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Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" II

Shining kennt wohl jeder, hoffe ich Unsure

Jack mit seiner Familie einsam im Hotel, wird wahnsinnig und will alle abschlachten.

Ja Smile Gott, das is ein toller Horrorfilm Smile

Zitat:LORELAI: Hey, did Bootsy RSVP?

vill. wieder mal mein lückenenglsich. ist vill. ne abkürzung für antworten ??

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys


Ah ja, okay Smile

Zitat:RORY: I thought maybe a certain depressed man and his wife could stay there.
LORELAI: Woody and Soon-Yi?
RORY: Grandma and Grandpa.
LORELAI: Ugh, you've got to be kidding. RORY: But this could help to cheer him up.
LORELAI: I'll send him a Def Jam Comedy tape. That'll cheer him up.
RORY: It's a really good thing to do.

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

Damit sind Woody Allen und seine Frau gemeint, ich glaube einen größeren Hintergrund gibt es da nicht oder?

Def Jam ist natürlich ein Komädien.

ja, soon- yi war die adoptivtochter von Woody allens früheren Frau Farrow.

Zitat:MOREY: Are we the first ones here?
LORELAI: Yes, you are.
BABETTE: Now don't you freak out. Morey hates being the first anywhere. He thinks it hurts his street credibility.
MOREY: Charlie Parker was late to everything.
BABETTE: Charlie Parker had more drugs in him than a Rite-Aid. Forget Charlie Parker.
RORY: You guys are in room 8. It's all ready for you.
BABETTE: Thanks, doll. C'mon Morey. We can be late for dinner if it'll make you feel better.

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

Ein früherer schwarzer Musiker, anscheinend viel mit Drogen zu tun gehabt.


Zitat:Parker war wahrscheinlich schon seit seinem fünfzehnten Lebensjahr heroinabhängig

ja, si auch dran gestorben und rite-aid ist eine apotheke.
Zitat:[Dean and Clara walk into the inn] DEAN: Hey.
RORY: Hello there. Hey Clara. Nice, is that a Stella McCartney?
CLARA: It's a Wal-Mart.
RORY: Well, it's very pretty.
CLARA: My mom bought it for tonight.

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

Also das MUSS man ja wohl nicht erklären!

Modelabel von der Tochter von Paul McCartney.

Ich glaube nicht, dass das alle wissen ...

Zitat:CUT TO INDEPENDENCE INN KITCHEN SOOKIE: No! It tastes too twentieth century guys. It's gotta shout Washington Irving, not Irving my accountant. It needs something, help me. What is it?
CHEF: Uhh…

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys
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