omg omg omg Ced Ced Ced...
Es tut mir soooooooooooooo leid.
aber weisst du... meine Dusche, die is manchmal so total brutal und die hat mich bis gerade eben in Gefangenschaft gehalten, so dass ich einfach nicht an den PC konnte.
Ich sollte mir glaub ich dringendst ne neue, sensiblere Dusche kaufen XD
Das Kapi war totaaaaaaaaaaal toll.
Ich fand Em eigentlich nicht wirklich OOC.
Ich denk mal, das ganze hat auch was mit C****'s Anruf zu tun...
Lore tat mir nur ein wenig Leid.
Aber sie hat ja Rory und Luke.
Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht und freu mich total auf den neuen teil
Jule :herz:
P.S: pass beim nächsten mal duschen auf... diese dinger können echt brutal sein :lach:
das warten hat eine ending.... allerdings ist der Teil eine zu uebergang... aber naja, entscheidet selbst ob er euch gefaellt..
@Jule: deine dusche ist anscheinend wirklich gefaehrlich...*lol* kauf dir besser eine neue...
Lobt mich uebrigens, ich habe keine Cliffhanger gemacht....
okay, here's
part XIV:
For the fourth night in a row, I couldn’t sleep. I cursed myself for not having a TV in my bedroom. Something about disturbing the REM-sleep. But right now, I really needed something to distract myself. I hadn’t seen her since our visit at her parents’ house. I could understand her. I never imagined that a mother could be so cold towards her own child.
I had been thinking about something to comfort her, to make her fell better for days now. But the shiny idea just didn’t show up.
So, now I was sitting in my bed, thinking, as I suddenly heard a quiet knock on my apartment door. Confused, I stood up and curiously opened the door. It turned out it were Lorelai and her daughter Rory. I was surprised, I mean, it was one o’clock in the morning and a girl like Rory really should be in bed by now. And indeed, she actually wore a sleeping-suit with Hello-Kitty motives and to my surprise a baseball-cap. Inevitable, a smile hushed trough my face.
Lorelai, on the other hand, looked rather frightened.
"Luke, can I ask you a favor?"
"Yeah, sure. Come on in", I answered but Lorelai just shook her head.
"No, thanks. I don’t have the time... But would you... would you take Rory? I can’t leave her at the inn. It would be too dangerous. I don’t know where else to bring her. You’re the only one, I trust enough... Here she’s safe. Please, say you take her? Please?"
Her face was just a beg. An uneasy feeling rose inside of me. I’ve never been good with children and why was the inn not safe? What was the threat? Or who?
"Lorelai... I don’t know... what’s up? Where do you go to?"
Again, she just looked at me and contemptuously shook her head.
"Just say you will take her?"
Immediately, I realized that I, once again, could not resist her, so I simply nodded.
For a split of a second, a smile appeared on her face. She gave me short kiss and then bent down, kissed Rory on the cheek, whispered something I couldn’t understand and without another word, just with a thankful and at the same time fearful look, she disappeared out of sight.
I remained standing there, staring at the space, where she just stood. Then, I felt a pick on my arm. I looked down at Rory. She looked tired and confused. I realized, I had to get her to bed, so I said,
"Come on, let’s go to bed. It’s late."
"Okay", she simply said and followed me into my apartment.
After I got her to sleep, I stayed awake to watch her and to have time to think. I really was worried where Lorelai went to. What in the world could be so wrong that she had to leave Rory behind? I mean, she didn’t leave her husband because of her, so this time something had to be seriously wrong. And I had the feeling, that that Christopher guy was involved in this.
On the other hand, I was afraid of Rory. Not of her personally, of course, just that I had to watch over her. I’m not a great kid person. I always had my problems with them, what to do with them.
But as I watched Rory sleeping now, she somehow made me calm.
She really was the spitting image of her mother and I decided to do the best I could to look after her. Finally, I went to sleep.
"Luke? Wake up!"
I opened my eyes and stretched. My couch wasn’t the best place to sleep on. I realized that fact too late, my neck was hurting. Slowly, I sat up and Rory took seat beside me.
"What’s up, Rory? What’s wrong?", I asked a little sleepy.
"Nothing’s wrong. I just want to know what’s on the agenda today", she answered cheerfully.
I looked closely at her. Obviously, she wasn’t aware of the threat, Lorelai had been talking about. Thoughtfully, I asked her,
"Rory, do you know, where your mom is?"
"No, not exactly. She just said that she needed vacations and that she couldn’t take me because of school."
I jumped up.
"School, ah jeez... what’s the time. I totally forgot to turn on the alarm."
Slowly, Rory, too, got up and smiled,
"Don’t worry, Luke. It’s only eight o’clock. I still have an hour."
I breathed relieved.
"Oh, okay. Well then, I’ll go down to the diner and help Cesar. Go to the bathroom and do whatever you kids do. Then, go downstairs and I’ll make you breakfast. What do you eat normally?"
"I usually just grab a pop-tart."
"Okay", I said and went downstairs but not without making the plan to make her decent, more healthy breakfast.
Half an hour later, Rory appeared in the diner and seated herself on the counter.
"You have the same cap as I do", she stated.
I looked at her. She was right. I never wore another baseball-cap than that dark blue one, since I was seven. My mother gave it to me on my seventh birthday. Three months later she was dead...
But now, Rory snitched it off my head, adjusted it to her size and put it on her head, while handing hers to me. Undecided, I held her cap in my hands.
"Come on, wear it. Just for a day, okay?"
She had the same look on her face like Lorelai the night before. And again, I had the strong feeling that I just couldn’t resist to say,
"Yes, okay."
"Great!", Rory cheered, stood up, then continued, "I have to go now. I’ll see you after school. Bye, Luke!"
With those words, she left my diner.
Amazed, I stood there, watching her disappear. She really had the genes of her mother. Those Gilmore girls really had the ability to drive you crazy...
Finally, I moved, put Rory’s baseball-cap on my head and continued working.
Seven hours later, I went upstairs with a apple-pie for Rory. She was sitting in front of the TV, watching some show. I handed her the cake and sat down beside her.
"What about homework, Rory?", I asked.
"Already finished. They’re easy. You can control them, if you want."
"Yeah, later. So what you’re watching? I love Lucy? Are you fifty years old? Only old women watch that..."
Rory looked up to me, sighed and finally replied,
"Yeah, well, sometimes I feel like fifty."
Confused, I looked at her.
Is she serious?
But then, I saw her smiling and I realized that she had the same weird humor as her mother. Relieved, I leaned backwards and enjoyed Lucille Ball driving her husband crazy.
aww! kein cliffhanger! und ein niedlicher teil... rory mit ihrem baseballcap
gefiel mir total gut!
also, ich kann heute leider kein detailliertes FB geben, (es tut mir furchtbar leid dass ich in deiner anderen FF auch noch keins gegeben hab), weil ich momentan in totalem stress bin. ich bin ziemlich krank und mir gehts total schlecht, hab auch nch fiesen schulstress und kann im moment nicht zuhause bleiben, deshalb schaue ich jetzt nur kurz rein, ich hab nur eben in meine Abos geschaut...
gehe jetzt noch hausaufgaben machen und dann schlafen. Es tut mir leid, ich hol das nach!
Also, dieser teil (und auch der teil von Letters to you) war total toll! weiteres wnn ich wieder mehr zeit habe... sorry!
Ich hab dich lieb :knuddel: ,
Die neue Dusche hab ich gekauft... bisher hat sie mir noch keine Probleme gemacht... aber man weià ja nie... vielleicht tut sie ja uch nur so unschuldig und in ein paar wochen is sie auch eine gefährlich dusche :lach:
Das Kapi war toll! auch wenn es nur zum übergang war.
Und soooooooo schöööön Cliffhanger frei yaaaay
Nur was is mit Lore los?
Wo is sie hin?
Was is sooo wichtig, dass sie Rory dafür alleine lässt?
Mesch Ced, du machst das auch alles immer spannend *schmoll*
so ich muss jetzt mathe lernen -.-
Jule :herz:
Was kein Cliffhanger? :confused:
Do whatever kids do :lach: Und die Sache mit dem Basecap find ich echt niedlich, die kleine Rory kann ich mir richtig gut vorstellen mit ihrem HK-PJ's und allem drum und dran. Luke ist doch echt ein Schatz, dass er sie einfach nimmt und obwohl er ja kein kid kind of guy ist, klappt das doch. Allerdings hast du mich jetzt schon neugierig gemacht wo Lore denn jetzt eigentlich hin ist?! Ich würde ja auf Chris tippen, aber was sollte sie dort schon wollen?
Also, more more more
Sorry Ced, aber ich bin im MOment echt eingespannt!
Zitat:she actually wore a sleeping-suit with Hello-Kitty motives and to my surprise a baseball-cap.
Oh wie süüüüüüÃ...
Ich will ein Bild von "dieser" Rory
Irgendwie mag ich den nachdenklichen Luke
Wow, das Lor Rory einfach so abgibt.
Aber irgendwie kann ich die Gedanken von Lor nachvollziehen!
(Ich würde mein Kind nie zu Luke geben *hust*)
Aber zum Glück ist Rory ja unkompliziert!
Zitat:I never wore another baseball-cap than that dark blue one, since I was seven.
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Ohja...das hat sich ja jetzt in s7 geändert lol
Zitat:Those Gilmore girls really had the ability to drive you crazy...
Wie wahr das ist :lach:
Zitat:"Yeah, well, sometimes I feel like fifty."
Confused, I looked at her.
Is she serious?
Wie immer ist Luke echt schwer von Begriff :lach:
Ja toller Teil, gibt eigentlich nichts zu meckern nur die misteriöse "Abgabe" Rorys verwirrt mich ein wenig!
Bye Anne
okay, next part.
erm, ich mag ihn somehow nicht, ich habe keine ahnung warum, aber er ist so umstaendlich....
okay, reFBs:
@Tina: Rory ist doch immer suess.... schoen, das es dir wieder besser geht..
@Jule: yes, I hope your shower is okay..
ein bisschen loesen sich das raetsel auf in diesen Teil....
@Maxi: thx auch dir. Ja, Luke ist immer nett... wie gesagt, a little missing piece to the puzzle bekommst du...
@Anne: How soon is soon?
Okay, noch zu eine Erklaerung: Diese chapter ist zeitgleich mit den vorherigen..
the next part is for Maxi because she likes my cliffhangers and this one has a marvelous one
(And Tina & Jule.... don't curse me....)
part XX:
For a few hours now, I stood in front of my parents’ house, unable to pluck up my courage to go in there. I couldn’t believe it. 12 hours before, I had been happy. Rory had gotten an A in school, I really liked my work, I had found new friends in Mia and Sookie and even in a weird way in Michel and I was sure that there was something good with Luke going on.
But now, the old threat had come back. The threat called Christopher.
Maybe I was exaggerating leaving Rory behind like that. But if he really was on his way to Stars Hollow, I had to protect her. But I couldn’t take her with me. She wouldn’t understand. It would be to confusing. I couldn’t leave her at the inn, either. Thanks to my parents, Christopher knew where we lived now, so I decided to bring her to Luke. He didn’t seem to be too delighted about it but nevertheless, he took her and I knew, she was safe with him.
I couldn’t have imagined that this telephone call, I received a few hours before, would bring such horrible news for me.
That was the reason why I now stood in front of my parents’ house. I didn’t really know why I did but somehow they were my last hope. Sure, they informed Christopher about my whereabouts but they were the only ones, who could help me now.
Finally, I managed to step onto the driveway and slowly but steady, I went closer to my least favorite door in the world. Death’s door would have been better for sure, at least the reception on the other side would have been warmer. But I had no choice. Carefully, I rang the doorbell.
A few moments later the door opened. To my surprise, not a maid stood in front of me but my father in person. He stared at me like I was an alien from Mars. He said nothing, just continued to stare with an unbelievable surprised look on his face.
I made a step forwards, I didn’t know what to say or what to do, so I reached out my hand and said,
"Hello, Dad."
But he didn’t take my hand, nor did he answer anything. He just stepped aside to show me that I could come in. His face now changed from surprised to grim.
"Richard? Who is it?"
I heard my mother’s voice from upstairs and indeed a few moments later, she walked down the stairs.
"Have you suddenly become a mute?", she asked him a little teasing but then she stopped dead. She had seen me. She looked a little guilty, but I was sure that I had just imagined it because a few moments later it was gone.
"Lorelai", she almost whispered, "What are you doing here?"
"Hi, Mom", I began, "I wanted to talk to you about something..."
"About something?", finally my father seemed to find his words again, "Don’t you mean about your husband?"
I turned around to face my dad, obviously, they were informed. Rage climbed up my body but I desperately tried to swallow it. Instead I said,
"Yes, it’s about Christopher."
My mom now stood beside me.
"Alright, let’s go to the living-room. Do you like some tea?"
"I’d really love to have some coffee", I answered as polite as it was possible.
We sat in silence, staring at each other. Then, after what seemed like hours to me, a maid appeared to bring me my coffee.
"So, Lorelai, you wanted to talk? Then talk. Do you need money?", my dad asked, still having a grim look on his face.
"No, I don’t need money, Dad. I just wanted to talk. You will certainly not believe me but you’re my last chance."
I could see my father glimpsing at my mom but the expression on his face didn’t fade.
"It’s about... about... Christopher, as I already told you... he called me that he wanted to take Rory away from me..."
My mother interrupted me,
"Oh, come on, Lorelai, Christopher would never say such things. He’s too gentle for that."
I snorted,
"You weren’t so fond of him, as he got me pregnant, remember?", I began to shout now, I realized, but I couldn’t fight my temper ever. My parents exchanged pitiful looks, so I continued in a forced calm voice,
"Just let me tell my story here, okay? It’s important."
I looked at them, finally both of them nodded. I sighed and began to talk.
It was eleven o’clock and I finally had gotten Rory to sleep. Now, I made myself ready for bed as the phone rang. I ran to pick it up because I wanted to avoid that Rory would wake up again.
"Hello?", I whispered.
A male voice was on the other end. It seemed rather angry.
"Lore, it’s... Christopher."
I gulped and silently went into the bathroom.
"What do you want?", I finally managed to ask.
I really felt sick. Secretly, I cursed my parents, how they could give him the number. But he diverted my thoughts.
"I want Rory. How could you just leave without any sign at all? I was worried, Lorelai!"
I got more and more angry now.
"How I could leave, Christopher? You hit me and you hit Rory! Isn’t that reason enough?"
A few moments silence, I nearly could see his face become red, then he said,
"It was that once. Unintentionally."
"That once?", now, I shouted, too, "Christopher, you hit Rory that once. But what about me? D’you say you hit me only this time?"
Again, silence, then he said, very slow and calm,
"Maybe you earned it."
I had to sit down. Air didn’t reach me anymore. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. How could he say something like that? I was speechless. Christopher, on the other hand, seemed to take that moment of my confusion and continued,
"Anyway, I’m on my way to that stupid little town you live now. I want to pick up Rory."
I tried to reply something but he had already hung up.
I looked at my parents. I had no clue what was on their minds. But somehow, they seemed to stare at a point right behind me.
Slowly, I turned around.
ich les rucki zucki das Kapi und dann bekommsu sofort FB ^^
ich ähm...mir fehlen die Worte...
was is Chris denn für ein oller drecksack!
Der kann Lore doch nich einfach Rory wegnehmen...
Arschloch (sorry)
Zitat:Again, silence, then he said, very slow and calm,
"Maybe you earned it."
Wie kann der sowas sagen?????
Niemand verdient es geschlagen zu werden und schon gar nich Lore...gaaaah!
Zitat: But somehow, they seemed to stare at a point right behind me.
Slowly, I turned around.
ohoh... das klingt nich gut...gaaaaaar nich gut... meine wette is ja
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Spoiler chris steht jetzt hinter ihr -.-
aber ich fand das kapi nich schlecht Ced ^^
mach schnell weiter
My Gawsh!
I could feel the cold craling up my spine ^^ This coldness, this distance.... Wow, penguins could have walked through that room I guess. Poor Lorelai, I can totally understand that she is worried about Rory ...
That selfish bastard, pig, a**hole, jacka**, sonf of a mother (I like that one ^^) ..... Why does he has to destroy everything? She was good, she was happy and then that..... stupe comes along and everything falls apaprt. How does how do that?
And now my guess about the mysterious guest ....
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SpoilerIt kinda would be too obvious if it would be Chris but I don't think it's Luke either and I can't think of anybody else, so I bet it's Chris.
:thanx: for the dedication! :o
Oh - oh!!!
Ich ahne Schreckliches... wer da wohl hinter ihr steht....
Jedenfalls ist das Chap super! Chris hat sie wohl nicht mehr alle... "maybe you earned it"?! Hallo?! Dem sollte mal jemand kräftig die Fresse polieren (sorry, bin grad voll sauer auf ihn!), dass er mal wieder zur Vernunft kommt!
Schreib schnell weiter, der Cliffhanger ist super!
GLG, Nina
P.S.: Kann mir vielleicht jemand die Adresse von nem guten englischsprachigen GG-Forum geben? Wäre echt super nett von euch! Thx!