würd ich schon sagen...
ich weià sowas nich, da mich die beatles null interessieren
ich könnte dir nichmal die Mitglieder aufzählen

Mara ich bin schokiert!
Ist also eine Autobiographie von Susanna Kaysen, die in der Psychatrischen Anstalt war. Wurde 1999 auch verfilmt
LORELAI: In fact, if you put oy and poodle together in the same sentence, youâd have a great new catch phrase, you know? Like, oy with the poodles already. So from now on, when the perfect circumstances arise, we will use our favorite new catch phrase.
RORY: Oy with the poodles already.
LORELAI: Iâm telling you, itâs knocking âwhatcha talking âbout, Willis?â right out of first place.
âWhatcha talkin bout Willisâ is a popular meme from a very old TV show named Diffârent Strokes, starring Gary Coleman. The first known use of this meme was in 1978, but the earliest youtube video was in 2007.
Diffârent Strokes
In the video, the whole Diffârent Strokes gang is seen exclaiming âWhatca Talking Aboutâ. Arnold then says âWhatcha talkin bout Willis?â.
Also is das einf. so n schlagwort/ redewendung.
Zitat:LORELAI: So, this is how itâs gonna be with us now, huh?
LUKE: No idea what youâre talking about.
LORELAI: Youâre pulling a Mr. Freeze on me.
Hmmm. Ich weià nciht? Ich glaube eher noch das sie einf. nur Mr. Freezer im sinne von herr Kühlschrank sagt, wie du schon meinst.
Dann müssen wirs ja ncih reintun...
Zitat:LUKE: It was very well-written
LORELAI: Thatâs it?
LUKE: I also enjoyed the Garfield stationary. Thatâs one funny cat.
Und das? Ich denke, jeder kennt garfield?
heiÃt das jetzt "ja schon reinutn" oder "ja schon kenn jder"
Zitat:PARIS: Just make sure you mention that Schatzi pulling the Sharon Stone/Basic Instinct bit was a cheap attempt to distract the whole student body from my mandatory recycling program.
RORY: Go away, Randolph.
Ach ja, und das hier:
Zitat:PARIS: Better drinking fountains, updated lockers, clearly marked boysâ and girlsâ restrooms, non-dairy and wheat-free alternatives to the cafeteria, a larger voice in the monetary dispersal of charitable funds donated to our institution â because it is our institution, yours and mine. Remember people, if Chilton soars, we soar. If Chilton fails, we fail. It is up to us, we must get involved, we must care. It is not enough to sign a petition to get a Little Debbie machine installed in the senior corridor. Snack cakes will not change the world. Cream filling will not decide our legacy. How will future generations of Chilton students remember the class of 2003? John F. Kennedy once said, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Those eloquent words are just as relevant to here in this hall today. What can you, the future of Chilton, of America, of the world, what can you do for your school? I will tell you what you can do. You can vote for me, Paris Gellar.
Litttle Debbie hatten wir ja schon mal, das is ne süÃigeiten marke, ich denke, das müssen wir nich ncoh mal rientun oder?
Sharon Stone in Basic Instinkt war das mit dem Rock oder :'D