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Normale Version: What if? - English FF
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des iss gemein.... Big Grin
Oh, toll toll! Du kannst so super schreiben, da muss ich echt sagen RESPEKT Top
Ach ja, wo hast du diesen Satz her?

Zitat:“Cause on an intimacy scale, having somebody watch me brush my teeth... is right up there seeing me on a sizerac swing, and I’m not minding it!”

Der kommt mir irgendwoher bekannt vor...
hehe dieser satz ist echt witzig!!
da geh ich mal was trinken und schon verpass ich zwei superklasse (wie immer) stories!!
Mal wieder echt hammer geschrieben und alles mit eingebaut..Humor,romantik,spannung,...
echt hammer!!
ich weiß schon garnimmer, WIE ich mich bei euch bedanken kann für das urliebe Feedback *strahl* ich denk mal der beste Weg ist, mit einem neuen Teil, hm? *g*

“Honey, I’m hoooome” he chuckled to himself at this but didn’t bother looking for his girlfriend, when he didn’t get a reply. He went into the kitchen, poured himself a glass of milk and sat down at the kitchen table, picking up the newspaper. But his mind wasn’t in it, he was wondering whether Lorelai had decided to see a doctor today.
Maybe, when he saw her later today he’d be a daddy-to-be. He pushed the thought away, trying not to get his hopes up but he couldn’t help but wonder how it would be if she came in and announced to him that she was pregnant. It was still early in their relationship but he felt that she was the One and it felt like he knew her forever.

Putting the glass into the sink, he turned to the living room door, pushing it open and revealing his girlfriend, standing before the glass front, gazing off into space.
She was hugging herself, clutching a piece of paper in her right hand, chewing on her bottom lip. When he walked toward her a floorboard creaked and she turned her head slowly. Her mascara was smudged by tears and her eyes were empty and wide. Luke stopped dead in his tracks as he felt his chest tighten with fear and the happy feelings from before were swept away.
He swallowed hard, afraid of the answer that would immediately follow his question and he had a distinct feeling that he wouldn’t like that answer. Lorelai turned her head again and gazed through the glass windows again. He reached out to touch her arm but pulled it back when she flinched away from his touch so he just stood there, his mind fumbling for an scenario that would explain all this and make it a good answer she had in store for him.

After several minutes of standing in silence she slowly held out the piece of paper she’s been clutching and he noticed she was shaking terribly. He took the paper and slowly unfolded it, feeling ridiculous of being afraid of a sheet of paper.
aaaaaargh du bist soooo fies!
machts spaß uns zu quälen!?
Unsure Big Grin Wink

auch wenn ich mich wiederhole... der teil is super geschrieben aber dafür viel zu kurz Sad
hoff es gibt noch nen part sonst weiß ich nich, wie ich das überleb *lol*
ich hasse des, so spannung machen und wenns dann nich weiter geht... Motz da könnt ich ausflippen Wink
mano...ich wollte mir die story ausdrucken und dann in ruhe durchlesen und jetzt? jetzt ist die patrone von meinem drucker leer...das war also nix mit dem ausdrucken...ohje ohje...was mach ich jetzt? naja, mir wird schon was einfallen... :lach: aber die ersten beiden kapitel sind der absolute hammer!
ich hab mal ne Frage für euch: was denkt ihr eigentlich was mit Lore los ist? Irgendwelche Vermutungen? Befürchtungen? Sonstiges? Smile
ich ahne was... aber hm... ich weiß nich... *lol*
poste einfach den nächsten teil, dann weiß ich, ob ich recht hatte :lach:

baby passt schonmal nich...
von den symphtomen her... also was vergessen und nich die worte finden und so weiter, das deutet auf nen hirntumor hin... Unsure also die symphtome kenn ich ziemlich genau... aber wer weiß, was du daraus noch machst *g*
hoff wir werden es bald wissen Big Grin
wow du bist gut
Baby wär doch zu Klischée oder? In jeder FF kommt das nämlich so vor: Frau ist nicht im Bett, hängt über der Toilette, kauft Schwangerschaftstest, zack bumm -> Baby im Ofen Unsure

"Diagnosis of Lorelai Victoria Gilmore"

He read the sheet in silence, his eyes widening with every word he read. When he finished, he swallowed hard and lowered the paper, unable to move.
This is all a dream… a really, really bad dream… this is not happening…. not her, not now… Please God, make me wake up!

“Brain Cancer” he whispered and she flinched again.
“Lorelai, talk to me, please? What does this mean? What do we do? Where do we go?” She turned around to fully face him and said in a voice that sent chills down his spine and made his insides go cold
“We aren’t gonna do anything, Luke”
“Excuse me?”
“I neither want - nor - need - your - help, okay??” with every word she shoved him a little toward the door.
“WHAT? No Lorelai, don’t do this, don’t shut out everybody and tell yourself you can do this on your own!”

“Luke, can’t you see that I can’t do this” Tears were welling up in her eyes “Do what? Lorelai?”
“This” she pointed to him and toward herself
“I can’t, Luke, I do not have the stamina for this, I don’t wanna drag you into this mess that is my life now and screw up yours as we go along, don’t you understand that?”
“No, Lore, I don’t, because we’re in a relationship right now and you’re still so damn stuck in your independent life that you can’t even see that I wanna be there for you, that I wanna support you, that it’s just you shutting me out. Lean on me, Lore, just once okay? You need every support you can get now and I can’t see it coming from your parents or your “friends”, so just let go, please?”
“I’m just so afraid, Luke; really afraid. I’m terrified of dying!”
“Don’t say that! There are many ways to treat this, you’re rich, you can afford the best treatment” she stepped into his arms, already losing track of how many times he had held her close. Too many times for her liking but she was trying to let go of independent life, stepping into the new territory of co-dependency.
extrem gut, (mal wieder, meine Post werden langsam echt eintönig)
Aber muss des denn immer so traurig sein, ich find des net lustig, wenn du mich zum heulen bringst... *schnief*