siehst du, Jule findet die Cliffhanger auch doof!! Lass es doch einfach!
danke für die liebe Widmung!! :knuddel:
Ich weià gar net was du hast, der Teil war super!
Ich glaub, du vermisst den Gilmore Humor.
du kannst wundrschön schreicben, drama genauso toll wie humor, aber du bist das drama ganz ohne Humor net gewöhnt.
Vertrau meinen psychologischen fähigkeiten, ich bin gummibärenpsychologin
Tinas das-war-genial-Liste:
Zitat:Fear made its way up my body and stroked my heart.
Where did she go?
I instantly hoped nothing was wrong, that she didn’t get into an accident or something like that. That would tear my heart apart. Again, curiosity appeared inside of me, why in the world, I was so deeply connected to her...
soooooo schön!!!
Zitat:I could see tears streaming down her face. I desperately tried to find an handkerchief but I had none, so I just hugged her carefully.
Das war auch gaaanz toll
also, wie immer: teil toll, cliffhanger blöd, ich warte auf den nächsten Teil....
HDL, :knuddel:
haha ich hab heut frei! :lach:
Ich finde es toll, wie ddu das mit dem Schnee immer einbaust.
Ced schrieb:But after hearing the name Christopher, she was different
Ja..."She was diffrent", weil sie erkannt hat, dass er der einzig wahre für sie ist! :lach: Nein, leider ist das in deiner FF ja nicht der Fall.
Ced schrieb:My favorite place to go. It was my grandmother’s old Bed & Breakfast. Not far outside Stars Hollow. It once had been a beautiful little inn. It always reminded me of the Waltons’ house and as I was five or something like that, my mother wanted to restore and open it again. But well, she never did. Faith wanted her somewhere else. Since then, it was my own hiding place. Two days a year. On January 18 and November 12, the dates my mom and dad died.
I owned this place now, but never even considered to open it. Too much memories, too much hurt...
Hier kam er mir irgendwie OOC vor.
Ced schrieb:There was total silence around us. No bird was singing, no car passing by. I almost could hear the snow reaching the ground.
Das war so schön geschrieben
Ja, toller Teil und mal wieder ein gemeiner Cliffhanger.
Aber eig. will ichs nicht wissen, weil es was schlechtes über Chris ist
Wie Lore sich fühlt und wie unsicher und vllt. auch verängstigt sie ist, hast du gut dargestellt
Länge...hmmm. war okay, vllt. noch ein wenig zu kurz!
Ja Tschau und LG Anne :hi:
so, heute gibt es erst einmal reFBs...ich habe heute gute Laune, weil ich gerade erfahren habe, dass ich nochmal ein groÃer Bruder werde:freu: :freu: .
@Jule:thx, für das wie immer tolle FB...naja, der Evil Cliffhanger war eigentlich nicht geplant, aber ich wollte von da an, Lorelai's gefühle einbringen, und das wäre anders nicht gegangen....
@gummibärenpsychologin: thx auch dir...ja, vielleicht hast du recht mit den Humor... schön, dass dir der Teil trotzdem gefallen hat...
@Emmy: haha, ich habe die ganze Woche frei.......thx auch dir...ja, ein bisschen OOC war Luke, aber das hat mir irgendwie gut gefallen...mir gefällt der Schnee auch immer...ich bin ja auch ein total Winterchild...(Ich hoffe ich bin noch solange hier, dass ich den schnee noch sehe hier..)
okay, part on thursday or friday...
love, Ced
Ced schrieb:ich habe heute gute Laune, weil ich gerade erfahren habe, dass ich nochmal ein groÃer Bruder werde:freu: :freu: .
Awww... das freu mich für dich!!
Alles gute!!!
Ich wollte immer jüngere (oder überhaupt) Geschwister haben...
Genieà es!

jeany_loverin schrieb:Awww... das freu mich für dich!!
Alles gute!!!
Ich wollte immer jüngere (oder überhaupt) Geschwister haben...
Genieà es! 
I just hope, it'll be a boy...I already have two younger sisters..*lol*
Hey, alles gute Cedric :freu: :dance:
Aber ein Mädchen wär doch auch schön, oder?
Ich liebe den Winter auch

Jahreszeitenreihenfolge: 1. Herbst 2. Winter 3. Sommer 4. Frühling
lol, ja ich hab langweile!
Mir gefällt der neue Teil auch ganz gut, bringt mal etwas Ruhe in das ganze hier herein, leider etwas actionless. Luke & Lore .... jaja, schon süà die Beiden. das mit dem Schnee find ich wie gesagt besonders schön
Nächstes Mal kommt hoffentlich endlich mal wieder was spannendes, ich freu mich :freu: Und sie hat Chris verlassn? You go, girl!!!

Cedric schrieb:so, heute gibt es erst einmal reFBs...ich habe heute gute Laune, weil ich gerade erfahren habe, dass ich nochmal ein groÃer Bruder werde:freu: :freu: .
@gummibärenpsychologin: thx auch dir...ja, vielleicht hast du recht mit den Humor... schön, dass dir der Teil trotzdem gefallen hat...
ooooh! herzlichen glückwunsch!!! ich bin selber kleine schwester....hab aber keine

ist aber manchmal glaub ich ganz gut^^
und natürlich mag ich den teil. ich liebe alle deine teile!!
ich bin dein Fanatischer Fan ^^

so, guys..
finally, the new part...
reFB for Maxi:Yes, it was a part for calming down, you're right...there's more action in this chapter..
and, Emmy, of course I would be happy about a girl, too. But I don't know a Lil'Bro would be cooler...*lol*
alright, the next chapter is for Emmy, I don't know why. But it's for you...
part XVI:
"I knew he cheated on me. And I didn’t say anything. I thought that he’d be loving me... I thought he was the one who’d stay forever", I snorted, "But this forever has come and gone. And I... I was still alone, ‘cause he was only playing with my heart... I just never should have trusted him. I sometimes think that I deserved to be cheated..."
I broke off, incapable to speak further. I tried to swallow my tears but it was a lost battle. I shut up for a few moments.
Luke didn’t say a word either. He just sat there, looking closely at me. His face was full of care. It encouraged me to tell my story.
"But I... I could have lived with just the cheating, I guess. I had no choice, no money, nowhere to go... and I had Rory, I never could have left her behind. It was a vicious circle. But it became worse, I remember one day... He came home late, and I went too far... I accused him having sex with other women and he totally freaked out... he... but he never did... Rory saved me. After that day it had been better for about half an year but it wasn’t permanent, of course. One day, I think it was Halloween – scary night – well, he came home late, after midnight. And I had the nerves to ask him how work was. I realized too late, he was drunk. And then it happened, he hit me..."
I had to stop because Luke had sprung up.
"He did what?", he almost shouted.
His face was like a mask, shocked and angry at the same time.
Seeing Luke’s reaction really touched me. Nobody ever – of course, except Rory – really cared for me. Neither my parents, nor Christopher. My so-called friends did not, too. As they discovered I was pregnant, they walked away from me, forever.
But to see Luke now, a person I knew for only a few weeks, furious like that, I couldn’t help but to feel secure somehow.
"Did you call the police? Have you done anything about it?"
I shook my head, "No."
Luke’s look now, again, was worried. He sat down beside me and pulled his arm around me. Quietly, he asked me,
"I don’t know. In the morning he came home with a bunch of yellow daisies – my favorite flowers – and promised me never to do it again. And I... I believed him, I guess."
Luke slightly nodded, "But he lied, didn’t he?"
Now it was my turn to nod.
"It became worse... but everytime he promised me to behave better. A few times I considered to run away but I had Rory to look after. I wanted her to have a bright future, a better future than me. And Christopher was the one, who could offer her that... and I was too naive, maybe, to believe that he would change. He made my blue eyes blue..."
Again, my voice cracked, tears were dropping down to the ground and for the first time I was aware that I was freezing. Again, I looked at Luke. He looked as worried as ever. That dark cloud overshadowed him again.
"But why did you run this time? What did he do?", he carefully asked, pulling me up closer, so I wouldn’t freeze.
"Well", I began.
Saturday afternoon had come and all the late summer world was bright and fresh and brimming with life. There was a song in every heart and if the heart was young, the music issued at the lips. There was cheer in every face, and a spring in every step.
At least, I felt this way. I was sitting on our small balcony, as I heard my husband enter the apartment. He stepped outside and asked rather harsh,
"What’s for dinner, Lore?"
I looked up.
Is he kidding? Like I ever cook...
"Well", I answered friendly, "You can order something from Yu Li or from Marco’s."
Once again, Christopher’s temper rose.
"What’re you doing the whole day? Couldn’t you just cook once, for heaven’s sake?"
Now I was really alarmed, I smelled his breath – this time it was whiskey. I got up and walked into the kitchen to fetch the take-out brochures but as I handed them over, Christopher didn’t even look on them, he simply threw them to the floor. The next thing I knew was that he slapped me on the cheek. I could feel my cheek burning. I immediately turned to run but he was too fast, too strong for me. He caught my arm and hit me once again. And again. I didn’t defend myself anymore. I knew, I had no chance. I just let it happen, he would become tired...
But suddenly, I heard a choke. I recognized it immediately. It was Rory’s.
Christopher must have forgotten to close the door behind him properly, so Rory could easily come in, arriving from one of her friends.
Anyway, she now stood behind my husband, who was still punching me, obviously not hearing Rory sober. I was lost. I really wanted to caress her but I couldn’t. I began to fight him, but still I had no chance. I saw Rory step towards her dad. I desperately shook my head.
Don’t Rory...
But it was too late. She tipped him on the back. He turned but he was too much in rage and hit her, too. I guessed it was unintentionally, happened in the heat of the moment. And indeed, he looked kinda shocked.
"Rory, I’m so sor..." , he began, but I interrupted him.
"Christopher, go away. I mean it . Go."
First, I thought, he wouldn’t leave but then, fortunately, he did so. He almost ran.
Immediately, I got up and approached to Rory. Tears rolled down her cute little face and that fact completely broke my heart.
"Sweetie", I said, "Are you okay? Anything hurting?"
Silent, Rory shook her head and I breathed relieved.
"Okay, hon, go on and pack your things. Just the ones, which are necessary. We’ll move. Tonight."
Rory looked at me with big eyes.
"Okay, Mommy."
Half an hour later, the two of us were packed and for the last time, we closed the front door behind us.
Our future was uncertain – we literally plunged into the unknown- but certainly it would be better than this.
After I finished my story, Luke remained in silence. The expression in his face now was concerned. Finally, he talked, slowly, quietly,
"I’m so sorry, Lorelai. Nobody deserves something like that."
He raised his hand and tried to wipe away my still rolling tears. But again it was a lost battle. Then, he carefully, kissed me on the cheek. I couldn’t help but to notice a soothing shiver inside of me.
"It’s just... I thought I could get away from him, from this nightmare but obviously I can’t. I mean, he even dared to call my parents... I don’t know why..."
Luke looked like he wanted to say something but the words didn’t came out. Again, we sat in silence. Then, Luke softly said,
"Lorelai, come on. Let’s go home. It’s freezing here. Try to forget about it for the night. Tomorrow, we’ll figure something out, okay? Try to get some sleep, or play with Rory..."
Suddenly, he looked horrorstruck. Then,
"Oh my god. Rory and Mia... they’re waiting for us..."
With those words, he sprung up, took me by the hand and together, we went back into the town.
FB kommt später, vllt. erst tomorrow!
So jetzt kommt Feedback
OMG der Teil war wunderschön geschrieben!
Wie Lore ihm das alles erzählt!
Aber hier kommt mir Luke eher wie ein "Bester Freund" vor und nicht wie ein "potentielle Partner"
Ced schrieb:Now I was really alarmed, I smelled his breath – this time it was whiskey
Du kannst Chris von mir aus als Ehebrecher oder something like that hinstellen, aber bitte nicht als Säufer!
OMG, aber was dann kam hat mich echt aus den Socken gehauen!

Wie Chris sie geschlagen hat und die kleine Rory :heul:
Zitat:"It’s just... I thought I could get away from him, from this nightmare but obviously I can’t.
Soooo schön geschrieben!
Der Teil war echt traurig :heul:
Endlich haben wir etwas Klarheit.
Aber du hast das echt gut gemacht, das Rätsel so nach und nach aufgelöst!