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Wahnsinn!! Wunderschön! Ich bin grad auch mal wieder ein bisschen sprachlos(und das kommt nicht oft vor)...<-hatte ich das schonmal erwähnt?

ich muss leider noch ein paar HAs machen, aber als dein Fanatischer Fan bleibt Zeit für FB...

Zitat: "Luke", I began softly and carefully, "Couldn’t you just try? I can’t do this on my own. I just.. I just wouldn’t stand it. I need somebody on my side. I know, we don’t know each other very well but somehow, I feel... I feel that we’re connected..."
On the last few words, I squeezed his hand tighter. Something like a smile hushed into Luke’s face, then he said,
"We... we are", he paused, gasping for air again and then continued, "I think it couldn’t cause damage, if I would call that number, could it?"

Das ist soooo... genial!!!
I thaught there was a moment!
There was!

Das fand ich auch ganz Wub :

Zitat: "Yeah, I know. Mom?", she once again looked at me, "I love you."
Inevitable I had to give her a smile.
"I love you, too, Rory."

so ne ähnliche stelle hab ich auch mal eingebaut bei mir.
Es ist eben einfach Gilmore-likeBig Grin

nein, wirklich, ich kann nichts mehr sagen... bei dir gibts nie was zu kritisieren!!!

ach doch...moment...:
Zitat: "Luke", I said, "Could you maybe..."
Wie oft hab ich es dir schon gesagt? Du sollst es lassen!!!
Keine, ich wiederhole K-E-I-N-E Cliffhanger!!

so, das wars von mir...
HDL :knuddel:
So, jetzt gibt es reFBs:

@Emmy: Wie kannst du denn nur Luke mit Taylor vergleichen?ß *lol* gut...dann vergleich ich Chris mit ..mhm...wer ist blöd....Snape??... nein, im ernst, danke für das super FB...ich hoffe die frage, wegen Rich and Em hat sich geklä kommt später auch noch einmal vor....

@Jule:thx trotzdem...und Schule ist immer hart...ich hasse sie im moment...

@Tina: danke danke danke danke...du bist sprachlos??? das ist fast unglaublich..*lol* Ich hoffe the moments will come back soon. In meiner FF auf alle fä echt hoffentlich auch, aber das ist jetzt OT....Du weißt ja, wie sehr ich Cliffhanger liebe....ohne sie kann man nicht leben, ich zumindest nicht..*lol*

Der neue Teil kommt hoffentlich morgen, oder heute ist schon fertig, aber ich muss noch tippen, und mein Laptop geht wieder nicht, und auf euren keyboards brauche ich solange mit schreiben....

Awesome! LOVED this part. Luke's such a softie! Liked the part where Rory kept nagging Lore about the address and where she found out about her grandparents. And Luke und Lore..... Wub Great writing, I really like the fact that your FF is English Smile

Gimme me more, Cedric! Big Grin
Zitat:@Tina: danke danke danke danke...du bist sprachlos??? das ist fast unglaublich..*lol* Ich hoffe the moments will come back soon. In meiner FF auf alle fä echt hoffentlich auch, aber das ist jetzt OT....Du weißt ja, wie sehr ich Cliffhanger liebe....ohne sie kann man nicht leben, ich zumindest nicht..*lol*

also das erste hab ich ja selbst gesagt... sonst wäre ich jetz beleidigt Wink
oh ja, ich hoffe auch auf weitere moments... wär schade wenn net...
ich macgh ja auch gern cliffhanger, aber ich kann das net so gut wie du... also, ich warte...

hier der nächste Teil.

noch reFB für Holly:thx...and here's some more...*lol*

part XIII:

I parked my truck around the corner and decided to walk the last few meters. I was nervous like a little kid on his first day of school. For the twentieth time in five minutes I checked my watch. I just didn’t want to be too early. That would make a bad first impression. Once again, I tried to tighten my suit.
I always hated suits. It just wasn’t me. The tie strangled me and the pants were a few inches too short. But it was the only suit I owned. I last had worn it on my dad’s funeral. Since then, it was in my closet and I never even looked at it.
But this was a special occasion, I knew that. And I couldn’t imagine, how it feels like to be kicked out by one’s parents. I mean my dad always had been Grumpy McGrumpy but he was there for me – always. Lorelai must had felt terrible. And this was exactly the reason why I now stood in front of John F. Kennedy Lane Nb.23. As I looked at that house, I felt small, really small. In fact, I’d never seen such a huge house before. My restlessness was pushed trough the roof now. Again I tried to tighten my suit and again it was effectless. I walked over the driveway towards the front door. Arriving there, I felt like I had walked for five miles. But that was nonsense. I breathed deep, reached out my hand and rang the bell.
A few moments later, a young woman opened the door. She wore a maids-uniform and seemed a little scared. I remembered Lorelai’s words, But five minutes working for Emily Gilmore and people are begging for Castro and Stalin.
That fact didn’t really work in favor for my nerves...
"What can I do for you?", the maid asked me.
"Erm, hello. My name is Lucas Danes. I really need to talk to Mr. or Mrs. Gilmore."
"Please come in and wait in the foyer. Mrs. Gilmore will be here in a minute."
I stepped inside and again couldn’t help but to notice the hugeness of the house. Nervously, I ran through my hair. Then, a voice behind me, startled me.
"Mr. Danes, right?"
I turned and nodded. I saw a woman around 45 years with red hair and a very aristocratic fashion style.
"Yes," I quickly answered, "Lucas Danes. And you are Mrs. Emily Gilmore?"
I reached out my hand and she took it.
"Yes, I am. What can I do for you?"
"It’s about your daughter."
The woman in front of me looked rather pale now, a little scared maybe, then she said,
"Who are you? I mean, what’s the reason for your visit?"
I sighed. I truly wanted to tell her that I met Lorelai, that she was safe, that... But I couldn’t. Lorelai made me swear not to say anything. So, slowly, I answered,
"Am I right that your daughter turned 21 this year?"
Startled, Mrs. Gilmore looked at me. I thought I saw disgust in her face somehow. But I was sure, I’d imagined it.
"Yes, that’s right. But still, why are you here?"
I cleared my throat, "I’m an employee of the agency for missed persons. The one your daughter is in. Well, she’s an adult now. I’m sorry to say it like that but our prices rise once you’re searching for an adult. We’re specialized on children, you know... And since you’re searching for her since... 3 years? You maybe want to..."
The impression on Mrs. Gilmore’s face changed from stunned to angry to sad. I could feel, she had to fight to keep up her contenance. But the wall around her didn’t fall. She interrupted me.
"No. How dare you say something like that? Of course, we want to keep on searching for our daughter. I would pay a million dollars to get her back. Just keep that action going, okay?", she almost shouted now.
A door behind me opened. It made me jump and I turned around. A rather big man with hair streaked with grey in a suit and a bow tie stood in front of me.
"What’s up, Emily dear?", he said, taking off his glasses.
Obviously, he was Lorelai’s father. Immediately, I felt smaller. This man had an ability to scare me, though he looked rather friendly at me.
His wife began to speak again,
"This man...", she pointed at me, "This man wanted to tell me, I should stop searching for Lorelai."
Now Mr. Gilmore really looked angry at me, he towered over me. Quickly, I defended myself.
"I was not doing such a thing. I just wanted to tell her that the costs rise, now your daughter’s 21."
Mr. Gilmore made a few steps towards me. He looked more polite now.
"I’m sorry, Mr.", he paused, looking stern. ,
"Danes", I chimed in and reached out my hand, "Lucas Danes."
"Ah, alright, Mr. Danes. Again, I’m sorry. You surely just do your job here. You know, we’re very sensible about that topic...", he gulped and broke off.
Again, I felt something like pity for them. They really seemed to miss her. But wasn’t it their own fault? It was them, who kicked her out. But nonetheless, it was a very long time ago...
"Of course, I understand. This must be rough for you. I didn’t mean to..."
I really wanted to speak further but Lorelai’s mom interrupted me once again.
She seemed to get her color back. She looked better now. For a split of a second I could see a look just like Lorelai’s and my guilty feeling rose again.
But the second was gone.
Again, there was that imaginary wall around her, which told me Don’t touch me. I’m invincible.
"Mr. Danes. I’m sorry for this little outburst here. I just... never mind. I apologize. How much will it be?"
I was confused and at first I didn’t know what she was talking about. Then I remembered she was talking about the money.
"Erm...that would be 250$ per month. But I guess that’s not a big fortune for you."
She gave me weak smile, but never answered, because at that moment the telephone began to ring. And it rang and rang and rang. I shot Mrs. Gilmore a confused look, then I said,
"Why don’t you?", I broke off.
Lorelai’s mom shouted trough the whole house:
"Consuela!! The phone. La telefona!!" , then a little more silent, "Ah, for heaven’s sake, I’ll catch it myself."
She walked down the hallway and and mumbled something under her breath. I only understood snippets of it but enough to know that poor Consuela wouldn’t work for the Gilmore household any longer.
Mrs. Gilmore picked up the phone, "Hello? Gilmore residence."
Even the phone announcement is richer than mine, I thought.
I looked at her. Something seemed to be wrong. She again, was pale. But paler than before, almost white. Her mouth hang open a tiny little bit. Her eyes were widened.
I only saw one person in my whole life looking like that – just shocked.
It had been my father, when he told me that my mother died in a carcrash. I had been seven. I would never forget that look...
I focused back to the present. Mrs. Gilmore was speaking again, barely hearable,
"Richard, would you please be so kind to show Mr. Danes the way out?"
I quickly made a step backwards.
"Don’t worry ‘bout me. I’ll find the way."
I turned around and went towards the front door, opened it and was about to close it behind me, as I heard a few more words. Richard Gilmore was speaking.
"What is it, Emily?"
Quickly, I closed the door. I didn’t want to be too curious. But nevertheless, I heard the last words of Mrs. Gilmore,
"Richard, it’s... it’s Christopher."

greets, CedJo
Luke als Anwalt^^

Ich finde die Idee supersüß, Luke im Anzug, total unsicher.... ist ne witzige Vorstellung Smile

Auch wenn es wahrscheinlich nicht als Witz gemeint war...
In dem Moment, in dem ichs gelesen hab, hab ich auch nicht drüber gelacht...
Dafür war ich viel zu gespannt was er vorhatte...

Also, ich hab kaum Zeit ( ich muss gleich zum Training)
Aber für zwei Fragen reicht es noch:

- Müssten Em & Rich nicht eigentlich merken, dass es nur gespielt ist? Ich meine, sie müssten doch spätestens, wenn sie die 250$ zahlen wollen, gesagt bekommen dass es net stimmt Unsure

- Ein nicht passender Anzug wäre einer Emily Gilmore doch aufgefallen, oder?

Also sonst fand ich de teil wieder toll, es ist voll lieb von unserm Lukey dass er das für lore macht...

nur der Cliffhanger nervt..

Tina :knuddel:
sie müssen das geld ja nicht gleich zahlen. er sagt ihnen nur, dass es teurer werden wird. (und soweit kommt es nicht, dass sie es me..)

Ja, du hast recht, Emily bemerkt das sicher mit den Anzug, aber ob sie das auch zu einen fremden sagen würde?? ausserdem ist sie ja auch sehr confused......

thx for FB und viel spass bei Training.
Cedric schrieb:I always hated suits. It just wasn’t me. The tie strangled me and the pants were a few inches too short. But it was the only suit I owned. I last had worn it on my dad’s funeral. Since then, it was in my closet and I never even looked at it.

:lach: Das ist sooooo Luke! Aber ich finds voll süß von ihm, dass er das für Lorelai macht.

Emily einfach nur göttlich, so wie im "richtigen Leben" ..... aber das die echt ne Mille für Lorelai auf den Tisch packen würden Eek Warum wollen die ihre Tochter unbedingt zurückhaben? Lore hat sie doch voll enttäuscht, aber Emily muss man nicht verstehen.

Und der Cliffhanger?! Genius!!! Top

MEHR Confusedabber:
Pla Pla Platzhaaaaalter!

So....zum Teil

Die Länge fand ich genau richtig, perfekt!

Lukes Gefühle waren sehr gut beschrieben. Seine Unsicherheit und alles.

Aber irgendwie hätte ich von Em und Rich nicht so eine Naivität erwartet...
Außerdem hätte ich sie mir als "unfreundlicher" vorgestellt, aber nun gut.

Bin echt gespannt, wies mit Chris weitergeht!

Joa...das wars schon, super Teil Top

Tschaui Anne
Etwa so hatte ich es mir selbst im Nachinein auch erklärt...

Jetzt hab ich nochmal etwas Zeit, um das Wichtigste rauszuschreiben...
Hatte übrigens Spaß beim Training, besonders bei den lustigen sinnlosen Übungen, die sich meine Trainerin immer im Training noch überlegt...

Supergut fand ich... eigentlich allesBig Grin aber besonders das:

Ced schrieb: I mean my dad always had been Grumpy McGrumpy but he was there for me – always.

Das war schön...sowohl das als auch diese Stelle

Zitat:But it was the only suit I owned. I last had worn it on my dad’s funeral. Since then, it was in my closet and I never even looked at it.
beschreiben die Beziehung zwischen Luke und William (soweit wir sie kennen) perfekt. Wub

Eine weitere Stelle, die mir noch positiv aufgefallen ist, war die perfekte Beschreibung Emilys:

Zitat:Then, a voice behind me, startled me.
"Mr. Danes, right?"
I turned and nodded. I saw a woman around 45 years with red hair and a very aristocratic fashion style.
Schon allein, dass sie hinter ihm steht und ihn so erschreckt, passt auf sie (auch Lukes Reaktion war sehr passend.)

Zitat: Lorelai’s mom shouted trough the whole house:
"Consuela!! The phone. La telefona!!" , then a little more silent, "Ah, for heaven’s sake, I’ll catch it myself."
She walked down the hallway and and mumbled something under her breath. I only understood snippets of it but enough to know that poor Consuela wouldn’t work for the Gilmore household any longer.
Das war auch sehr passend... Ich konnte mir richtig vorstellen wie die gestresste Emily ihre angestellte anschreit... La telefona!! :lach:

Nunja, das wars jetz aber erstmal wieder von mir...


Tina :knuddel:
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