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Normale Version: What if? - English FF
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oh mein gott....
:heul: :heul: :heul: :heul:
alleine das bild vom weinenden luke hat mich zum heulen gebracht... du schaffst das echt immer mich total zu fesseln... der teil ist soo traurig und dabei wieder so unglaublich geil geschrieben!

bitte lass lorelai wieder gesund werden... noch viele solche teile hält mein herz nicht aus...
man, ich war war richtig happy, jetzt bin ich wieder depri Sad :heul:

naja, bis bald, Corinna
endlich...den ganzen tag konnte ich nicht an den pc!!!riesiger nachteil wenn man noch zwei brüder hat und nur einen pc!!
und dann hat man noch verwandte aus hellas zu besuch...
deine story ist meine rettung!!!
einfach wunderbar!!meine nerven lagen heute blank aber kaum hab ich deine ff gelesen gehst mir gut!!!super teile einfach Wub Wub Confusedabber: Confusedabber:
weiter büdde büdde!!
P.S so jetzt ist corinnas ff dran!
MissLilli schrieb:Dance without sleeping? Hab ich schon mal gelesen, is von Lydia oder so oda?
Aber ich kann mich echt nimmer erinnern, also ich hab die Idee von der Story echt nicht von der Akte X FF Smile

Jap, die meinte ich... Ich hab die auch schon lange nicht mehr gelesen und das sollte jetzt auch absolut kein Vorwurf sein... Deine Story hat mich eben nur daran erinnert, vermutlich eben weil Scully ja auch Krebs hatte und die Sache mit Mulder ja soundso ähnlich der mir Luke und Lore ist...
Zitat:alleine das bild vom weinenden luke hat mich zum heulen gebracht... du schaffst das echt immer mich total zu fesseln... der teil ist soo traurig und dabei wieder so unglaublich geil geschrieben!

merci Corinna, you don't know how much this means to me

Zitat:Jetzt muss ich mir noch extra TAschentücher organisieren

sorry Smile ich hab heute auch schon Unmengen von Kleenexes verbraucht Wink

@ Lauren: jap, die L/L Kiste erinnert mich verdammt an M/S! Ich war auch damals ein kleiner Shipper*gg* hab glaub ich fast jede FF bei Gossamer gelesen :lach: und ich kann nur hoffen, dass ASP die Beziehung nicht so runtersetzt wie Chris Carter Nono

gut, der Worte sind genug gewechselt, nun laßt uns endlich Taten

‘They’ve been making tests for four hours now and nobody’d tell me what’s wrong with her' he paced the waiting room like a trapped tiger, only pausing to look at the door longingly, willing it to open and revealing a doctor, nurse, paramedic, whatever to tell him whatever they had to say.
He hated the smells of hospitals. It smelled of people dying, of mourning family members and the terrible stench of hopelessness.
Just then he saw his parents walk in and his mother walked over to him and hugged him. “We caught the first plane here, honey. How is she?” she asked with a worried expression on her face.
Worried for the woman her son loved so much and also partly for her son who looked like he had ages years in the last few days. He sighed and greeted his dad too, glad that they were there.
“The doctors won’t say, they’ve been running tests in there for four hours already and I’m so tired of waiting” he sat down on a chair and put his face in his hands.
“I know honey, but wouldn’t you want them to be thorough? So they don’t miss anything?”
It killed Barbara to see him like this and William was shaken to the bones too. Now all they could do was wait….

“Luke!” Alex hurried towards him, tears on her face, flinging herself into his arms, sobbing.
“Alex, let go, come on honey” Lauren had to peel Alex from him and sat her down on a chair, smoothing a hand over her hair
“Hey” she said to Luke and kissed him on the cheek
“No news yet, as I take it” he merely nodded
“The others should be arriving soon, I called them right after you called! How are you?” she asked him, concerned.
“Everybody keeps asking me that, how do you think I feel, finding my girlfriends sprawled on the kitchen floor, barely alive, then having to wait here for six hours, not knowing if she’s okay or not, how would you feel??”
Seeing the hurt expression on Laurens face
“I’m sorry, I know you care as much about her as I do, it’s just so damn frustrating, sitting out here, kept in the dark. And I’m also sorry that you had to find out about her… condition like this!”
“It’s okay, it’s an extreme situation, don’t worry about it” she touched his arm slightly to calm him down as the others stepped up to them, all with concerned looks on their faces
“Sorry I didn’t make it earlier, I had to deal with a client who’s a real pain in the ass!” Sheila gazed around the group and stopped talking. Everybody was lost in their own world of fear and worried, until a doctor came out the door and cleared his throat, ripping everyone from their haze.

Luke stepped up to him, not able to form the question.
“Are you the family of Miss Gilmore?”
“Yes, I’m her boyfriend, Luke Danes, I’m listed as her emergency contact, these are my parents and her closest friends”
“Good, I’m Dr. Mercer!” he shook Lukes hand
“Miss Gilmore was brought to us after she had passed out in her kitchen. This is a common thing with cancer patients, especially if the brain is affected. So we CTed her and found out, that the cancer has began to spread so there are lots of metastases. No other therapy has any effect so you might consider chemotherapy”
He held up a hand as Luke tried to speak
“But let me finish. Miss Gilmore is in a stable condition right now, but her brain is already so affected that the possibility of slipping into a coma is very plausible. She’s over the peak, not in the life-threatening situation that she was in when she came in but.. there’s also possibility that she might fall asleep and never wake up again”

“Oh God” Lukes knees gave in and he had to sit down, Lauren put a hand over her mouth, tears filling her eyes, Chris stared off into space, a pained look on his face, Sheila wore a deep frown, kneading her hands, Tom was hyperventilating and breathing into a bag and Barbara and William rushed over to their son who kept shaking his head, repeating “No, no, NO!” over and over again.

Dr. Mercer stepped up to Luke and put a hand on his shoulder, Lukes heat shot up
“Do you want to see her?” asked the doctor quietly and Luke got up on shaky feet. He walked behind the doctor, needing to see his girlfriend, but at the same time he was awfully afraid if what he’ll see.
He looked around and silently pleaded with his mother to come with him. They entered the ICU and the buzz from the hospital faded away, here all they heard was the beeping of the EKG and the huffing from the breathing aid.

The three of them rounded a corner and Luke’s breath caught in his chest and he heard his mothers gasp from far far away. Lorelai was in a hospital bed, pale as the sheets surrounding her, tubes coming out of her, keeping her alive. He had never seen her so small and vulnerable and he wished that he wouldn’t have to experience this.
A single tear rolled down his cheek as he stepped up to the bed and ran a finger across Lorelai’s cold palm. He pulled up a chair and sat down next to her, taking her hand in his, trying to warm it up a little.
Barbara decided that it was best if she left him alone right now so she pulled the door shut slowly and went back to the others.

He let his gaze travel across the different machines she was hooked to, the beeping EKG showing that she was physically alive, the breathing machine to keep her physically alive without the psychological help and various others he didn’t even want to know.
She slowly opened her eyes and Luke focused again on her. He squeezed her hand to make sure she knew he was there, but she was still so engrossed in her own world that she didn’t notice him at first.
Then she turned her head and smiled faintly “Hey”
“You” he pointed a finger at her
“Don’t ever do that again, you almost gave me a heart attack” he tried to ridicule this whole thing but she could see the evident pain in his eyes so she cupped his cheek
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t be, okay? You’ve got other things to focus on right now”
And they talked for a while until Lorelai was getting tired and it took another while to convince her to go to sleep.
Luke never left her side.
sao ich durck mir des teil mal und les im bett... morgen kommt denn der komentar

Gute n8!
ok, komm jetzt endlich dazu feedback zu geben...
das sieht aber (leider) nich anders aus als die letzten male auch schon:
:heul: :heul: :heul: :heul:
des is soo traurig... ich hab wieder geweint, und ich erwähnte es bereits, das heißt was bei mir!!
es is so schrecklich luke so fertig zu "sehen"... und auch lorelais freunde und natürlich sie selbst...
bei dem bild vor augen, wie luke leise weinend vor ihrem bett sitzt hab ichs dann gar nich mehr ausgehalten... :heul:

oh man, du machst mich echt fertig!

bitte mach schnell weiter, ich bruache unbedingt nen neuen teil!!

lg, Corinna!
*corinna in den arm nehm* alles wird wieder gut :troest:

hier der neue Teil:

Wir war'n verrückt - total verliebt
Kribbeln im Bauch - 'n bißchen Angst

But now it wasn’t the fear of being together that bothered the two, it was the fear of not being together that almost killed them

Das war kein Traum - schau mich an
Wir ha'm doch jetzt noch weiche Knie

Komm fass mich an - halt mich fest

He held her most of the time they were together, needing to feel her close, to make sure she was still there and not going anywhere.

Hau bloß nicht ab - aus meiner Welt

He was there for her 24/7, only leaving sporadically to check on the Diner but never staying away for more than 3 hours in a row.

Du strahlst mich an - wenn du lachst

Luke loved to see her smile, he tried to make her laugh often but the times she responded grew fewer and fewer over the weeks

Da geh'n Feuerwerke ab

The butterflies were still there, she felt them everytime he stepped into the room and the dark hospital room brightened suddenly.

Du - es geht gut

They were a unity, they shared a bond nothing could ever break - or at least they thought so

Und immer weiter

He wondered sometimes how things would’ve turned out if she didn’t get cancer and he mentally slapped him for dwelling on What ifs instead of focusing on the real issues on hand.

Wir halten jetzt die Welt an
Die soll sich später weiter dreh'n

She wanted to stop the world before the whole mess had begun. When they were happy. Careless. Free.

Mit dir fängt alles an, tausend Lichter leuchten

When she smiled it was like he could forget everything around them and get lost in her sparkling eyes

Ich kann's kaum glauben

Why doesn’t fate want us to be happy?

Ah - ich muß los - voll gemein

One day, he had to stay overnight to handle an early delivery, Caesar had called, his wife was having a baby. Leaving her alone for the night was the hardest thing he ever had to do and they spend 2 hours “saying” goodbye.

Noch'n Kuss - wieder allein

Ich halt's nicht aus - ich ruf dich an

After two hours of tossing and turning in her hospital bed, not being able to sleep with an empty spot in her bed, finally grabbing the phone from the bedside table

Wir reden Stunden, Tage lang

But then the day came where the doctors said that it was only a matter of time until Lorelais brain was too weak to function and she would fall into a coma. Luke had tears in his eyes after hearing this and Lorelai clung to him, terrified of the things to come. They had reluctantly set up a will, Luke getting most of Lorelai’s possessions, and the rest was divided among her closest friends, the house would be sold and the money also divided. Lorelai had sat through the procession with a stoic look on her face, only the tears streaming down her face showed that she was still there.
Three weeks later, at night, the EKG slowed down and the EEG died completely.
That’s when Luke knew she was gone.
Bist du denn wahnsinnig! UNd das ohne vorwarnung!? MIch so spät am abend noch so heulen zu lassen. :heul: Jetzt kann ich bestimmt nicht schlafen. Es kommt mir vor, als würde ich neben ihr im Krankenzimmer sitzen und alle smiterleben, so gut wie du schreibst. Bitte bitte sag, dass es nur ein Traum war... Sad
Natürlich Wink Cool Big Grin