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Normale Version: What if? - English FF
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na wenn du meinst Wink
zwei Teile hab ich noch


He cradled her up in his arms one last time, then went to get the doctor.
Two weeks passed without any sign of Lorelai getting better, so the doctor told Luke to consider turning off the life-support, seeing that there was no reason to keep them on. Luke lost many nights of sleep over this issue, he just couldn’t get himself to turn off the machines that kept his girlfriend alive.

But he decided that it was the only sensible thing to do, there was no need to try to hold on to her while she was already gone. He had to let her go.

So the whole family gathered around her one last time, bidding her goodbye; Luke stood near the door, he’ll have his own goodbye with her in a few minutes.

Emily stood next to her daughter, tears in her eyes, holding her hand, all the while talking about how wrong she was and how she wished she had supported Lorelai more. But it was too late.

Richard put his arm around his wife, pulling her out of the room, sobbing hysterically. Luke looked after them, then turned and walked toward the bed and his unmoving girlfriend. He sat on her bed and took both of her hands in his.
“Lorelai, I don’t know if you can hear me, but I have to say this to you. The first time we met you came into my life like a whirlwind, knocking everything over. You were pretty hostile but I felt that there was another side to you too.
When we got stuck in an elevator you showed me bits and pieces of this other side and I was intrigued.
You showed up in Stars Hollow not long afterwards and as you came into the Diner, my heart forgot to beat for a few seconds; you were breathtaking but I had prepared myself for watching you from far far away. I figured you were out of my league.
But then Mia suggested I should show you round town and you seemed thrilled by the idea. I enjoyed your company and I wanted this day to never end.
Then I practically shanghaied myself into going to the dance marathon with me and as I saw the jealousy in your eyes I finally believed that there could be more. I lay awake that night, thinking about you, wondering why you should chose me - something I did a lot, even when we were together
Then we had this awesome time at the marathon finishing with this hot public display of affection on the town square.
Then there was the break up. I was stupid, acting like a guy, not being able to think straight anymore.
I almost couldn’t take being away from you and I lived the life of a Sandler until Mia came to kick my butt. Hard. I finally realized that you made me happy like no one else could.
You changed me, you made me leave the grumpy diner guy behind and become someone new. A better me. Because of you. You made me the luckiest man in the world by just being yourself.
The day you gave me the bad news. I can remember coming home, thinking about the possibility of you being pregnant, that gave me a happy feeling which was completely gone when I saw you standing at the window, frozen.
You let your independence go that night and I can’t tell you how much it meant to me, that you trusted me enough to be trusted with you. I’m not making sense anymore..
Anyway, when I found you in the kitchen seemingly a long time ago, my heart stopped beating for a second time. I went on autopilot and got you to the hospital immediately, forcing my brain not to think.
Then I waited. For an eternity. And when the doctor came in, I just wanted to lay down and die.
But your friends and my parents kept me from falling into total lethargy and so I went to see you. And my heart shattered looking at you, feeling so damn helpless, just wanted to lay down with you and tell you that everything was going to be fine.
The next few weeks were hell and heaven at the same time: I had to watch you slip away from me continuously but we also spent some quality time together that I really enjoyed.

Lorelai Gilmore, I love you, I will always love you, until the day I die. There’ll be no other woman who I’ll ever love so much like I love you, who I’ll worship like I worshipped you and who I’ll respect and look up to as I respected and looked up to you.”

He buried his head in her stomach, the pain he felt was far beyond tears and he whispered “Forgive me” as he pulled the plug from the life-support and clenched his eyes shut, trying to block out the monotonic sound from the EKG.
Neeeeiiiiiin! Schnell noch den zweiten TEil! Sonst kann ich morgen net arbeiten Wink Bitte bitte! :heul: *fleh* *auf Knien bettel*
naja Teil ist vielleicht ein bisserl viel gesagt.... *g*

He lay there, with his ear against her stomach and just waited. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it wasn’t what was happening now. He heard a small thumping voice, but dismissed it immediately, thinking he had imagined it.
But he hadn’t.
Ja ja ja! Jetzt kann ich beruhigt heia machen gehen Big Grin Toll! Was so ein kleiner Teil von dir bewirken kann... Ein riesen smile in meinem Gesicht! Freu mich schon auf morgen abend, wenn ich (hoffentlich *zwinker*) neue Teile lesen kann!
Nighty Night!
Weißt du...
du bist echt fies...
erst dieser derbst geile schluss, dass sie aufwacht, ich konnte BERUHIGT enschlafen... dann steh ich heute morgen auf und denke mir "schreibst mal feedback und was kommt sowas..
ich musste beim song schon losheulen...
dann das EEG, ich war komplet mitn nerven unten...
danach als kleines bonbon dieses liebe "Forgive me" und das abstellen der Geräte (ich gebe zu, da wäre ich dir gerne an den hals gesprungen...)
und dann des!
she's breathing....
wechselbad der gefühle und ich könnte dich schlagen... (des total ernst mein) wie kannst du mir sowas antun...
also, ich hätte zumindest gerne ne entschuldigung von dir...(hast ja noch bis ca halb 3 zeit Big Grin )
ach ja und nen neuer teil wäre auch net schlecht...
iss megageil Top aber tu mir sowas net nomma an... :heul:
Also coole Geschichte,auch wenn ich nur die hälfte verstanden habe *lol*
Hast du die vielleicht noch irgendwo auf deutsch und könntest sie mir schicken???*roryshundeblickaufsetz*
Wäre voll lieb!
´Du machst mich noch krank!°!! Ich mach mir da schon die größten sorgen dass sie stirbt!!!
*hexen lachen* *hihihi* :thanx:

@Choco: Ich hab sie leider nicht auf deutsch, weil ich manche Sachen einfach nicht auf Deutsch ausdrücken kann Smile aber wenn du was nicht verstehst kannst du mich gern fragen Wink Wink

@CMM: :knuddel: :troest: ich entschuldig mich in aller Förmlichkeit bei dir *bis über beide ohren grins* hätt aber nicht gedacht dass ich sowas kann Unsure also leute so mitfühlen zu lassen *gg* sorry, ich bin schon früher schlafen gegangen, also hab ich mich nicht schon früher entschuldigen können Smile

kennt eigentlich wer den Song? *mal in die Runde frag*
nein kenn ihn eigentlich net vom wem ist der?
gott... du schockst uns irgendwie alle *lol*
lachst dich bestimmt über uns kaputt, was? Wink Big Grin

hab auch geweint... :heul:
find es so klasse, wie manche leute es schaffe, das man bei so ner story richtig doll mitfühlen und auch weinen kann... Smile