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MissLilli schrieb::lach: :lach:
ich will wissen wie weit dein Teil schon is *mit augenbrauen wackel* Big Grin

Aso *licht*
aber steht da net.. naja egal Big Grin

uhmmm jahhhhhhhhhhhh
ich setz mich ran Big Grin
war faul....

Ich nehm sonst auch nen arm Big Grin
also sie wird mich auch nimmer los im icq net und da net
Leute, wie oft noch? (komm mir schon vor wie Luke Big Grin) ich WILL euch ja garnet loswerden*gg*
naja des is mir klar aba ich will nicht das du aus dem Forum gehst bevor nicht ein neuer teil da is!! So einfach is des
MissLilli schrieb:Leute, wie oft noch? (komm mir schon vor wie Luke Big Grin) ich WILL euch ja garnet loswerden*gg*

Das wär ja auch noch schöner *lol*... Ist da noch ein Bein für mich frei *lol*? Oder wenigstens ein Arm? Du kannst doch auch mir nur einem Arm schreiben, oder?
omg is des süüüüß!!!
einfach WOW!!bin gespannt was auf dem banner steht!!
Und:2morrow is MY big day!!*jippie*
schnell weiter büüüüdde!!!
und mich wirst du erst reecht nicht los!! *g*
ach lilli weißt du noch: *haarezurechtmach* *g*???
*g* Immernoch grins... Big Grin
Ich denke schon, dass die super schönen, total gut geschriebenen Teile alle gelesen werden würden. Von mir jedenfalls. Wegen deiner FF kann ich mich nämlich gaaaaaaanz oft nicht vom Compi losreißen Wink Und gehe dann immer ziemlich spät in die heia Smile
Das kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor *lol*...
@MissLilli: Ach ja, damit du mich auch nicht los wirst, ich nehm auch gern nur einen Finger von dir. Ich kann mich nämlich ganz schön fest klammern Big Grin
ihr seits alle so lieb
und weil ihr alle so lieb seits:

“Welcome home, Lorelai. Congratulations!”

Lorelai’s mouth dropped open and she gasped. Tears welled up in her eyes and she looked around the square in awe.
She craned her neck to look at Luke, who was smiling from ear to ear. “You… you planned this?” she whispered and when he nodded she turned around and hugged him tight
“Thank you! That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me!”
Babette came up to them and pulled Lorelai out of Lukes arms and into a big hug. Lorelai stiffened a little, startled, but hugged Babette back
“We’re so glad you’re well, sugar! Congratulations!” Lorelai blinked away her tears
“Thank you Babette, you don’t know how much this means to me!” ‘Wow…. So this is how it should work in a family…. support, love, comfort, telling the other person you appreciate them being there…. why couldn’t my parents get this together?’ she wondered, while Luke led her over to the food.

“Lorelai, I’d like to introduce you to someone, this-“
“OUCH! Damn pans! Ow,ow,ow”
“Sookie! Are you okay??”
Sookie had burned her hand on one of her pans and jumped around, waving her hand in pain
“I’m fine, fine, really, just – OW! Okay, pain’s passed.”
“You’re too clumsy to be a chef, Sook!”
Luke chuckled, then remembered Lorelai standing next to him as she nudged him impatiently
“Lorelai, this is Sookie, she’s the best chef in the world and she’s also one of my oldest friends. Sook, this is Lorelai”
“Oooooh it’s so nice to finally meet you” Sookie squealed and shook Lorelai’s hand excidedly.
She was a little taken aback by the bubbleness of the little cook but found herself liking her instantly.
“Yeah, it’s so nice to meet you too, Luke told me a lot about you” she lied and Sookie frowned “Like what?”
“Uuuh, that you’re a…. chef?”
“Wow, Lucas, nice; you haven’t even mentioned me to your girlfriend?? she inquired, more joking than serious.
“It didn’t come up, so let it go Sook. What’s your specialty today? What do you recommend?”
“Excuse me? I’m gonna try everything, I don’t need to know the specialty!”
Sookie looked surprised at the slim woman in front of her
“You’re gonna eat everything??”
“Oh, yeah” she shrugged casually. Sookie looked at Luke who just imitated his girlfriend and shrugged.
Then she smiled and piled up a huge amount of food on Lorelai’s plate and handed it to her
“I think we’re gonna be very good friends if you have an appetite like that”
“Mhm yef” Lorelai said with her mouth full
“Lorelai” Luke scolded her.
“Let her be, Lukey, she’s got a healthy appetite”
“Yeah, appetite is true but healthy is debatable.” Luke muttered
“Shut up! Sookie this food is amazing” Lorelai moaned happily as she put a fork full of chocolate cake, Luke just rolled his eyes at her and led her over to the tabled, looking back at Sookie mock-suffering.
She giggled, she was happy for her childhood friend and she also liked Lorelai a lot, not just because of her ability to eat but also because she made Luke so obviously happy.

Sookie looked over at her spouse Jackson at the barbeque where he was chatting happily with Andrew and Kirk.
She let her gaze wander around the party: Lane and her band were finishing setting up their equipment on stage, Miss Patty and Babette were surrounded by their usual crowd of nosy people, they were probably setting bets on the odds of Luke proposing today, Taylor was sitting at a table apparently exhausted and Lorelai was force-feeding Luke some chocolate cookies and he only did it for the reward-kiss afterwards.
They looked so comfortable together.
Sookie thought back to the not-so-many girlfriends Luke had had and she remembered not one that was like Lorelai (although she doubted that anyone was like Lorelai…) or one that she, Sookie, had liked.
She just had to make her peace with whatever Luke brought home and pretend to be happy for him.
She was glad she didn’t have to pretend anymore.