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Normale Version: Wortgefechte der GG - Und ich dachte nur so "HÄ?" II
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Also so: Lorelai macht sozusagen eine Werbung: Erst brachten wir ihnen Pamela and Tommy Lee (´s Video), machen sie sich nun bereit für Rory and the Bard!

Zitat:RORY: Not a soulmate?
LORELAI: He's never seen Ab Fab.
RORY: Definitely not a soulmate.
LORELAI: Plus, he's outdoorsy. Remember that Meryl Streep movie where she and her family take a rafting trip and then psycho Kevin Bacon forces them to take 'em down the river?

ja, das mit pamela anderson und Lee stimmt glaube ihc so Smile

meryl streep und Kevin bacon habe ich leider nichts gefunden...
Also ich kenn den Film^^
AAAAAAAh ja, dann is es klar Smile

Zitat:RORY: So what do you think? You just took those out.
TRISTIN: Well, I changed my mind.
RORY: Are you all right?
TRISTIN: Yeah, I think somehow I'll recover from the great romance between you and the Beaver.
Es gibt einen Film, kommt aber erst dieses Jahr raus, außerdem bin ich bei der Eingabe "Beaver" auf Pornoseiten gestoßen oO

Big Grin ?

vllt wegen großen zähnen oder haaren die wie bieberfell aussehn?


ich weiß aber nich ob der sender so bekannt ist... könnte sich dann aber auf deans "ländliches aussehn" beziehen...
Hahaha das wär sooo gemein!
Meine ... hm.... ja, Tante war vorhin da und sie meinte, das is auch ne fernsehserie:

Ich habe noch das hier gefunden:

Zitat:Beaver Cleaver
A cheery, toothy grin bursting forth from a dimpled, freckled, bright-eyed face beneath a green baseball cap - that’s Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver. Look up "All-American Little Boy" in the dictionary and they should have Beaver’s picture, or maybe just his dirty finger prints.
The youngest Cleaver boy makes himself as busy as his animal namesake, but instead of building dams this Beaver spends his time messing things up. Beaver is fresh, naughty, bright, and cute as a button. It’s probably the latter trait which is his most outstanding. With this squeaky voice, dirty hands and wide-eyed, friendly curiosity Beaver is the kind of kid people like just for doing nothing.
Of course, to his family he’s a bit of a handful. There are always scrapes his parents have to get him out of and trouble that he drags his brother into. He can be a crybaby or an irritating pest but he’s always cute.
Beaver’s actually a very ordinary boy. He’s a fair student, with above average intelligence but only average drive and ambition. He’d much rather be liked by his peers that be considered a big-shot. Like the other Cleaver men he’s too decent and trusting for his rotten friends who usually take advantage of him or goad him into trouble. He tries hard to absorb the protective moral jelly his parents keep dispensing but he usually applies it either too late or too weakly to protect himself from the fires of temptation. His greatest pleasures in life are getting dirty, collecting junk and, as he gets older, baseball. His greatest dislikes are school and girls.
As he slouches toward his teen years Beaver becomes even more awkward and perhaps more cowering than cute, but he never gives up for too long his capacity to wish things better and muddle through. Naive, apprehensive, sometimes downright stupid - Beaver can be all of these and more. He’s a lightning rod for trouble since he’s a little more unlucky and a lot more trusting than the rest of us.
naja, das :
Zitat:A cheery, toothy grin bursting forth from a dimpled, freckled, bright-eyed face beneath a green baseball cap - that‚´s Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver. Look up "All-American Little Boy" in the dictionary and they should have Beaver´s picture, or maybe just his dirty finger prints.
sagt ja schon alles Smile Dean ist der vorzeigemustertyp wie beaver.

Zitat:[Paul and his parents walk into the diner]
LORELAI: All right, that's it. This afternoon we are going to engage in some intensive retail therapy to bring you out of this funk.
RORY: No thanks.
LORELAI: I mean it. Today is the day we finally spring for the Powerpuff girl shotglasses.