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Episode 5.7

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Zitat:Episode title:
The Party's Over
Zitat:EMILY: Well thank you for telling me. I'm just glad I got to hear it from you and didn't have to pick it up on the street somewhere.
LORELAI: 'Cause you hang out on the street so often, Mom, you and Melrose Larry Green..
Zitat:LANE: Hi! Oh, potential hookup at table four!
LORELAI: Oh, wow, diner love. "Over easy" takes on a whole new meaning
Zitat: LIZ: I'm so jazzed. I want private details.
LUKE: Tell her nothing.
LORELAI: Really, nothing? Not even about your Canadian mountie hat?
Zitat:PARIS: You are so naive. He's practically licking his lips. You sleep with one old guy, and suddenly you're Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Der Titel könnte auf verschiedene Songs und Bücher sowie FIlme anspielen, hat aber glaub ich keine tiefere bedeutung.

Auf einer GIlmoreseite steht:
Zitat:The Party's Over is a song that was first performed in the musical comedy Bells Are Ringing. Shirley Bassey and Nat King Cole recorded popular versions of the song which, was originally composed by Jule Styne with lyrics by Comden and Green.
The Party's Over is also the title of a book by Richard Heinberg.
Zitat:'Melrose' Larry Green More at IMDbPro » Date of Birth 4 December 1950, Brooklyn, New York, USA Birth Name Laurence Victor Greenblatt Trivia Frequent guest on Howard Stern's radio program. Got his name by promoting Howard Stern's radio show by wearing a sandwich board sign on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, California. Had his own late night conservative radio show on KIEV AM-870 in Los Angeles for a time. Howard Stern banned Larry from his show for a number of years because of a personal dispute. Larry bad mouthed everyone on the show during the time he was banned. Only as recently as 2001 have Howard and Larry made up and Howard has allowed Larry back on the show. In a segment of 'Howard Stern's Cribs,' Green showed off his Venice apartment, which is filled with signs of his own creation, hundreds of video tapes, books, porno magazines, dirty pots and pans and weight lifting equipment. He called taping the segment the greatest honor ever bestowed upon him. Has his own website, as most of Howard Stern's "Wack Packers" do (including Beetlejuice, High Pitch Erik, Hank the Dwarf, et al). Credits his newfound "normalcy" to his cat, Robin Quivers (named after Howard Stern's radio sidekick).

Zitat:"Over easy" or "over light", cooked on both sides; the yolk is a light runny and the egg white is fully cooked. "Over easy" fried eggs are also commonly referred to as dippy eggs or dip eggs by Marylanders, by Pennsylvania Dutch persons living in central Pennsylvania and those living around them, mainly due to the practice of dipping toast into the yolk while eating.

Zitat:Catherine Zeta-Jones, CBE,[1] (* 25. September 1969 in Swansea, Wales) ist eine britische Schauspielerin und Oscar-Preisträgerin.
ist mit michael douglas zusammen, der 25 jahre älter als sie ist.
Zitat:Die Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Abkürzung RCMP, deutsch etwa „königliche kanadische berittene Polizei“, umgangssprachliche Kurzbezeichnung Mounties, französisch Gendarmerie royale du Canada, GRC, umgangssprachliche Kurzbezeichnung police montée) ist die nationale Polizei Kanadas, die im Auftrag der Provinzen (außer Ontario und Québec) und Territorien sowie vieler Gemeinden auch lokale Aufgaben wahrnimmt. Die Personalstärke der RCMP liegt bei etwa 29.235.[3] Derzeitiger Commissioner ist Bob Paulson.

Neue häs:

Zitat:LORELAI: You're the perfect man.
LUKE: Thank you.
LORELAI: I used to think it was Kelsey Grammer, but it's not. It's you.

Zitat:LORELAI: Yes, please. Okay, so I brought a little ambience and a little Clooney.
LUKE: George?
LORELAI: Rosemary.
Zitat:UKE: Oh, I'm down to the artichokes.
LORELAI: You know, it may have choked Artie, but it ain't going to choke me. Some Little Rascals humor there for ya.

Zitat:LORELAI: Yes, but it's wrong. You should have boundaries in your life, leave work at work. You need a work life and a home life and the silverware is your work life. I'm so telling Dr. Phil on you.
Zitat:LUKE: I'm assuming you guys had a fight.
TJ: Not just a fight, a whammo monster of a fight. It was like Jake Lamotta and I was that blonde chick he was married to.
Zitat:TJ: She's crazy, man, she goes nuts! And she yells at me like... there's a register that her voice reaches when she yells that only a freaking dog can hear, but her face is so twisted and contorted that you know she's hit that register, and it's amazing! It should be on the Discovery Channel or something.
Zitat:George Timothy Clooney (* 6. Mai 1961 in Lexington, Kentucky) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Drehbuchautor, Filmproduzent und Regisseur.
Zitat:Rosemary Clooney (* 23. Mai 1928 in Maysville, Kentucky; † 29. Juni 2002 in Beverly Hills, Kalifornien) war eine US-amerikanische Pop- und Jazzsängerin sowie Schauspielerin, die zu den populärsten Interpreten der 1950er Jahre zählte.
Zitat:Allen Kelsey Grammer (* 21. Februar 1955 auf Saint Thomas auf den Amerikanischen Jungferninseln) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler und Produzent.
Zitat:Jake LaMotta, auch bekannt als The Bronx Bull und The Raging Bull, (* 10. Juli 1922[1] in New York; eigentlich Giacobe LaMotta) ist ein ehemaliger Italo-amerikanischer Boxer. Er war von 1949–1951 Weltmeister im Mittelgewicht.

You may have choked Artie but you ain't gonna choke meZitat aus der the little rascals:
Zitat:Die kleinen Strolche (im Original Our Gang, oder auch bekannt als The Little Rascals oder Hal Roach’s Rascals) war eine langjährige US-amerikanische Serie über die Abenteuer einer Kindergruppe aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen.

Zitat:Phillip „Phil“ Calvin McGraw (* 1. September 1950 in Vinita City, Oklahoma) ist ein US-amerikanischer Psychologe und Fernsehmoderator. McGraw wurde 2005 zu einem der Greatest Americans gewählt.
Zitat:Discovery Channel ist der Name einer ursprünglich amerikanischen, inzwischen weltweit ausgestrahlten Fernsehsenderfamilie, deren Programme sich ausschließlich Dokumentationen widmen. Discovery Channel gehört zur internationalen Discovery-Gesellschaft. Inzwischen wird Discovery Channel in 155 Ländern in 33 Sprachen ausgestrahlt.

Leztte Häs:
Zitat:LORELAI: It's bubbling and turning brown.
LUKE: It's fine.
LORELAI: Well, what constitutes sticking?
LUKE: You can't ruin it.
LORELAI: I can, I have powers. Once the Barefoot Contessa was making a soufflé and when it fell, she looked out the TV and said, “Gilmore, was that you?”
Zitat:RICHARD: Donnan is going to run his father's shipping business one day.
EMILY: Our own Aristotle Onassis with infinitely better table manners.
Zitat:EMILY: Kip is captain of the polo team.
RICHARD: Hell of a player. Give those Windsor boys a run for their money.
KIP: William and Harry are good guys. Decent horsemen, terrible bridge players.
Zitat: LOGAN: No, no buts. You've got a good style. There were a few too many similes in it for my taste, but it definitely had a Joseph Mitchell thing going for it, I like that.
Zitat:FINN: I'll reenact the Passion of the Christ.
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Episode 5.8
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Zitat: JACKSON: [ Sighs ] Do not go where you're going.
LORELAI: Well, what's one leech versus a swarm?
JACKSON: [looks to the skies and whimpers] I have no sanctuary.
Zitat:JACKSON: Were we followed? [peers around edge of curtain]
LORELAI: I don't think so. Good thing we ditched that Audi in Marseilles. Now we just have to find that tracking device
Zitat:SOOKIE: [ Crying ] I just -- it's just -- it's just so sad.
LORELAI: Oh! People Magazine.
Zitat:SOOKIE: And then the Divine Brown thing happens, and bammo -- their love's in the toilet.
LORELAI: We're talking Elizabeth Hurley and Hugh Grant?

Zitat: RORY: Getting to use Luke's behind-the-counter phone, that's like getting to wear his letterman jacket.
Zitat: LORELAI: I figured you'd turned Amish or something and couldn't make any calls until Rumspringa, but, no, here you are, answering the phone.
Zitat:ein Blutegel gegen einen Schwarm
leech versus a swarm

Zitat:People (originally called People Weekly) is a weekly American magazine of celebrity and human-interest stories, published by Time Inc.
Zitat:Divine Brown (* 9. August 1969 in San Francisco; eigentlich Estella Marie Thompson) ist eine US-amerikanische Prostituierte, die in einen Sex-Skandal mit dem britischen Schauspieler Hugh Grant verwickelt und dadurch weltbekannt wurde.

Zitat:Er hatte am 27. Juni 1995 die Prostituierte Divine Brown für einen Blowjob in seinem Auto bestellt; beide wurden in einer Seitenstraße des Sunset Boulevard von Polizisten beim Oralverkehr im Auto ertappt und verhaftet.[2] Grant wurde zu einer Geldstrafe von 1180 US-Dollar wegen Sex in der Öffentlichkeit verurteilt

Elizabeth Jane Hurley, britische Schauspielerin, Produzentin und Model, war 13 Jahre mit Hugh Grant, brit. Schauspieler, zusammen. Sie trennte sich anch dem Skandal

Zitat:A letterman jacket is a jacket traditionally worn by high school and college students in the United States to represent school and team pride as well as to display personal awards earned in athletics, academics or activities. Letterman jackets are also known as "varsity jackets" in some places. Letterman jackets are also worn as a fashionable jacket sported by well known celebrities like Michael Jackson and Kanye West.
Zitat:Rumspringa (IPA: [rəmˈsprɪŋə], Pennsylvania Dutch: [rʊmˈʃprɪŋə]), also spelled Rumschpringe or Rumshpringa, is a period of adolescence for some members of the Amish community during which a youth temporarily leaves the community to experience life in the outside world. The Amish, a subsect of the Anabaptist Christian movement, intentionally segregate themselves from other communities as a part of their faith. T
Zitat:Die Amischen (englisch Amish ['aːmɪʃ]) sind eine täuferisch-protestantische Glaubensgemeinschaft. Sie haben ihre Wurzeln in der reformatorischen Täuferbewegung Mitteleuropas. Im Jahre 1693 spalteten sich die Amischen von der Gruppe der Mennoniten ab. Im Jahr 2010 lebten sie in 28 Staaten der Vereinigten Staaten sowie im kanadischen Ontario in 427 Siedlungen und 1826 Gemeindedistrikten.[1]
Marseille udn Audi könnte aus Der Staatsfeind Nr. 1 sein.
Neue Häs aus der folge:
Zitat:EMILY: It's very upsetting. But at some point, you have to face the facts, and the facts are he's moved on, and therefore, I should move on also.
[Lorelai reaches for her drink in salute]
LORELAI: Absolutely. "Moveon-dot-Org."
Zitat:LORELAI:[ …]I'm confused 'cause I was going to hit the Orpheum circuit with that material.
Zitat:LORELAI: What are you talking about?
RORY: You're engaged to Max, and then suddenly, you're not.
LORELAI: Christopher had nothing to do with Max.
RORY: Who was the person you were calling from your bachelorette party?
LORELAI: I was drunk. I tried to call Abe Vigoda, too, if you remember?

Zitat:LORELAI: She was so serious. You know how she gets really serious, like when she saw "The Way We Were," and she couldn't believe that Hubbell was going to leave Katie after she had the baby?
SOOKIE: Oh, I remember. She talked about it for weeks.
LORELAI: "How could he do that? She was the only one who cared about the blacklisting. She was the only one who thought he could write a novel." On and on and on. That's the face she had on today.
Zitat:JACKSON: I came home from work, and I found these on the doorstep. What the hell is this supposed to mean?
SOOKIE: Hon, maybe it's just a joke.
JACKSON: No, this is not a joke. This is a threat.
LORELAI: Yeah, those people at Butterick Patterns play pretty rough.
JACKSON: This is the fish on the doorstep. It's the horse head in the bed. It's the "either your signature or your brains are going to be on the contract."
Zitat: LORELAI: This is the second time I told it, and both times, crickets. [ Sighs and takes a sip of coffee ] I mean, Rory and Christopher looked at me like I was Pauly Shore.
Zitat: LORELAI: Mom? Are you -- [A bunched-up dress flies past her face onto a nearby bed] oh, God! Chanel attack.
Zitat:MoveOn is an American non-profit, progressive[1] or liberal[2][3] public policy advocacy group and political action committee, which has raised millions of dollars for candidates it identifies as "progressives" in the United States. It was formed in 1998 in response to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton by the U.S. House of Representatives.[1]

Zitat:The Orpheum Circuit was a chain of vaudeville and movie theaters. It was founded in 1886 and operated through 1927 when it was merged with the Keith-Albee theater chain, ultimately becoming part of the Radio-Keith-Orpheum (RKO) corporation.
Zitat:Abe Vigoda (* 24. Februar 1921 in New York City als Abraham Charles Vigodah) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler.
Zitat:So wie wir waren ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahre 1973. Bei der deutschen Erstaufführung lief er unter dem Titel „Cherie Bitter“. Der Film erzählt die Geschichte der Liebe zwischen Katie Morosky und Hubbell Gardiner.

Am Schluss trennt sich Hubbell von ihr

Zitat:It's the horse head in the bed.
It's the "either your signature or your brains are going to be on the contract
Aus "Der Pate I". Der Pferdekopf im Bett ist eine Drohung; das Zitat stammt auch aus dem Film.
Zitat:Paul Montgomery „Pauly“ Shore (* 1. Februar 1968 in Los Angeles) ist ein US-amerikanischer Komödiant und Schauspieler.

Chanel - von Coco Chanel gegründeter Modekonzern.

Letzten Häs:
Zitat: EMILY: It's horrible. Simon will be here in 20 minutes, and I have nothing to wear. [tosses both garments she's carrying onto the bed]
LORELAI: Just tell him you're obsessed with "Butterfield 8" and go like that.
Zitat:EMILY: I have to tell you, every time I hear Mahler's Seventh Symphony, I get ridiculous, giddy. It's like The Beatles on "The Ed Sullivan Show."
Zitat:EMILY: Did you see the Cleveland Orchestra when they were here last month?
SIMON: Their conductor that night --
EMILY: Rudolfski.
Zitat: LORELAI: If you try hard enough, you can eventually find a showing of "St. Elmo's Fire" on the big screen.
LUKE: Yes, that's what gets us the good seats at the Summits.
LORELAI: Come on, admit it. Rob Lowe pretending to play the saxophone was incredibly hot.
LUKE: [dryly] Oh, I admit it.
LORELAI: And also, Andrew McCarthy at his best. Though "Less Than Zero" runs a very close second.
Zitat:MARTY: Okay, I remember something about Rome. Rome. Rome. Romans lived there. Uh, Audrey Hepburn took a holiday there. It's the name of a "B-52's" song.
Zitat:RORY: I broke up with my boyfriend this week -- that was fun -- in front of a bunch of people at my grandmother's house. And then, because apparently that wasn't enough "Peyton Place" for me, I have this whole thing going with my dad, who's suddenly back in my life again.
Zitat:Telefon Butterfield 8 ist ein US-amerikanisches Filmdrama des Regisseurs Daniel Mann aus dem Jahr 1960 und basiert auf dem Roman Butterfield 8 von John O’Hara aus dem Jahr 1935.

Die attraktive Gloria hat zahllose Affären mit reichen Männern. Sie wurde als Jugendliche missbraucht und empfindet keine Liebe. Nur mit ihrem einzigen Freund Steve kann sie über ihre Gefühle und ihre Vergangenheit sprechen. Doch eines Tages begegnet sie Weston, dem Ehemann einer Konzernerbin. Weston, ein müßiger Playboy, und Gloria beginnen eine Affäre, die sich zu einer leidenschaftlichen Liebe zueinander entwickelt. Durch ein Missverständnis glaubt Gloria, sie habe Weston verloren. Sie versucht ihn zurückzugewinnen. Doch der Versuch endet in einer Katastrophe und Gloria kommt bei einem Verkehrsunfall ums Leben.

Zitat:Gustav Mahler (* 7. Juli 1860 in Kalischt, Böhmen; † 18. Mai 1911 in Wien) war ein österreichischer Komponist im Übergang von der Spätromantik zur Moderne. Er war nicht nur einer der bedeutendsten Komponisten der Spätromantik, sondern auch einer der berühmtesten Dirigenten seiner Zeit und als Operndirektor ein bedeutender Reformer des Musiktheaters.

Zitat:The Beatles performing "Help!" in August 1965.

In late 1963, Sullivan and his entourage happened also to be passing through Heathrow and witnessed how The Beatles' fans greeted the group on their return from Stockholm, where they had performed a television show as warmup band to local star Lill Babs. Sullivan was intrigued, telling his entourage it was the same thing as Elvis all over again. He initially offered Beatles manager Brian Epstein top dollar for a single show but the Beatles manager had a better idea—he wanted exposure for his clients: the Beatles would instead appear three times on the show, at bottom dollar, but receive top billing and two spots (opening and closing) on each show.[34]
The Beatles appeared on three consecutive Sundays in February 1964 to great anticipation and fanfare as "I Want to Hold Your Hand" had swiftly risen to No. 1 in the charts. Their first appearance on February 9 is considered a milestone in American pop culture and the beginning of the British Invasion in music. The broadcast drew an estimated 73 million viewers, at the time a record for US television, and was characterized by an audience composed largely of screaming hysterical teenage girls in tears. The Beatles followed Ed's show opening intro, performing "All My Loving"; "Till There Was You", which featured the names of the group members superimposed on closeup shots, including the famous "Sorry girls, he's married" caption on John Lennon; and "She Loves You". The act that followed Beatles in the broadcast was pre-recorded, rather than having someone perform live on stage amidst the pandemonium that occurred in the studio after the Beatles performed their first songs. The group returned later in the program to perform "I Saw Her Standing There" and "I Want to Hold Your Hand."
The following week's show was broadcast from Miami Beach where Muhammad Ali (then Cassius Clay) was in training for his first title bout with Sonny Liston. The occasion was used by both camps for publicity. On the evening of the television show (February 16) a crush of people nearly prevented the band from making it onstage. A wedge of policemen were needed and the band began playing "She Loves You" only seconds after reaching their instruments. They continued with "This Boy", and "All My Loving" and returned later to close the show with "I Saw Her Standing There", "From Me to You" and "I Want to Hold Your Hand."
They were shown on tape February 23 (this appearance had been taped earlier in the day on February 9 before their first live appearance). They followed Ed's intro with "Twist and Shout" and "Please Please Me" and closed the show once again with "I Want to Hold Your Hand."
The Beatles appeared live for the final time on August 14, 1965. The show was broadcast September 12, 1965 and earned Sullivan a 60 percent share of the nighttime audience for one of the appearances. This time they followed three acts before coming out to perform "I Feel Fine", "I'm Down", and "Act Naturally" and then closed the show with "Ticket to Ride", "Yesterday", and "Help!." Although this was their final live appearance on the show, the group would for several years provide filmed promotional clips of songs to air exclusively on Sullivan's program such as the 1966 and 1967 clips of "Paperback Writer", "Rain", "Penny Lane", and "Strawberry Fields Forever".
Although the appearances by The Beatles, Elvis and The Supremes are considered the most famous rock and roll performances on Ed Sullivan, several months before Elvis debuted, Sullivan invited Bill Haley & His Comets to perform their then-current hit "Rock Around the Clock" in early August 1955. This was later recognized by CBS and others (including music historian Jim Dawson in his book on "Rock Around the Clock") as the first performance of a rock and roll song on a national television program.
Zitat:Das Cleveland Orchestra ist ein Symphonieorchester mit Sitz in Cleveland, Ohio.
Zitat:St. Elmo’s Fire – Die Leidenschaft brennt tief ist ein US-amerikanischer Film von Regisseur Joel Schumacher aus dem Jahr 1985. Er gilt heute als Klassiker des sogenannten Teenager-Films. Eine Reihe der Schauspieler wurden dem Brat Pack zugerechnet. Sie galten als einige der hoffnungsvollsten Talente ihrer Generation.

Der Film erzählt die Geschichte von sieben Jugendlichen, die nach ihrem Abschlussexamen an der Georgetown University in das Berufsleben eintreten und versuchen, ihre eigene Identität zu finden. Erzählt wird die Geschichte episodenartig.
Billy träumt von einer Karriere als Musiker, verfällt aber dem Alkohol. Die kokainabhängige Jules schläft mit ihrem Chef, um in der Bank die Karriereleiter hoch zu klettern. Sozialarbeiterin Wendy kommt nicht von den Eltern los und ist in Billy verliebt. Jurastudent Kirby, der nebenbei kellnert, verliebt sich in die angehende Ärztin Dale. Yuppie Alec arbeitet für einen republikanischen Senator und will Architekturstudentin Leslie heiraten, und zu guter Letzt Kevin, der romantische Träumer der Clique, der Schriftsteller werden möchte. Sein Geheimnis ist, dass er hoffnungslos in Leslie verliebt ist.
St. Elmo’s Fire wird oft im gleichen Atemzug mit Der Frühstücksclub genannt und ist einer von vielen Filmen der 1980er Jahre, in denen es um die Identitätsfindung und das Erwachsenwerden der damaligen Jugend geht.

Zitat:Die jeweils höchsten Berge der sieben Kontinente werden als Seven Summits [ˈsevən ˈsʌmɪts] (englisch für Sieben Gipfel) zusammengefasst.
Aber ob das wirklich das ist weiß ich nicht...
Zitat:Robert Hepler „Rob“ Lowe (ˈrɒb ˈloʊ; * 17. März 1964 in Charlottesville) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, der zum sogenannten Brat Pack gehört. Sein jüngerer Bruder Chad Lowe ist ebenfalls Schauspieler.
Zitat:Andrew Thomas McCarthy (born November 29, 1962) is an American actor, award-winning travel writer and television director.
spielen in dem film mit.
Zitat:Less Than Zero is a 1987 American drama film very loosely based on Bret Easton Ellis' novel of the same name. The film stars Andrew McCarthy as Clay, a college freshman returning home for Christmas to spend time with his ex-girlfriend Blair (Jami Gertz) and his friend Julian (Robert Downey, Jr.), who is also a drug addict. The film presents a look at the culture of wealthy, decadent youth in Los Angeles.

Zitat:Roman Holiday is a 1953 romantic comedy directed and produced by William Wyler. It stars Gregory Peck as a reporter and Audrey Hepburn as a royal princess out to see Rome on her own. Hepburn won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance; the screenplay and costume design also won.
Zitat:"Roam" was the fourth single from The B-52's' 1989 hit album Cosmic Thing, following "(Shake That) Cosmic Thing," "Channel Z," and "Love Shack."

Zitat:Peyton Place is an American prime-time soap opera which aired on ABC in half-hour episodes from September 15, 1964 to June 2, 1969. Based upon the 1956 novel of the same name by Grace Metalious, the series was preceded by a 1957 film adaptatio
Zitat:Glut unter der Asche (OT: Peyton Place) ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 1957 mit Lana Turner und Hope Lange. Das Filmmelodram entstand unter der Regie von Mark Robson und basiert auf dem Enthüllungsroman Die Leute von Peyton Place (Originaltitel: Peyton Place) von Grace Metalious. Mit seiner für die damalige Zeit offenen Schilderung von gesellschaftlichen Tabuthemen wie Ehebruch, ehelicher Gewalt, sexuellen Missbrauch von Angehörigen, unehelicher Schwangerschaft, Abtreibung, Trunksucht und Bigotterie trug Glut unter der Asche mit zum raschen Ende des Production Code am Ende der 1950er bei. Der Erfolg des Films zog eine ganze Reihe von ähnlichen Produktionen nach sich wie Alle meine Träume und A Summer Place, die in ihrer Darstellung gerade von sexuellen Situationen immer neue Tabus brachen.

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