gut das wir überhaupt nicht spamen heute....^^
das problem mit kaffee kenne ich...ich mag auch nur meinen eigenen...die anderen sind ganz schrecklich..
etwas habe ich noch gemeinsam mit Luke, seine Augenfarbe und den Mädelsgeschmack (Lore, einfach
abber: *lol*) aber sonst...wäre ja schlimm, wenn wir alle gleich wären...
also ich hätte kein problem wenn alle kerle wären wie luke...obwohl ich mich dann nicht entscheiden könnte XD
na, hören wir mal auf, so zu spammen...
Ced, will you marry me??? :lach:
Wow, I really don't know what to say. That last chapter was just freckin' awesome! Chris being a total drunkard, hitting Lore and Rory .... yeah, I liked that. I mean, not that he hit them but the way you wrote it and characterized Chris ... he deserves it
My heart stopped for a sec when Rory appeared behind him and I thought he'd stop and then .... I didn't expect that to happen ...... Wow, I'm breathless ^^
Charming_Holly schrieb:Ced, will you marry me??? :lach:
hey, wenn dann mich !!:lach:
als fanatischer fan hab ich wohl vorrecht, oder??^^
Meffi schrieb:hey, wenn dann mich !!:lach:
als fanatischer fan hab ich wohl vorrecht, oder??^^
Wenn zwei sich streiten freut sich die dritte
*wink* Ich bin auch noch da :lach:
pfffffffffff.... ich hab ein Z von ihm
oh gott, ced. mach dir keine gedanken wenn du das hier liest...^^
funny....I will marry all of which country is it aloud?? Have to look it up..
EDIT: in Namibia...
Okay, hier ist den nächste Teil, bevor ich morgen nach Hause fliege..*yahoo*...Ich weià nicht, wann ich dann wieder on bin, der Jetlag ist total bescheuert..mal sehen...
reFB for Maxi:
thx, very much..Yeah, Chris deserves everything, but one: Lorelai. *lol* I hope you'll stay tuned...
okay, der nächste Teil ist ein übergangsteil, es passiert nicht besonders viel, aber nunja...
alrighty, the next part ist für Tina, Jule, Emmy und Maxi, weil ihr alle gaaanz toll seid..
part XVII:
It was late, almost 2 o’clock in the morning but I wasn’t tired at all. I was too messed up, confused by this day. Too much experiences. Lorelai’s parents, the thought of mine, the kiss and finally, Lorelai’s story. I was sad and at the same time angry. Indescribable angry at that Christopher guy without even knowing him. I would never understand men, hitting their wives or girlfriends. And especially her...
But what really shocked me was that he hit his own daughter. Poor Rory...and poor Lorelai.
I stood up and switched on my radio. I usually don’t listen to music but at this moment, I felt like needing something to break the silence, which lasted over me. A woman’s voice appeared in the air.
Life, it’s ever so strange.
It’s so full of change.
Think that you worked it out,
then... Bang.
Right out of the blue something happens to you,
To throw you of course
and then you breakdown...
I never heard this song before but it kinda reflected the last couple of days. I thought my life was easygoing without any unforeseen actions. But, well since Lorelai showed up...
Right now, I was – again – racking my brains about her. How I could help her.
A comfy thought reached my mind. That Christopher had no clue, where Lorelai was. No clue that she knew, he called her parents. Just no clue about anything.
But at the same time, I was certain that Lorelai would want to contact her parents. Contact her past, facing it. But still, I didn’t know, how I should help her, but I desperately wanted to.
Slowly, I undressed and went to bed. And after quite a while with thinking about parents, I fell asleep.
"Luke! Come here!", I heard my mom’s voice coming from upstairs.
I sighed, obviously, she had seen it. Hesitantly and very slowly, I got up and went up the stairs into the kitchen. Arriving there, I saw my mother towering over a crashed bottle of milk. Her normally beautiful face was distorted.
"Lucas William Danes! How often did I tell you to clean up, when you’re smashing something, huh?"
"Sorry, Mom. I’m gonna do it later..."
I turned around to leave but my mom said,
"No, no, no, young man. Now!"
I grew angry now, I really wanted to finish organizing my baseball-cards.
"Later, Mom!", I shouted and ran.
It was a certain won battle because since my mother got pregnant, she wasn’t as fast as she used to be.
Downstairs, I continued with my baseball-cards until I, again, heard her yelling,
"Luke, you’re lucky I have a doctor’s appointment in half an hour. When I come back, it’s cleaned up, understand me?"
I answered nothing and a few moments later I heard the door close behind her.
Three hours later, I searched for a hammer in my dad’s hardware store, as a customer entered the shop. It was Taylor Doose. Inevitable, I had the feeling to run but Taylor had already spotted me.
"Oh, hey there, Luke! Where’s your father? I have a question."
"Erm, he’s upstairs. I’m gonna get him for you. Wait a sec", I answered, relieved to get away from him.
"Dad! Where are you? Taylor’s here. Dad?"
Fast, I ran up the stairs to my father’s office, crashed the door open and almost knocked him over. Of course, just literally, I was much too small to do that.
"Dad, Taylor’s downstai...", I stopped.
I got a glimpse of my dad’s face. He was pale like the walls surrounding him. His eyes were red. And dewy. To describe the look on his face with one word – it was shocked. I noticed the telephone lying on the floor.
"Dad, what’s up? What about the telephone, is it broken?"
"No, Luke. The phone is okay... it was the police...Come on, sit down."
A tear rolled down his face,
"Luke, your mother is... is... she’s in heaven, Luke."
"In heaven? What do you mean in heaven?"
More tears were rolling down his cheeks and step by step, I understood my dad’s words.
Heaven? No. Please don’t...
"... she’s dead, Luke."
I heard nothing more. Couldn’t breath anymore. Couldn’t see anymore. Couldn’t think anymore.
I couldn’t remember, how I got home that day. How I came to bed. How I stood up in the morning.
But there was one thing, I would remember all my life.
As I walked into the kitchen, I saw the broken bottle of milk...
I awoke with a start. First, I didn’t know what woke me up but then, I realized, someone was banging on my door. For a few moments, I stayed where I was. I had to scribble off my dream. I never dream usually, consequently this one was a double-puncher. I hadn’t seen my mother’s face since that day. I always had refused to look at pictures of her. I just wouldn’t have stand it...
I sighed, got up and opened the door to my apartment. There she stood outside, wearing her usual winter-coat.
"Lorelai", I stated surprised, "What time is it?"
"I’m sorry, Luke, to wake you so early. It’s 5.30."
"No worries. Come on in."
She sat down and looked a little odd towards my direction. It was when, I realized, I just wore my PJ-pants.
"Oh", I said, "Wait a sec. I’m gonna change quickly."
She smiled,
"Not too quick, please", she said roguish.
I snorted and winked her off.
As I was dressed, I returned to her and sat down beside her.
"So, what’s the reason for your visit, Lorelai?"
"Once again, Luke. I’m sorry to bother you so early in the morning but I have to ask you something and I couldn’t wait any longer. "
Now, I became even more curious, although I could think for myself what was this all about.
"Go on", I just encouraged her.
"Well, I need your opinion on something, Luke... Would you... if you were me... would you go to my parents? I mean... I mean... after...", she broke off and stared at her knees.
I helped her out and finished her sentence,
"After your husband called them? Well,... I don’t know, Lorelai. But you do miss them, don’t you? At least, a little bit?"
Lorelai’s eyes were still fixed on her knees but slowly and steady, she looked up, directly into my eyes. Again, Cesar’s quotation came to my mind.
Those killer blue eyes....
"Dunno... I... I think, I always did, latently. And after I discovered that they’re searching for me... I thought, I wanted to see them but now..."
Once again, I found myself lost. I didn’t know, what to answer but my thoughts reached back to my dream...
How I never got the chance to say I’m sorry. How the last words my mom directed at me, were angry ones...
I sighed and tried to form the words and finally, they came out.
"Lorelai... I ... wow, that’s hard to tell you this... I never did it before, not even told my dad... But the day my mother had that car-crash, she and I had a fight. I mean, not a big one, just kiddo-stuff. But nevertheless, I never got the chance to clear it up... I... I just want to say that it’s not good to separate in a fight. You will deny it later."
Again, she looked closely at me.
"So, you think, I should reach out to them? Even with Christopher on the plan?"
"Don’t you think, " I softly said, "They would be on your side about this issue? I mean, you’re their daughter."
"Yeah, sure, you’re right. D’you really think, I should do it, huh?", she asked me thoughtfully.
"Yes, I think you should."
awww oh my god.
auch wenn das nur ein übergangszeil war, war er groÃartig!
Der Flashback war der oberhammer...ich hatte so Gänsehaut und, mal wieder, tränen in den Augen.
nur ich kann Luke leider nicht zustimmen...ich finde sie sollte NICHT da hin gehn...Ich hab meine leibliche Mom auch schon mehrere Jahre nich mehr gesehn (so 4 jahre glaub ich) und wir sind auch nich wirklich freundlich auseinander gegangen, aber trotzdem bereu ichs net... Die olle is ja selbst schuld -.-
naja back to topic...
also ich find nich, dass sie da hingehen sollt...aber naja...bin auf jeden fall gespannt wie das abläuft wenn sie wieder auf Em und Rich trifft.
Ich wünsch dir nen guten heimflug (kannst du mich nich in deinen koffer packen?
thx...nunja, warte einmal ab, wie das Treffen wird.....*lol* conflicts?..maybe....stay tuned
jeany_loverin schrieb:Ich wünsch dir nen guten heimflug (kannst du mich nich in deinen koffer packen? )
Wenn du dann das zusätzliche gewicht bezahlst (soll jetzt kein offense sein) also, wenn du die zusätzlichen drei Kilo gebühren zahlst...*lol*, dann nehme ich dich gerne mit..
(Gehst du dann für mich am Donnerstag auf ein Nick Lachey Konzert?? Warum habe ich das nur meiner kleinen sister versprochen?
love, Ced
Zitat:Wenn du dann das zusätzliche gewicht bezahlst (soll jetzt kein offense sein) also, wenn du die zusätzlichen drei Kilo gebühren zahlst...*lol*, dann nehme ich dich gerne mit..
:lach: alter schleimer XD ok ok, ichmuss sind vier kilo mehr
Zitat:(Gehst du dann für mich am Donnerstag auf ein Nick Lachey Konzert?? Warum habe ich das nur meiner kleinen sister versprochen? )
öhja, kann ich hingehen...ich weiss zwar nicht wer das ist (oder villeicht kenn ich auch nur den namen nich) aber ich tu es trotzdem, nur um mit zu können XD