09.05.2013, 18:45
6.2 neue häs:
Zitat:(OPEN in front of the Twickham House, night. Lorelai & Sookie are standing there, looking up at it)[FONT="]
LORELAI: It's big
SOOKIE: That's what she said.
LORELAI: Good one
SOOKIE: Hey, I'm still twelve.
LORELAI: I meant the house. It's very big.
Zitat:SOOKIE: So it's all feeling good, huh?[FONT="]
LORELAI: Well it's a little on the Versailles side. I mean I have to keep an eye out for peasants with pitchforks.
Zitat:SOOKIE: You say one thing, but your heart says another.[FONT="]
LORELAI: Please! Don't give me the whole litany. Especially one that sounds so much like a Kenny Chesney song.
Zitat:[FONT="]LORELAI: Yeah! That's the right name for those. Flash Light Thingies.[FONT="]
LUKE: And Jedi powers of mind control, and they can move things, so they're telekinetic. And they hover on their jet saucers over molten lava, and they can jump and fly around like they're in Cirque Du Soleil...
LUKE:...But what gives one Jedi knight the edge over the other, huh? The ultimate advantage? They stand on a mound of dirt and declare, "you can't win. I've got the high ground."
LORELAI: George Lucas owns San Fransisco now. That's a city! You can't argue with a man who owns a city.
LUKE: All the other guy has to do is scurry onto land, run up a hill a bit, and then he has the high ground. I mean, they can fly jetpods, but they can't scurry?
Zitat:LUKE: What about "Bewitched"?[FONT="]
LORELAI: (closes her eyes and breathes deep in restrain) Okay, I'm sorry. They screwed up "Bewitched". Nicole Kidman, good choice. But that concept?
LUKE: You should go on a website
LORELAI: No! but "Bewitched" is iconic!...Dr. Bombay, Larry Tate. There was no Larry Tate.
Zitat: TJ: You got to admit our wives are hot. (draws in the air with his hands a woman's body) Va-va to the voom.
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