Zitate II

Lorelai: Luke, kann ich dir einen Vorschlag machen?
Luke: Nein
Lorelai: Vorhänge
Luke: Nein
Lorelai: männliche Vorhänge

das ist so richtig typisch Lorelai :biggrin:

well some say life will beat you down

Änne schrieb:Jason: Ich hab eine riesen Wodka Flasche zuhause, die größte Wodka Flasche die die Welt je gesehen hat!
Lore: Und was trinkst du?
Jason: Gin!
Lore: Dann los!

mein absoluter favorit Cool kann alles!!!

Gestern war aber auch nicht schlecht:

Luke: Rory hat sich heut unser Spiel angesehen.
Lore: Oh Ja.
Luke: Sie war da mit nem Kerl.
Lore: Dean?!
Luke: Nein, nicht die Pfeife. Er war...er war schon älter.
Lore: Oh, dann war das wohl ihr Dad.
Luke: Wirklich? Also der...
Lore: Der Kerl, der mich damals geschwängert hat, ja.
Luke:Tja, das hat er gut gemacht.
Lore: Daß er mich damals geschwängert hat?
Luke: Also, das geht jetzt in eine merkwürdige Richtung...

Einfach herrlich Smile

Sookie: Was ist mit der?
Lorelai: Zu Deutsch
Sookie: Wie kann eine Lampe zu deutsch sein?
Lorelai: Sie sieht aus wie eine Weißwurst!
Sookie: Nein, tut sie nicht. (Pause) Doch, tut sie

ich weiß nicht warum, aber ich fand dieses Zitat einfach nur komisch :lach:

well some say life will beat you down

Wenn man's liest ist es gar nicht so wahnsinnig lustig, aber ich find die Szene einfach nur Göttlich:

LUKE: Well, the first night on the boat we, uh, went to see an act that everyone was raving about. We go in, sit down, they close the door. Turned out to be a guy playing musical drinking glasses. You know, with the half-filled cups that give off different tones. He played Mozart, and I swear I could hear Mozart banging on his coffin. Out of politeness, we stayed, and there went an hour of our lives. Next night, the sign in front of the theater said the entertainment for the night was a guy singing the songs of Sinatra. We verified with the guy at the door, the songs of Frank Sinatra, right? Not Tina, not Frank Jr., not Bill Sinatra, but Ol' Blue Eyes. "Yes," he says. "It's like Frank come to life." We go in, sit down, they close the door. Then they announce that the guy singing Sinatra is sick and the glass-playing guy is filling in. Out he comes, there's goes another hour. Next night, we meet a nice couple while walking the Lido Deck. Had some nice conversation, so we have dinner with them. Everything's going great. Then they invite us to go somewhere afterwards - guess where they took us? That's right, to see the glass guy. Three nights in a row, three hours total. Well, that's what I want - I want those three hours back.

LUKE: Taylor, no, no, no, no, and every day from now on ‘til the end of my life, I am gonna come in here and say, "Taylor, no!"

Rory: Mom!
Lorelai: Was denn? Es steht auf der Liste!
Rory: Ich suhle mich nicht in Selbstmitleid.
Lorelai: Von mir aus kannst du ja noch vorher den Müll entsorgen. :lach:

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[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Sig: pan; Ava: ordinary[/COLOR]
Sind wir nicht alle ein bisschen laurish?
~>Java Junkie Freak<~ :biggrin:

^^Rory: wieso starren die mich alle so an?
Lorelai: Das kommt daher, weil du eine Bananenschale an der Schuhsohle kleben hast. :lach:
Auch von der Folge heute.

Junkie of the United States of America

Mein ultimativer Liebling, einfach eine sehr schöne Freundschaftserklärung!

LORELAI: Hey, are you good at dating?
LUKE: What?
LORELAI: Dating, do you have that down?
LORELAI: I don't have it down either. I've never been very good at it really. I've never even really liked it. Too much 'what if'. I like things I can count on. I mean, uh, actually, with Max, it was the first time I was finally like 'Hey, here it is, that one person who will always be there for me.' And then, I turned around, and it's suddenly 'Oops, wrong, keep moving.'
LUKE: Why are you telling me this?
LORELAI: I don't have very many people in my life who are in my life permanently forever. They will always be there for me. I will always be there for them, you know? There's Rory, and Sookie, and this town and ... you. I mean, at least I think I've got...
LUKE: You do......

Ich bin zwar kein rory-fan, aber wie kann man einer Mutter schöner sagen, dass sie es richtig gemacht hat?!

RORY: But my ultimate inspiration comes from my best friend, the dazzling woman from whom I received my name and my life's blood, Lorelai Gilmore. As she guided me through these incredible eighteen years, I don't know if she ever realized that the person I most wanted to be was her.

Dies hier ist auch urig!

DANCER: Lap dance?
LUKE: Oh, no, thanks. I'm just here for a bachelor party.
DANCER: That's kind of why I'm here, too.
LUKE: Well, thanks for the offer, but, no, thank you. But thank you. It was nice. Thanks. Thank you.
DANCER: Thank you.
T.J.: Luke, come on. You should get a lap dance.
LUKE: I'm fine.
T.J.: Are you gonna stand all night?
LUKE: If I stand, there's no lap to dance on. Everything will be easier.
T.J.: Wow. That's something there.
LUKE: What's is?
T.J.: What you just said about your lap. The fact is, there is no such thing as a lap.
T.J.'S BROTHER: Come on.
T.J.: Think about it -- it's there when you're sitting, but it's gone when you stand, so where does it go? It doesn't go anywhere, meaning...it never was. So a lap is just an illusion.
T.J.'S BROTHER: Whoa. The way his mind works.

hallo, muss ich dazu noch viel sagen?

LUKE: Are you okay?
LUKE: Because you don't look okay.
LORELAI: Well, geez, take me now, sailor.
LUKE: I mean, you look distracted.
LORELAI: Distracted, no. Well, maybe -- yeah. Distracted, okay, sure. I'm very distracted.
LUKE: Anything I can do?
LORELAI: You know, there are very few times in my life when I find myself sitting around thinking, "I wish I was married," but today, I mean -- I'm happy. You know? I like my life. I like my friends. I like my stuff. My time, my space, my TV.
LUKE: Yeah, sure.
LORELAI: But every now and then, just for a moment, I wish I had a partner, someone to pick up the slack. Someone to wait for the cable guy, make me coffee in the morning, meet the stupid sink before it gets sent back to Canada. [wanders to nearby bench and sits]
LUKE: What happened? [joins her on bench]
LORELAI: [ Voice breaking ] Um... [ Sniffles ] I just thought I had everything under control, but I didn't, and the inn is just falling apart. This has been my dream forever, and I have it, and it's here, and I'm failing. I can't handle it. I just spend every minute running around and working and thinking. [Luke puts his arm across the back of the bench and listens quietly.] And I thought I would have help, but Sookie has Davey, and Michel has Celine, and I'm -- I can't do it all by myself. [[Luke moves closer.] And I don't even have time to see my kid, and hell, forget see her, just even talk to her. And I miss her. And I sat there in my parents' house just listening to my grandmother basically call me a charity case, and I couldn't even argue with her. I couldn't even say anything, because I am. I'm running out of money, and I don't know what to do about it, and I was gonna, I was gonna ask you for $30,000 at dinner tonight. That's how pathetic I am.
LUKE: Thirty thousand dollars. Well, okay, I mean if you --
LORELAI: I don't want to talk about it now. I don't want to think about it. [hiding face, she leans against his chest] I'm failing. [ Sobs ] I'm failing.
[Luke hugs her close, strokes her hair, and gently rubs her arm.]
LUKE: You are not failing.
LORELAI: [muffled] I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do.
LUKE: [gently] It's okay.

Danke an Jo & XY ungelöst - die weltbesten Künstlerinnen
Ideenlos und stolz darauf!

~Alexis~ schrieb:Lorelai: "Hallo?"
Emily: "Der Garderobenständer."
Lorelai: "Die Fische fliegen bei Nacht." :lach:

Da hab ich auch gelacht bis zum geht nicht mehr!

Oder find das auch geil (weiß net genau wies geht) wo chris´eltern da sind und sie streiten und lore dann ganz laut "Ich hasse President Bush" :biggrin:

Do you know the feeling of making someone happy?
How does it feel?
Relieving, good, great, fantastic, wonderful, more than wonderful. Alright.


@carö: auswendig gelernt? very nice :biggrin:
ich hasse bush auch...

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