also möglich ist wohl in dieser Serie und bei ASP alles
Allerdings erwarte ich aufgrund dieser ganzen "Geheimnistuerei" (es dringt wirklich keine ganz konkrete Aussage über den Namen der Person nach auÃen) auch in den Spoilerforen einfach jemand anderen bzw. auch wichtigeren Charakter. Evtl. wirklich jemand dessen Tod eine Auswirkung auf Lorelai und Rory oder wem auch immer haben sollte.....(so wird es zu mindest in den Spoilers genannt)
Was kann der Tod eines "Sy's" schon für Auswirkungen auf diese Serie haben bzw. auf deren Hauptpersonen???Was hat das Publikum davon einen so ...ich nenne ihn jetzt mal unwichtigeren Menschen....sterben zu sehen??? Das ergibt für mich nicht besonders viel Sinn....sollte diese Wahl wirklich so eintreffen, wäre ich für meinen Teil ziemlich enttäuscht.....

überleg mal, wieviel Wind sie um die Sache mit Chris gemacht haben.... oder den Streit von Lore und Luke... und dann war's nur besch*

ich erwart mir nicht allzuviel von der Folge, weil ASP schon viele gute Storylines einfach gehen hat lassen ohne viel was draus zu machen *shrug*
Könnt schon sein, wenn sie schuld an seinem tod wären...zweifelhafte Moral: Sie dachten er täuscht den Herzinfarkt nur vor, lachen erstmal und holen viel zu spät Hilfe. Wobei ich nicht hoffe, dass so was passiert....
Zitat:Episode 5.11 - Unnamed
Info taken from Sides in the Shooting Script 11/7/04
The information summarized below is taken from the 7 Sides published on 11/9/04 for Professor Stanton, Girls #4 and #1, Tara, Bobby, Craig, A Scout. I will include context and stage descriptions where appropriate.
Dialog and Stage Direction have been significantly blacked out through out all of the Sides.
* Characters:
Prof. Stanton - Yale Professor - Subject unknown
Girls #4 and #1 - Young women, approx. Lulu's age
Bobby - Young Boy of Stars Hollow
Tara - Young Girls of Stars Hollow
Craig - Young Boy of Stars Hollow
Scout - Man - Revolutionary War Scout
Note: The children, Bobby, Tara, and Craig range in age from 10 to 14 years old. We do not know their individual ages.
Editor Note: A fragment of Scene 10 starts at the top of page 30. The dialog is blacked out. But, Emily's name can be made out. Who she is talking to is unknown.
Interior - Yale Classroom/Hallway/Exterior Yale Courtyard - Later That Day - Day (Day 2) - Scene 11 -
Professor Stanton is lecturing about David Hume. He is remarking about how Hume desired a society not ruled by fear or superstition and that Hume venerated tolerance. Stanton says that Hume is a personal favorite of his and not that he was Scottish and that Stanton's mother's maiden name was MacCammon.
Stage Direction: Rory and others in the class chuckle.
Professor Stanton closes his lecture with telling them that the next lecture will be on the "Principles of Moral" and perhaps why Scots rule. He tells them to "read, read."
Editor Note: We have some Stage Direction, but part of it is blacked out.
Stage Direction: Rory and the others grab the stuff and head out. We follow her down the hall - blacked out information - sees Christopher up ahead, sitting - more blacked out info to the end of the direction.
End of Side for Professor Stanton
Editor Note: What follows is 1/3 of a page of dialog between Rory and Christopher.
Rory says to Christopher, "Still here." Christopher's response cannot be made out. Rory answers to Christopher, "Nope", and the rest is cannot be made out. Scene 11 continues but the script page ends here.
Interior Location Unknown - Time Unknown - Continuous - Day (Day Unknown) - Scene 13 -
Kirk is telling Taylor that Lulu is as insensitive as they come. Taylor tells Kirk that is fine and that they only have a little time and must choose the right girl quickly. Taylor turns to a group of girls and tells them to stand up.
Stage Direction: The girls stand in a line in front of Taylor and Miss Patty. Taylor studies them. Kirk looks on nervously.
Taylor continues with saying that based on the visual that they are looking for, he must eliminate numbers two, five, seven and he hesitates, 9. He thanks them all for coming.
Stage Direction: The appropriate girls look disappointed and leave. Kirk breathes a sigh of relief that Lulu made the cut. He shoots her a thumbs up. She thumbs ups him back.
There is some Taylor dialog blacked out, but most of it can be read. Taylor now tells the remaining girls that he must see a demonstration of their acting abilities. He says, "Please show me your best come hither look."
Stage Direction: The girls do their best to show their come hither looks. They don't do it very well. Some smile, some try to look serious and sexy, but none of them look very fetching.
Taylor asks again. "Your come hither look, ladies?"
Girl #4 says that that was her come hither look. Taylor excuses Girl #1. Girl #1 says, "Rats."
Stage Direction: Kirk silently celebrates as Girl Number One starts to go. Taylor opens the door for the girl to leave. The balance (one line) of the dialog is blacked out.
End of Sides for Girl #4 and Girl #1
Editor Note: The next series of Sides are for the children, Bobby, Tara, and Craig. The Sides has been cut and pasted together, but most of the complete Scene 26 can be put together.
It is also apparent from these Sides that what Taylor and Miss Patty were doing in Scene 11 was trying to choose a girl to play a "Woman whose livelihood defied laws of morality but acted in a fashion in which God would forgive her."
Exterior Stars Hollow - Continuous - Day (Day 4) - Scene 26 -
Stage Direction: Lorelai and Rory come out of Luke's as the re-enactment is about to start. About twenty or so townspeople have gathered in the cold to bear witness. Several newspeople are gathered together to record the event. They include a couple photographers, a couple reporters, and a video camerman. Reverend Skinner stands with three local school kids, ages 10 - 14, who are each holding large faux history books. Their names are Bobby, Tara, and Craig. The re-enactors -- Andrew, Sy, (rest of the names blacked out). Bobby, tara, and Craig step forward, opening the faux history books. Bobby is giggling to himself.
Reverend Skinner tells Bobby not to get the giggles.
Stage Direction: Bobby stops giggling and composes himself. As the narrate, they all read from their history books.
Bobby starts with, "The year..." and they all chime in "Seventeen seventy-nine!" Bobby continues, "The location..." and again all, "Stars Hollow!"
Lorelai mockingly tells Rory that Children should shoot us for what we make them do. Rory, "Ssh!"
Bobby describes how during the War for Independence and important turning point was reached when the brave Town Militia learned that a powerful British general was riding through the area to rejoin his troops and wage a decisive battle. An that it inspired an idea.
Rory talking to Lorelai asks, "Wouldn't they have had horses?" Lorelai has some sort or mocking answer but it is blacked out - the word coconut looks like it is used.
Stage Direction: The re-enactors disappear around the corner.
The children recite together: "Brave our soldiers are!"
Lorelai tell Rory that while looking at Tara, "You so would have been that little chick." Rory - "Yeah...."
Stage Direction: The Reverend spots the re-enactors peeking around the corner destroying the illusion that they are off blocking the high road. He waves for them to disappear and they clumsily do that.
Stage Direction: Bobby steps back and Tara steps forward. She reads from her history book.
Tara tells the story chapter about how the Militia went off to block the high road. The British general had no choice bit to take the only passable road on this snowy day - The road through Stars Hollow.
Stage Direction: Tara steps back and Craig steps up.
Craig tells of a Scout that arrived to warn of the general's coming.
Stage Direction: A re-enactor on horseback come galloping down the street toward the crowd.
The Scout is hollering, "The British General is coming! The British General is Coming!"
Lorelai mockingly says: "It's so expositional." Rory remarks: "I guess Tony Kushner wasn't available."
The Children all chime together reading, "And then the General arrived!"
Stage Direction: Taylor comes in riding slowly, looking very proud of himself in his fancy British General uniform.
Taylor in a British accent: "It certainly is unfortunate that the high road was blocked this day, forcing me to ride though town."
Lorelai snarks about this - most is blacked out. Rory remarks that Taylor looks like Dick van Dyke from "Mary Poppins."
Craig now tells all about a brave women who put herself in harm's way and emerged to distract the general. Craig describes her as: "This simple, common, woman whose livelihood defied laws of morality but acted in a fashion in which God would forgive her led the British General into the warmth of her Boudoir. She saved Stars Hollow!"
Stage Direction: Kirk takes Taylor by the arm and leads him back into the house he came out of. Kirk gets back ino the part, gesturing with his hands for Taylor to come in. The minister starts giggling. Bobby notices.
Bobby sternly calls out, "Reverend."
Reverend Skinner stops giggling and says, "Sorry."
Craig continues with telling how the British general was kept occupied long enough for Lafayette's troops to ambush his men, a decisive victory for the colonists.
The children conclude the story by reciting together, "Thanks to the Stars Hollow Militia, (they get out of synch and peter out),...The 'woman whose livlihood defied laws of morality but acted in a fashion in which God would forgive her'."
Editor Note: I don't know how - but it is evident that none of the girls were selected to play the prostitute, but Kirk was????
End of Sides for Bobby, Tara, Craig, and the Scout.
Editor Note: This scene ends on page 67 of a normally 70 - 80 page script. There was no evidence in any of the Sides about who may have died. The dialog amongst the main characters did not have any hint of sadness or grief. In this last re-enactment scene Lorelai's and Rory's dialog was primarily mocking the scene and the re-enactment.
End of all Sides for Episode 5.11 - Unnamed
aufgrund der Pics auf der
Fanforumpage wird wohl die Frage wer die ominöse Person ist, die uns schon seit Wochen den Kopf zerbrechen lässt, ein wenig klarer....Christopher sieht auf diesen Bildern ziemlich mitgenommen aus. Für mich könnte es allein aufgrund dieser Tatsache einen Zusammenhang mit dem Tod eines Familienmitglieds von Christopher sein.....

(könnte die Frau im Spiegel evtl. Christophers Mutter sein?????)
Und aus welchem Grund bringt Lorelai ihm eine Flasche Whisky??

(oder was auch immer für einen Fusel.....sorry habe mit diesen Getränkeflaschen nicht so ein umfassendes Wissen....)
das wärs doch...
wenn chris vater oder mutter stirbt könnte er sich wieder bei Lore einschleimen (sorry wegen Chris fans) umm wieder in ihrer nähe zu sein oder???

Oh Mann, es ist wahrscheinlich Mutter oder Vater oder Sherry oder maybe sogar Gigi!! :heul:
Also Sherry wurde bereits wiederholt in den Spoiler als potentielle "Sterbekandidaten" ausgeschlossen....und Gigi WAR in der fünften Staffel "Emily says Hello", welches ebenfalls ein Auschlussgrund für diese "sterbende Person" war. Somit bleiben wohl nur Chrstophers Eltern übrig...(sofern wir seinen desolaten Zustand richtig deuten,der auf diesem Bild zu sehen ist)
Ja, glaub ich auch am ehesten, wäre auch ein perfekter Grund warum er in Hartford ist!
der trailer is etwas kurz aber seeehr schlecht!! Ich mein sie bringt alkohol das machts soo scheià schlimm!!