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Normale Version: The big fight (NC-17 / FSK 18)
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ja, fühl dich geehrt*gg*

*CMMschatziknuddel* hab dich so lieb (DIRRTY Big Grin)

*stucking lowerlip out...making it ´tremble*
aaaaw *can't stand her pouting*

me wants to be loved too.....

*giving best kicked-puppy look*
you know you're No.1 on my To-Love-list, right *hugs her close*
thanks lor...uhm lilli...*cough*

hard to keep them apart, huh? Big Grin Big Grin
humour me....

*evil grin*

With all the...lets say talking to you over the days....yeah hard not to forget your other name....*smirk*
yeah sure.... talking *grin* and Mary and Logan only have coffee.... Unsure
*coughing again*

*slightly blushing*

What should I say...I have to be online for five seconds and you write me....I know its hard to resist me...