25.01.2013, 15:45
hoe - hure
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Zitat:William âBillâ Maher, Jr. [mɑːɹ] (* 20. Januar 1956 in New York City) ist ein US-amerikanischer Stand-Up Comedian, Fernsehmoderator, Fernsehproduzent, Publizist, Schauspieler und Schriftsteller.
Zitat:The Shell Answer Man was a series of television advertisements from the 1960s through the 1990s sponsored by Shell Oil in which answers were provided to common questions from the public about driving, with advice on vehicle maintenance, repair and safety, as well as guidance to users of home heating oil. Companion booklets, a series titled the Shell Answer Books, were inserted into major magazines and distributed as free giveaways at Shell gas stations.[1] The ads were aimed at typical drivers, helping inform them how to avoid wasting gasoline through such tips as not making jackrabbit starts, ensuring proper tire inflation, regular oil changes and proper basic maintenance of their vehicle, as well as guidance on how to get the most out of heating one's home.[2]
Zitat:John Hancock (* 12. Januar 1736jul./ 23. Januar 1737greg. in Braintree, Massachusetts; â 8. Oktober 1793 in Quincy, Massachusetts) war ein US-amerikanischer Kaufmann und einer der Führer des Aufstands der 13 Kolonien gegen das britische Mutterland. Er war der dritte Präsident des Kontinentalkongresses und Mitunterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung.et tu heiÃt und du, im kontext könnte es sich auf folgendes beziehen:
Zitat:"Et tu, Brute?" (pronounced [ɛt ˈtuː ˈbruːtɛ]), meaning "And you, Brutus?" (or 'You too, Brutus?') is a Latin phrase often used poetically to represent the last words of Roman dictator Julius Caesar to his friend Marcus Brutus at the moment of his assassination. However, there is no evidence that Caesar actually spoke these words, and the fame of the quotation is purely due to Shakespeare's using them in his play Julius Caesar.[1][2] The quotation is widely used in Western culture to signify the utmost betrayal.
Zitat:Sūnzǐ (chinesisch 孫子 / 孙子 âMeister Sunâ, eigentlich: 孫武 Sūn Wŭ; alternative Transkription: Sun Tsu, Sun Tzu, Sun Tse, Ssun-ds ´, * um 544 v. Chr. in Wu oder Qi; â um 496 v. Chr.) war ein chinesischer General, Militärstratege und Philosoph.
Zitat:Rikers Island ist eine Gefängnisinsel im East River von New York. Die Insel umfasst 1,672 Quadratkilometer und liegt zwischen den Stadtteilen Queens und Bronx im Hafengebiet in der Nähe des Flughafens La Guardia. Die Insel ist Teil der Bronx, wird aber vom Queens Community Board 1 verwaltet und ist nur von Queens aus über die Francis-Buono-Brücke (Länge 1.2 km) zu erreichen. Zur Volkszählung 2000 wurde eine Bevölkerung von 12.780 gezählt.[1]
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Zitat:RICHARD: Good. My valet isn't much of a conversationalist. He's the master of the monosyllable, although he can shine a shoe with the best of them. So, been reading anything good lately?Zitat:RORY: I'm very into P.G. Wodehouse right now.RICHARD: I've just finished the sixth and final volume of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire."
Zitat:EMILY: What does it look like? It's a panic room.
LORELAI: Like Jodie Foster?
Zitat:[Lorelai stands next to the heavy structure like a car show model.]
LORELAI: I know how to protect you from shrapnel and Agent Orange. Ask me how.
Zitat:EMILY: Thatâs not a stupid thought. Itâll stop a 9-millimeter shell.
LORELAI: Handy for when Suge Knight comes for tea.
_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys