Okay there
fool! :-)
So how has it been goint lately?
(Besides some trouble about certain packages :biggrin: )
Okay I did what u said - I read! :-) and its rhyming, my dear.
Sorry, i am a little bit confused. :o Somehow out of my mind, actually. I am talking to Toni, to you (sorta at least) and i can hear a couple of noises that make me think i lost it. :p okay. back to reality. :confused:
uuh, there was so much i wanted to tell ya.

about this story here i mean.
okay, lets start off w/ the negative things. :heul: not negative, like negative, just like things that dont fit to my imagination of perfection, which might be considered to be a good thing, though.

U know what i am saying? (If not read it twice, it actually makes sense)
It's critic, but its just my out-of-mind "mind".
Oookay. And the reason i am saying something at all, is just, b/c i want you to get better... if thats even possible, because i have to say, you ARE near to a kinda perfect FF.
I don't think Rory would act that shy. Maybe, when she is lying in bed with Jess, for some reason. But not when she meets Liz. I think she would be nervous, of course, but try to think about how that girl is acting when she's nervous. It's that talk-and-make-everyone-think-you-are-never-going-to-stop and you-re-totally-out-of-control-thing. I do believe so, because we have seen her several times.
So... i think she would act crazy and talk a lot of stupid things that come to her mind... kinda like when she first gets into Logans Dad's "business". Remember? But its a FF and not a reality version of a fictive tv soap. so... it's all in your hand babe. I'm happy with a Rory like that, too!
So, the second thing on my list is: I can't read Jess, Jess, Jess... it makes me sick... just kidding! You know i don't care about him. The only thing I care considering Rory and her boys, would be LOGAN.
Can't u change a thing? Sister, help me out!
You know you gotta help me out :dance:*singing* (The Killers)
Even if they're kinda cute though. (If YOU write about 'em, know what i mean? ha i am too damn nice, duh. its your ff, your life, ill shut up)
But see, that was just constructive. There's nothing else left I feel like saying when it comes to your story and that has one simple reason:
Awwww, i so like the way you are writing!
If you start reading in the very beginning and youre making your way through the whole story, than you can definitely see it:
Girl, i have to say: you got it! I mean it!
Okay, well, to the story line: you are absolutely crazy and i do believe, you know that. don't ya.
Luke. not on consciousness. i couldn't write about such thing, because i don't know enough about it and then i'd feel like i need to have some research on it and then i'd think i failed, because i didnt do enough on it... and... no... not for me.
That's why i think its a cool thing to dare this adventure. most people don't know a whole lot about it, anyways. so you can straightly go ahead and make some stupid mistakes. But you won't. I know you. By the way, do I owe you? Well, anyways, i am proud of you. Its a good way to make your ff interessting. And sad. And emotional. And difficult. And better. Yeah.
And then, besides the
construction, i thought i found and started beeing in love with some
deepful thoughts in your ff. i'm pretty sure they came straight to your mind, though.:
Lady, the Brad Pitt and Jenifer Aniston thing made me laugh twice. Oh gosh! How dare you! Just kidding...
That's so Nici herself... your own thougth as for them to be in Lorelais head, thats a cute idea (look it up, the word cute. it has to meanings and i seriously want you to know both in this case)
Yeah, if those two people aien't meant to be together, than I aien't nothing but a stupid retard.
I love them, both of them. TOGETHER. Not seperated.
If those two aren't meant to be together, then me and Jens aien't got nothing, so help me God.
Maybe the world has changed and couples who don't seem like they'd ever come together, will end up married and those, who were supposed to die together will fight and seperate.
Whats wrong with all those people? does that mean i can get owen or collin? uuuah, yeah, dream on. no american babies, i guess and that makes me sad... i can imagine your face.
okay, so i keep reading this, princess.
this aien't some damn shit (excuse me) that i was just reading, NO, this, so far, has POTENTIAL and i know its going to have same good ideas in the future, because i know YOU sista!
Uuuuh... and if the answer is no, can i change your mind? dreeeam....
girl, LISTEN. I really like this fanfiction. I dont know yet how ur gonna handle all that things that you have to deal with here, because this isnt gonna be easy... youre in a lot of one-way-streets.
but i know you and i hope for the best. If Luke died, remember what would cause that... another dead person, the one just writing you.
Love ya til i die.
I believe it.
Sweatheart, we seriously need to talk to each other on the phone. Tomorrow would be good for you? My last day off.
Yeah, talk to you later sis!
Mrs. McKnight-Huntzberger (choose one or switch occasionally)
PS: I had to many damn smileys, i had to kick some out! What the heck?? So i made some with a nose in the beginning, so they couldnt change into real ones. im frustrated. its getting worse. lol.