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ja, ich werde ins oktoberfest gehen, nächsten dienstag....freue mich schon darauf....Big Grin Big Grin
dann wünsch ich dir gaaaanz viel spaß :biggrin:
So, as I promised, here comes the next part...
reFBs are already given, so enjoy....

The next part ist fpr Tina, von einen fanatischen Fan für einen fanatischen FanBig Grin Wink

part IV:

I awoke with a start. My Mickey Mouse PJs were soaked. It took me several minutes before I remembered, where I was. I was at the inn. I had a work. I was safe. Everything would be fine now. I switched the lights on, to look after Rory. She peacefully slept in her bed, surely dreaming of her first day of school. I looked at her for a few minutes. She always made me calm somehow. I don’t know why, something about her aura.
Slowly, my heartbeat got back to normal again. I tried to remember the dream, that made me wake up. It was a recurring one. And not good at all. Dark pictures, screams, tears. I stopped thinking about it. I wondered, if my past would haunt me in my dreams forever. If the fear would ever disappear. I instantly hoped so, and if it was just for Rory’s sake. She deserved something better than this, maybe something better than me....
I was unable to finish my thoughts, so I tried to focus on something different.
I thought about what happened that day. It was better than I ever could have imagined. I found a job with a wonderful boss and an annoying Michel. I found a place to stay. Of course, it was nothing big or fancy, but it was a start and a private space for Rory and me. Rory....she finally could go to school. And I found a new friend. Sookie, the chef, was everything Mia had predicted and even more. She was great, funny and caring at the same time. Plus, she really seemed to like Rory and played with her all the day. She showed us the hidden sights of Stars Hollow, not like there were any, but this little town really was charming. Sookie even lend me some money to buy a new sweatshirt for Rory and she even insisted, that I should buy one for me, too. But I refused. I didn’t want to make more debts than I had to. I could live with my things I had right now, I tried to explain to her and finally she gave up.
We really enjoyed ourselves, and I could tell, Sookie had fun, too.
At the end of the day, she tried to shovel us into Luke’s , but I said no, because Rory had to go to bed early. But I admit, I wasn’t honest to Sookie.
Something about that weirdo made me nervous. I don’t know why, but somehow he seemed to feel something, concerning me. But it couldn’t be possible. He couldn’t know anything, but that strange feeling in my gut, didn’t want to vanish.
Again, I remembered my dream. And again, I cut it out of my mind.
"Stop thinking about it", I told myself and with a last look on Rory, I quietly switched off the lights and tried to get back to sleep and finally, after what seemed like hours to me, I did so.

"Mommy, get up! I’m going to be late! I don’t want to be labeled The late girl for the rest of the year. Mom!"
Rory almost shouted. She shook me, until I finally turned in my bed and slowly – very slowly – got up. I felt like Hanibal and his elephants had been walking over me on their way over the Alpes that night.
I dressed into my usual clothes and together with Rory, who was wearing her new sweater and her favorite baseballcap, I went downstairs into the dining-room, which was deserted, except one single foursome table. Mia and Sookie already were sitting there, having breakfast. Rory and me sat down, too.
"So, Rory. Are you nervous, dear?", Mia asked.
"Honestly? Very. I mean, I don’t know anybody there", Rory replied politely.
"Oh, you’re so fantastic, honey, you’ll soon find friends, I’m certain", Sookie said, rubbing Rory’s shoulder gently.
It was the best breakfast, I’ve ever had. We were joking, laughing and the food was fantastic. Sookie really had a talent. It was the first time in years, I forgot about all my worries, fears. I just was myself. And it was really good. It was relieving.

After we finished, Rory, Mia and I went out together to go to Rory’s new school. It only was two streets away from the inn. We had a talk with the headmaster, who said that it surely would be hard work to catch up, but he, too, was positive that Rory could do it.
As it was time to say our Goodbyes to each other, I wasn’t feeling good at all. I hadn’t left Rory alone for more than half an hour since it had happened....
I hugged her – too strong, obviously – because my beloved daughter said to me:
"Let me catch some air, Mommy!", and then she added, as if she could feel my uneasiness, "Don’t worry, Mom, I’ll be fine. I’m safe. Just pick me up at the end of the day, okay?"
"Yeah, I will", I just said, swallowing my tears. "I love you."
I let go off her. Single-minded, she walked in direction of her classroom.
"Rory?", I called after her, "Put your cap off your head, would you?"
But Rory just shook her head. She was stubborn, inherited from me, I guess.
"Okay, honey, but could you just turn it forward, then? Please?"
For the last time, Rory turned, looked at me, smiled and just waved. Then she disappeared behind the classroom door.

love, Ced

also erstmal daaanke für die Widmung!!:knuddel:
ich hab übrigens noch was für dich:

[Bild: 200px-Tastatur-Umlaute-deutsch.jpg]

und dann natürlich noch FB:
ich weiß echt net was ich sagen soll... einfach genial.
ich bin begeistert. gaaar nix zu meckern!
also kommen nur wieder die "besonders-toll-fand -ich das-und-das" -zitate:

ganz extrem genial:
Zitat: "Rory?", I called after her, "Put your cap off your head, would you?"
But Rory just shook her head. She was stubborn, inherited from me, I guess.
"Okay, honey, but could you just turn it forward, then? Please?"
For the last time, Rory turned, looked at me, smiled and just waved. Then she disappeared behind the classroom door.

sooooo sweet!!!

ich hätte nur eine Bitte an dich:
schreib doch in dern nächsten Teil endlich mal was passiert ist!
komm, die Cliffhanger vermisst hier doch auch keiner, dann kannst du uns das doch auch noch verraten... biiitteee!

nunjaaa, das wars von mir...
Fanatic-Fan-Tina :knuddel:
Also, hm...viel ist in dem Teil ja nicht passiert...eher ein Übergangsteil
Deswegen nur kurzes FB

Ced schrieb:"Mommy, get up! I’m going to be late! I don’t want to be labeled The late girl for the rest of the year. Mom!"

Das fand ich so süüüüüß Wub Die kleine ROry....ah...der GEdanke geht mir jetzt nicht mehr ausm Kopf!
Das waren 100% Rory.

Genau das ist es, was deine FFs so toll macht, du schreibst nie OOC!

Ah....die ganze Rory Sache war sooo süß in dem Teil! Wub

Und wie sich alle um die Beiden kümmern, echt toll!

Bye Anne :knuddel:
Habe gerade deinen letzten teil gefunden :freu: . (und noch mal danke auch für dein FB). Sooo schön. Rory will nicht zu zur schule *g*, das war geil. Aber wer ist Mia? Das habe ich nicht kapiert:o .
bye, schreib weiter so, lionyWink
@liony: erm, mia is the boss of the inn......und rory will doch zur schule gehen!?
Cedric schrieb:@liony: erm, mia is the boss of the inn......und rory will doch zur schule gehen!?

*g*, ich meinte dass sie nicht zu spät kommen will. So wie in der ersten Staffel als sie fast zu spät nach chilton kommen. ^^. so habe ich es verstanden. Wenn es falsch ist, sag es mir dann Big Grin . Ich habe dieses mal leider nicht so viel verstanden. ^^.
aber troztdem n schöner teil *g*
ja, sie wollte nicht zu spät kommen...
es ist ja nicht schlimm, dass du nicht alles verstehst, solange du den gist(Jetzt weiss ich das dt. wort nicht....) verstehst....
öhm...gist= inhalt/sinn oder so? (nur durch kontext geraten...)
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