.11.2006, 17:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Swetygirl - 05.11.2006, 18:04
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 05.11.2006, 18:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.11.2006, 19:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 05.11.2006, 20:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 05.11.2006, 20:48
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 05.11.2006, 20:52
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.11.2006, 20:53
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 05.11.2006, 22:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 10.11.2006, 13:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Swetygirl - 10.11.2006, 14:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 10.11.2006, 16:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 10.11.2006, 18:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 10.11.2006, 22:49
Him and Her (Sophies) - von JuniperBreeze - 11.11.2006, 18:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Annonym~ - 11.11.2006, 18:14
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 11.11.2006, 18:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 11.11.2006, 20:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 11.11.2006, 22:55
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 12.11.2006, 13:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 12.11.2006, 16:49
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 12.11.2006, 21:51
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 13.11.2006, 15:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 13.11.2006, 23:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.11.2006, 20:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 18.11.2006, 20:16
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 18.11.2006, 22:03
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Drea - 20.11.2006, 16:23
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 21.11.2006, 15:47
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 25.11.2006, 23:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 26.11.2006, 00:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Drea - 26.11.2006, 01:03
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 26.11.2006, 22:16
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 26.11.2006, 22:31
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 27.11.2006, 15:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 28.11.2006, 23:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 28.11.2006, 23:23
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 29.11.2006, 14:53
Him and Her (Sophies) - von kaffee~süchtige - 29.11.2006, 15:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 29.11.2006, 16:50
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 29.11.2006, 19:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 30.11.2006, 14:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 01.12.2006, 20:04
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 02.12.2006, 00:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 04.12.2006, 04:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 04.12.2006, 12:27
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 04.12.2006, 15:27
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.12.2006, 22:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 05.12.2006, 22:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.12.2006, 23:04
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 05.12.2006, 23:05
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.12.2006, 23:11
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 06.12.2006, 00:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 06.12.2006, 14:38
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 06.12.2006, 17:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 06.12.2006, 19:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 08.12.2006, 13:55
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 08.12.2006, 16:12
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 08.12.2006, 16:44
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 08.12.2006, 20:04
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 09.12.2006, 00:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 09.12.2006, 00:44
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 09.12.2006, 01:41
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 09.12.2006, 16:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 10.12.2006, 22:39
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 11.12.2006, 16:45
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 11.12.2006, 19:43
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 11.12.2006, 20:25
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 11.12.2006, 20:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 11.12.2006, 23:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von jenni1990 - 11.12.2006, 23:12
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Drea - 11.12.2006, 23:58
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 12.12.2006, 13:11
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 12.12.2006, 22:24
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 12.12.2006, 22:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 13.12.2006, 10:54
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 13.12.2006, 16:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 16.12.2006, 01:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von _moerk - 18.12.2006, 02:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 14:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Drea - 18.12.2006, 15:01
Him and Her (Sophies) - von _moerk - 18.12.2006, 15:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 15:56
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 18.12.2006, 15:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 18.12.2006, 16:05
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 16:30
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 18.12.2006, 16:40
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 16:47
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 18.12.2006, 21:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 21:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 18.12.2006, 22:16
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 22:27
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 18.12.2006, 22:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.12.2006, 22:51
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 19.12.2006, 10:25
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 10:30
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 19.12.2006, 10:40
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 10:51
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 19.12.2006, 11:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 19.12.2006, 15:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von jenni1990 - 19.12.2006, 15:23
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 15:35
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 19.12.2006, 15:36
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 15:41
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 19.12.2006, 15:43
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 15:51
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 19.12.2006, 15:55
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 16:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 19.12.2006, 21:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 19.12.2006, 22:53
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 19.12.2006, 23:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 20.12.2006, 00:54
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 20.12.2006, 10:24
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 20.12.2006, 13:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 23.12.2006, 17:23
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 24.12.2006, 17:11
Him and Her (Sophies) - von RoganLover - 27.12.2006, 22:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 28.12.2006, 01:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 28.12.2006, 09:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.12.2006, 16:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 29.12.2006, 16:52
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 29.12.2006, 19:55
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.12.2006, 20:20
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 29.12.2006, 20:24
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.12.2006, 20:30
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Shaki - 31.12.2006, 00:21
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 31.12.2006, 15:50
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 02.01.2007, 14:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 02.01.2007, 15:45
Him and Her (Sophies) - von RoganLover - 02.01.2007, 18:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 03.01.2007, 00:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 03.01.2007, 12:28
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 03.01.2007, 22:00
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Donata - 05.01.2007, 13:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.01.2007, 17:22
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Leniccah - 06.01.2007, 11:48
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 06.01.2007, 13:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Drea - 06.01.2007, 14:07
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 06.01.2007, 14:19
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 06.01.2007, 17:54
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 06.01.2007, 19:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 06.01.2007, 21:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Shaki - 06.01.2007, 21:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 07.01.2007, 00:18
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 07.01.2007, 01:23
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 07.01.2007, 01:29
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ms.sophie - 07.01.2007, 21:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von _moerk - 07.01.2007, 23:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 09.01.2007, 11:16
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 10.01.2007, 14:22
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 12.01.2007, 21:18
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 22.01.2007, 16:01
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Seraph_9 - 24.01.2007, 14:29
Him and Her (Sophies) - von stuntwoman - 05.03.2007, 19:03
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 05.03.2007, 23:22
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 17.03.2007, 00:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 17.03.2007, 22:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von RoganLover - 18.03.2007, 22:54
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 24.03.2007, 23:05
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 25.03.2007, 16:11
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 25.03.2007, 17:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 25.03.2007, 20:38
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 26.03.2007, 13:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 23.05.2007, 23:02
Him and Her (Sophies) - von RoganLover - 24.05.2007, 13:53
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 24.05.2007, 14:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 24.05.2007, 15:48
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 24.05.2007, 19:50
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 25.05.2007, 10:45
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 25.05.2007, 10:57
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 25.05.2007, 20:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 27.05.2007, 13:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 27.05.2007, 15:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.05.2007, 11:49
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 29.05.2007, 12:28
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.05.2007, 14:04
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 29.05.2007, 15:25
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.05.2007, 17:21
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 29.05.2007, 19:15
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.05.2007, 19:37
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 29.05.2007, 20:20
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Leniccah - 29.05.2007, 21:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 29.05.2007, 22:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von °~Logan~° - 08.06.2007, 18:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 12.06.2007, 20:29
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 14.06.2007, 20:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Leniccah - 14.06.2007, 21:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 14.06.2007, 21:20
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 15.06.2007, 11:18
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 15.06.2007, 21:59
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 15.06.2007, 22:42
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.06.2007, 11:39
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 19.06.2007, 18:22
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 19.06.2007, 22:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 21.06.2007, 19:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 21.06.2007, 21:09
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 21.06.2007, 23:14
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 22.06.2007, 10:18
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 22.06.2007, 12:36
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 22.06.2007, 13:43
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 22.06.2007, 14:14
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 22.06.2007, 19:28
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 22.06.2007, 23:06
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 24.06.2007, 11:28
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 24.06.2007, 12:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 27.06.2007, 18:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Sarahnie - 27.06.2007, 18:29
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 27.06.2007, 18:32
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 27.06.2007, 20:08
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 27.06.2007, 20:42
Him and Her (Sophies) - von oktober - 27.06.2007, 20:49
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 27.06.2007, 21:33
Him and Her (Sophies) - von mina1993 - 27.06.2007, 21:43
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Schneggala - 27.06.2007, 22:24
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 27.06.2007, 23:10
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 28.06.2007, 21:01
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 28.06.2007, 22:46
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Leniccah - 29.06.2007, 23:56
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 06.07.2007, 17:24
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 18.09.2007, 13:03
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LuHuntzberger - 18.09.2007, 14:31
Him and Her (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 19.09.2007, 15:13
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 11.07.2008, 23:34
Him and Her (Sophies) - von mybom - 09.04.2009, 13:38
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Coco14 - 02.05.2009, 12:00
Him and Her (Sophies) - von miniqueen - 06.03.2007, 21:58
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 11.03.2007, 18:38
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Kiri-Miri - 11.03.2007, 18:42
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Mery1202 - 11.03.2007, 19:03
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Shaki - 11.03.2007, 19:17
Him and Her (Sophies) - von ~Loorie~ - 11.03.2007, 21:12
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Little-Anni - 11.03.2007, 22:53
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 11.03.2007, 23:12
Him and Her (Sophies) - von Dirthy - 12.03.2007, 22:38
Him and Her (Sophies) - von LoryHuntzberger - 12.03.2007, 23:30
Him and Her (Sophies) - von RoganLover - 13.03.2007, 22:16

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