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:dito: :dito:
keine widerrede!!!du bist es selber schuld...musstest ja nicht so geile teile schreiben :lach:
MissLilli schrieb:ihr seits so irre :lach: unglaublich
und du unterstützt das noch? *Corinna vorwurfsvoll anschau*

[Bild: stupid.gif]

na wir sind eben verrückt Smile verrückt nach deiner FF Big Grin
ganz genau *michCrazyanschließ*
und wie heliveli schon sagte, du hast es dir selbst zu zuschreiben... Big Grin du bist halt einfach zu begabt Wink
genau..ich mach erstmal werbung für deine und corinnas ff in meinem sig..
dankeeeee leuteeeeee *gg* *übers ganze gesicht strahl*

so, ihr habt mich jetzt zu einem neuen Teil animiert (Selber schuld Tongue )
wenn ihr den Film 8 femmes / 8 Frauen gesehen habt, werdet ihr das glaub ich besser verstehen, aber wenn nicht, is auch egal Wink

“My God, he’s gorgeous! When? How? Why? And… details?” Alex pressed and Lorelai turned back to her friends after Luke had disappeared into the crowd.
“Um… yes, he is. About a month ago, he showed me round his town then we went to this dancing marathon, watched and then we kissed, I can’t answer you the Why, sorry and details? He’s… good. Wonderful. A miracle” she bit her lip and smiled at her friends
“Who are you and what did you do to our friend?? I don’t recognize you anymore, you’re glowing with joy.”
“I’m happy, if that’s what you wanna ask. I can’t remember a time when someone could make me so happy, so giddy inside, so…”
Everybody looked at her like they were about to say “aaaaaaaaaaw” and they each took terms to hug her tight and tell her, how happy they were for her.
Luke came back and handed Lorelai her drink, for which he received a kiss.
“Thanks! Oooh look, we can sit down now and have dinner” she said excitedly and she grabbed Luke’s hand as they walked over to their table.

Dinner was pretty uneventful, they chatted about this and that, just when Luke’s profession came up he felt a little uneasy at first, but they were really excited over the fact that he owned a diner and fired all kinds of questions at him. They’re accepting it? I thought they’d wrinkle their nose and change the subject quickly….

When their dinner plates were cleared, the band started playing songs and the host of this evening invited everybody to dance.

Tom looked as though he was about to ask Luke to a dance, but when he saw the shocked expression on both Luke’s and Lorelais face, he decided against it and asked Sheila next to Luke to dance. She accepted with a smirk in Luke’s direction and they disappeared to the dance floor. Lorelai looked at her hands and fiddled with the napkin in front of her, tearing it into pieces. When Chris got up and asked Alex to dance, she could feel the familiar tickling in her nose and she looked at them sadly as they disappeared.
Luke was pretty oblivious to what was going on inside his girlfriend but turned his head when he heard her sniffle and then noticed that the whole table was empty except for them; Lauren had been asked seconds ago. “Where did everybody go?”
“Dancing” she replied quietly and he took the hint. Luke stood up and extended a hand
“May I have this dance, princess?” Lorelai looked up at him, surprised but put her hand in his, letting him pull her to her feet. He slowly led her to the dancefloor, then spun her in his arms. The band started playing a foreign song neither of them knew; it was sung in French.

Ils veulent m’offrir des voitures (They want to offer me cars)
Des bijoux et des fourrures (Jewelery and furs)
Toi jamais (You never do)

Luke slid his arm around her waist, taking the other one in his own and slowly started swaying to the song. He didn’t speak French so he concentrated on the music while Lorelai got every word that was sung. And it struck her, how much these words were actually true as she put her head on his shoulder, feeling the now ever present headache lift a little.

Mettre à mes pieds leur fortune (They want to lay their fortune at my feet)
Et me décrocher la lune (and take down the moon)
Toi jamais (You never do)

And you don’t have to…

Et chaque fois qu'ils m'appellent, (And everytime they call)
ils me disent que je suis belle (They tell me I’m pretty)
Toi jamais (You never do)
Ils m'implorent et m'adorent (They implore and adore me)
Mais pourtant moi je les ignore (but I ignore them though)
Tu le sais (You know)

You make me happy without having to do anything. You don’t have to give me expensive gifts or any gifts at all. You’re mere presence lifts my spirit.

She closed her eyes and slowly nuzzled his neck affectionately.

Homme, (Man)
Tu n'es qu'un home (You’re nothing but a man)
Comme les autres (Like the others)

But so different….

je le sais (I know)
Et comme (But anyway)
Tu es mon home (You’re my man)
Je te pardonne (I forgive you)
Et toi… jamais (But you… never)

She sighed deeply, trying to evade the bad thoughts inside her head. The What-ifs and What-if-nots. That’s when she made a decision: She’ll fight this stupid thing in her brain and beat it. For her. And also for his sake. She’ll fight it with all that she had in her and she’ll fight it with him!

Ils inventent des histoires, (They invent stories)
Que je fais semblant de croire (That I pretend to believe)
Toi jamais (You never do)

You never had to tell me any story to make me look up to you. To make me respect you. To make me lo-
What? Where did that come from??
‘You love him, admit it, damn it’ said her heart, but her head said otherwise ‘You can’t love him, that’s too much commitment for both of us to handle. We should’ve prevented this. We could’ve prevented this and we would have but you had to act on your own of course and mess everything up!’
‘Hey, maybe you just have to let go of the could’ve, should’ve, would’ve and just let some things happen’ she interrupted her heart and her head.

To make me love you.

Tu es mon homme (You’re my man)
je te pardonne (I forgive you)
Et toi (But you)
jamais (Never)

She lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at hi, her eyes shining bright, ignoring the fact that her stomach was rebelling against the food she just ate. “I got something to say to you.” He lifted an eyebrow and listened “I-“ she breathed in and out deeply “I- Oh God!” She felt her chicken cacciatore already making it’s way back up as she made a dash for the toilet, Luke just one step behind her.
Big Grin Big Grin du kennst meine meinung zu dem teil ja schon, aber egal...

genau SOWAS hier wie dieser teil is der grund dafür, dass du definitiv nen fanclub verdient hast!!

einfach herrlich... ok, das übergeben am schluss hat vielleicht die stimmung n bisschen kaputt gemacht Unsure aber was solls Wink

freu mich schon ganz dolle auf die nächsten 100000 teile!!
beglückst du uns in der nächsten zeit noch mit was?
gaaaah *nashochzieh* *schnief* Wub
das is soooo süß
und das mit den songs find ich irgendwie ne gute idee Smile
des warten hat sich gelohnt und nu kann ich beruhigt ins bett gehen Smile
du willst schon ins bett??
naja was heißt schon *g*
ich hab schließlich dienstag wieder schule Wink
muss wenigstens einmal ausschlafen ^^
oder solls etwa noch nen part geben? dann warte ich natürlich *lol*
ich arbeite dran Smile wenn du am dienstag schule hast musst du heute früher schlafen gehen *grübel* nä, sorry, ich schnalls net*ggggg*