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Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" III

Zitat:Who’s on First? (dt.: „Wer steht auf der ersten [Base]?“ / „Who steht auf der ersten [Base]?“Wink ist ein berühmter Baseball-Sketch des US-amerikanischen Komikerpaares Abbott und Costello aus dem Jahr 1938.
Zitat:In dem etwa sechsminütigen Sketch spielt Bud Abbott Dexter Broadhurt, den Manager des fiktiven Klubs St. Louis Wolves, der dem Erdnussverkäufer Sebastion Dinwiddle (Lou Costello) die Namen der Spieler erklären will. Der Witz besteht darin, dass die Spitznamen der Spieler („Who“, „What“, „I Don’t Know“ / „Wer“, „Was“, „Keine Ahnung“Wink allesamt als ausweichende Antworten interpretiert werden können. Im Laufe des Sketches fragt Dinwiddle unter anderem, „who/wer“ denn auf der ersten Base stehe. Darauf antwortet Broadhurt verwundert, dass (ein Spieler namens) „Who/Wer“ tatsächlich auf der ersten Base stehe. Dinwiddle aber kommt sich veralbert vor, da er die Antwort als Rückfrage (Wer?) versteht. Als er wiederholt auf seine Fragen die „Antwort“ „Who/Wer“ bekommt, wird er immer ungeduldiger und wütender. Dieser Running Gag wird bei allen anderen Feldspielern (Baseleute, Outfielder, Werfer und Fänger) fortgesetzt, die ebenfalls missverständliche Namen haben. Als die Konfusion ihren Höhepunkt erreicht, schreit Dinwiddle „I Don’t Give a Damn“ („Mir doch scheiß egal“Wink, worauf Broadhurt sanft antwortet, das sei der Name des Shortstops.
Michael Corleone - Person in dem Buch Der Pate von Mario Puzo sowie den gelichnamigen Filmen von FF Coppola. Seine Schwester Connie heiretet einen Schmierigen typen, carlo Rizzi.
Zitat:Garrison Keillor (eigentlich Gary Edward Keillor; * 7. August 1942 in Anoka, Minnesota) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Radiomoderator.

Hab noch eins:
Zitat:Sookie: The eyes will give you away. If you're thinking of bolting, they'll pop out on you like that runaway bride. It's like the eyes are trying to run away first.

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

Zitat:The runaway bride case was the case of Jennifer Carol Wilbanks (born March 1, 1973), an American woman who ran away from home on April 26, 2005, in order to avoid her wedding with John Mason, her fiancé, on April 30. Her disappearance from Duluth, Georgia, sparked a nationwide search and intensive media coverage, including some media speculation that Mason had killed her. On April 29, Wilbanks called Mason from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and falsely claimed that she had been kidnapped and sexually assaulted by a Hispanic male and a white woman.
Jennifer Wilbanks gained notoriety in the United States and internationally, and her story persisted as a major topic of national news coverage for some time after she was found and her safety was assured. Many critics of the mass media attacked this as a "media circus". Howard Kurtz, an influential media critic for the Washington Post and CNN-TV, wrote that the runaway bride had become a "runaway television embarrassment," and he compared the story to a TV soap opera.[1]
Wilbanks's repeating of the false claims to investigating police officers resulted in a felony indictment agai
nst her of giving false information to the police, a charge that could have resulted in up to five years of imprisonment. On June 2, 2005, Wilbanks pleaded no contest to this charge. As part of her plea bargain, she was sentenced to two years of probation and 120 hours of community service, and she was also ordered to pay $2,250 in restitution to the Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department. As part of the plea bargain, a misdemeanor charge of filing a false police report was dismissed. Wilbanks's criminal record was expunged after she successfully completed her period of probation.
On March 15, 2008, Wilbanks's ex-fiancé, John Mason, married another woman, Shelley Martin, in a quiet ceremony at his parents' home in Duluth, Georgia.[2]

Noch ein neues.
Zitat:Lorelai: Doesn't he look like Happy?

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Episode 6.2

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_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

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Zitat: Episodetitle:
The UnGraduate
Zitat: LORELAI: OK. Inspect the bagels closely, because the expiration date was in Braille, apparently, and either they're new or from my baby shower. I'm also sorry to report that we are currently out of the brown sugar cinnamon pop-tarts..
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
Zitat:LORELAI: Huh! Don't "ohh!" me. You guys've been playing favourites all week and now it's time to pay the piper. So someone be a man, suck it up and start eating the shredded wheat.
Zitat: LUKE: But we're paying TJ a contractor's salary to do a job that he's not actually doing. And you're paying Tom an extra 10% to pretend he's not doing a job that TJ thinks he's doing but Tom is actually doing. You should hire Blake Edwards as your contractor.
Zitat: EMILY: (picks up a piece of paper and starts reading from it) "On my last visit to the office, I noticed the foliage on the right side of the entrance looked a little peaked. We might want to let the gardener know. Ta, ladies."
RORY: Again. It's not exactly Martin Luther nailing the 95 theses to a door.

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UnGraduate - ezieht sich auf den Film Teh Graduate

pay the piper - der dumme sein

Zitat:Blake Edwards (gebürtig William Blake Crump; * 26. Juli 1922 in Tulsa, Oklahoma; † 15. Dezember 2010 in Santa Monica, Kalifornien[1]) war ein US-amerikanischer Filmregisseur und -produzent, Schauspieler und Drehbuchautor.

Martin Luther schlug die 95 Thesen an die Wittenbergische Kirche und wurde zum Urheber der kirlichen Revolution.

Braille - Blindenschrift, entwickelt von Louis Braille

Neue HäS:
Zitat:RORY: I would, but I can't. I've got a 3-hour shift at the nursing home.
LIZA: I can't believe how much community service they stuck you with. What the hell'd you do?
RORY: I shot a man in Reno.
Zitat: [FONT=&quot]LORELAI: She has a tough exterior, but on the inside Paris is...
MICHEL: Tokyo Rose![/FONT]

Zitat:SOOKIE: It's enough already. I won't cook for her anymore.
MICHEL: (distasteful) Lunches.
SOOKIE: Twice a week for three weeks?
MICHEL: They are creepy. The next thing you know, you'll be carrying Emmanuel Lewis around on your shoulders.
Zitat:RORY: Good, 'cause I've got some gossip.
EMILY: My own little Valerie Plame. What's the news?
Zitat:EMILY: A cover-up! That's good! That's what took Nixon down. Oh, this is so exciting! I love having a mole. We should go buy you a trench coat and fedora.
Zitat: LORELAI: (in a fake male voice) I will find you, no matter how long, no matter how far! I will find you!
LUKE: What the hell's going on here?
LORELAI: Hey, Luke. I'm just doing my Daniel Day Lewis retrospective for the guys.
NORMAN: You should see her rendition of "My Left Foot"

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

Zitat:Tokyo Rose war ein Name, den die Amerikaner während des Zweiten Weltkriegs im Pazifik den vielen Englisch sprechenden weiblichen Stimmen des japanischen Propagandaprogramms bei Radio Tokyo (NHK) gaben.

Folsom Prison BLues - Song von Johnny Cash. Darin gibts die Zeile

"I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die"

Zitat:Emmanuel Lewis (born March 9, 1971) is an American actor, best known for playing the eponymous title character in the 1980s television sitcom Webster.

Zitat:Valerie Elise Plame Wilson (born August 13, 1963), known as Valerie Plame, Valerie E. Wilson, and Valerie Plame Wilson, is a former United States CIA Operations Officer and the author of a memoir detailing her career and the events leading up to her resignation from the CIA.

Zitat:Richard Milhous Nixon (* 9. Januar 1913 in Yorba Linda, Kalifornien; † 22. April 1994 in New York City) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker der Republikanischen Partei und von 1969 bis 1974 der 37. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten. Nixon ist der bisher einzige Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, der von seinem Amt zurückgetreten ist. Grund dafür war die Watergate-Affäre
.Er half die watergate affäre zu vertuschen

Zitat:Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis (* 29. April 1957 in London) ist ein britischer Schauspieler, der neben der britischen auch die irische Staatsbürgerschaft besitzt.
Zitat:Mein linker Fuß (Original: My Left Foot) ist ein irisch-britisches Filmdrama aus dem Jahre 1989 unter der Regie von Jim Sheridan mit Daniel Day-Lewis in der Rolle des schwerbehinderten Christy Brown (1932−1981). Es ist die Verfilmung des gleichnamigen autobiografischen Romans von Christy Brown aus dem Jahre 1954.

Letzte HäS:
Zitat:ZACH: We would like to also thank the decoration committee, for making the AV Room look so cool
GIL: Yeah! I've played the Whiskey before, man, and it's got a similar vibe. It does!
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

Zitat:BRIAN: We were as tight as the Foo Fighters.
GIL: Tighter. Listen, if that pretentious little snot in Coldplay can walk around comparing himself to Bono, we can compare ourselves to the Foo Fighters.

Zitat:SOOKIE: Yeah! And then of course Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise come leaping out of the cake, screaming about how amazing it is. So that made the whole thing a little creepy, but up until then...
Zitat:LORELAI: Look, you've got a marshmallow bride and groom on the top!
SOOKIE: You think they'll like it?
SOOKIE: You think you'll like it?
LORELAI: Look, captain Ahab....

Zitat:LORELAI: (mock disappointment) Oh, really? Wow. That might be a problem. Cause I was really hoping for one of those disastrous weddings where we lose both rings minutes before the ceremony and I get a nosebleed as I'm walking down the aisle. And then, later, at the reception, Luke is found in the coat-check room Jude Law-ing it with one of the bridesmaids.

Zitat:MICHEL: An icy chill as if something sinister is approaching.
MICHEL: (hums the witch's theme from "The Wizard Of Oz") Ta-ta-ra-ta-ra-ra-Taraaaaaa

Zitat:RORY: (to a couple dancing) Very smooth, Mr. Hollister.
Mr HOLLISTER: That was the Susy-Q right into the Shorty George.
Zitat:RORY: OK. Oh, wait. Hold on. Okay, everyone. It is time for cake and punch. It's only a 15-minute break, and then it's back to the dance floor.
LOGAN: So you're Arthur Murray now?
Zitat:GIL: Well I was just watching the numbers spin by on the gas pump dial thingy here getting bigger and bigger. And I was thinking...what if that was counting all the people who were, like, dying, you know, so it's all these dead dudes spinning by?
ZACH: Every day with him is like being on "meet the press."
Zitat: LANE: But think about what we can do with the money. We can record. Make a CD. Nirvana made "Bleach" for $600. Even factoring in inflation, if we're on our game, we could make "Bleach", 10 times over.

In der Mitte der Schwierigkeiten liegen die Möglichkeiten

Foo Fighters - amerik. Rockband

Coldplay - brit. Rock-Pop-Band

Paul David Hewson, ( Bono) - irischer Musiker. Sänger Frontman von U2

Katie Holmes & Tom Cruise - ehemaliges amerik. Schauspielerehepaar. Cruise hat bei Oprah Winfrey Show seine Liebe zu Katie gestanen und sit wild und verrückt rumgehüpft.

Captain Ahab - Figur in Moby Dick von Melville. Er ist von einem Wal besessen und deknt an nichts anderes

The Wizart of Oz ist ein Film. Darin kommt eine böse hexe vor. sie hat ein musikstück (theme), das Michelle singt:

Jude Law - britischer Schauspieler. Er betrog seine Exfrau Sienna Miller mit ihrer Nanny.

Zitat:Dennis Lynn Rader (* 9. März 1945 in Pittsburg (Kansas) ist ein US-amerikanischer Serienmörder, der als BTK-Killer bekannt wurde.

BTK: Bind, Torture, Kill
Zitat:Arthur Murray (April 4, 1895 – March 3, 1991) was an American dance instructor and businessman, whose name is most often associated with the dance studio chain that bears his name.
Suzy Q und Shorty George sind Tanzschritte aus den 30ern.
Zitat:"Shorty" George Snowden (July 4, 1904 - May 1982) was an African American dancer in Harlem during the 1920s and 1930s
Nirvana amerik. Grungeband
Bleach - Album der Band von 89. Kosten.
606,17 US-Dollar
Zitat:Meet the Press (englisch für Treffen Sie die Presse) ist eine amerikanische Polittalksendung, die seit 1947 jeden Sonntagmorgen vom Fernsehsender NBC ausgestrahlt wird.
Zitat:The Whisky a Go Go is a nightclub in West Hollywood, California, United States. It is located at 8901 Sunset Boulevard, on the Sunset Strip.
Noch was neues:
Zitat:CUT to Lorelai's kitchen, continuous. The crew is crammed in the kitchen helping themselves to breakfast)
LORELAI: Milk, cream, and sugar's on the table. Flo's got coffee. Who needs a jolt?
Zitat:Luke: Hey, you know those guys are here to work. You don't have to put a USO show on for them.
Zitat:Lorelai: The eagle has landed.
Paris: Sorry I'm late
Zitat:Logan: If I show you mine, you have to show me yours.
Rory: You saw mine about five minutes ago, mister.
Logan: Oh, I hate it when you work blue.
Zitat:Lorelai: I could drop him off at a kennel for a few hours. I know there's a good one in Woodbridge, 20 miles away. Of course I'd have to leave now and pick up some dilithium crystals on the way to fix the warp drive in my Jeep

Zitat:LORELAI: (in a fake male voice) I will find you, no matter how long, no matter how far! I will find you!
Zitat:T.J.: Arrivederci Roma!
Zitat:LORELAI: Well, I can't, 'cause I'm not done with my coffee yet. (holds up her cup) Mmm! Good to the last drop
In 1917, Cheek-Neal began using a "Good to the last drop" slogan to advertise their Maxwell House Coffee.

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

Zitat:Die United Service Organizations (USO) ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, deren Ziel die Unterstützung und das Wohlergehen der US-amerikanischen Streitkräfteangehörigen und ihrer Angehörigen ist.
Zitat:Am 20. Juli 1969 um 20:17:58 Uhr UTC vermeldete Armstrong: “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed!”
Zitat:work blue - phrase used by comedians to describe a comedy act laced with profanity and sexual content.
I will find you no matter how long ist ein Zitat aus dem Film Der letzte Mohanikaner mit D Lewis
Zitat:n the Star Trek universe, dilithium is a fictional chemical element, although dilithium is also the scientific name for a molecule composed of two lithium atoms.

Zitat:"Arrivederci Roma" (English: "Goodbye, Rome") is the title and refrain of a popular Italian song, composed by Renato Rascel, with lyrics by Pietro Garinei and Sandro Giovannini.
Zitat:Alice is an American sitcom television series that ran from August 31, 1976 to July 2, 1985 on CBS.

Alice works alongside Mel Sharples (Vic Tayback), the grouchy, stingy owner and cook of the greasy spoon, and fellow waitresses and friends, sassy, man-hungry Florence Jean "Flo" Castleberry
sie arbeiten in einem diner und flo macht anscheinend immer kaffee

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Episode 6.3

Show Content

_____What if sex was holy and war was obscene_____
-Alicia Keys

Zitat:Always a Godmother, Never a God

Zitat:LORELAI: No, that only pertains to movie theatres. Crowded ones. If you're watching a Wednesday matinee of "Deuce Bigalow," you can yell "fire" all you want. Hell, you can start a fire, and no one will complain.
Zitat:LORELAI: Yeah, useless. I'm keeping what I need.
LUKE: (picks up a tape) You need an episode of "Magnum PI", from 1986?
LORELAI: Of course not. That tape is mislabelled. That's "A Knots Landing" from 1981. All the women are held hostage at gunpoint during Ginger's baby shower, classic.
LUKE: (pick up a bunch of tapes tied together) "21 Jump Street", season one. You do not need this.
Zitat:LORELAI: No. The DVDs won't have the commercials on them. The original commercials, which is half the fun. Spuds Mackenzie, Clara Peller, "nothing comes between me and my calvins". I mean, they don't make them like that anymore. (walks over to another box)

Zitat: LUKE: (reading the label on the tape) "Riding The Bus With My Sister."
LORELAI: Rosie O'Donnell plays a retarded woman who's obsessed with riding the bus, and Andie McDowell is her uptight, big-city sister.
LUKE: Sister?
LORELAI: Yeah, and it gets better. In the ads I saw, the Rosie character was calling herself the sheriff, and she was bragging about her sex life and buying toilet seats. And Angelica Huston directed it. Maerose directed it.
Zitat:LORELAI: (picks up a tape) Oh, look at that! "America's Castles", the special Florida edition. Seen it five times, keeping it. (puts the tape in the keepers box)
Zitat: LORELAI: (picks up another tape) Oh, "The History Of Paper", a documentary by Ted Burns, distant relative of Ken Burns. Oh, seven hours. Dull, dull, dull. Keeping it! (puts it in the keepers box)
LUKE: I'm not going up. (retreats from the staircase)
LORELAI: Good. Oh! "Please Don't Eat The Daisies," seasons two and four. I've been looking for this.

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