17.10.2012, 19:38
Zitat:Desdemona die Gattin des Othello aus William Shakespeares Tragödie Othello
Zitat:Cletus as a boy's name.
It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Cletus is "glory". From Kleitos, the name of one of Alexander the Great's generals. The name is probably related to Kleio (see Clio). Also used as a short form of Anacletus. Saint Cletus (first century) was elected Pope in AD 76.
Zitat:National Goof Off Day
Now here's a day that just about everybody can relax and enjoy. It's a day to do anything and everything.....except what you're supposed to do today.
Zitat:A john is a toilet, the customer of a prostitute, or the name of a man or boy.Big Red, Juicyfruit Kaugummimarken
Zitat:Cirque du Soleil [siʀkədysɔˈlɛj] (französisch für âZirkus der Sonneâ) ist ein Entertainment-Unternehmen aus Montréal in Kanada. Gegründet wurde es 1984 von den StraÃenkünstlern Guy Laliberté und Daniel Gauthier.[1] Das Unternehmen beschäftigt weltweit etwa 5000 Menschen, davon knapp 1300 Artisten aus knapp 50 Ländern.[2] Sein Wert wurde 2004 auf eine Milliarde Dollar geschätzt[3], das Unternehmen ist zu 20 % im Besitz der Istithmar (arabisch für Investment), einer Private-Equity-Firma aus Dubai.[4]
Zitat:Avram Noam Chomsky [ˈævɹəm ˈnoʊəm ˈtʃɑːmskɪ] (* 7. Dezember 1928 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) ist Professor für Linguistik am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), einer der weltweit bekanntesten linken Intellektuellen und seit den 1960er Jahren einer der prominentesten Kritiker verschiedener Aspekte der US-amerikanischen Politik.
Neue Häs der Episode:
Zitat:PARIS: I should just tell her Asher Fleming's my man so she can compare her circa 1972 Lou Ferrigno with him.
[FONT="] [FONT="]JASON: No, it is okay to end a sentence with a preposition now. I read it in Safire's column.[/FONT]
[FONT="]JASON: Safire. He came up with nattering nabobs of negativism for Agnew.
JASON: Agnew was Nixon's vice president. You know we're getting a little off the subject. Can you just please keep reading?
Zitat:LORELAI: We're the all-business corporate couple.[FONT="]
JASON: Brought to you by Marriott.
Zitat:EMILY: She wants to have lunch -- sorry, a luncheon -- the day after tomorrow. You, me, your father, and apparently she wants to meet Jason. All we need is that filthy Eminem fellow to make it a perfect afternoon for me.[FONT="]
Zitat:EMILY: Just be here and be on time, and get your hair cut. You looked like the bird lady from Mary Poppins the last time I saw you.
Zitat:LORELAI: Well, the upkeep is astronomical. Maybe if we drop one of the horses.[/FONT]
SOOKIE: And who's making that choice, Sophie?
_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys