28.07.2005, 13:36
hier ein kleiner Vorgeschmack vom Fanforum für die 2. Folge, die anscheinend erst gestern gedreht wurde. Nicht viel - aber derzeit ist mir in dieser GG-Flaute nicht viel lieber als gar nix.
Könnt ihr euch Rory in einer Art von Sparring mit einer anderen Frau vorstellen? Beginnt sie jetzt nachdem sie immer und immer wieder erklärte keinen Sport betreiben zu wollen noch mit dem Boxen? :biggrin:
Casting Notice For Epsiode 6.02 - 27 Jul 2005
Casting Notice - Episode 6.02 - "Unnamed"
Producer: Amy Sherman-Palladino/Daniel Palladino/David Rosenthal
Writer: Amy Sherman-Palladino/Daniel Palladino/David Rosenthal
Director: Daniel Palladino
LIZA - Co-Star / FEMALE / 19 TO 26 / Caucasian, Hispanic
Liza is a tough girl RORY (Alexis Bledel) meets and spars with during their time doing community service.
Analysis - This is for Episode 6.02 - "Unnamed"
It looks like ASP and Danny Boy plus David Rosenthal wrote it; with Danny directing. Looks like Rory is going to meet the other side.
Personal Note - I am still on the road. Should be able to get the Sides, if any, tomorrow.
ETA: - Guys - I think it means Verbal sparing. Remember Rory runs like crap - imagine what she would do with something really athletic.
Also - This guarantees at least one Casting Side.

Casting Notice For Epsiode 6.02 - 27 Jul 2005
Casting Notice - Episode 6.02 - "Unnamed"
Producer: Amy Sherman-Palladino/Daniel Palladino/David Rosenthal
Writer: Amy Sherman-Palladino/Daniel Palladino/David Rosenthal
Director: Daniel Palladino
LIZA - Co-Star / FEMALE / 19 TO 26 / Caucasian, Hispanic
Liza is a tough girl RORY (Alexis Bledel) meets and spars with during their time doing community service.
Analysis - This is for Episode 6.02 - "Unnamed"
It looks like ASP and Danny Boy plus David Rosenthal wrote it; with Danny directing. Looks like Rory is going to meet the other side.
Personal Note - I am still on the road. Should be able to get the Sides, if any, tomorrow.
ETA: - Guys - I think it means Verbal sparing. Remember Rory runs like crap - imagine what she would do with something really athletic.
Also - This guarantees at least one Casting Side.