Zitat:Solaris ist eine Verfilmung des Science-Fiction-Romans Solaris des polnischen Autors Stanisław Lem durch Steven Soderbergh aus dem Jahr 2002. (1972 gab es bereits eine berühmt gewordene Verfilmung von Andrei Tarkowski.)
Hauptrolle spielt George Clooney, amerik. schauspieler
Bei den Oscars 2006 war Clooneys Film,
Good Night and Good Luck 6x nominiert
Hab noch eins aus 6.13 gefunden:
Zitat:Lorelai: They're not going to like it; it's going to be the opening night of "Taboo" all over again.
Und neue aus 6.14:
Zitat:LORELAI: So it's weird. Pops up and then disappears again, that's never good.
RORY: Unless he's a groundhog. Maybe dad's a groundhog.
Zitat:RORY: Yep. Hey, "Bullets over Broadway."
LORELAI: "Don't speak."
Zitat:LORELAI: Don't show him all your classes. Don't make him touch the toe.
Zitat:RORY: What did she do now?
BILL: Nothing, it's what's been done to her.
JONI: The Howell Raines-ing is complete.
Das alte Hä:
Das it eine schlechte Review als beispiel
Es geht um das Musical von rosie o'donnell
Zitat:In late 2003, O'Donnell brought the musical*Taboo*to Broadway. She hired*Charles Busch*to re-write thebook, and the story became "bitchier" and more focused on the rise to fame of the character based onBoy George.[86]*It finished on the 8th of February 2004, after about 100 performances and "mostly bad" reviews.
Zitat:Bullets Over Broadway*ist eine in den 1920er Jahren angesiedelte*Komödie*von*Woody Allen*aus dem Jahr 1994.
Zitat:Punxsutawney Phil Sowerb*ist ein mystisches Murmeltier Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.*Am zweiten Februar, dem Murmeltiertag in den USA, feiern die Bewohner ein Fest, bei dem das Murmeltier voraussagt, ob der Winter lang wird oder ob bald wieder Frühling ist.Dafür steckt es seinen Kopf aus dem Bau und wenn es âseinen Schatten siehtâ, d. h. wenn die Sonne scheint, soll der Winter noch weitere sechs Wochen dauern.
Wegen Howell Raines zitiere ich mal den Beitrag aus dem Thread hier zu einer alten Folge:
Zitat:Howell Raines war 21 Monate der Chefredakteur der New York Times, dann wurde er 2003 gezwungen, abzutreten.
Raines Protegé Jayson Blair´s Geschcihten und Berichte waren voller Plagiate und Erfindungen.
Raines schob Blair die Verantwortung zu.
Zitat:Theodore Dwight Woolsey (October 31, 1801 – July 1, 1889) was an American academic, author and president of Yale College from 1846 through 1871.
Woolsey Hall at Yale and Woolsey Street in New Haven, Connecticut are named in his honor. The statue erected in his memory has a golden toe from being rubbed for good luck.
hier sieht man das er gold ist:
Paar neue häs:
Zitat:JONI: She won't come out of her bunker.
AK: She's been in there for hours.
BILL: Even Hitler came out every once in a while to walk his dog.
Zitat:JONI: I interrupted her highness while she was on the phone and got a 5,000-word lecture on Robert's rules of order.
Zitat:PARIS: So, are they all out there excitedly awaiting my perp walk?
Zitat:PARIS: Everyone, I have a little announcement, so if you could gather around, please. We have an issue. You see, it has become increasingly apparent that I have become the story here at the Yale daily news and that I have overshadowed our journalistic efforts. Well, I don't want to be the story at my own newspaper, because then I'd be Judith Miller, and I'd have to wear my bangs too long and overdo my lipstick, and I don't want that. I want to remain me. So I am tendering my resignation as editor in chief effective immediately. In closing, I'd like to state that the Yale daily news has overcome numerous obstacles in its august history and that it will easily overcome this. My resignation will be a loss, but it will be a loss the daily news can survive, and it is a loss it must survive. Good night and good luck.
Zitat:LUKE: Your parents are not warm people.
LORELAI: They were extras in "March of the penguins."
Zitat:MICHEL: Well, he's not doing a very good job. That key rack is protruding way too far out. It's going to wreak havoc on my French cuffs every time I reach for a key.
Zitat:BILL: I'm trying to be accurate.
JONI: There are no “hanging chads”, Bill. Give us the count.
Ach ja zur alten Folge: Hab das auf einer seite gelesen: [/FONT]
Zitat:The ending scene of this episode was a reference to the movie Husbands and Wives, which contained a similar scene with Woody Allen and Mia Farrow.
Hat den Film jemand gesehen?
Sehr gutes Thema! Ich merke ab und zu, dass gute Jokes an mir vorbeigehen und das ist doch einfach schade. Manche Sachen kann man sich auch nicht einfach zusammenreimen, da braucht man eben Hintergrundwissen. âTouch the toe versteh ich auch nicht. Groundhog ist glaube ich einfach ein Erdmännchen

Gunter Mund schrieb:Sehr gutes Thema! Ich merke ab und zu, dass gute Jokes an mir vorbeigehen und das ist doch einfach schade. Manche Sachen kann man sich auch nicht einfach zusammenreimen, da braucht man eben Hintergrundwissen. âTouch the toe versteh ich auch nicht. Groundhog ist glaube ich einfach ein Erdmännchen 
Schön, wenn Interesse besteht

Und ja, Hintergrundwissen ist immer eine groÃe Hilfe bei den Gilmore girls
Lena, ich hab den FIlm sogar daheim gehabt fällt mir grade ein, aber ich musste ihn wieder abgeben in der Bib. Naja.
Ich habe das hier auf einer Seite gefunden, aber ich werd den FIlm auch nochmal ansehen:
Zitat:Cinematically, Sherman-Palladino confessed the FND was an hommage to Woody Allen's Husbands and Wives. I believe the reason she appropriated this technique was to make the viewer feel like a member of the family in the midst of the battle between all four family members. During the initial confrontation at the dinner table between Rory and the Gilmores, the camera's POV is from Lorelei who is silent during it. You can literally feel her head swinging side to side. However, when Lorelei butts in, the POV has swung over to Rory's vantage point.
When Lorelei did her imitation of the Gilmores (in reference to the Huntzberger incident), she has switched seats with Rory and although it was not really a continuity error, it broke the cardinal film/ tv rule: crossing the axis. Breaking this rule is extremely rare and it shows how ambitious Sherman-Palladino wanted to be with this scene. Its intention was to add to the tension and feeling of chaos breaking out. Another interesting point about this imitation speech is Lorelei ended it with "End scene!". This was Sherman-Palladino's way of expressing self-consciousness of the artifice of this scene. She wanted to make it clear that, despite its seeming randomness, everything was clearly intended. There was also an element of the Theatre of the Absurd with its juxtaposition of shots of anger with shots of laughter. In a previous episode during S.6 Richard was reading a Samuel Beckett book. Just like Husbands and Wives this epic battle did not resolve any issues, but captured the neverending conflict that now spans multigenerations.
Hitler kennd ja jeder, aber hier wird wohl auf die letzten Tage im BUnker angespielt bevor der 2. WK zu Ende ging.
Ob er wirklich sienen Hund in dieser Zeit gassi fürhte, bezweifel ich aber stark

(er hatte jedoch einen Hund; über den gibt es einen ganzen Wiki-eintrag
Zitat:Robert's Rules of Order is the short title of a book, written by Brig. Gen. Henry Martyn Robert, containing rules of order intended to be adopted as a parliamentary authority for use by a deliberative assembly.Currently in its eleventh edition and published under the name Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (and often referred to using the initialism RONR), it is a widely[1] used parliamentary authority in the English-speaking world.
perp walk ist ein Begriff aus dem US-amerikanischen Rechtswesen und bezeichnet die öffentliche Zurschaustellung Verdächtiger.
Zitat:Judith "Judy" Miller (* 2. Januar 1948 in New York City) ist eine frühere Journalistin der New York Times, die auf Sicherheitsfragen spezialisiert ist. Sie erhielt den renommierten Pulitzer-Preis.Ihre Kritiker werfen ihr vor, zu viele Befürworter des Irak-Krieges ohne sorgfältige Prüfung als Quellen zu benutzen, wie zum Beispiel Ahmad Tschalabi.
Zitat:Good Night, and Good Luck Zitat von Edward R. Murrow(Edward Roscoe âEdâ Murrow(eigentlich Egbert Roscoe Murrow) war ein US-amerikanischer Journalist.)
Sign off line of his radio and TV broadcasts.
Zitat:Die Reise der Pinguine ist der Debütfilm des französischen Filmemachers und Antarktisforschers Luc Jacquet. Der Tierfilm basiert auf einer Erzählung Jacquets, die er gemeinsam mit Michel Fessler für die Kinoleinwand adaptierte.
wreak havoc- unheil anrichten
Zitat:Hanging chads are attached to the ballot at only one corner.
Zitat:RORY: Maybe we should take a break.
BILL: No. No breaks.
AK: This isn't est. We get to leave.
Zitat:PARIS: That secret meeting weeks ago at the pub where you set the putsch in motion, what happened? There wasn't a beer hall available?
Zitat:PARIS: Nice spin. Take it to "k" street. [Shuts the door] I made you my number two, and it went to your head!
Zitat:LUKE: It's okay. I'm not much of a gentleman.
MICHEL: Not if you persist in dressing like a "peanuts" character.
Zitat:RORY: I just talked to campus housing, and there are no singles left at Branford or anywhere on campus, and the decent off-campus apartments are long gone. The ones left make Paris and Doyle's place look like Versailles.
LOGAN: Wow! Finally someone good running that place! Someone great! You're gonna be great!
RORY: Well, hot-plate Harriet took it very badly.
Zitat:LOGAN: Look, we'll figure this out. You said you got movers?
RORY: Starving students. How starving can they be if they can't come for five hours after you call? Plus, I heard the guy crunching on something during our call. Sounded like baked lay's.
LOGAN: Why not? You're here half the time anyway. You've already got two dresser drawers, and right now, for a limited time, I'll throw in three more drawers and a set of Ginsu knives.
Zitat:MICHEL: I used to yell at parker all the time, and he never once came running to you.
LORELAI: What is this thing with you and parker? Did he save your life in Nam?
Zitat:RORY: Dad, that's a Nobel-prize winner.
Ich hab ganz vergessen, dass wir noch einen Titel haben, der auch eine Anspeung sien konnte:
Zitat:You've Been Gilmored
beer hall: Ist ja klar, Hitler hat 1923 glaub ich einen Putschversuch in München unternommen, die Regierungsmacht an sich zu reiÃen.
Zitat:K Street:
Street running east-west through Washington DC's northwest quadrant. K Street is a phrase referring to lobbying groups, many of which are headquartered in the area, home also to Chinatown and MCI Center.
You can easily see the influence of K Street in this bill.
Ich denke, damit ist
Die Peanuts sind Comics und alle Figuren laufen eig. leger gekleidet rum. Es sind eben Kinder, also kleiden sie sich nicht besonders fancy:
versailles: französisches Schloss in Versailles, unter Ludwig XIV. gebaut. (Macht und prachtsymbol)
hot-plate Harriet: Paris hatte eine Kochplatte (hot plate) in ihrem BUnker an, ich denk das ist ein Spitzname für sie.