05.07.2006, 23:54
Check schrieb:Omg ich liebe dich Sky Angel! Danke :knuddel:
Schöne Bilder! Genial!
jared, komm zu mir
lol bitte *zurück knuddel*
sowas würde ich auch sagen nur das ich jensen noch dazu haben will ^^
Zitat:aber ich find seine armbanduhr sieht zu prollig aus die gefällt mir nichfinde ich ehrlich gesagt gar nicht. das ist meiner meinung nach ne ganz normale golduhr (denke mal das es eine ist)![]()
im vergleich zu anderen schauspielern ist diese uhr gar nichts da die uhren meistens aus nur diamanten bestehen...
es gibt ein neus interview von JA & JP und ein lustiges noch dazu, obwohl das kein wunder bei den beiden ist ^^
die übersetzung ist zwar nicht die beste aber man versteht es schon
[Bild: th_22126_09550_toppjul06p01_182lo_14lo.jpg] [Bild: th_22136_09576_toppjul06p02_213lo_119lo.jpg]
Zitat:Jensen and Jared interviewed by the Norwegian magazine TOPP.The Supernatural stars went "bananas" during the TOPP interview:
- Masturbation, theft and drinking
They don't believe in ghosts, they're both criminals and would rather not watch TV. We'd still say they're nice guys after meeting up with both of them in London.
To all you girls out there; yes, they are just as hot in real life. They're also likeable and funny. The guys hit the town the night before our interview and both seem a bit reduced. Jensen Ackles has very shiny eyes [as a result of the night before].
Regardless of the happenings the night before, the guys are both smiling widely when we enter the room. They're the "world's hottest ghostbusters" according to People magazine, and just ended [season one of] the popular show back in the USA. They're in London to promote the DVD. We however, are more interested in some gossip.
- Okay, go on, says Jensen and grins.
- We're sick of talking about Supernatural anyway, says Jared and tugs at his red beanie. Only a couple of strands of hair are peeking out here and there underneath it.
- Have you ever stolen anything?
Jared thinks thoroughly through the question before answering.
- I stole some candy when I was younger, but that probably doesn't count...
- A few buddies and I used to sneak into dark alleys and break windows to steal stuff. One time we stole a whole bunch of tennis rackets and other tennis equipment, says Jensen.
So you're a [little] criminal
- Uh, I hope the case is outdated, says Jensen when he realizes that his felony is a bit more serious than Jared's.
- When I was 15 years old a buddy and I snuk into a liquor store. We didn't dare to smuggle a bottle outside, but we drank out of a bottle of vodka inside the store and put it back on the shelf. The owner looked mad when we left, admits Jared with a laugh.
- I once stole a car and drove it over the Mexican border... No, I'm just kidding, says Jensen.
- The most famous celebrity you have made out with...
- That has to be Jensen [laughs]
- You wish
Jared thinks for a second
- Hm, that's probably one of the questions I shouldn't answer.
- I've never 'made out', says Jensen and looks at us.
- Who was your first celebrity crush?
- You're probably going to laugh your ass off when I tell you who it is, but it was actually Jennifer Love Hewitt. I was obsessed with her when I was 16, says Jared.
- Weren't we all, says Jensen with a grin.
- I don't really remember, says Jensen.
Was it Pamela Anderson?
- No way, not Pamela. Can I get back to you?
- Jensen's gay. I've noticed it on set, says Jared with a grin.
- What's the first thing you do in the morning?
- I masturbate to the Tom Cruise poster I have on my bedroom wall, says Jared and everyone cracks up.
- And you say I'm gay, says Jensen, while Jared looks nervously at us taking notes.
- Are you going to print this?, he asks with worry.
- No, seriously. I get up and drink a lot of water, work out and then masturbate [laughs]. No, I like to run about an hour every day. If it was as healthy to masturbate I'd rather do that for an hour. No, don't write that. - No, of course not, we reply.
Jensen can't stop laughing and has to pull himself together before he can answer the question.
- I press the snooze button on my alarm clock and go back to sleep.
So Jared's the health freak and you're the lazy one?
- Yep, that's right.
- What could you not live without?
- My cell phone, dog, girlfriend, bed and air condition. Not necessarily in that order [laughs]. My girlfriend might read this, says Jared.
- She doesn't know Norwegian, says Jensen and looks at him.
- I can't live without sleep, says Jensen. He looks as if he didn't sleep much last night.
- Yes, that's the most important thing, says Jared and nods.
- Do you walk around the house naked?
- Yes, they both reply and say it's the most natural thing in the world. Something we'll agree with.
- I love walking around the house naked, says Jensen.
- But not while [it's] erected. That's uncomfortable. It's just wobbling around, so I put my boxers on to keep it in check. Jared looks at Jensen to see if he agrees.
- No, I don't mind. I love walking around freely. Why lock it up when you're at home? That's one of the few places where you can draw some fresh air. Time to change the subject.
- What kind of music do you have on your iPod?
- I have thousands of tracks. Jared looks at the ceiling while thinking about it.
- Yeah, and they're all downloaded off the internet, says Jensen and grins.
- Noooo, I buy a lot of music [as well]. Jared has apparently downloaded a lot of illegal music and gets a little frustrated at Jensen.
- I have a lot of mp3's as well, but not nearly as many as Jared. Jensen looks at him and shakes his head.
What kind of music do you like and what was the last CD you bought?
- I bought the new Pearl Jam album, it's fantastic. I like Griffin House as well. Jared sits back and throws his feet up on another chair.
- I'm more of a fan of singer/songwriters. I like Jeff Buckley, Jack Johnson... Jensen struggles to remember more names.
- I also like Radiohead, Foo Fighters, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, says Jared and lists bands he likes.
- Do you eat bird [poultry], fish or vegetables?
- What?!? They're both looking at us and Jared sits back up in the chair.
- Bird? What's that? You mean chicken? Jared looks at us.
- Hello, we're both from Texas. We eat T-Bone steak for breakfast, lunch and supper, explains Jensen somewhat seriously before he grins.
- Yeah, we love red meat, but we eat vegetables and fish as well of course, says Jared.
- Yes, I love sushi. They have great sushi in Vancouver where we shot Supernatural, says Jensen.
- I got into sushi a little late. I was actually 18 the first time I tried it, admits Jared.
- What's your biggest pet peeve?
- Tabloid press and reality TV. That's some of the worst shit ever. Why does the younger generation care to read or watch that kind of crap? Are they completely stupid and brain dead? It's just sad, Jensen explains and shakes his head.
Jared taps him on the shoulder.
- Relax. The people you're talking about are probably the ones who watch Supernatural.
- Yeah, and that's good, but that's not really the world's most intellectual show either. Though we are forced to say something else and we're of course thankful that we have a job.
You don't watch TV?
- Rarely. I say it's a waste of time. Seeing as I work in the business I have to watch an episode every now and then, but when I watch TV, I usually end up watching the Discovery Channel.
- I agree with Jensen. TV takes up too much of [people's] time. Reality TV is a bunch of crap, and I don't understand why people would want to read about who gained weight and who's dating who in the tabloids.
credits: http://community.livejournal.com/ent...en/114410.html
gott die beiden sind so bescheuert lol