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Ich hab so Angst Sad
Es wird so fürchterlich wehtun...heute nacht ist es soweit..... :heul:

ich werde wachbleiben und warten bis die torrentdatei online is, gemeinsam mit lil Wub

schule is da zweitranig, geh ich eben ohne schlaf in die schule...mein armes jjherzerl.....
aaalso... die folge war gut gemacht. da laeuft mal wieder etwas mehr, als in den vergangenen epis. aber war total traurig.... :heul: wie lore so fertig im bett lag und...*heul* das war sooo sad..und dann, die schlussszene, als sie im haus verschwindet. :heul:
um ehrlichzusein find ich aber luke uebertreibt es. gleich schluss machen haette er ja echt nicht muessen. ok, lore hat ihm was verschwiegen...aber so wichtig war die ganze sache ja auch nicht... und sie wollte sich ja danach mit ihm aussprechen... wusste gar nicht dass luke so auf drama ist... Unsure also bitte!
und die leute in stars hollow sind ja wohl total geschmacklos... mit den baendchen... Unsure aber zugegeben..irgendwie wars ein bisschen lustig...einfach typisch fuer stars hollow... Wink und dann als kirk, babette und murray lore ohne luke gesehen haben..."ohoh" Wink (irgendwie fuehl ich mich bloed, wenn ich nen lachenden smile mach... aber n bisschen lustig wars trotzdem! Wink )
aah... und Rory und Logan! Wub voll sweet am schluss! der typ ist einfach nicht vorhersehbar, das gefaellt mir auch so an ihm. man rechnete ja wirklich damit, dass die zwei einen romantischen abend verbringen wuerden, und dann sitzen sie mit seinen freunden am tisch und spielen karten! :lach: naja, waer zwar auch etwas enttaeuscht gewesen, wenn ich rory waere.. aber logan hatte schon recht. haette er sie lieber gar nicht sehen sollen..?
ausserdem war das toll von ihm, ihr sofort das auto zu geben! und auch voll sweet als rory bei lorelai war und sie versucht hat aufzumuntern!
jaa...das waers eigentlich schonmal..... :heul:
[Bild: traurig34.gif]

Es is so schrecklich.... Lore total fertig und Luke komplett neben sich... am Schluss woll ich nur noch schreien NIMM SIE DOCH IN DEN ARM VERDAMMT NOCH MAL aber es hats nicht getan... er ist einfach gegangen obwohl sie am Boden zerstört ist, wegen ihm :heul:
Sie will nicht irgendeinen anderen heiraten und Loser-Kinder mit ihm haben, sie will mit ihm zusammen sein und mit niemandem sonst und eigentlich.. [Bild: traurig15.gif]

Der Traum war sooo schlimm Sad Say something! [Bild: traurig15.gif]

Babette&Morey waren super, "oh oh"... und Kirk mit seinem spastischen Tanzbewegungen...

Aber Lore war echt verzweifelt auch im Doose's, alles was sie wollte waren 10 Minuten um alles zu erklären und ich find's echt nicht fair dass er sie sich nicht einmal rechtfertigen bzw erklären darf... Das ist echt eine miese Aktion von Luke und es wird auch nicht gerechtfertigt dadurch, was Lore getan hat... (hilfe versteht mich wer??)

Heartbreak and Pain all arond :heul:

Aber alles in Allem endlich mal eine gute Folge, extremer Kontrast zw. Drama (L&L) und Freude (R&L), beides gut aufgezogen und vorallem mit L&L richtig auf die Tränendrüse gedrückt... Lauren war ein Knockout bei der Bettszene, der verzweifelte Anruf ist schon fast oscarreif, es war so ergreifend *hach* Sad

Edit: *noch was eingefallen* In Doose's Market, ich wäre fast eingegangen wie sie gesagt hat I'm in, I am all in (was einem ILY bei Lore schon sehr nahe kommt, dass sie das mal "öffentlich" eingesteht) und er geht einfach :heul: Ich versteh das nicht, ich mein er braucht Zeit, aber so eiskalt muss er auch nicht sein wenn er eh schon sieht dass sie fast dran zerbricht Sad
Gott, allein dein Beitrag treibt mir schon Tränen in die Augen, Lil [Bild: traurig34.gif] *die Folge gar nicht mehr gucken will*
Argh, jetzt hätte ich doch beinahe gelesen was in der Folge abgeht, aber ich gedulde mich noch bis heute abend, auch wenn ich die Folge schon längst auf dem Rechner habe.

Irgendwie trau ich mich auch gar nicht reinzugucken Sad
*dg in arm nehm und gemeinsam heul* Sad

Und wir wissen jetzt, dass Lore nie geantwortet hat auf das All in von Luke in WitS [Bild: traurig34.gif] und jetzt ist es wahrscheinlich schon zu spät ....

Die ganze Eppy von Heather geschrieben:

Wow, really long previously on GG…We start out right after the picture at the end of the wedding. Lorelai wants to leave and tells Rory that she isn’t mad at her, and she tells her to go find Logan, but he left. Lorelai tells Rory to go back in because Luke was bringing the car around, then a worker man comes by and she tells him she needs a cab. A photographer then comes by and tells her he would love to get in a few more shots, and she says “so would I.”

Segment 1:
Lorelai pulls up in her cab to Luke’s. Caesar is inside eating ice cream or something listening to loud music. She asks if Luke is back yet, and Caesar hasn’t seen him. She tells him to tell Luke to call her if she sees him. She leaves and sees Babette and Morey in the street. She asks them if they saw Luke tonight. They start saying “uh oh” because they didn’t come back together and she keeps saying that everything is fine and that there is no splitting up. Lorelai takes out her cell and calls Luke, again, telling him that she’s going home and for him to please call her at home or on her cell. At Yale Rory gets into her dorm, looking for Paris, but she is asleep. Rory wakes her up, Paris is mad. Rory wants to know if there were any messages left for her. Paris says that if there was a message she would have put it on the message board. Paris wants to know who the boy she’s dying to get a call from, and Rory says its no boy. Paris makes Rory play boggle because she’s now awake. Back in SH Lorelai walks past the arcade and Kirk is in there doing that dance video game thing. Kirk has seen Luke, he told Kirk that Lorelai wasn’t feeling well, and that’s why she wasn’t with him. Kirk saw him at the movie theater and thinks he’s still there. Kirk says “uh oh” when he finds out that they weren’t together, and Lorelai says that they aren’t broken up. She walks into the theater and Luke is sitting on the couch, she sits next to him. She asks him what he’s watching and he says “something stupid”. She tells him that she has been frantically trying to call his phone and he says he turned it off. She wants to explain and apologize, and he tells her that he needs a little time to think. She says she gets that, but she has so much she wants to say to him, but he tells her “not now, I need to clear my head.” She tells him to call her when he’s ready and he says he will. She tries to talk to him again, but he gives her a look and she leaves. He looks down sadly at the ground as she walks out.

Segment 2:
Lorelai is at the dragonfly, showing a woman the tour, talking about a little girl’s birthday party they were hosting for 6 girls and their 6 dolls. Michel thinks it’s very stupid that they are serving dolls breakfast “unless they are the bride of Chucky.” In the kitchen Sookie is making mini pancakes for the dolls and Michel says they don’t have opposable thumb…Sookie thinks their handicapped kids haha. Lorelai tells Sookie that she is starving and that she and Luke had a little fight. She tells Sookie about the wedding and that Luke needs “time” to think. Lorelai thinks she blew it by not telling Luke about Chris when it happened. Sookie says when “relationships are right, they just work out.” She says that she heard a story about a “couple just like them…on their way to marriage (!!!)” The story ends up being about a couple that took 40 years to get to eachother, and she doesn’t just want the ending with Luke, she wants the whole thing. OMG she is SO all in. Sookie keeps trying to tell Lorelai happy couple stories about couples who needed time and then got back together. Lorelai says she needs to clear her head and walks out. Back at Yale Rory and Paris are getting a whole bunch of cereal from the cafeteria. Wow, Rory’s hair is longer. Paris still wants to know who the guy is, and says “omg it’s not Huntzberger!” And Rory says it is, and says that she’s just as bad because she’s been waiting for a call from Doyle. Paris thinks they are better than this, Rory says shes not going to call Love Line. Paris calls over Janet and Althea to give them advice on their love lives. Rory says she’s out of this, and Paris tells them about Doyle. They tell her to call him, but only for a good reason. Rory then jumps in and asks them if her guy should be calling her because they almost got together. They tell her to call him because he might be scared of the drama. Back in SH Lorelai is walking down the street and stores and people all have pink or blue ribbons on them. Gypsy tells her that she’s on Lorelai’s side, and that pink are for Lorelai and Blue are for Luke. She sees Luke go into Dosies and she follows him. She wants to talk because she has so much to say She tells him that she should have told him about chris and she says that she is so so sorry, he says she shouldn’t have hid it. She says she didn’t see chris’s speech coming and that she was never going to see chris again. Luke says that that is impossible because he’s Rory’s father. Lorelai says that she can cut him off, and that it was her mothers fault. Lorelai tells him that she doesn’t want to miss their “Middle” she tells him that she is “all in, all in.” and that she wants to prove to him how good at this relationship she can be. He tells her “you want to know how I feel? This relationship is too much for me.” And then walks out leaving Lorelai devastated behind him…omg I’m crying.

Segment 3:
Rory is in her dorm, and she calls Logan. He tells her that he hopes her life has been less exciting since the last time he saw her. She says yeah, and asks him if he wants to hang out tonight. He tells her sure and tells her to come over to his place. She leaves and knocks on his door. A weird guy answers the door, Rory doesn’t think she’s in the right room, but she is, and Logan is playing poker with a bunch of guys. He tells her to sit down next to him, and then tells her that she looks very nice and how much does she know about poker. She goes into a little speech about the Odd Couple or something and that’s all she knows about poker. One of the guys wants to know if she’s covering this for the paper, but she says she just here to hang out. Logan asks if she wants a drink, but she says she’s not sure how long she’s going to be there so no. At the dragonfly the birthday party is going on, and Sookie is freaking out because she can’t get a hold of Lorelai and she hasn’t been able to get a hold of Lorelai since yesterday. Michel wants to poke out the dolls eyes for a game, she leaves Michel there to watch the girls so she can find Lorelai. It is morning now and Rory wakes up on the couch in Logan’s apartment, and the guys are still playing poker. Sookie calls Rory from Lorelai’s house and tells her that something happened with her and Luke and that her Mom needs her to come home. Rory remembers that her car is in the shop, and Logan tells her to take is car with his driver, Rory says no at first and then agrees. She runs inside when she gets there and crawls into bed with Lorelai who is crying saying that “Luke hates me and I shouldn’t have kept the Christopher thing a secret.” She thinks the town hates her and thinks her and Luke are “over, and he hates me. I really screwed up this time.” She tells Rory that “he could have been the one” OMG! Rory tells her “He waited for you this long.” Later Lorelai walks down the stairs in her dream, and Luke is watching a movie on the red couch. She asks him what he’s watching, he says something stupid. Their first date is playing, only at a different kitchen and Luke is saying how he’s all in, but the Lorelai on the screen won’t say anything, then she turns to the couch where Luke was sitting and there was only a blue ribbon there. She wakes up and Rory is still there, Lorelai tells her to go home, but she isn’t going to go. She going to get Lorelai supplies. She tells Rory about the ribbons, then Rory leaves. Lorelai just rolls over back in bed. Rory and Lane are using Logan’s limo to go shopping. Lane says that Taylor was inside Dosies talking with everyone about the breakup. Rory goes inside and steals all of Taylor’s ribbons. Someone is honking at the limo, Rory pokes her head out the top, and it’s Luke who’s honking. He says sorry and she says “I’m not usually in a limo.”

Segment 4:
Lorelai is in bed with Junk food all around, and Rory has Logan’s driver bring the TV up to her. Rory explains all of the stuff she got and where she put it all. Frank the driver leaves. Lorelai wants to know who Frank is, and Rory says its “a friends” car. Lorelai tells her to thank Logan for her and tells Rory to go back to Yale. She says she’s feeling better. She also says that Michel took care of the party at the inn and he sung songs from Annie to the kids…haha. Lorelai turns on the tv, flipping through the channels and then turning it off. She sinks back down into bed. A few hours later I guess Lorelai is sitting in bed and keeps reaching for the phone. She finally picks it up and calls Luke. She tells him that she knows she shouldn’t be calling, but she’s not doing so well. She wants to know if he remembers a couple from “The Way We Were”. The story is about how the boyfriend who the girl just broke up with came over to comfort her when she was really upset, and if he remembers that. She asks him if he would please come over and she says that she really needs to see him, she keeps saying please. I think she was talking to the machine thought. So she runs over to the diner, grabbing the spare key from above the door and walks into Luke’s apartment and steels the tape from his machine, and leaves. Back at Yale Rory knocks on Logan’s door to return Frank and say thanks. He tells her that sounds very formal. He tells her that she was good luck last night, and would she come next time. She asks him if he ever thought that the night before she had meant that they hang out by themselves in a more “intimate way” and he says “so the only time they can see each other is when they have sex.” She says no…and he says he wants to hang out next weekend when he gets back from out of town. She says yeah and then kiss twice goodbye. Lorelai walks back to her house and Luke comes out her front door. He heard the message and was worried about her. She says that she is so sorry and that she is humiliated and that she never should have called him. She says that she’s not that girl that call her ex-boyfriend to come save her (she can hardly say the word ex). She hands him the tape she just took from his machine. She tells him that she heard him when he said that he was out, and that she was going to respect that from now on. Lorelai goes back inside and Luke goes home. Sob sob sob. The End. I'll post the promo too!

Lorelai and Luke are working on a town play together, but the EPB says it “drives a relationship further apart.” Then Logan and Rory and going closer, and kissing and Logan asks her if she wants him to leave, and she just kisses him[/spoiler:337b0154c6]
[Bild: azcrying.gif]

Das *schluchz* ist so *schluchz* furchtbar !!! *heul*
OMG It`s crying time !!! :heul: :heul: :heul: :heul: :heul: :heul: :heul: :regen: :regen: :regen:

Sorry, das musste ich jetzt mal loswerden!! Und zu LG, da kann ich auch nur sagen WOW!! Ich hab noch nie so eine klasse Schauspielerin gesehen!!! DAS war eine unglaubliche Leistung !! Cool
Traurigste Episode überhaupt und die schmerzhafteste :heul:

Habe in den letzten zwei Monaten erst GG kennengelernt und dann alle 100 Folgen geguckt und ich muss sagen: diese ist die grausamste. Mir fehlen die Worte.

Mal ne ganz blöde Frage: Wo habt ihr die Folgen downgeloadet? Auf den Seiten die ich kenne gibts die nicht!
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