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Normale Version: Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" III
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PARIS: You know what's wrong. You of all people. That's Martin. His sister-in-law got kidnapped and he thinks his former lover is behind it.
PARIS: Ugh, Amanda and Richard. I'm so over them.
PARIS: And I'm going to have to keep watching this, at least until Adriana's wrongful conviction for aggravated assault is overturned.

Hm, ich bin mir gar nicht sicher, könnte es sein dass sie "Shortland Street" guckt ? Das ist so eine neuseeländische daily ärzte soap.
Kommt mir zumindest so vor, rory sagt ja:
RORY: So the only people in your life right now work at General Hospital?
Und Paris darauf: Sowas gutes verdien ich nicht.
-> Also handelt es sich nicht um gerneral hospital.

Nur bei Shortland street gibts soviele Charaktere dass ich mir gar nicht sicher bin ob die Namen vorkamen ..
Wei meint Paris eig. die Howard Hughes, anspielung?

Auf der Suche nach der Verlorenen Zeit ist das bekannteste Werk von Proust, einem franz. Schrifsteller.
Zitat:Nicholas Nickleby ist ein Roman von Charles Dickens

bonkers: verrückt werden
Zitat:Home? I have no home. Hunted, despised.
wie Lore schon sagt ein Zitat aus dem Film Ed Wood von Burton. (Toller Film nebenbei Wink)

[Bela Lugosi: Home? I have no home. Hunted... despised... living like an animal. The jungle is my home! But I will show the world that I can be its master.]

Stella! ist ein Zitat von Stanley in dem Film "A Streetcar named Desire".[COLOR="Red"]

--- Beitrag hinzugefügt 30.01.2012 um: 19:25 Uhr. --- Verschmelzung, da weniger als 24 Studen alt. ---


Zitat:JESS: Why's she so interested?
RORY: Because you're dating her daughter.
JESS: Oh, great, what else does she think I did? Start the fire, put Phil Spector up to it?
RORY: I told her yes, you were going.
JESS: Well, as they say on the Family Feud, good answer.
RORY: So, I didn't lie to her?
JESS: Look, don't worry, I got it under control.
RORY: Jess.
JESS: I'm going enough. I've been picking up some extra shifts here and there, but I'm fine. It's Mickey Mouse stuff anyway. What it takes the others hours to learn, it takes me minutes.

Hab jetzt erstmal keine mehr gefunden...
Zitat:Harvey Phillip „Phil“ Spector (* 26. Dezember 1939[1] in New York) ist ein US-amerikanischer Musikproduzent.
Spector sorgte seit den 1970er Jahren weniger wegen seiner Musik für Schlagzeilen, sondern tauchte immer wieder mit negativen Zwischenfällen in den Nachrichten auf. So reichte seine Frau Ronnie (ehemaliges Mitglied der Ronettes) 1972 die Scheidung ein, nachdem Spector sie während der Ehe häufig misshandelt und psychisch gequält hatte.
Am 3. Februar 2003 wurde die Polizei durch einen Notruf von Spectors Chauffeur zu dessen Haus Pyrenees Castle in Alhambra (Kalifornien) gerufen, wo die Schauspielerin Lana Clarkson durch einen Revolverschuss in den Mund zu Tode gekommen war. Spector sprach von einem „Selbstmord aus Versehen“, als Clarkson „die Waffe geküsst“ habe. Der Chauffeur hatte Spector in seinem Notruf allerdings mit den Worten zitiert: „Ich glaube, ich habe jemanden umgebracht“. Spector blieb gegen eine Kaution von 1 Million Dollar auf freiem Fuß.
Micky = Zeichentrickfigur von Walt Disney
Zitat:Family Feud is an American television game show created by Mark Goodson and Bill Todman. Two families compete against each other in a contest to name the most popular responses to a survey question posed to 100 people. The format, which originated in the United States, airs in numerous local formats worldwide.
Mit Shortland Street finde ich gar nichts. Gibt zawr enne Charakter der Amanda heißt, aber finde keine Adriana oder einen Martin. Habe auch andre krankenhausserien geoogelt, aber werder ER Dr. House Quincy Chicago Hope oder sonstige haben solche Charakter. Unsure
noch paar häs gefunden:
Zitat:SOOKIE: Hey, how do you think they invented the Reese's cup and penicillin, my friend? We can win the Nobel here.
Zitat:RORY: So Young Chui and his girlfriend are broken up, huh?
LANE: Yeah, and good riddance. She was very waspy.
Zitat:BOY: No, keep going.
RORY: Oh, calm down there, little scooter. I'll be right back.
sind wahrscheinlich viele umgangssachen dabei.

Zitat:LORELAI: Good. Well, welcome to the Independence Inn. There will be a complimentary cask of amontillado on the table in your room.

--- Beitrag hinzugefügt um: 15:36 Uhr. --- Verschmelzung, da weniger als 24 Studen alt. ---

[/COLOR]Howard Hughes:
Zitat:Aviator and industrialist Howard Hughes (1905 - 1976) suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder and experienced bouts of withdrawing from the world. At times he was rumored to have let his hair grow to shoulder length and his nails into claws as a result of his fear of scissors. There were times when he was also rumored to be dead because no one had seen him except a couple members of his staff in a preposterously long time. Hughes was the subject of the Leonardo DiCaprio vehicle, "The Aviator" and the movie "Melvin and Howard" was peripherally related to him as well. When he died in 1976, his estate was estimated as worth 2.5 billion dollars.
Episode 3.17

Show Content
Wuuhu, wir kommen immer näher an die 4 Smile

Zitat:RICHARD: Pina will serve tiny, proper servings. Johnny Machete needs to be presented in a heap.

Zitat:TOBIN: I know Tony Randall and Renee Estevez. I’d be happy to put in a call.
Zitat:Renée Estevez (* 2. April 1967 in New York City) ist eine US-amerikanische Filmschauspielerin mit irischen und spanischen Wurzeln. Sie ist die Tochter von Martin Sheen und die Schwester von Charlie Sheen. Sie behielt, anders als ihr Bruder, den Familiennamen bei und verwendet nicht den bekannteren Künstlernamen ihres Vaters. Ihre anderen Geschwister heißen Emilio und Ramon (ebenfalls Schauspieler).
Zitat:Tony Randall, geboren als Arthur Leonard Rosenberg (* 26. Februar 1920 in Tulsa, Oklahoma; † 17. Mai 2004 in New York), war ein US-amerikanischer Film- und Fernsehschauspieler.

Johnny Machete ist tatsächlich der Names des Gerichts Wink

Zitat:RORY: Because you need to be a chimney sweep to sweep a chimney.
LORELAI: Please. If Dick van Dyke can do it, so can Luke.

Zitat:PARIS: My parents return tomorrow. I think my mom’s bringing home a new face.
RORY: Really?
PARIS: There’s a doctor in France who injects some kind of gel into your head and then molds it to give you better cheekbones.
RORY: You are kidding me.
PARIS: She has to sleep on her back for a month, otherwise her face will flatten like a crepe.
RORY: Oh my God, it’s Brazil.
Zitat:LORELAI: Well, put Mrs. Huh-wiggins on the phone. Have her tell me.
Zitat:Richard Wayne Van Dyke (* 13. Dezember 1925 in West Plains, Missouri, USA), ist ein US-amerikanischer Fernseh- und Filmschauspieler, Entertainer und Komiker.
Am bekanntesten sind seine Hauptrollen als Schornsteinfeger Bert in Walt Disneys Mary Poppins (1964)

Zitat:Thomas Daniel "Tim" Conway (born December 15, 1933) is an Emmy award-winning American comedian and actor, who has worked in sitcoms, sketch comedy, and film.

Conway then became a regular on The Carol Burnett Show. Conway's memorable character on the Burnett Show was:

  • "Mr. Tudball," a Swedish-American businessman whose intentions of running a 'ship-shape' office were usually sunk by the bored indifference of his secretary, "Mrs. Wiggins" (Burnett). Conway used a stereotypical Swedish accent (especially when frustrated); for example, his attempts to pronounce his secretary's name came out as "Mrs. Ah-huh-wiggins". He would also use this accent for other characters, such as an inept dentist.

Zitat:Brazil ist ein dystopischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 1985 von Terry Gilliam, der Regie führte und gemeinsam mit Tom Stoppard und Charles McKeown das Drehbuch schrieb.

The central character's mother, played by Kathleen Helmond, gets repeated facelifts in which her is stretched out in an absurdist operation that becomes outright horrific.

Neue Häs:

Zitat:Luke: Yeah, you could send over a couple Oompa-Loompas to kick the crap out of Aunt Tillie.
Zitat:Lorelai: $75,000 -- oh my God, that's 150 pairs of Jimmy Choos.
Zitat: Jess: The cleaned up version of the Eminem Show seems to be selling pretty well.
Zitat:Tobin: That is the jacket that Joe Strummer wore during the 1979 Pearl Harbor tour.
Umpa Lumpas sind die Helfer in Willy Wonkas Schokoladenfabrik aus dem Buch "Charlie & die Schokoladenfabrik"

Zitat:Jimmy Choo (chinesisch 周仰傑 Zhōu Yǎngjié) (* 1961 in Penang, Malaysia) ist ein Schuhdesigner, der ausschließlich Damenaccessoires herstellt.

Ganz heißt es
Zitat:NICOLE: Taylor, it already says that if Aunt Tilly’s Taffy delivers even two hours late, they forfeit all payment for that particular shipment and are liable for any loss of income that may result from that late delivery. It’s pretty extreme.
Dazu finde ich aber nix. Villleicht ist das hier eine erfundenen süßigkeitenmarke?

Joe Strummer war der Sänger der Punkband The Clash.
Zitat:The Eminem Show (engl. für: „Die Eminem Show“) ist das vierte Soloalbum des US-amerikanischen Rappers Eminem.
Zitat:Censored version The clean version of The Eminem Show censors all profanities, compared to his previous albums, in which the words "goddamn", "bitch", "ass", and "shit" were allowed. This album allowed no profanities, and the profanities were either muted or back masked.[citation needed] Following this, the censored version even took out entire sentences because they were too sexually charged. In fact, the entire song "Drips" is removed in the clean version and is just heard as four seconds of silence moving on to "Without Me", due to thinking there were so many profanities that editing the song would be pointless. But some copies feature an edited version of "Drips." However, in the skit "The Kiss", it can still be clearly heard that Eminem shouts "Motherfucker!" on the censored version. "Hailie's Song" censors "abort her" when he says "God, I'm a daddy, I'm so glad that her mom didn't abort her."[17] Also, in "White America", in Eminem's speech the word "flag" is backmasked when he says "To burn the flag and replace it with a parental advisory sticker".

Ein paar kleine, die iegentlich eher klar sein dürften, aber trotzdem:
Zitat:PARIS: I finished the paper on Dickinson, the Physics test was for a third grader, and I picked the history of the Egyptian political process as my International History project.
Zitat:RORY: Then we’ll have double feature Tuesday, Sephora Wednesday, complimentary makeover Thursday, and then, big fat fabulous Friday.


Zitat:RORY: Miss Patty and Babette wanted to hire these two hot guys to carry you around all day and feed you Bon-Bons, and Kirk wanted to hire the Red Hot Chili Peppers to play a concert in the square, but I said, “Hey, please respect the lady’s wishes. She deserves that at her age.”

Zitat:LANE: Good. I’ve decided to choose one song from each year in Lorelai’s life. I’m almost done, though I’ve hit a snag in 1974.
RORY: Bad year?
LANE: It’s making the year of the Macarena look inspired.
Zitat:Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, (* 10. Dezember 1830 in Amherst, US-Bundesstaat Massachusetts; † 15. Mai 1886 ebenda) gilt als bedeutende US-amerikanische Dichterin. Ihre Gedichte, erstmals 1890 nach ihrem Tod gedruckt, scheinen stilistisch vielfach ins 20. Jahrhundert vorzugreifen.
Zitat:Sephora is a chain of cosmetics stores founded in France in 1970[1] and acquired by Paris-based conglomerate LVMH (Louis Vuitton and Moet Hennessy) in 1997.

Zitat:Der Ausdruck D-Day bezeichnet im Englischen größtenteils den Stichtag militärischer Operationen. Ein vergleichbares deutsches Wort ist Tag X, ein französisches jour J. In vielen Sprachen steht der Ausdruck heute speziell für den 6. Juni 1944 als Beginn der Landung der Alliierten in der Normandie im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Is ja aber klar was lore meint.

Egyptian political process
Zitat:After 1962 all popular participation and representation in the political process were through the Arab Socialist Union (ASU). In 1976, however, the ASU was split into three “pulpits”: left, centre, and right. Other political parties soon formed and were recognized by a law adopted in June 1977. Having been eclipsed by the new political parties by 1978, the ASU was officially abolished by constitutional amendment in 1980.
Zitat:Die Red Hot Chili Peppers (Abkürzung: RHCP) sind eine kalifornische Funkrock- und Alternative-Rockband.
Zitat:Los del Río (Die vom Fluss) ist ein spanisches Musikduo, das Mitte der 90er mit Macarena einen weltweiten Hit hatte.

Zitat:LUKE: So, how does it feel to be a year older?

LORELAI: Uh, I’m not a year older until Friday, Fifi.
Zitat:LORELAI: My birthday Mallomars.

RICHARD: Lorelai.

LORELAI: George Foreman Grill?[/QUOTE]
Zitat:PETE: Roger wilco, senorita.

Mallomars = Schokokekse
Zitat:Fifi and the Flowertots is a British stop-motion animated children's television series first broadcast in May 2005, which is shown on Five,[1] and on Nick Jr, in the United States. It has also been translated into Welsh as Fifi a'i Ffrindau (Fifi and Friends) and is shown on S4C. In January 2008, it premiered on the PBS Kids Sprout on-demand/cable television channel.
weiß jedoch nciht wirklich ob das gemeint ist.
Zitat:The George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine, commonly known as the George Foreman Grill, is an indoor, electrically-heated grill manufactured by Russell Hobbs Inc.. It is promoted by George Foreman, a former champion boxer. Since its introduction in 1994,[1] over 100 million George Foreman grills have been sold worldwide.[2] The grill was invented by Michael Boehm of Batavia, IL.[3]

  • Zitat:Roger, will comply, ein besonders im Flugfunk gebräuchlicher Ausdruck mit der Bedeutung Ich habe die Anweisungen verstanden und werde sie befolgen
neue häs:
Zitat:JESS: Almost Famous.
RORY: No, not again.
JESS: I can’t help it, I’m addicted.
RORY: Fine, but if I’m going to spend two hours sitting there watching Kate Hudson commit suicide again, then we are ordering Indian food.

Zitat:TOBIN: Any thoughts? So, as you know, we have to get this place up and running as quickly as possible for as little money as possible. So last night I pulled out the old Time Life series, and I have to admit, there’s some pretty terrific ideas in here. For example, we can putty up the cracks in the drywall and then give the lower part of the wall a good coat of paint. Then we can take a strip of wallpaper, put it around the top, thus creating sort of a border, if you will. Also, I gathered up all the broken China from the dining room because I read here in Martha that chipped teacups make great votive holders, and we all know, when in doubt, it’s candles, candles, candles, right? So I cleaned them up, filled them with tealights, and I think they look terrific. Oh, the pieces that were too far gone to save, I just smashed them up and used the pieces to make this nice picture frame.

Zitat:TOBIN: Hold on. [to Michel] Why don’t you scooch just a little bit for me?