24.02.2013, 15:53
Zitat:Die Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (BRBL) der Yale University in New Haven (Connecticut) ist eines der weltweit gröÃten Archive seltener Bücher und Manuskripte.
Zitat:Die Gutenberg-Bibel, wegen der 42 Zeilen auch âB42â oder âB-42â genannt, entstand zwischen 1452 und 1454 in Mainz. Sie wurde in der Druckerwerkstatt von Johannes Gutenberg gedruckt und gilt als eines der wichtigsten Bücher der Inkunabelzeit.
Zitat:Steve Guttenberg (* 24. August 1958 als Steven Robert Guttenberg in New York) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler.
Zitat:Hewitt University Quadrangle (until 1917, University Court; informally, Hewitt Quadrangle or Beinecke Plaza) is a plaza at the center of the Yale University campus in New Haven, Connecticut
Zitat:Theodore Dwight Woolsey (October 31, 1801 â July 1, 1889) was an American academic, author and president of Yale College from 1846 through 1871.[/url]
Zitat:Willy Wonka is a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protagonist]major character of Roald Dahl's 1964 children's novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,
Zitat:Milton Berle (bürgerlich: Mendel Berlinger; * 12. Juli 1908 in New York, N.Y.; â 27. März 2002 in Los Angeles in Kalifornien) war ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Entertainer und Komiker.
Sein Spitzname in dieser Zeit war The Boy Wonder. In der Folgezeit machte er Karriere in Nachtclubs und Theatern, darunter in New York am Broadway
Zitat:William "Willy" Loman is a fictional character and the protagonist of Arthur Miller's Death of a SalesmanEve harrington : Person aus Film alles über eva:
Zitat:Eve Harrington is an aspiring actress and con woman. Originally from Milwaukee, she was given $500 by the wife of her boss to leave town after being suspected of an affair with him. She took the money, moved to New York, adopted the name "Eve Harrington," and insinuated herself into the life of celebrated star Margo Channing by concocting a false story about a dead husband who never existed. Eve is extremely ambitious and manipulative.
Zitat:Mankato ist eine Stadt im US-Bundesstaat Minnesota mit rund 37.800 Einwohnern. Sie ist County Seat des Blue Earth County.
Zitat:Mankato, Minnesota is a location from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie books. In her book On the Banks of Plum Creek, Laura tells of a heart breaking incident which destroyed her father's crops and made it impossible to live off the land for several years.
Zitat:Daniel Robert Graham (* 9. November 1936 in Coral Gables, Florida) ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker und war von 1979 bis 1987 der 38. Gouverneur von Florida. Zwischen 1987 und 2005 war er Senator im US-Kongress.
Neue Häääääääs::
Zitat: RORY: Now, outside, we just passed the women's table which was designed by Maya Lin.
This is Sterling Memorial Library, one of my favorite places on campus.
Zitat: RORY: Yes, he is. But not as cute as Pushkin. Right this way, missy.[FONT="]
Zitat:LORELAI: And over here we have the world famous Luke's diner, home of the best coffee on the east coast and the most delightful and chatty proprietor since Mel kissed Flo's grits.[FONT="]
Zitat:PROF. BELL: Which brings us to this question, does Campbell's work successfully resolve the disparate stances of Jung and Freud when it comes to the collective unconscious?
Zitat: SOOKIE: I mean, who has three Thigh Masters besides Suzanne Somers?
Zitat:SOOKIE: Sure. We'll just wait 'til he lies down for his nap and sneak 'em right out of there.
LORELAI: Great! Then, I'll hop a fence and get Richard Widmark to sign my grapefruit.
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