25.01.2005, 00:03
Seiten: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
25.01.2005, 11:41
die tv rips sind doch legal,oder?
Postet mal bitte Link sobald ihr einen habt! Warte
schon so lang auf die naechste folge.kanns garnich
mehr abwarten.X_x
Postet mal bitte Link sobald ihr einen habt! Warte
schon so lang auf die naechste folge.kanns garnich
mehr abwarten.X_x
25.01.2005, 16:28
Naja ich weià nicht.
die site is nur n suprnova mirror, hat keinen sinn.
edit: Hier ist ein Interview mit Lauren über die beziehung die sie mit Luke in der Serie hat: http://www.thewb.com/MediaCenter/Index/1...63,00.html
die site is nur n suprnova mirror, hat keinen sinn.
edit: Hier ist ein Interview mit Lauren über die beziehung die sie mit Luke in der Serie hat: http://www.thewb.com/MediaCenter/Index/1...63,00.html
25.01.2005, 20:07
ahh cool!! danke! 
seeehhr schön hat die frau graham ausgesehen!

seeehhr schön hat die frau graham ausgesehen!

25.01.2005, 20:14
wie ladet ihr es denn mit emule? wo habt ihr da die links zu?
ich mache imemr nur mit bottorent, aber das geht recht schnell. habe oft schon meinen gg-mittwoch-abend gemacht
ich mache imemr nur mit bottorent, aber das geht recht schnell. habe oft schon meinen gg-mittwoch-abend gemacht

25.01.2005, 20:14
wie ladet ihr es denn mit emule? wo habt ihr da die links zu?
ich mache imemr nur mit bottorent, aber das geht recht schnell. habe oft schon meinen gg-mittwoch-abend gemacht
ich mache imemr nur mit bottorent, aber das geht recht schnell. habe oft schon meinen gg-mittwoch-abend gemacht

25.01.2005, 20:47
um wie viel uhr läuft die folge denn??
25.01.2005, 20:50
Amerikanische zeit 8:00 also bei, considering die zeit umstellung.
26.01.2005, 05:26
Gilmore girls: 8/7central... d.h. bei euch ist dann 2uhr morgens!
und ich darf als erste meinen kommentar zur folge abgeben!
war ganz ok.... etwas vermisst hab ich logan!! aber der kommt ja in der naechsten folge.... also die folge ansich hatte finde ich zu wenig inhalt... ok, chris vater ist tot... aber schoen dass er jetzt mit rory etwas besser auskommt!
dann war noch die sache mit lorelai und dem schnee! lol.... war echt lustig, als sie so wuetend auf den schnee war.... sie hat da beim auto ja ununterbrochen von ihr und dem schnee und der zerruetteten beziehung gelabert! :lach: typisch lorelai! aber zum schluss haben sich die beiden ja wieder versoehnt...
luke war auch voll suess... voll lieb von ihm, dass er ihr ein "icerink" (verdammt, wie heisst das nochmal auf deutsch?!!) gemacht hat.
Emily und Richard kommen sich ja auch wieder naeher.... freut mcih!!
ansonsten gabs leider nicht viel mehr...
und ich darf als erste meinen kommentar zur folge abgeben!

dann war noch die sache mit lorelai und dem schnee! lol.... war echt lustig, als sie so wuetend auf den schnee war.... sie hat da beim auto ja ununterbrochen von ihr und dem schnee und der zerruetteten beziehung gelabert! :lach: typisch lorelai! aber zum schluss haben sich die beiden ja wieder versoehnt...

Emily und Richard kommen sich ja auch wieder naeher.... freut mcih!!
ansonsten gabs leider nicht viel mehr...

26.01.2005, 14:34
Hier ne Zusammenfassung der Folge, Quelle: Fanforum:
[quote]Originally Posted by Zem
Segment 1:
Andrew, Taylor and a bunch of other people are talking about the reenactment and how there is a big surprise this year.[QUOTE=Zem]Segment 1:
Andrew, Taylor and a bunch of other people are talking about the reenactment and how there is a big surprise this year. Luke is SO excited. This year a historian came across new evidence of Starâs Hollowâs part in the battle. They are trying to figure out what to call the woman who helped win the battle (who just happens to be a hooker) they are trying to figure out who will play her. Lorelai comes down from Lukeâs apartment and all the guys are staring at her. Luke tells her not to walk to sexy past them and the guy says Lorelai is too thin. Now we are at Emilyâs and she is talking on the phone and sees a dog sitting in the snow outside her door. She calls Richard in the pool house and wants to know if itâs his dog. She wants him to do something about the dog and is freaked out because its looking at her. Now they are talking to eachother on the phone while they are right across from eachther by the clear glass doorâ¦lol. She wants him to take the dog to the poolhouse. Richard takes him to the poolhouse. Lorelai walks into the Inn and is telling Michel about how much she likes the snow and wants to know if they are putting mats down so the floor doesnât get wet, but they are on backorder. They have had 4 cancellations in the last hour because of the snow. She doesnât understand why anyone wouldnât like the snowy weather. Sookie is in the kitchen and is mad because her car wouldnât start and they are out of coffee at the inn. A snowplow dumped a pile of snow in the Dragonfly driveway so no one can get in or out. Sookie takes Lorelaiâs coffee and gives it to the customers. Paris is on the phone with C-span and opens her door to find Christopher there. He says he was just passing through and wants to take her to breakfast and she says sheâs buys and doesnât want to skip classâ¦she takes off and leaves him standing in her doorway.
Segment 2:
Lorelai is on the phone at the Inn trying to convince someone not to cancel, then she almost slips because there are no mats. Michel was out shoveling and is mad because he had to do physical labor. Lorelai is pouring leftover coffee from other peoples cups into her cup so she can have coffee. Sookie takes the cup because that's gross, and Lorelai says she has to go out, on foot so she can get coffee and slips into a customer. Emily goes out to the poolhouse to check on the dog. The dog is a she and is doing fine. Richard found itâs breed online and shows it to Emily on DogBreed411.com lol. He pulls up a Louis Vuitton website for Emily to look at. At Yale Rory is in class about principles and morals and when she gets out Chris is waiting outside the door for her with coffee. He apologized for being crazy that morning and he tells her how he hates how their relationship is âwalledâ and how his dad is sick and he just wants to fix his relationship with her. He wants her to want to visit him. He leaves. At Miss Pattyâs they are having âhookerâ tryouts for the Reenactment. Kirk wants Lulu to be the girl. Taylor warns that this is a âsensitiveâ matter. Taylor asks all the girls to stand and then eliminates a few. Then he wants the rest of the girls to do their best come hither looksâ¦lol. He releases two more. Then he has them try to be seductive and Kirk is trying to instruct Lulu. Taylor doesnât like the heavy clothing they are wearing. Lorelai is waling past Miss Pattyâs and Taylor asks her to be the girl but she says no. She walks into the diner limping around cuz she stepped in a huge puddle and she wants coffee. He asks about her day, which is sucking so far. The only positive thing is that she got asks to be the prostate and Kirk walks in yelling âmy girlfriendâs the whore!â Lorelai says âgreat now I canât even be the town whoreâ and Luke says âIâll leave something on the dresser for you tonight.â Emily is calling friends asking if anyone lost a dog, and Richard comes in looking for a bowl to put dog food. They are nice to eachother. Lorelai is talking to Rory about the hooker story. She is making a dress for the reenactment. Lorelai says that sheâs had a bad first snow day. Rory is sorry that the snow was mean to her today and she says its not the snows fault and then walks into the kitchen where her roof is leaking. Oh now she is wearing the coat from the meltdown in the park! And then she walks outside to go back to the Inn (I think) and her jeep is totally buried in the snow and then a tree branch falls on it and she says âNo!â
Segment 3:
Lorelai and Luke are digging out the car and Lorelai is being very violent and she wants to hurt the snow. She is mad at it and Luke says that she shouldnât have parked under the tree. Lorelai says that it is over with her and snow, she is done with it. And now she is going to change her cancellation policy at the inn to not refund their money and kick them in the groin because of the snow. Hmm Lorelaiâs hair seems to keep changing length. It starts snowing again and she starts yelling at it, swatting at it telling it that this is not going to change how she feels about the snow now. At grandparents house Lorelai and Rory arrive at the pool house and Emily is in there sitting next to the dog, who apparently is actually a boy. Emily says to go about their business without her but Richard insists that she join them in drinks. Emily wants to know when they got the bad news today. Christopherâs news. Strobe died (his dad). Lorelai canât believe that Chris didnât tell her and Rory doesnât say that Chris came to see her. Chris and GiGi are staying with Chrisâs mom, so thatâs where they are sending the flowers. Rory is looking kinda sad, and says that she kinda knew that Chrisâs dad was sick, but Lorelai doesnât ask how. After dinner Rory drives to see Chris. Rory apologizes and brings him cookies. She goes inside for a while, then leaves, calling her mom when she gets back in the car. She tells her that she went to see Chris and about how he came to visit her at Yale and she is feeling guilty and awful. Rory says that he needs them even though he is so far removed from their life and she tells Lorelai to go see Chris, and Lorelai pulls up behind her car in her jeep. Rory leaves and Lorelai walks up to the door. Chris is glad to see her, Lorelai brought booze. Yeah this is not looking goodâ¦
Segment 4:
Lorelai and Rory are sitting in the diner and Rory is sipping her drink and talking in a really high voice according to Lorelaiâ¦apparently she is hungover. She wants some pancakes to make her feel better and Kirk walks in looking for Lulu and then runs back out. Rory asks if Chris was drinking like her last night and she says he was. She wasnât planning on staying very long, and she didnât come home until the sun was up. Chris ranted to her all about his dad. He also talked about how he was glad Rory visited. Luke comes in through the door and gives Lorelai a kiss hello. Luke says that Lorelaiâs eyes look red and asks why, then Rory buts in saying that she was having girl talk. Whoa donât even give Lorelai a chance to tell the truth! So then Lorelai says that she shouldnât be lying to her boyfriend and Rory says its for the best. WHAT? So then they get up to go watch the reenactment. Kids are reading the story as the town looks on and the men reenact. Lorelai says the dialogue is worse than from Justin to Kelly. Then the âhookerâ comes out of a building dressed in the dress, and its not Lulu, its Kirk! Lulu got sick, so Kirk is being the girl. Taylor is mad, and Kirk says that they are supposed to be making love not arguing! Haha. Taylor gets off his horse and follows Kirk inside of the nearby building. Lorelai leaves to go back to the inn. Emily goes to check on the dog, and tells Richard that she wants to print flyers. Richard says the dog is gone, and now it is a girl. Someone called and picked it up because of Emilyâs calls around the neighborhood. Emily seems disappointed. The dogs name was Princess, they stare at eachother awkwardly for a second, but then Emily leaves. Lorelai is in the Jeep on the phone with the snowplow guy about the pile in front of the Dragonfly. She pulls up to her house and sees that Luke has set up a little ice skating rink for her. He has her skates and wants her to try it out. His dad did this for him when he was young when he was in his hockey phase and he wanted to get Lorelai and snow âback together.â He tells her that he knows she was lying this morning about feeling okay, giving her the perfect time to come clean, but she says she just had a headache. Lorelai skates and Luke says he just wants to watch as it starts snowing again. The end.[/quote]
Klingt echt nach ner coolen folge, freu mich schon auf nähere Comments dazu *G* So süÃ: Luke und Lore, Emily und Richard ......
[quote]Originally Posted by Zem
Segment 1:
Andrew, Taylor and a bunch of other people are talking about the reenactment and how there is a big surprise this year.[QUOTE=Zem]Segment 1:
Andrew, Taylor and a bunch of other people are talking about the reenactment and how there is a big surprise this year. Luke is SO excited. This year a historian came across new evidence of Starâs Hollowâs part in the battle. They are trying to figure out what to call the woman who helped win the battle (who just happens to be a hooker) they are trying to figure out who will play her. Lorelai comes down from Lukeâs apartment and all the guys are staring at her. Luke tells her not to walk to sexy past them and the guy says Lorelai is too thin. Now we are at Emilyâs and she is talking on the phone and sees a dog sitting in the snow outside her door. She calls Richard in the pool house and wants to know if itâs his dog. She wants him to do something about the dog and is freaked out because its looking at her. Now they are talking to eachother on the phone while they are right across from eachther by the clear glass doorâ¦lol. She wants him to take the dog to the poolhouse. Richard takes him to the poolhouse. Lorelai walks into the Inn and is telling Michel about how much she likes the snow and wants to know if they are putting mats down so the floor doesnât get wet, but they are on backorder. They have had 4 cancellations in the last hour because of the snow. She doesnât understand why anyone wouldnât like the snowy weather. Sookie is in the kitchen and is mad because her car wouldnât start and they are out of coffee at the inn. A snowplow dumped a pile of snow in the Dragonfly driveway so no one can get in or out. Sookie takes Lorelaiâs coffee and gives it to the customers. Paris is on the phone with C-span and opens her door to find Christopher there. He says he was just passing through and wants to take her to breakfast and she says sheâs buys and doesnât want to skip classâ¦she takes off and leaves him standing in her doorway.
Segment 2:
Lorelai is on the phone at the Inn trying to convince someone not to cancel, then she almost slips because there are no mats. Michel was out shoveling and is mad because he had to do physical labor. Lorelai is pouring leftover coffee from other peoples cups into her cup so she can have coffee. Sookie takes the cup because that's gross, and Lorelai says she has to go out, on foot so she can get coffee and slips into a customer. Emily goes out to the poolhouse to check on the dog. The dog is a she and is doing fine. Richard found itâs breed online and shows it to Emily on DogBreed411.com lol. He pulls up a Louis Vuitton website for Emily to look at. At Yale Rory is in class about principles and morals and when she gets out Chris is waiting outside the door for her with coffee. He apologized for being crazy that morning and he tells her how he hates how their relationship is âwalledâ and how his dad is sick and he just wants to fix his relationship with her. He wants her to want to visit him. He leaves. At Miss Pattyâs they are having âhookerâ tryouts for the Reenactment. Kirk wants Lulu to be the girl. Taylor warns that this is a âsensitiveâ matter. Taylor asks all the girls to stand and then eliminates a few. Then he wants the rest of the girls to do their best come hither looksâ¦lol. He releases two more. Then he has them try to be seductive and Kirk is trying to instruct Lulu. Taylor doesnât like the heavy clothing they are wearing. Lorelai is waling past Miss Pattyâs and Taylor asks her to be the girl but she says no. She walks into the diner limping around cuz she stepped in a huge puddle and she wants coffee. He asks about her day, which is sucking so far. The only positive thing is that she got asks to be the prostate and Kirk walks in yelling âmy girlfriendâs the whore!â Lorelai says âgreat now I canât even be the town whoreâ and Luke says âIâll leave something on the dresser for you tonight.â Emily is calling friends asking if anyone lost a dog, and Richard comes in looking for a bowl to put dog food. They are nice to eachother. Lorelai is talking to Rory about the hooker story. She is making a dress for the reenactment. Lorelai says that sheâs had a bad first snow day. Rory is sorry that the snow was mean to her today and she says its not the snows fault and then walks into the kitchen where her roof is leaking. Oh now she is wearing the coat from the meltdown in the park! And then she walks outside to go back to the Inn (I think) and her jeep is totally buried in the snow and then a tree branch falls on it and she says âNo!â
Segment 3:
Lorelai and Luke are digging out the car and Lorelai is being very violent and she wants to hurt the snow. She is mad at it and Luke says that she shouldnât have parked under the tree. Lorelai says that it is over with her and snow, she is done with it. And now she is going to change her cancellation policy at the inn to not refund their money and kick them in the groin because of the snow. Hmm Lorelaiâs hair seems to keep changing length. It starts snowing again and she starts yelling at it, swatting at it telling it that this is not going to change how she feels about the snow now. At grandparents house Lorelai and Rory arrive at the pool house and Emily is in there sitting next to the dog, who apparently is actually a boy. Emily says to go about their business without her but Richard insists that she join them in drinks. Emily wants to know when they got the bad news today. Christopherâs news. Strobe died (his dad). Lorelai canât believe that Chris didnât tell her and Rory doesnât say that Chris came to see her. Chris and GiGi are staying with Chrisâs mom, so thatâs where they are sending the flowers. Rory is looking kinda sad, and says that she kinda knew that Chrisâs dad was sick, but Lorelai doesnât ask how. After dinner Rory drives to see Chris. Rory apologizes and brings him cookies. She goes inside for a while, then leaves, calling her mom when she gets back in the car. She tells her that she went to see Chris and about how he came to visit her at Yale and she is feeling guilty and awful. Rory says that he needs them even though he is so far removed from their life and she tells Lorelai to go see Chris, and Lorelai pulls up behind her car in her jeep. Rory leaves and Lorelai walks up to the door. Chris is glad to see her, Lorelai brought booze. Yeah this is not looking goodâ¦
Segment 4:
Lorelai and Rory are sitting in the diner and Rory is sipping her drink and talking in a really high voice according to Lorelaiâ¦apparently she is hungover. She wants some pancakes to make her feel better and Kirk walks in looking for Lulu and then runs back out. Rory asks if Chris was drinking like her last night and she says he was. She wasnât planning on staying very long, and she didnât come home until the sun was up. Chris ranted to her all about his dad. He also talked about how he was glad Rory visited. Luke comes in through the door and gives Lorelai a kiss hello. Luke says that Lorelaiâs eyes look red and asks why, then Rory buts in saying that she was having girl talk. Whoa donât even give Lorelai a chance to tell the truth! So then Lorelai says that she shouldnât be lying to her boyfriend and Rory says its for the best. WHAT? So then they get up to go watch the reenactment. Kids are reading the story as the town looks on and the men reenact. Lorelai says the dialogue is worse than from Justin to Kelly. Then the âhookerâ comes out of a building dressed in the dress, and its not Lulu, its Kirk! Lulu got sick, so Kirk is being the girl. Taylor is mad, and Kirk says that they are supposed to be making love not arguing! Haha. Taylor gets off his horse and follows Kirk inside of the nearby building. Lorelai leaves to go back to the inn. Emily goes to check on the dog, and tells Richard that she wants to print flyers. Richard says the dog is gone, and now it is a girl. Someone called and picked it up because of Emilyâs calls around the neighborhood. Emily seems disappointed. The dogs name was Princess, they stare at eachother awkwardly for a second, but then Emily leaves. Lorelai is in the Jeep on the phone with the snowplow guy about the pile in front of the Dragonfly. She pulls up to her house and sees that Luke has set up a little ice skating rink for her. He has her skates and wants her to try it out. His dad did this for him when he was young when he was in his hockey phase and he wanted to get Lorelai and snow âback together.â He tells her that he knows she was lying this morning about feeling okay, giving her the perfect time to come clean, but she says she just had a headache. Lorelai skates and Luke says he just wants to watch as it starts snowing again. The end.[/quote]
Klingt echt nach ner coolen folge, freu mich schon auf nähere Comments dazu *G* So süÃ: Luke und Lore, Emily und Richard ......
