Hey fabsge ich stimm dir da voll und ganz zu, aber eigentlich wird hier nur über die Folge
Partings 6x22 gesprochen, der Rest gehört hierhin
Spiler Staffel 7
oder in einen anderen Thread der 7. Staffel!
jaja is ja gut, aber wenn hier eh alle drüber labern... ich habs immerhin noch in den spoiler gesetzt... aber im prinzip hast natürlich recht
hey was glaubt ihr wie viel staffeln es noch geben wird?
ich glaube das es 8 staffeln geben wird. das wäre echt geil! obwohl...wäre ja auch ganz lustig das die serie soweiter geht bis die lorelei und rory alt sind und rory selber kinder hat. irgendwie ne coole vorstellung...beide sitzen in ihrem altem haus auf der verander im schaukel stuhl und unterhalten sich über alte zeiten. wäre doch schon cool ! :p was haltet ihr davon?
Dies ist der Thread zum Season Finale der 6. Staffel.
Unterhaltet Euch doch
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ich habe die folge heute wieder geuckt und musste am ende einfach nur heulen, als logan geht!!
versetzte mich dann immer in die lage, was ich machen würde, wenn mein freund für ein jahr weg geht!!! :heul:
geht es euch auch manchmal so??
kann mir jemand per pn vielleicht links schicken, auf denen man die folge oder clips der folge sehen kann ? würde mich sehr freuen !
Rosa schrieb:kann mir jemand per pn vielleicht links schicken, auf denen man die folge oder clips der folge sehen kann ? würde mich sehr freuen !
Das ist in diesem Forum und sonst eigentlich auch verboten!
Lorelai: So Linny, as a psychologist tell me, what do you think of The Sopranos?
The Sopranos is partly about Tony with his psychotherapist. We see Tony at work, at home, and in therapy.
Lorelai: Kimmie saw this guy at the mall, who was a total Chachi. And, he bought us a Slurpee.
Charles "Chachi" Arcola was a character on Happy Days noted for his good looks. A Slurpee is a icy drink from 7-Eleven.
Rory: (to Lorelai over the phone) I won't be ignored, Dan!
It's a quote from the movie Fatal Attraction.
Logan: Yo, Alfred Stieglitz, stop with the pictures.
Rory: I prefer Cartier-Bresson.
Alfred Stieglitz and Henri Cartier-Bresson are very famous photographers. Both photographed in black and white.
Miss Patty: You know, half the time peolpe talk to me I'm thinking about Baryshnikov. Did you see Turning Point?
Luke: No
Mikhail Baryshnikov is a famous ballet dancer. He received an Oscar nomination for his first film role, in 1977's The Turning Point (also starring Shirley McLane). His latest appearance was in last season of Sex and the City where he played Carrie Bradshaw's boyfriend, Aleksander Petrovsky.
Lorelai: Sorry if I talked too much during dinner. Every now and then I just feel the need to reinact certain key scenes from Purple Rain.
Purple Rain is the first starring film for Prince. It is the story of an arrogant, young black singer, born and raised in Minneapolis, who reaches the pinnacle of stardom. The dramatic complications include "The Kid's" (Prince) miserable home life, where he suffers the brutalities of his father and the youth's efforts to win the love of the beautiful Apollonia. Despite the misogynistic undercurrents in Purple Rain, the film's biggest fans were young women.
Logan: You are going to break into a chours of 'Chim Chim-in-ey' any minute aren't you?
This is a reference to the song 'Chim Chim Cher-ee' from the Disney movie Mary Poppins which is set in London.
Lorelai: For months I've been skulking around, not saying anything, not having an opinion on anything like I'm Clarence Thomas or something.
Clarence Thomas is an American jurist and has been an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States since 1991. The Senate Judiciary Committee questioned Thomas about his political opinions and constitutional interpretation.
A troubadour: (about Taylor) Can you say "BTK"?
Referring to Dennis Rader, the self-proclaimed "BTK killer" (BTK is a self-imposed moniker standing for "Bind, Torture, Kill").
Logan: I'm taking that Stalin biography away from you.
Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s to his death in 1953 and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1922-1953), a position which had later become that of party leader. Stalin's rule was characterized by a strong cult of personality, an extreme concentration of power, and little concern for the lives of people.
Rory: Say 'hi' to William and Harry for me.
Reference to Princes William and Harry of the British Royal family.
Kann mir mal bitte einer sagen, warum Luke und Lore sich streiten???:confused:
Ich hab mich zwar schon durch viele Seiten durchgelesen, aber alles war mir jetzt dann doch zu anstrengend
Also ich bitte um Aufklärung
Schon mal danke