06.03.2007, 15:52
Sooo... nun komm ich.
wie mussten letztens für englisch 3 gedichte schreiben. eins find ich nich mehr, is aber auch egal..
erstmal ein love is - poem. [anmerkung: vorletzte zeile is aus dem lied explode von jordan & baker :lach: ]
Love is...
Love is the help to survive bad times
Love is to be honest with each other
Love is watching the sun going down together
Love is
Love is when you plant a tree
Love is a family you're looking forward to go home to
Love is a time which stops
Love is
Love is the looks you give your chérie
Love is to wake up all those emotions which you thought you wouldn't have
Love is to see the dark explode with light
Love is...
hierbei lautete die aufgabenstellung ungefähr so, dass wir uns ein word field aussuchen sollen (e.g. beeing at the sea) und das mit liebe in verbindung bringen sollen ..
beide hab ich in 15minuten geschrieben, eins für mich uns eins für ne freundin ^^
Oh it is raining again
And everything is falling apart
Cold raindrops keep falling on my head
We had a dream, we had plan
But then your feelings were forlorn
Now I have this tiny hope
That these clouds will break away
The sun may shine again
Behind this bright and shiny rainbow
There is still hope
Sping is coming
It arrives
You can see the plants becoming green
And the knosps growing
It is a new beginning
Just as love
It's like birds which are singing
They are happy
And you, too
:lach: :lach:

wie mussten letztens für englisch 3 gedichte schreiben. eins find ich nich mehr, is aber auch egal..
erstmal ein love is - poem. [anmerkung: vorletzte zeile is aus dem lied explode von jordan & baker :lach: ]
Love is...
Love is the help to survive bad times
Love is to be honest with each other
Love is watching the sun going down together
Love is
Love is when you plant a tree
Love is a family you're looking forward to go home to
Love is a time which stops
Love is
Love is the looks you give your chérie
Love is to wake up all those emotions which you thought you wouldn't have
Love is to see the dark explode with light
Love is...
hierbei lautete die aufgabenstellung ungefähr so, dass wir uns ein word field aussuchen sollen (e.g. beeing at the sea) und das mit liebe in verbindung bringen sollen ..
beide hab ich in 15minuten geschrieben, eins für mich uns eins für ne freundin ^^
Oh it is raining again
And everything is falling apart
Cold raindrops keep falling on my head
We had a dream, we had plan
But then your feelings were forlorn
Now I have this tiny hope
That these clouds will break away
The sun may shine again
Behind this bright and shiny rainbow
There is still hope
Sping is coming
It arrives
You can see the plants becoming green
And the knosps growing
It is a new beginning
Just as love
It's like birds which are singing
They are happy
And you, too
:lach: :lach: