Folge 1.08 auch sehr lustig
EMILY: Have you seen the news?
Lorelai: Ever ?
Achtung 6. Staffel
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RICHARD: We need to talk about Rory.
LORELAI [Walks out onto the porch]: What about Rory?
RICHARD: I don't like what I see in that girl.
LORELAI: My eyes?
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MICHEL: Do you have coffee?
LUKE: You mean, here, at my coffee shop? Uh, let me think. Yeah.
das letzte is klasse *lmao*
Hier ist eines meiner Lieblingszitate. Es ist zwar n bisschen lang, aber ich finds trotzdem am besten.
Ich weià nicht genau, ob die Satzstellung, oder die ganze Grammatik stimmt, aber ich hoffe, doch!
Das ist in der letzten Folge der vierten Staffel, wo Luke und Lorelai wegen Jason streiten, weil er im Hotel war und Luke sich an Lorelai ranmachen wollte.
Ich hoffe doch stark, dass das hier noch nicht gepostet wurde.
Lorelai: "We.... we broke up!"
Luke: "Well he doesn't know that!
Lorelai: "Would you just calm down?!"
Luke: No, I don't wanna calm down. I did everything right exactly what the book said!"
Lorelai: "The book?"
Luke: "I thought we were on track and now you're standing there, looking at me, like I'm crazy!"
Lorelai: "I'm not looking at you like you're crazy!"
Luke: "You know the weighest time, I've bought flowers for someone? Never, that's why! Very easy, that, to remember!"
Lorelai: "I loved the flowers!"
Luke: "And when I walked you home after the wedding??? There was a moment.... I ..I thought there was a moment!"
Lorelai: "There was!!! There was a moment!"
Luke comes nearlier to Lorelai
Lorelai: "What are you doing???"
Luke: "Would you just stand still?!"
Now it's Lorelai who comes nearlier to Luke
Luke: "What are you doing?"
Lorelai: "Would you just stand still?!"
Uuuuuuuuuh, ja meine Lieblingsszene! Ich kann von der Stelle aus, als Lore zu Luke kommt und sagt: "Hey, the last one up?" den ganzen Dialog auswendig und sage den ständig meinen Freunden auf, die können den jetzt auch schon ziemlich gut, obwohl sie nicht Gilmore girls gucken! :biggrin: Ich liiiiiiieeeeebe es!!!
Lorelai: "Luke, will you marry me?"
Luke: "What?"
Hier is auch noch ein etwas längeres Zitat...
Da reden Lorelai und Rory und Lorelai is ziemlich sauer.....
Rory: Okay, I get it. You're mad.
Lorelai: Rory, I do not wanna talk about this right now.
Rory: You were just being stubborn.
Lorelai: Go to bed!
Rory: You didn't want to ask for help, so I did!
Lorlai: Hey, do you remember the conversation before we left this house tonight?
Rory: Yes, but--
Lorelai: I told you going to my parents was not an option?!
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: In fact. I told you several times that asking my parents was not an option. Now, yes, I might have made a few quips to lighten the subject matter but I still think I've made my point pretty damn clear.
Rory: Fine, but we have a real problem here.
Lorelai: Oh. Do you think I don't know that? Do you think I sit around all day swapping witticisms with Robert Banchley at the Alngonquin? No, I'm thinking and worrying and using the computer and I hate using the computer!
Rory: Which is exactly why I brought this up!
Lorelai: You had no right to bring it up.
Rory: Why?
Lorelai: (yelling) Because I told you not to, that's why!
Rory: But--
Lorelai: No. There are no "buts". There will be no "buts" here. There's "I'm sorry, Mom!" there's "I screwed up, Mom!". There's "I'll never do it again, Mom!" but there are no "buts"!!!
Rory: But--
Lorelai: Out!
Rory: Mom!
Lorelai: Go to bed. We're done!
Als ich das hier das erste Mal auf englisch gehört hab, hab ich gedacht ich wer net mehr.... Lorelai is da ja richtig ausgeflippt..... man kennt sie immer nur als die total nette, witzige und immer freundliche Frau, aber dann sowas..... Im deutschen hat sich das Ganze dann total harmlos angehört....
Oh ja, die Szene war echt krass! Das war ja in der 2. Staffel, wo sie Termiten hatten und Lore auf keinen Fall ihre Eltern fragen wollte, wegen dem Geld! Aber irgendwie hat mir die andere Seite von Lorelai auch gefallen! Und ich finds toll, dass Lauren das so gut spielen kann - einfach eine perfekte Schauspielerin!
aus "let the games begin"
Lorelai: Your seriously gonna run all over town looking for Jess and Rory?
Luke: If I have to, yes! And if you were really a concerned mother you'd go with me.
Lorelai: No I can't do that. But if you like I'll let you sniff Rory's sweater, maybe her scent will help you track them down.
Luke: The things you find amusing astound me sometimes.
(Luke turns to leave then turns back around to grab Rory's sweater.)
Lorelai: Your really gonna sniff it?
Luke: No, it's cold out. She may need it.
aus "teach me tonight"
Rory: Do not give me that "I'm so misunderstood" Kurt Cobain-y thing.
(ein bisschen später im Gespräch) Jess: "So Courtney, what about you?"
(schön zu hören dass rory für jess seine courtney ist *zwinker*)
oh ich hab geradnoch was gefunden aus der ganz neuen
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SpoilerKirk: Excuse me Rory.
Rory: Yah Kirk.
Kirk: Do you think he's yummy enough?
Rory: Who?
Kirk: Troy
Rory: The bartender?
Kirk: Yes, see I brought this company together for the soul purpose of bringing truly yummy bartenders to the lonely women of Stars Hollow, but they really have to be yummy, I'm talking mouth watering, tasty morsels of manhood, which by the way was the original name of the business but was taken already by a firm in Woodbridge.
Rory: Really.
Kirk: Yah, well when I first met Troy he was the epitome of yummy, but now that I see him in the moonlight, i'm no so sure
Rory: Oh, I wouldn't worry about it Kirk, I think Troy is plenty yummy.
Kirk: You do?
Rory: Yah I really do... can I go now?
Kirk: Yes, enjoy your evening
ich musste so lachen als kirk davon anfing, er ist echt zum schieÃen
und das fand ich so süà von zack, ich hätte heulen können und konnte gleichzeitig nich mehr mit grinsen aufhören:
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SpoilerZach: Now, tonight is not only the night that I marry the coolest girl on the planet...
den fande ich auch ganz gut
[B]Lorelai: Hi![/B]
[B]Rory:Was tust du da?[/B]
[B]Lorelai: Ich arbeite im Garten, Schatz![/B]
[B]Rory: Was tust du da?[/B]
[B]Lorelai:Ich arbeite im Garten![/B]
[B]Rory: Was tust du da? [/B]
[B]Lorelai: Willst du nicht herkommen und es dir ansehen, SüÃe? Das scheint dich zu verwirren.
Lg Jessy
Lorelai und Rory füllen das Harvard Bewerbungsformular aus:
LORELAI: Okay, personal information. . . state your full name. Better not get that one wrong.
RORY: I’ll try.
LORELAI: And nickname, if any.
RORY: That would be Rory.
LORELAI: Or Droopy Drawers.
RORY: That was never my nickname.
LORELAI: Wrong, I called you that as a baby.
RORY: What?
LORELAI: That’s right. You had these little OshKosh cords and they were way too big and once at the mall, they fell right down to your knees and I said, "Whoa, there, Droopy Drawers!" – and I’m just afraid if we don’t answer everything accurately, the Harvard police will come and hit you with an atlas and say something mean in Latin.