noch einmal reFB. Weil ich gerade eine Freistunde habe (Die Schule hier faengt schon einmal gut an
![Big Grin Big Grin](
. Obwohl ich jetzt 4 Buecher lesen muss, meinen Platz im Baseballteam verloren habe..:heul: damn it...aber naja...)
@Emmy: lasse dir ruhig zeit...
@Tina: Mando Diao? da moechte ich auch lieber gehen, wie zu Nick....hoffe sie waren gaanz toll....Ich bin meiner sister ja auch nicht boese. 1. ist sie erst 8years old, 2. Habe ich ihr die Karten selber geschenkt....also kann ich nicht schimpfen...thx again for your FB...Ich habe bei dir sicher gemeckert, weil ich das immer mache, wenn jemand Luke oder Lorelai etwas antut. *lol*
8? ich kenne auch leute die das mit 12 hören... dann ist sie ihrem alter ja sogar musikgeschmackmäÃig sogar vorraus^^
aber anderes Thema:
Du kennst Mando Diao?? das ist ungewöhnlich... obwohl ich ja nicht weià wie bekannt sie bei euch sind...
sag ihnen, ich hätte gesagt du gehörst ins Baseballteam...
bis denne...:knuddel:
Soo famous sind Mando Diao hier auch nicht. Aber als ich jetzt in Germany war, habe ich mir das oft angehoert, und fand sie sehr gut. Ich mochte auch Wir sind Helden, Silbermond, Juli, Die Aeerzte....die kennt hier natuerlich keiner...aber mir hat es gefallen...
@Emmy: thx auch dir. hat sich gelohnt, auf dein FB zu warten..*lol*
mhm...der neue Teil wird wohl am sonntag kommen. er ist zwar schon fertig, aber irgendwie ist ein gewisse person komplett OOC. also ich hoffe ich schaffe es bis morgen noch...
du magst sie? oh, ich find dich toll!
es gibt so viele leute die sie nicht kennen, und von denen, die sie kennen, findet die hälfte ihre musik schlecht und dass sie hässlich sind usw...
diese elenden pussycatdollshörer....
(@all-wenn ihr sie hört, fühlt euch nicht angegriffen, meine beste freundin hört sie auch...)
es hätte mich auch gewundert wenn sie bei euch bekannt wären, kommen ja aus schweden...
also, ich hoffe dass der neue teil heute noch kommt.
hi guys!!
Habe es gestern leider nicht mehr geschafft, aber heute habe ich zeit, weil ich krank bin...da kommt man von Winter in schoene temperaturen und wird krank....such a shit...
achja, Jule, mir ist noch etwas zu Nick Lachey war frueher bei 98°Degrees?? Kennst du die?? sie hatten sogar ein gutes Song glaube ich....*lol*
okay, as I promised the next part...but I have to admit, the person is still OOC...but I couldn't think of another way to write it....
der naechste teil ist fuer alle, die pussycatdolls so wie Tina und ich auch nicht moegen
part XVIII:
Silently, we sat in his car. Neither Luke nor me spoke one single word. It was a Wednesday. After a days thought, I realized, I needed to see them, I just had to. Something deep inside of me told me to do it, and so, I did. But what I also knew was that I couldn’t stand it on my own.
Rory – I couldn’t take her. She wouldn’t understand. And she had to go to school. We had just dropped her off.
Luke stopped his truck and was about to get out but then, he hesitated.
"Lorelai? Are you sure, you really wanna do this?"
I looked at him. I had made the right decision in taking him with me.
"Yeah", I said determined, "Let’s go."
We got out of the car and walked the last few meters. The closer I got to my parents’ house, the higher rose my excitement.
The house was big, similar to our old one. It nearly looked the same.
As we arrived at the door, I suddenly felt incapable to ring the bell. Five minutes passed. Finally, Luke said, almost whispering,
"Are you okay? You know, we can leave, if you want to."
He looked a little bit uneasy. But I didn’t blame him at all...
"Just wait a few more moments, okay?"
"But Lorelai. It’s freezing."
"Yeah, well. I wanna be Jack Frost then."
Luke looked at me. He grinned slightly. The tension in his face softened a little.
"Okay", he simply said.
Again, five minutes silence. Then, I reached out my hand, collected myself, breathed deeply and finally rang the doorbell. For a few moments, both of us stared at the heavy wooden door, then it opened. A tiny little woman with blonde hair and grey eyes looked at us. Obviously, this wasn’t Consuela. Luke was right, she had been fired.
"How may I help you?", the maid asked us politely.
I didn’t say a word but Luke must have sensed that I was about to lose my courage, so he quickly chimed in,
"Erm, hi. Would it be possible to talk to Mrs. or Mr. Gilmore?"
"I’m sorry, but only Mrs. Gilmore is available. But I’m gonna get her. Would you be so kind to wait here in the meantime?"
We both nodded. The maid turned and vanished behind the door. Two or three more minutes in awkward silence. Then, the door opened again and this time by a person, I knew.
It was my mother.
She looked like ever. Not a day older. Only her hair was dyed.
First, she obviously didn’t notice me, instead she stared at Luke, then she said,
"Mr. Danes, isn’t it?", she reached out her hand, "What’s the reason for your recurring visit?"
Luke said nothing, he just glimpsed at me. I plucked up my courage.
"He’s here because of me."
My mother turned towards my direction. She seemed taken aback. I couldn’t interpret the look on her face. She looked at me, like she had never seen me before. But at the same time, she seemed altered for twenty years in a period of a few seconds. Her eyes were wide open.
We stared at each other. And after what seemed like hours to me, my mom managed to say,
I simply nodded, not knowing what to say or what to do next. I could feel Luke shifting uncomfortably beside me. But he, too, didn’t say a word. Another moment passed by. Then finally, Mom opened her mouth and said,
"Do you want to come in?"
Again, I just nodded and followed her through the threshold.
"Lorelai, " I heard a voice behind me, "Should I..."
I still was unable to say anything but I took Luke by the hand and together we went inside. I looked around. This house really looked the same. Just like our old place. But this fact didn’t really surprise me because my parents never were that kind of people, who change much. Just never get too freaky...
We followed her into the living-room.
"Do you want a drink? Tea? Coffee? Anything else?", my mom asked.
Once again, I shook my head and Luke beside me did the same. Awkward minutes went by. Neither of us, knew what to say.
"Lorelai... I can’t... I mean... why... how.... are you?", my mother finally squeezed out.
I never had seen her like that. Just too nervous to get a straight sentence together.
"I’m fine", I said and nodded supportively, even though I was everything but fine.
"And how is...", again she broke off but I chimed in to finish her incomplete question,
"My daughter?... Rory’s fine, Mom."
For the first time, she seemed to connect to her old values and said,
"Rory? I thought your daughter’s name is Lorelai. See, that’s what happens, when you’re stubborn. Now she got a nickname, which is for a boy..."
I snorted.
Yeah, that is her. Just like I remembered her.
I said nothing, but I noticed that Luke was shooting me a sceptical look.
"Where do live now? I mean, after... after you left... us?", my mother put forward.
"We live in Stars Hollow. Just forty miles away from here. I have a job as a maid and Rory and me are living in that inn for starters.... so why did you move anyway?"
"We needed changes. Everything reminded us of... yes, well, that’s why we moved. Uhm, how did you find us?"
"Luke here, found my photo on a milk-pack...", I began but my mother interrupted me.
"So, you’re not an employee?" It was more like a statement than a question.
Again, a few moments passed in silence. Nobody dared to say something. I didn’t know, why in the world it was this forced. I should had seen it coming. I mean, I didn’t expect my mother to be thrilled or something but I had imagined it a little warmer, indeed. But that obviously just wasn’t my mother.
I was very nervous, intending not to say something stupid or wrong. I didn’t dare to mention Christopher. I didn’t know what he told them on the phone...
Awkward silence. I could just guess how long. Then, I realized that somebody had to break it, so I said,
"Do you want to visit us? I mean, me and Rory? In Stars Hollow?"
I didn’t feel very comfortable inviting them over but I had to admit, they had the right to meet their granddaughter. And she had the right, too...
Oddly enough, my mother didn’t answer anything. She just stared at me. A few moments went by, then I asked further,
But still, she remained in silence. Instead she just looked from me, to Luke and back to me. Then, slowly, she answered,
"No. We can’t visit you... Please, go now. Lorelai. Mr. Danes."
With those words, she turned and left the room.
Undecided, Luke and I stared at each other.
"What was that all about?", he asked me.
I just shrugged. I didn’t have a clue, either. Slowly, we went out of the house.
I felt indescribable sad. I hadn’t expected that. I thought, they’d been missing me. But my mom had been more than just reserved, she almost had rejected me.
We had a silent walk back to the truck and a silent right to the inn. As Luke dropped me off, he finally found his words again, and quietly said,
"I’m sorry, Lorelai. Your mother was a completely different person, when I met her the first time. I am so sorry."
I only nodded. I did believe him. She always had the abilities of a great actress... Or maybe it was something different, but I couldn’t think of anything...
On my way through the lobby, I met Lorelai and her friend Lane. And once again, Rory made me calm.. I wasn’t as sad and angry as before. She distracted me and helped me unintentionally. I took it as a sign that I had made the right decision: To leave my parents to be with her.
ich hüpf jetzt ma schnell unter die dusche (was bei mir heiÃt, ich binin ner stunde wieder daXD) und dann gibts FB...
aber ich kann dir jetzt schon mal sagen, dass ich das Kapi toll fand ^^
EDIT: nochmal sorry. hier dein FB:
wieder sehr guter teil... fand nicht, dass Em sehr OOC war, ich denke auÃerdem mal dass ihr verhalten mit dem C_Monster-anruf zu tun hatte...?
luke ist wie immer total toll&lieb zu lore,
lores gedanken und gefühle...
![Top Top](
zu den gedanken weiter unten mehr (in der)
Zitat: der naechste teil ist fuer alle, die pussycatdolls so wie Tina und ich auch nicht moegen :biggrin:
yay! du wirst mir immer sympathischer!! was ist eigentlich deine lieblingsband??
wie oben angekündigt: Lores gedanken waren genial:
Zitat:This house really looked the same. Just like our old place. But this fact didn’t really surprise me because my parents never were that kind of people, who change much. Just never get too freaky...
<--- meine persönliche lieblingsstelle...
Zitat:Or maybe it was something different, but I couldn’t think of anything...
ich aber.... dein exmann, du blindschleiche!!
![Motz Motz](
*lore schüttel*
Zitat:And once again, Rory made me calm.. I wasn’t as sad and angry as before. She distracted me and helped me unintentionally. I took it as a sign that I had made the right decision: To leave my parents to be with her.
abgesehen davon dass ich die Serien-Rory nicht mag, hier scheint sie doch echt toll zu sein... super schön beschrieben
jaah, was soll ich sagen? schnell ein neuer Teil bitte, ich warte!!^^
ps: ach ja, ich bin auch krank... willkommen im club und gute besserung!
Also man weià ja wie kalt Emily sein kann, aber das habe ich nicht erwartet....
Dass sie die beiden nicht einmal besuchen will...
Ich bin schon gespannt wie's weiter geht!!!
Hey Ced!
gute Besserung!!! Wo liegt denn Plano genau und welche Temperaturen herrschen denn da zur Zeit???
Das Kapitel war echt toll... Emily fand ich ziemlich in-character! Aber warum sie plötzlich so abweisend war... Vielleicht hat es etwas mit Christopher`s Anruf zu tun??? Naja, wir werden sehen, ich hoffe du lässt uns nicht zu lange warten!
Jetzt kommt noch kurz bissel Off-Topic:
Kam dieser Nick Lachey nicht auch mal bei GG vor??? In einer Folge der 5. Staffel. Wo Michel aus dem Urlaub zurück kommt... da sagt er glaub ich irgendwas wie, er hätte sich die Zähne von dem gleichen Typ bleiben lassen, der sie auch Nick Lachey bleicht. Wenn ich mich nicht total verhört hab!
GLG, Nina
Wow, i've just found your FF. I have to say, that's a great one. I just don't speak or read english very well, but it's much more interesting than german FF's. I really don't know why - it's just another feeling, I think. Well, your idea is great, about telling from Lorelais past! And I like it very much, that you change between Lorelais and Lukes minds after every part. That's nice.
So I'm begging to you, bring another part!! It rocks
Next time I will give the FB in german
![Smile Smile](
too bad english
![Rolleyes Rolleyes](